■ » Thursday, November 18, 1920 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Page Three Religion is Human Irait Only, Declares Minister in Sermon Himself will keep us from evil, our by order of the County Court for of Oregon, for the County of Tilla souls from defilement. He will thor­ Tillamook County, Oregon, duly tuook. oughly wash us of our iniquity and made and entered, the undersigned. In the matter of the estate of P cleanse us from our sins. I Bertha M. Johnson, has been duly H. Meaner, deceased, otherwise This then is religion, purity and I appointed adniinistrix of the estate known as P. H. Messner. ("Religion; In What Does It Con­ charity as revealed in Jesus, who of Ella J. Shattuck, deceased, and Notice is hereby given to all to sist” is the subject of the sermon Ration of the fatherless and the wid­ gives unto us the spirit of love and I has qualified as such. whom It may concern that the und- delivered Sunday, November 14. by ows, the sick and the imprisoned. human service and through whore NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN e reigned has been, by the County Rev. W. G. Lienkaemper. of the Re­ It is first of ull giving ourselves In blood we are made pure. that all persons having claim« Court of Tillamook County , Oregon. formed church of Tillamook. Next humap service and ministry to oth­ against the said estate must presen' duly appointed Administratrix of the Thursday will appear in The Head­ ers. not for the sake of atoning for Episcopal them to the undetsignei ndministra- light t'l ' ,i|)g Crime; or covering the multitude of Venerable H D. Chambers, arch­ trix, together with the ptuper vouch­ estate of P. H. Meaner, deceused; if. 1 [Why?" by Rev. Allan A. McRea ct sins, but for love's sake, because is*) deacon of the Ep -sopal church, will ers. on or before six months from all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified tlie• Presbyterian church.) constrains to d be in Tillamook the first Sunday In this date. present .-ame, duly verified, as vice of lo De- >mber and will hold services in Nov. 11. 1929. law required, to the undersigned, (By i quires of Tha this city ut the Chamber of Com­ BERTHA M. JOHNSON, to her attorney. John Leland Hend­ vice he v merce room in the city hall. Should Administratrix of lite Estate jf “Pun erson, at Tillamook, Oregon, withffi this spirit sufficient interest among Epi co- Ella J. Shattuck. Deceas d ■ore God and the Father this: To religion, a six months from this date. palians be taken in the matter a Buy City, Oregon. ■ isit the fatherles und the widow- toms, out Dated October 14th, 1920, the first be started, and for that S. S. JOHNSON. ■n their affliction, and to keep him- must and reason who belong to that publication of this notice. Attorney for Administratrix. Ibeif unspotted from the world."- home thee church earnestly invited to be 11-1114 Mary Meaner, Administrate.' James 1.27. answered: Is tjte spirit present le services the first Sun- of the estate of P. H. Mesner, de' J. Religion is a universal fact day in service the controlling pi few in John Iceland Henderson. Attorr o [the history of the lives? Are we using < 5ears ago regular services were held for said estate. Notice to Creditors. "Religion is the in this city for several months and in the only for ourselves or to Notice is hereby given that the un ­ soul of man.” distressed and to make at that time an Episcopal Guild was dersigned has been appointed admin­ Everywhere ee it, in every pier and better Are we u-lng ou or gam zed which is still hold in NOTICE TO CREDITORS istratrix, -with the will annexed, of age, in every land, in every social -1 ren gth in the service of those, who m or.lhly meetings Notice Is hereby given that the the estate of David O'Donnell, deceas­ condition among sa ■cages as well need It, or w?.“ ting it for lfish ed by the County Court of Tillamook dersigned has beer as am ng civilized pe • pie, among ihe ends’ Pre sb, County Oregon, and that the under­ ministrator o the enlii fhtened and une ¡'.lightened. You Sunday School, “T hen shall the King say unto signed htt- (ttialified ar such admin- Morning Worst e a hear people sa y they have no them Sub- M. His r ight hand. Conn i.-t atrix All p.-t on;, bavin ; *1; .inis Larson, decor used.. by for religion, or even, that they hiesstid of my Father, inherit the je months from the date of this notit mals. Many o.hei qualities belong naked and ye clothed me; I wa- Christian Church Dated November 4th. 1920. 1 1 • 1 il Service. Sunday morning and ev- and ye visited me; I was in pris. .1 Margaret O'Donnell, hr la ening will be helpful to all and you anti ye came unto me.” This Dated l 11-4 Adininistrtrix. or have a cordial Invitation to least ot communicut- charity, and religion first of all in Strangers will find this the tother by sounds, charity, . ' > nnients and their like church. But there la another element in Notice J we see anywhere en Bible School at 10A. M. religion. Ii is expressed in the lat- In the County Court 1 Pieaching and communion at 11 J notion of religion, ter part of "Pure religion o’clock. oi even ' ■ est sugg -tioi: of it? is to keep unspotted from lit Is t Evening service at 7:30. as 1 have said, a the world.” The other elemen' . i» distinct iy Hurry E. Tucker, Minister i trait, which can- ihen in religion is ,...... purity. The1 not bo or explained away, first requirement of religion is. ---- Q-—- •»», itS I Religion 1ms i ieed often been at- Reformed Church Hacked violent 1 J • ,yet is remains as we have seen, serving the world md Sunday School at 10 A. M. the second, to keep one-elf unspot ­ I ever. Here it is today, as it Public Wt : hip at 11 o’clock. ul l(*. It is obvious ¡ways has been. ■Scorned and mock- ted from the world. The pastor, W. G. Lienkaemper, • therefore, that we do not keep our­ will preach the closing sermon in ed and derided, and perverted, an.l selves unspotted from the world by the Sunday morning course of ser­ fe abused, and yet persisting; east shunning or avoiding it. For in i down, but not destroyed and coa- ( order to serve humanity we must be mons, on “The Commandments Up “Thou Shalt quering even those who think- they in the world. Opportunity to serve To Date.” Subject: have been conquering it. " ! can only come- through knowledge Not Covet.” You are cordially in­ vited to these services. Che question concerning the real- , of the need. This cannot be obtain- I ¡ty of religion does therefore not I ed in the cloister, but only as we BELL PHONE, MAIN 3. MUTUAL PHONE Concern us, needs not to be eon- . live among men. How then, while Methodist Church Sunday School ht 10 A. M. sidered. That question is settled. in the midst of the world can you I The Rev. R. E. Gornall will speak But we ask: What is religion? In manage to keep yourself unspotted what does it consist? That is the from the world? There is a possi- at the 11 o’clock hour. Dr. Gornall questloh, and the answer to this bllity or Jesus would not have pray- is representing the "Centenary Move­ question is given in the words of ’ , ed concerning his disciples: "I pray ment” in its various lines of service our text, It is an old answer in an not, that Thou shouldst take them and desires to speak to all, especial­ old book, but this Book is the Book out of the worjd. but that Thou ly to Centenary subscribers. The Pastor will preach the even­ of books and the answer is the best shouldst keep them from evil.” ingsermon at 7:30. Subject of the that has ever been given. It is: | In order to attain to purity, shun evening discourse “Opposition to the “Pure religion and undeflled before not the world, but shun sin and Kingdom of God.” God and the Father Is this, To visit wickedness, which you can whilst We cordially invite you to all of the fatherless and the widows in living among men. Cultivate and services. these their affliction, and to keep him­ cherish and aim at what is good, aim C. L. Dark, Pastor. self unspotted from the world.” “To i at what is best. “Aspiring toward visit the fatherless and widows in the highest, the lowest will not de­ their affliction.” In other word” file you,” seeing it and hearing it, TAKE NOTICE. AND Religion consists first of all in you will see and hear it not, walking Citizens of Tillamook and vlcinty: La Gri charity, in acts of benevolence. I in its midst at times, moving and Until further notice I will carry pas­ These may however be done with­ going through it, it will leave no sengers from Tillamook Hotel to Neglected Colds are Dangerous out love, merely for the sake of get­ stain upon you.” This is what Paul Fourth and Alder Streets, Portland, Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. I for $4.00 Leaving Tillamook at 7:30 ting a reputation for . benevolence. means when he says: “Walk in the Breaks up a cold in 24 hours — Relieves Such is not charity and cannot spirit and ye shall not fulfill the A. M. Tuesday. Thursday and Satur- Grippe in 3 days—Excellent for Headache claim to be a part of true religion. lusts of the flesh.” But purity is day. E. A. Ellis. Il-18p3 Quinine in this form does not affect the head—Cascara is best Tonic Such benevolence is indeed often not innocence. We cannot remain i Laxative—No Opiate in Hill’s. practiced. It goes under the innocent and after we have lost the name of charity, but is everything innocence of our childhood we can­ ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICES TO CREDITORS else but charity. Those who prac- not recover it again. The object of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tice it will on the final judgment redemption is not to keep us in in­ day appear before the King of Kings nocence or to put us back into a saying "Lord, when saw we Thee ; n state of innocence. it is to carry us hungered, or athirst, or a stranger ! forward through temptation and or naked, or sick or in prison and trials into the power of virtue. The did not minister unto Thee?” But ultimate goal is not childhood, but the Lord will say: “Depart from me, manhood, not innocence, but virtue; ye cursed, into everlasting fire, pre­ not exemption from temptations but pared for the devil and his angels.” victory over it. It is an idle thing I And all because their ministrations therefore to long for the days of which seemed to be acts of charity, childhood Innocence and purity and lacked love, were not done in His say: “I would I were a child again.” name. Men are benevolent in the You are called for something else, hope, that their benevolence might and that is the purity and virtue of cover up their many sins. If a t tan manhood and womanhood. is punctual in his religious obser­ But if, in the attempt to reach vances, is a liberal giver to churches this goal, you have become discour- and benevolent causes, he Is consid­ aged; if you have tried hard and ered a good man. But to put so fallen, that at last you say: “It is O be bought by business men for business use much weight on mere outward ob­ of no use, I cannot be anybody, I servance is running risk of over­ cannot do anything.” let me ask you is as good a recommendation as a car can have. looking the real tests of character to fix your gaze upon Him, who is The affairs of executives, engineers, salesmen, and godliness. Going through the your strength, That is the glory of contractors are vitally important. They rely upon motions of religion and now and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, When Buick because of its capacity for swift, depend­ then contributing something to a man has fallen again and again, make there is still a chance left for him. benevolent cause, does not able transportation. you religious, nor does it improve Dike a father says to his child, who your chances of heaven. Among tu>,Nineteen Twenty One Models, the has stumbled and fallen: “I put you Outward acts of benevolence, on your feet again, g<^ ”n!” So Five Passenger Open Car, combining Buick power without the spirit of love, is not Jesus does to the wear Id weak. with beauty and riding comfort, makes it an ideal charity, the first requirement of re­ Therefore “ask the Sav&tir to help choice for the family, too, for the hours of rest ligion. But what then is charity? you, comfort strengthen ard ke?p It is giving, but not giving our and recreation. money alone to a needy cause, nor is you. He Is willing to aid you, He it giving our time alone to the vis- will carry you through.” Yes, He An authorized nation-wide Buick service doubly Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN s Cotintv Dairy Herd Inspector Kill That Cold With <0^ CASCARA QUININE c.u.Xn. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT • B UIC K( ' T insure* Buick dependability G. H. BENNETT & SONS Contractors and Builders •Ki $ »» “Think It Oyer' Í Coast Power Company “The Electric Store” co jump iut° a biR beautiful white, porcelain bathtub like Ibis and disport yourself. All the lint water von want- and then a bracing cold shower. It's great for your health! Let us iustal one for you. We are modern plumbers to cleanly Bayocean Sheet Metal Works. GEORGE BURCHARD Before You HUNT all over town for reliable medicines, come here— Prescription Economy does not mean to buv medicines where you can get them the cheapest—unless you can be sure of absolute puri S25asH5a5H2525P5H5eSHSH5ZSH5BSESHSH5‘d5aS25H5iKSH5Z5ES,?H5ara5H525^SHS3 flüEX. McNfiIR & GO THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Price« Before Ordering Eliewhere. Thcv are inexpensive to operate too About six cents an hour is and if you wish to use one very much we can give you a cheaper rate We don’t charge high for reli- abity either. It’« the complete satisfaction we give in both our drugs ami our prices that holds our customer. ADDRESS : BOX 542, TILLAMOOK, OR. GEKERflh HRRDCURRE Kitchen Ranges» and Heating Stoves. Needs an Electric Heater these frosty the chill you won’t need to go any?'farther All Kinds of Building and Repair Work. Plans and Estimates Furnished, H Everyone SUNSET GARAGE WHEN BETTER. AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT. BUICK WILL BUILD THEM This is PRESCRIRTION ECONOMY LAMAR’S DRUG STORE Tillamook, Oregon.