Thursday, November 18. 1920 VI • 1 Gem Theater ATTRACTIONS I GORGEOUS AND AMAZINGLY SUPERB 1 IAZIMOVA- I JMEAME PEACOCK, Friday and Saturday. Nov. 19-20—“MADAME PEA­ COCK" featuring Nazimova. One Reel Comedy. Sunday, Nov. 21—"A REGULAR GIRL" featuring Elsie Janis. Monday, Nov. 22—“THE JOYOUS LIAR" featuring J. W arren Kerrigan. '1 wo Reel Comedy. Tuesday, Nov.23—"THE REVENGE OF TARZAN' taken from "The Return of Tarzan" by Edgar Rice Burrough. Pathe Review. W ednesday. Nov. 23—"LORD AND LADY turing Tom Moore. Brav Pictograph. Thursday. Nov. 25—‘TIER BELLA ED VII turing Wanda Hawley. "AN EASTERN ERNER," 2 reel Harold Lloyd Comedy. (Special Thanksgiving Program) Frday-Saturday, Nov. 26-27—"THE FATAL HOUR.” Metro Spècial Production Presented by an All Star C ast. COMING—November GOLD. 29 ” —ZANE GREY in "DESERT v ^ lm I $ THE MOST SPECTACULAR EIGHT EVER SHOWN -November 29—JACK PICKFORD in JOHN ION (RS "LI 1'TLE SHEPHERD O’ KINGDOM COMI 1 $ $ Ï THE REVENGE OF TARZAN G O LOWYN $ * A Bare Handed Battle With a Ferocious Lion TARZAN, BAC KFROM HIS SOFT LIFE IN EUR­ OPE AND AMERICA, FINDS IN THE JUNGLE A SERIES OF ADVENTURES THAT WILL SEND THRILLS TINGLING DOWN YOUR SPINE! ----- SEE----- The Ape Man Call the Beasts of the Jungle Hundreds of Wild Beasts in Their Native Haunts Tarzan Huunt His Food in the Jungle Tarzan Kill a Full-Grown Lion Bare-Handed THE MOST SENSATONAL FILM OF THE SEASON AS THE WOMAN WHO RELINQUISHED WITH A SHRUG THOSE THINGS IN LIFE MOST WOMEN •HOLD MOST DEAR—FOR WHAT? ...SHE .WAS LATER TO LEARN. In ths, her latest and greatest picture, one sees Nazimova at her magnificent best. BARRICK & HALL ATTORNEYS AT LAW National Building SOMETHING IN WuFi EYE? REX THEATRE Sunday and Monday, Nov. 21st and 22nd "Broadway Bronchos.” "Passing the Buck", comedy. Tuesday. Nov. 23rd — "Blue Streak McCoy.” Universal News. "Fix It For Me.” comedy. Wednesday, Nov. 24th—"Forbid­ den Valley,” "Romance and Rough­ house,” comedy. Thursday. Nov. 25th—Matinee, “Polly of Storm Country," "Bung and Bungling,” comedy. There Are a Few Simple Rules for the Removing of Irritating Particles. Though manj- people have become expert in the art of removing Irritat­ ing particles from the eyes of others, a few words on this subject will not be out of place. In removing a for­ eign particle from the eye, ask the pa­ tient to look down, and then take hold VETERINARIAN of the eyelash with thumb and fore­ Bell Phone 2F2. Mutual Phone. finger of the left hand and pull the eye­ lid downward and slightly away from tl^e eyeball. Next evert, or turn back, Tillamook, Oregon the eyelid by placing midway between the eyelashes and eyeball the tip of the thumb of the right hand and make the same movement that would be re­ tired to turn back the edge of a coat t DENTIST sleeve. If the particle Is located on the In­ Tillamook Building terior of the upper lid it may be re­ (Over Halton’s) moved with a clean handkerchief or a piece of clean cotton placed on tlie Tillamook, Oregon end of a toothpick or match. If the Irritating substance Is not on the upper lid try to find it in the same manner Dr. J. E. Shearer Dr. A. C. Crank on the lower lid and remove It in tfie same way. When the particle is Im­ bedded in the cornea, or covering of the eyeball, it is best to*yusult a phy­ x MEDICINE & SURGERY sician or eye specialist. remov­ National Building ing the particle from t?^Z«-ye It is ad­ visable to irrigate the delicate mem­ Tillamook. Oregon ber with boric acid. Under no circumstances should any­ one touch the eye with a handkerchief R. T. BOALS. M. D. or other agent that has been mois­ tened with saliva or with the tip of the ' Surgeon and Physician tongue. lu treating the eyes with some kind I. O. O. F. Building of liquid medicine one should take care never to invert the dropper after the TILLAMOOK, OREGON solution has been drawn into the rubber end downward and the fluid permitted to run into the rubber and DR. J. G. TURNER then back Into the glass as the solution will very likely contain particles of Eye Specialist powder thnt have washed off the rub­ ber bulb, and these may Irritate the Permanatly Located in Tillamook eyes. Always hold up the rubber end Private Office in Jenkin’s Jewelry of the dropper. The fluid should never Store. be dropped directly on the eyeball un­ less the physician has so advised. Latest Up-to-date Instruments and The proper practice is to draw down Equipment the lower lid and place the drops on the exposed inner surface of the lid. Evenings and Sundays by One or two drops are always sufficient Appointments and it Is only waste to use more.— Floyd W. Parsons In the Saturday Eve­ ning Post.____________ ___ Tillamook. Oregon L t>R. O. L. HOHLFELD Card of Thanks Tillamook Bakery The home of good bread and all kinds of fine pastry Everything Strictly Sanitary dus. Vogler, Prop. Dr. Ramsey THE GREATEST ARTISTS OF THB For Sale—Vaughn Drag saw, cheap ' World have entrusted their repu­ good condition, fot particulars address I tations to the Victor Records F. S. Armentrout. P. O. box 492 No. Hear them at their best in your own home. Tillamook Music Co., 12 Eighth St. Tillamook Ore. 11-lltf I I Dealers, opposite P. O. 11-lKtf Lest—Hub cap off Elgin Six be­ FOR RENT—Two room furnished tween Pleasant Valley and Tillamook apartement. Shaw- Apartments return to W. M. Powell, Tillamook, 905 Sixth street. ll-18pl R. F. D. 32. 11-lltf LOST—NOVEMBER 10 AT S. P. f'OR SALE FARM OF 130 ACRES, station, purse contain ng bills end Wells watered. 90 acres tillable. 1 money. Finder return to The 30 acres wood, big brush, , Good H eadlfffht office and receive .«tiH- eight room house with running abl® reward. 11-I8p2 water, telephone, ne w concrete basement. Barn, 22 swing stan- WANTED—SOME ONE TO TAKE chion«, new 12x30 HÜO. Hot/-! care of two little boy? 4 and C, and chicken burn, For quick In or near Tillamook. Additss P. buyer include 7 cows, 3 helfe. O . Box 418, Tillamook. 11-llpl horses, machinery, tools, hay and ensilage. Price »5000, half down. YOUNG WOMAN WISHES WORK No agent. For particulars Inquire aa nurse in confinement cares. of Feldman 4 Wittanburg, Wor­ Write Route 1, Box 3S. ll-l*pl cester, N. Y„ R. D. No. 3. Il-18p3 Dr. Lebow can be found at Dr. Wise's Tillamook office, south of the Court House every Mond.nv, Tues­ Without Reservations. day sad Wednesday until mu *. Boat«* Traaaerlpt. i $ $ Osteopath Room 110-1. O. O. F. Bldg., Tilla­ For Sale 12 head of young stock. Dr.’s Allen and Sharp. Dentists. al Mazda lamps. They give better Also 6 tons of hay. Wm. Stuivenga. mook. Mutual phone, Bell phone National Building. light. 146-M. ll-18pd. --------------- --------- ■ I Wanted: truck and auto drivers big reductions in Millinery at Mi is wages »150, investment of »500 re­ Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. T, Send your orders to Wm. Stuiven- Patterson’s. All tailored and feath­ quired. Also want agent for Tilla­ Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. ga for parsnips in suck lots. ll-18p| er trimmed hats greatly reduced. mook under same conditions. Wiitc Many soft off the face models it Singer Agency—opposite Postoffice. or call, 325 Gilson St., Portland, Shingles for Sale—All Orders deliver- »5.00. 11-4 Pianos and tuning. All work guar­ ed fi< ♦•. Wi lle W. H, Sales, Mohh-r, Or. Your Transporatlon Lines Inc. anteed H. F. Cook 131 W. 11-1 if Or. 11-4t 3m. 11-18 Ford. For Sole, reasonable, has body that will hold 6 milk can.-., has Just been overhauled, a dandy truck for a dairyman. See Geo. Hoskins, 2 mtles north of town. 11-4 AT LAST—A VICTOR DEALER IN Listen1 Have you an old piano you want to sell? I will pay the top Tillamook County. Victor Vlc- price- cash! Or, possibly you are trolas, »25.00 and up. Victor Re­ thinking of trading it in on a new cords, 85 cents and up. Tilla­ one or a Player. Write or phone mook Music Co., Opposite P. O. and I’ll be around to see you. Le­ 11-iStf land B. Erwin. The Piano Man. THE STANDARD OF THE WORLD For Sale—Nearly new boys all wool —Victrolas and Victor Record.». suit, long pants, size 34 or 36. Address Tillamook Music Co., Opposite O. 11-18tf P. O. Box 291. 11-lltf. According ------------ _ to . the Fleet Review a man presented himself for enlistment who said that his mother was an American who had married a Frerfch- man In Italy. He said further that he was born on a ship flying the Span­ ish colors while she was lying in the English channel, »hat his parents hav­ ing died in Sweden when he was five, he was adopted by a German who brought him up In the United States. The man who adopted him was not a naturalized citizen. “Would you class him ax a man without a country F someone asked the recruiting officer. “Thunder, not” wax the reply. “Td daaa him aa a League of Nation*"— $ Go to the Sunset Eelectric for Nation­ i ‘State-Wide* Telephone Service Class fled Ads Drs. Shearer and Crank $ f For Sale, two latest styls White sew-! For sale: good steel range, also organ. \ Let the Sunset Electric wire your If in need of glasses see A. H. Hanis. mg luucnineE, al mom new, Singar « 1 * home ------ — ■ save you money. and Cail Fränk Nelson. Registered optician, at R. W. Ben­ At,envy opposite F. O. nett’s Jewelry store Tuesday and Now is the time to order your cab­ Beef for canning, grain’ fed. Send Saturdays until further notice. Will Money to Ioan—Enquire of John your ordersto Wm. Stuivenga. Prices bage for kraut.. In 2 or 3 weeks the make dates any time. Phone 143-J. L-land Henderron, 206-3rd St., right; satisfaction guaranteed. price will go up. Win. Stuivenga. ! Tillamook, Oregon. ll-18pd. ll-18pd. It is with sincere appreciation that wc express our thanks to the many kind friends for their floral offerings and the assistance render­ ed during the sickness and death of our loved one. Mr. H. H. Sander and family, Mrs. L. Pelz and Family. When in need of something electric just call on the Sunset Electric. Ira Lance of the local post office, Do you want to own the classiest drove to Portland yesterday to take car in Tillamook CounyttWill sell my in the sights of the stock show. Stutz 4 cyl. 16 valve, 4 passenger, Bulldog model, cheap. Terms to res­ ponsible party. Guaranteed to be in fist ciass mechanical condition. Good Dr. Leb>w will be a',vpu. Wise rubber extra wheel and tire. John Cloverdale office on Dec. 8tb and A. Carroll. 9th. * ll-18t2 For Sale—Upright Kohler piano in 180 ACRES OF GOOD LAND LOCA- good condition. Also Victrola and 34 ted 4 miles south of Tillamook City, on gravel road, close to pav­ records. Goyne Ranch South Prairie. ed road. Place runs 13 cows at 11-llp. U an present time, can be Improved Io run 60 head. First class build­ For Sale: Vaughn dragsaw, with clutch, almost new. Also new ones. ings on place. For terms see own­ E. G. Krebs. er, W. H. Goyne. Il-18t2 W. C. DUEBER $ I Our efforts are.constantly direct id to the extension and improvement of “state-wide” telephone service. Large and small communities are dependent upon each other, comtnercia'ly and soc ially. Good telephone equipment in the cities and towns of Oregon, with good construction and well maintained "long distance” pole lines and wires between, mean their mutual convenience and profit. 1 he value of any telephone is proportionate to the number of other tele- phones which ' ‘ may ’ be connected with it. In Oregon there are approximately 138,000 telephones connected with our system. Ideal telephone service means the prompt connection of any one of Hi esc with any other and the least possible loss in strength and distinctness in the c onversalions that follow. Our entire plant is engineered and constructed with the object of rend ering a satisfactory “state-wide” service sufficient in facilities available 'lit with these facilities efficiently maintain ed. For this purpose the telephone equipment must be better, local and trunk wires must be of proper size ami type, and central offices and .switchboar ds must have additional apparatus to accommodate and care for the long distance circuits. Before the troubled period of the war we always aimed to maintain “spare or reserve plant—that is, plant ahead of immmediate needs, thus ensuring prompt and more satisfactory conipli i ice with demands for service as th *v arose. Duringthe war this reserve w.s exhausted as the materials ) we use were required and properly taken by tie Government and those industries i given priority consideration. With the reconstruction period, a s in the case with all other lines of bus- iness, our problems have contnued to a n unexpected degree. W c are still hampered by shortage of materials an d delayed deliveries. We realize the requirements of on r long distance patrons. We have a comprehensive and well defined program designed to provide additional toll nj continually growing demands. w 5Í .1 ’ L ’J J I - ------- - _ J. . J. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company I Lt B I ¡fé I. ru