Volume 32 Tillamook, Oregon, Thursday, November 18, 1920. ATTACKER IS ROUTED Cheese r'" is ‘” Victor n°2‘¡MUCH ADVICE W PLIICff «SS Tillamook cheese again record. sets a A cheese made by Hugh Barbar A woman's nerve, a revolver and at the Holstein Creamery, a mile and fire alarm saved Mrs. Robert Dris- a half ea. t of Tilluinook scored coll, night operator at the switch- , highest from Oregon in the national board ot the Pacific Telephone and dairy show at Chicago last week Telegraph company's office in Tilla­ and received a silver medal as the mook, from being the victim of a award for merit. vicious attack by an unidentified as­ The same cheese also scored third sailant Saturday night. I highest in the nation, taking se- While alone on duty at about cond place only to Wisconsin, The 11:45 o’clock, the man, a stranger, score of the Tillamook cheese was stepped out from an adjoining room, 97 per cent, while first place went where he had apparently been in to a Wisconsin cheese with a score hiding, He seized 51rs. Driscoll. She . of 97% per cent and second to in­ leaped to her feet and endeavor?d • other Wisconsin cheese with a score to brehk from his grasp, He i of 97% per cent. For this merit strengthened his grasp and she pull­ the Tillamook cheese receive^ an ed and tugged to break his grip, award of a bronze medal. Furniture was overturned in the fight, but the sound attracted no (TILLAMOOK HOLSTEINS help for Mrs. Driscoll. VICTORS AT STOCK SHOW The man finally dragged her into ' a room in the rear, used as a sleep- j Word was received In Tillamook ing room for night operators, Itere . as The Headlight went to press that he threw her on a couch. Almost the Tillamook Holsteins at the Pa­ exhausted, it is sai.d, she renewed cific-International Stock Show at her fighting. I Portland had captured nearly all of “All right, I’ll Ax you,” the man the prizes there. They are said to have outclassed is reported as saying, and holding her down he attempted to set the ! anything else in the exhibit from , Oregon and ranked high with all couch afire. Mrs. Driscoll’s coat was hanging comers. near and in it was a revolver. The I • Faced by Drunks In order to curb the desire to im­ bibe too freely of the flowing bpwl in Tillamook the city ordinance re­ garding the penalties for drunken­ ness and disorderly conduct will be made more strict. It is proposed to have the amend­ ment raise the maximum penalty to $150 or 60 days in jail, or both. Instructions to the city attorney to draw up this amendment were given by the city council at its meet­ ing Monday night. IS Sf ÏEARS ÜLD Number 3 Inch and Half Cut Off Bridge CROSS IS URGED Through a mathematical error - Mills. To this unijn was bora 13 of Miller avenue from the south line in Tillamook by the attack and there bride’s parents. The price of bread in Tillamook Tillamook County should take some haven; McIntyre, Cave Boy; Seei_-y, pride in having a Red Cross Chap­ The bride wore a white satin dress children of whom nine are living. of First street south to the city lim­ dropped one cent on Monday, were murmurings of taking drastic ac- Story of the Earth. action against the man should he with a tulle overdrape and carried | They are E. T. Coulson of St. Johns, its. According to Mr. Sappington cording to announcement of the Till­ ter in this county with the national organization at its back to meet a boquet of pink and white earna- P. R. Coulson of Salem. G. T. Coul­ be found. this work would entail considerable amook bakery. Another drop of one special emergencies, epidemics and ■ tions. The bridesmaid wore a dress son of Beaver, Mrs. Della Smallwood L. E. Garwood, in charge of the and Mrs. John Yarnell of Salem, forestry reserves of this district, was grading through the swamp south cent in the near future is forecast other things that need prompt and of pink georgette crepe. FARMERS TO USE POWER Mrs. M. D. Swabb of Woodburn, Mrs. Dinner guests were: Mr. and Mrs. of (he city, making the total cost by Mrs. Freldenberg, of the bakery, urgent attention. TO REDUCE LABOR COST in town Monday getting some ma- "There should be a membership M. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. W. Kuppen­ Ira Tomlinson, Tillamook, Mrs. R. C. more than $40,000. making the loaf ten cents. storc terials for a new office and in Tillamook County of 4,000, which The Coast Power Company is ex­ bender. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Brown, Richards, Beaver, Mrs. W. H. Pen­ The council has accepted the en ­ This bakery turns out from to,- will enable the local Chapter to building that the department is tending its lines southeast from the .Mr. and Mrs. H. Kuppenbender and nell. Columbus,0. 000 to 15,000 loaves a month. In 1895 Mr. Coulson took up a building at Three Rivers. Mr. Gar­ tiniate of the engineer. function for many months. Tho Erwin Harrison place to supply the children Alice. Edwin and Florence, j I membership fee of $1.00 is divided ranch homes of Mr. Gienger, Mr. Rev. Father Martin, Samuel Downs, ' homestead at Beaver At this place wood's domain -extends to the Sile'z Erwin Harrison, proprietor of one half going to the parent organ 1::- Burton, Mr. Durrer, Mr. Hunt and Miss Hazel Morgan.and Miss Gladys | he resided nine yeaiHr CITY TO PREPARE DITCH i : »(p neral services were conducted river and comprises several thousand Golden Rod Dairy farm. left ation, the other half to the local 12 others. In all there will be about Brown. Portland Wednesday to attend FOR FIRE ENGINE USE chapter. __________ rr-------- I at Woodburn and the body interred acres. two miles of lines. There are sev­ stock show. Inspector Linebatigh of this dis-1 at Beaver. At the cemetery Rev. j “As the war work Is almost com- eral of the farmers in that section C. H. Bender of Portland, who han T. B. Turney, who has occupied pleted with the local Chapter, it is who contemplate putting in electric trict. was here from his headquar- , Dora Young read a tribute to his life, WOMAN CHARGES ATTACK been connected with the First Na­ the intention to commence a new lino ---- ------------- milking machines and other electric ters at Seattle the first of the week j BY CAFE PROPRIETOR tional Film company for the la Washington league of Collector- weekend here. Mrs. McGrath is to cost around $45.000. Till- policy is made mude 1 neces­ year's prices at this time. for the Methodist church Sunday. In The convention headquarters will be was the winner of the first prize in Extensive alterations are being To November 1 this year 82,369 rapidly improving from her recent sary both a. a matter of busi­ maae in the Palm Confectionery, at the Multnomah hotel and the bus- the morning Mrs. E. E. Koch will the peanut contest, while the con- operation, according to report. ness and the fact that the ris­ boxes of cheese were made. Mr«, M. D. Ackley of Ackley & Miller, owned by F. L. Eberman. Mr. Eber- ienss session will start Monday. Sun­ sing a solo and in the evening a male solation prize was won by 22 ________ during the same time in 1919 ing costs of newspaper mater­ '< quartet composed of Bob Coleman. Ingram. After the day the delegates will take a trip ov- games retresh- man is putting a kitchen in the rear ials makes It prohibitive Tor and 66.295 in 1918. Total for last reports that they have .sold a Buick of the establishment which will be •er the Columbia Highway. C. L. Dark, T. H Goyne and O. ments were served, '1 he next nie».”- Six touring car to Ander»on Broth- the publisher being tilt ben< year. 84,’3OO boxes. Figured on that Dawson will sing. ing will be held December 14 at the Dr. and Mrs. Wise left last Friday operated by Mrs. Eva Davidson, who factor he was In other days, basis it would mean tha» 91 per cent ers of Nehalem. W. B. Vaughn was in from Ills home of Mrs. Lloyd Williams. for their Portland home where they Mrs. Davidson will serve lunches, Vitou and F. J. Pul- Dr. Benjamin It will be the endeavor of of the 1920 cheese had been sold. Mrs. Jessie Ward, who is a pa­ has been conducting a lunch room will remain a few days and then dairy farm near Bay City Monday The Headlight to give the bet’ This should mean a good market fot^ iin of Portland who passed the last Whilq paying hl s subscription tient ut the Eastman Hospital. Is re ­ leave for California for the winter. in in the building next to the Gem of a service to the subscribers Tillamook cheese the balance of summer season at Bayocean, were Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Harrison left advance Mr. Vaughn remarked that ported as slightly improved. theater for several months past. and advertisers, and one of tho 1920 and the first few months of taken with the place that they have Andy Heater of Cloverdale, under­ N. E M< ¡choir was arrested Sat­ Sunday for their home in Portland his father had subscribed for the purchased cottages there for their prerequisite» of this is a paid- 1921. . .. went an operation at the Bastman after several days visit with rela ­ firs* Headlight published in Tilla ­ urday night in a house in the w -t I up subscription list. Tillamook dairymen chould con- permanent homes. hospital recently and Is reported as tives in Tillamook. mook and the paper had been with H. L. King and his mother left part of the ’ er a sufficient number found that there was at least 25 Kuppenbender and Opal Brown on it has the reputation It ha* for Ha summer they will not have to depend tor a visit of se.eral da/a. Io. ¡his purpose. ,of water there at low tide. November 15. on the ferry very much longer. cheeae.