THE Society and Club Events i Social activities in Tillamook the last week were eclipsed by the in­ terest in the livestock show at iVrt- land which drew a large number of Tillamook society folk. Club v.urk also took second place ir many in- -tai c»s. I he coming » eek u ex- ptMied to see a renewal of intere.-’. G. B Parker is domiciled in McCrovr Cottage at Bar \ lew. enjoyed children Garibaldi three days’ vacation due teacher« attending institute in Thl- ainook. Mrs. R. E. Miller went to Pe rt land > unday. The box factory of Garibaldi ha new planer. Hartzel. been ript’Bding the summer in the south. bas returned to Garibaldi. On the evening of November 12 Manda Haltoin and Glee Rusk were h< to the Tubatila club at the home of the former. After a »hort business meeting the evening was games. ripent in music ROCKAWAY guests of the evening Armistice Day was observed here Romana Misses Cathrine Gabriel, and camllle Haltom. At a late hour Ihursday with a program Beginning at < : 30 P. were served after church. refreshments sung. there patriotic song:- ri which the guests departed. was a nag drill and a salute by the Turner of the Tillamook school. The addresses of the eveninx hay of Transfer company, and Mi.-s Anna was Liven by Rev. J. Conner of Sheridan, were quietly Portland and Ensign Millar. There married at the Christian church par- were special solos and a chorus. The J. A. Barton property near the sonage last Saturday afternoon at 4 o clock, Rev. Harry E. Tucker of- depot was recently purchased by J. Qriating. Only immediate relatives P. Boldrick, who will improve it by were present. The couple will make making the lower floor a store room and the second floor transient room«. their home in Tillamook. Considerable bunding being The bride is a member of an old pioneer family of Oregon, having Iiv- done in and around Rockaway this Among those build- Po k line weather. years several county, where she is widely and pop- ing residences are Messrs. Spencer. ularly known. The bridegroom Is a Schumacher. Painton. Sutherland. brother of Dr. Turner of Tillamook Be-t. Bennett and Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Fred u indeler háv* and is an old friend of the Conner family, having resided at »Sheridan left for Southern California to pass the winter. for several years previous to 1908. The Garibaldi Beaches Boosters Ezra Conner, a brother of the bride, came over from Sheridan Fri­ club is preparing to take up with * day to attend the wedding, return­ the county court the matter of im- ing Tuesday. TILLAMOOK proving the road between Bay City and Ri>ckaway and getting the nght- of-way through between Rockaway Brighton county rock crusher is at Hadden where it get the material for the roads and •he beach residents believe that :r.> work should be started in plenty of time to get the road in shape for next season a tourists. and will, on Monday, the 15th day of December. 1920, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock A. M. sell at public auction to the highest b’dier eksh in hand the property hereinaf- ter described. The particular tracts or parcels of ground to be sold, to- gether with the name of the owner or owners thereof, and the amount for which each separate tract will be sold, are an follows, to-wit: Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Spear left Sai- urday with their daughter for Ore- town where they will visit for two weeks. Their daughter, Mrs. E. K Mitchell wan here attendine insti- District No. 15. Sixth Avenue East ravine T nayer’s Add.. Block 4 5, Lot S. 1-2 of lots 1. 2. 3, P. W Todd. Own- Amt of Lien *9249.Interest to Dec. 15, $2.4¿: Cost of Adv. 315.40 Said .-ale will take place at tie from d'.or cf the City Hall in Tilla- mook City Oregon, being the front door of the building in which the ( ommon Council of said Tillamook City holds its sessions. The names of the owners, or re­ puted owners of said property hereinbefore given, are the names of such owners, or reputed owners. they appear on the docket of city liens if said Tillamook City, and • V • . NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given, undersigned has been appointed ministrator for the estate of Maud i;otts, deceased, by the County Coi it of Tillamook County, Oregon. persons having claims against sa d estate are hereby lequired to present the same for allowance to the und signed at office of Botts Ar U inslow Tillamook, Oregon., within six mon­ ths from the date of this notice. Dated this 21st day of October, 1920. H. T. Botts. Administrator of the estate of Maud Botts, dec d ; This is the way we line it up: - First—Service Second—Advice Third—Battery Sales "Service” is, and al­ ways will be, our job 365 days in the year, but we’re on the job anytime to shew you a Still Bet­ ter Willard Battery with Tbrerded Rubber Insu­ lation—’he kind selected by 136 manufacturers cf passenger cars and motor trucks. ^Backward PORTLAND and SAN FRANCISCO Persons who suffer from any form of paralysi . which is complete shutting off of spinal nerve pow- er, know that the paralyzed parts are always cold When by chiropractic spi nal adjusting, the nervous balance is restored, the temperature of extremities become equalized with other parts of the body, and colds the chronic state chills becomes a thing of the past. hands Comfortable warmth itjiaaiiiiiiiHHiiiiMtii and feet becomes a natural con- dition. CHIROPRAC Means Tender Pcttry Travel With Pleasure via the Shasta Route THWO4» LIVE» stomach P4NCREAJ SPLEEN WONEVS BOWELS appendix ( bladder . NO CHARGE LOWER LIMBS g LOWER PINCHED Consultation is with­ out charge or obliga­ tion. CHIROPRACTOR 211 Tiilamook Bldg. Phone 34-W SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES ninmiiiiin mmimiH IND @ PUS JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Not a hand touches it either in manuf-.ctute or packing until you open the carton. jir N E^V'^S - HEALTH - VI GOR - V ITAt-T Y y Crrfir on« today. SWIFT & GO. Manufactur d Dally in Our High School News Last week the students pleasantly surprised to find Brake! again in the sc iCOl GO’U. Miss Brake! underwept a operation two weeks ago for appemdici ii Tickets amounting to sold by jhe grammar pupils for the art exhibit. The students who received “A all subjects for a month form Honor Roll of the High School. The Honor Roll for October is a follows: Arline Heyd, Lucia Wiley Ruth Gould. Ramona Halton: na Stuivenga, Martha Ci Wilson, Henry- Abrams. The football turn game «Ith tice Day. The favor of Oregon lessor Bennett, assembly, expte the students wh lose we are beh The flag thji the student body by the 1919 t uating class has been hung in prominet it pla :e in the assembly hall. t The pi icture exhibit was ed Kuccei ss. After freight and oth< er expanses had been paid This the pro, coed* were $140.00 money v> ill he used to buy pictures and the manual training classes will make the frames. The Grammar grades will p five an entertainment to raise the ui »ney for materials. The domestic science classes have had an Interesting time th!'» year. An electric range has been added to the department. During the study of flour and its uses the girls visit­ ed the flouring mill where they saw the process of flour manufacturing. The girls have canned frpils and vegetables, studied fruits and made ittexptr isive frttlt de:serts, prepared cereal dishes and studied and pre­ pared vegetable dishes this settles- ter. GARIBALDI NEWS ITEMS I a ribaldi Correspondent ) ! rioni Severn v lew. Gai ¡bah! ’ Uibbona. Al- »•.nd M them me Inrt Gillett and family. Claude t»il- and family Turnbull and family. family. t ale< They are domociled in Cottages. . and Mrs. Staley are living in Dr. Wi.-e’s bungalow. Turnbull and family bve also moved from Greentree hoWl to Bar View. Mr. Bost. w'fe and mother liavt • . i ree hotel at < moved iron There will ■ i un neo at Bar \ lvv> Katurdny evening With T illmnoak The dance Is being given music. by the Whitney club boys. Th»y hâve rented the Bar View dance hall for winter months and intend uaiBg it for a club room. W üt ’ Tillamook Battery Station Willard Service ‘ Every Item put pep mto your jebonardrry ¿¿y Is to get Into a /< FISH $ BRAND fj RoFlex • Slicker TberoIso FISH \ BRAND^arment \ x for every kind of . »Jg-' wet work or sport X YORK, ST. LOUIS AND ST. PAUL ARE CONTINUALLY IN THE MARKET. WHEN THEY SE­ CURE LOWER PRICES WE IMMEDIATELY PASS THEM ON TO OUR CUSTOMERS. PRICES HERE QUOTED ON NEW GOODS, JUST RECEIVED, ARE CONVINCING PROOF THAT WE POSITIVELY— oevsiistvarnitiote AJ TOWER CO. : tSTABL'SH£D ISIS BOSTON 0O»B r,' cd ^iitioix-oviclc Institution You Money TX5F T rnUFRINfl HF D&Trrc BY the manufacturers enables us to se - inD LU WLIuiiu U i iiiiUCO cure lower prices , our buyers in new r\ ~ — MASS. PRICES IN TILLAMOOK HAVE TAKEN A GREAT DROP, AS SOON AS WE OPENED OUR STORE HERE. AND SINCE CONDITIONS ARE READJUSTING THEMSELVES WE ARE LEAD­ ERS IN FORCING H. C. L. DOWN /ATT/^tT’Q LAXATIVE L-LUUVrn. O QUININE abus dowr queri have Th ity