o Tillamook Headlight Published by the HEADLIGHT PUBLISHING CO Harold Hamitreet. Editor Leslie Harrison, Busiutss Manager Numerous infractions of the law Saturday night are said to have been the result of undue wetness due to too much moonshine, Well, when the authorities -get busy we will expect an eclipse. You never knew how scarce wood around Tillamook until you went to buy some, did you? l“ She sighed, then resignedly sez. sez she: "All right send me a half cord.” Then I wandered out on to the street and looked about. Everywhere I peered I saw wood, wood. "The good Lord was thoughful with this country when he provided the-- gieat forests 'around here, I rumin tfted. "Wood is bountiful, doubtedly He intended man to warm. But, sadly enough, It tentions went awry when He ma man as his agent to provide the fule for man." Rex Theater “Dont Ever Many Are We Blinkies Downhearted? NO! Not so long as the R Sees a fellow through i Getting out from under" is a Do you serve milk on your tablc phrase commonly heard these days, when ilsitors are present? It's It’s a but Its import Is little sensed. In­ good boost for the dairy industry "Ri.-. 411 phone rates asked” reads terpreting it from the generally ac­ of Tillamook. u headline. Well, 'twos always thus. cepted point of view it means, "look Man’s tongue is constantly getting out or you are going to be crush.d TWENTY YEARS AGO him into trouble. « • • r by the falling prices.” (From the Issue of Nov. 22. 190y virtue of a warrant issued by the | We Stand Ready To Make The Demonstration At nt the hark. The cork of commerce niook County. Some one accused me of using City Recorder of Tillamook City. Ore­ is the bark of a certain kind of trop­ Ing Beveral recent years is indicated The right is reserved te reject any Your Convenience by the number of 'hobos’ who pass | slang. He said as how my grammar gon, dated November 10, 1920, and ical tree, but the outer layer of bark am| all proposals, or to accept the was fierce. Said it peered to him issued by order of the Common Coun­ of all trees is technically known as proposal deemed best for Tillamook through here on freight and passen , as if anyone who writ for a pap-»r cil of said Tillamook City, the un­ County. Ker trains,” comments the Cottug.-. should have elastic use of prepon- dersigned, Marshal of Tillamook cork. and the little cells going to make Signed, It up are called cork. Grove Sentinel. "One train crew j derous words and make an arteisian City, Oregon, has duly levied upon HOMER MASON. County Clerk. and will, on Monday, the lath day reported a ’tourist’ passenger list of | flow of rhetoric. First publication. November 18, 1920 Soon Tired of Life. Sez I to him: “I’m a mere puppet of December, 1920, at the hour of Last publication, December 2, 1920 23 and another crew reported a A Lawrence (Kan.) young man. I of the human mind. I am. I reflect 10:00 o’clock A. M. sell at public1 NOISELESS TYPEWRITER DIST. CO similar kind of patronage amount- . human life in a slighly exaggerated auction to the highest bidder for who craved the life of a fireman, ap­ Theodore Jacoby, Secretary. No. io, National Building Ing to 46.” form. Therefore if the public rec­ cash in hand the property hereinaf-I plied for a position et the depart­ l; Notice To Contractor». titles all its er cos and purities ite ter described. The particular tracts ment and was told to report for ditty Notice is hereby given that sealed speech youwill see me trundle my or parcels of ground to be sold, to-' nt seven o’clock Thursday morning. bids will be received by the Biurd Shortly after wen a practice drill “One of the most important new pen along the path of progress.” gether with the name of the owner was staged with all the thrills of a of Directors of school (•¡strict num­ Marathon Lodge No. » » » • pieces of highway construction in or owners thereof, and the amount real alarm, with the now recruit an In­ ber 20, Dolph, Oregon, cn or bef■■.■re Corinth Post, No. 35, Dept, of Oregon. 93, Knights of Pythias I wuz in the phone office onct for which each separate tract will be terested spectator. After the drill the 1 o’clock. P. M., December 15ih, the county that should he started at Meets on second and fourth Regular meeting Mon­ an early date is the link between this week and there wuz a woman sold, are as follows, to-ivit: chief fir night in on application for In­ 1920, for the ‘building of a public what was calling up to order sum Saturdays of each month day evening at 7:45 Brighton and Rockaway," declares wood. I heard her say as how she District No. 14, Fifth Street Sewet surance for the new fireman and asked school building in the said district, Tract beginning at a point 60 ft. him who should bo notified In case lie according to the plans and specifi­ sharp. By order of at 1:30 p. m. in W-. O. W. the Wheeler Reporter. needed sonic fule Immejately. This East and 270 feet South of the N. I was the ilctlm of an accident The re- cations now on file with the district hall. Visitors welcome. the Chancellor Com­ to what she sed: E. corner of Lot 1. Block 1, King's recruit said there would be no acci­ clerk at Dolph. Oregon. All bids mander. H. W. Spear, Com’dr. ”ls this number so and so?” | Add. to Tillamook City, thence Sou’ll dents so far as he was concerned, and must be accompanied oy a certified * ■' John C. Carroll. C. C. preacher of Willa­ Samuel Downs, Adjt. “Have you any wood today?” I 80 feet thence East 105 feet thence (.hereupon tendered his resignation,, check made payable to school dis­ mina left his school work at Salem i i North 80 feet thence Wist 105 ”Is it good and dry?” having been a fireman for n period of trict No. 20. Dolph, Oregon, for the Marathon Lodge No. 89 K. of P. "llow much is it?” one day to coach the Wiliam fna 10 minutes. sum of $100.00, as a guarantee that Regular Convention of Marathon feet to the place og beginning. _ __ • Johnson Chapter No. 24 ” Oh-h-h. that much? How awful, high school students In athletics, the contra -tor will furn'sh an ar - ; Lodge No. 89 K. of P. next Monday, A. A. Yager, Owner. Amt. of Lien i | Oh, dear. Will you deliver R. A. M. a load proved bond equal to ’ ><) per cent < f , Nov. 22nd. First rank will be con ­ and returned to Salem the next Riches of ths Indian Tribes. $87.36; Interest to Dec. 15, $1.97; Stated convocation Friday to me this afternoon?” the contract within ten days after | ferred on two candidates. Refresh­ morning to attend I i I h own wedding, In connection with the practice ’ res ­ I Cost of Adv. $15.20. "You say you can't this after- Nov. 19. Visitors welcome. the awarding of the crutract. ments will be served. All membeis That’s a preacher who is taking no noon? When then?” Said sale will take place at the ' ervation Industries maintained by Plans an 1 spectfic-tfons are requested to be present. ma y be I. E. Keldson. Sec. front door of the City Hall in Till 1- | the government there are conducted seen on file with tht distr "What? Not tor ten days?” Chances. Ry order of John C. Carroll, C. C. lit clerk, twelve demonstration and three ex- monk t Ity. Oregon, being the front , "Not the least possible chance for Mrs. Ellen Munro. Dolph. Otegon. ten days, Oh, dear, what shalt I door of the building in which the I perlmentation farms, ami nearly 400 The successful bidder will I— i-s- Tillamook farmer«, sockmen and assistants are County Judge Asa Robinson of do.” W. R. C. Common Council of said Tillamook I quired to give references and an ap­ Lodge employed and live near India ’ ’ City holds its sessions. Corlnith Relief Corps, No. 51 Dept, She hung up the rcceii Polk county is the objective of in de proved bond equal to 50 pel cent of No. 12C0 I'he names of the owners, or le , communities for etv’ng Instruction and the amount of the contract. of Oregon, meets on first and third pair and then called unoi num- .recall movement now under w L. 0. 0. M. counsel, Under authority of the law pitted owners of said property as her. Sez she.: The beard reserves the r ght to Friday evenings of each month, at the service handies large stints annu­ Bitterness against him has b hereinbefore given, are the names “Have you any wood? 8 p. m.. in the W. O. W. hall. Visitors Meets ally In loans to Indutna ns initial cap­ reject any and all bids. - aroused because of ills course such owners, or reputed owners, ns “Can you deliver today every Dy older of the school board of welcome . ital for beginning their self-supnort "You can? Fine. What kind ,»f they appear on the docket of city the state highway controversy Minnie Johnson, President Friday district No. 20. Dolph, Oregon. liens of said Tillamook City, and anti looks after the later liquidation Elizabeth Conover, Secy. at which Dallas became involved in a wood is it? Is it dry? 1J-1844 of these loans. The value of all in ­ “Not dry? Nothing _ but _ green __ al- each of said tracts of land so de­ K. of P. t quarrel with the state highway scribed will be sold at said sale to dividual and tribal property, if re­ r. How much is it? Hall. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Beals left for cent mineral returns are Included, to Dr. and bommlMion. Mrs. L«bow will have "What that much for green wood'.’‘l satisfy the assessment, interest and | approximately $1.00u,000.000. Portland Monday morning to attend charge of Dr. Wise Dental practice costs due upon each the livestock shew. while ha la away. 11-lltl 8. A. Brodhead, Sec Beginning Saturday Matinee free to child ren under 15 years of age. Admission 15 à 25c Four Reasons Why You Shoull Buy the Noi e- less Typewriter