b Paga light I Thutsray, November H TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, — 1 1 ..........................■— Thin Circular For Daily (Extra) Specals, There Is Money In It For You Never Before Witnessed lit Tillamook HALTOM’S MONSTER UNLOADING r SALE! Saturday, November 13th Only WOMENS’ AND MISSES’ TO $2.80 Middies 75c Beginning 10:00 A. M. We will sell (to anyone making a purchase of $4.00 or over in any section of the store) these good white washable middies at 75c. Especially suitable for gymnasium. Sizes 8 to 44. No phone or mail orders accepted. Displayed on balcony. —Reminding you of a belated shipment of extra heavy luality black sateen Gymnasium BLOOMERS, Sizes 6 to 20 and very specially priced at $2.63. --------------------- — X Wednesday, November 17th. Only Pillow Cases 24c • Beginning at 9:00 A. M. We will sell (to anyone making a purchase of $3.00 or over is any section of the store) heavy quality, perfectly bleacehed pillow cases at the extremely low price, each 24c. Size 42x36 inches. Standard brand. No phone or mail orders. Displayed under the balcony. Aroused A Buying- Frenzy ¡That-Will-Not Cease! Never Such »A Sale-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------X SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13th __ BEGINS THE THIRD Monday,'November 15fb, Only i ------------ $2.00, $2.25. $2.50 *> PETTICOATS 49c We will sell (to anyone making a purchase of $3.00 or over in any section of the store) women’s heatherbloor.i md sateen petticoats at only 49c. Come in all staple plain colors as well as fancies. Displayed on Balcony. Beginning at 9 00 A. M. No phone or mail orders accepted. V-_________________________ ________________________________ J Tuesday, November 16th, Only BIG SIX DAY DRIVE Beginning at 9.00 A. M. . We will sell (to anyone making a purchase’ of $2.00 o> over in any section of the store) this renowned brand, Coats Crochet Thread on the’ above mentioned date at, only, ball, 4c. No. phone or mail orders accepted. Men's Heavv Waterproof Work Shoes. $8.00 Values. Pair . ... $6.95 Men's Semi-Dress $8.00 All Leather Shoes, Pair....................... ■? A good solid all leather shoe. built to withstand hard wear. Specially Also light work -hoes in black blucher style. All leather. ____________________________________________________________________ J Friday. November 19th, Only BOYS’ AND GIRLS’ SCHOOL STOCKINGS Pr. 9c All Men’s Flörsheim Shoes Greatly Re­ duced. Sale $4.98, $6.85, $8.85 to $14.45. None better. Included are button styles too. Military and French heel. Very latest styles that particular fel­ lows desire. All sizes. Below, Our Best Proof Why We Are Busy In This Section. 50c - 60c Values OK $4.98 Women’s Red Cross Comfort Shoes. Pair................................... 7 Beginning at 9:00 A. M. We will sell (to anyone making a purchase of $2.00 or over in any section of the store) heavy ribbed school stocking«, well known brand, at only, pair 9c. No phone or mail orders or exchanges. Hose Section. Greatest Millinery Selling Event In The History Of The Haltom Store s14.80 APPROXIMATELY 318 CHARMING LATE FALL AND WINTER HATS ENTER THE SALE AT HALF AND For Men’s Gabardine Overcoats, Formerly $35.00 »21.90 Beginning at 9:00 A. M. We will sell (to anyone making a purchase of $2.00 or over in any section of the store) these famous Miller socks, the best 60c values on the market today at, pair 19c. Com" in wanted colors of brown, gtey, green, champagne, white, also black. Men’s Section. No phone or mail orders. Only 60 dozen. • —Largest stock of shoes in Tillamook county. Expert shoe fitters. Consult our foot wizard, Mr. Gilbertson, if your feet trouble you; many have been relieved. Yours can be too. Consul­ tation free. __ $25.00 Good Wool Over­ coats At Only Men’s 60c Socks 19c Sale! Sale! Sale! On Every Pair Of Shoes— For The Whole Family CcatsCrochet Thread 4c • Thursday, November 13th, Only LESS THAN HALF PRICE A model To Become Every Type of Face—Shapes Included, Becoming styles for both women and misses. Men s Hart Schaffner and CO (J OC Marx $60.00, $65.00 Suits Each hat has distinction. Some of the models are cOnspicious. 38 Models Formerly $4.98, Choice 111 Models Formerly $7*.5O to $11.00 Choice 88 Models Formerly $11.50 to 17.00 choice 60 Models Formerly to $22.50 Choice 20 Pattern Hats To $30.00 Values $1.98 $3-98 $4.98 $9.49 $12.00 a V. « Including Entire Stock of Women’s Long-Planned Sale of Smart Dress Skirts Bring­ ing Record Values Averaging Better Than 33 1-3 Per Cent Discount 8#$%» E*“S Men’s Extra Heavy Bib Overalls Cl-95 Famous Crown brand “ Men’s Extra Heavy Work Shirts $1.95 Men who want th« most desirable work shirts will not be disap­ pointed with these. Features are double back, double front and double sleeves. Grey, blue and khaki. Extra Heavy Logger Shins With Waterproof Interlining $8.65 Very serviceable shirts, especially adapted f. , TiiUumok weatlu r. Double back, double front and double aleeves. Men’« Water RepeUant Pants, Double Front And Seat at $4.35. J Formerly Formerly Formerly Foimerly Formerly To $10.00. Unloading Sale ............ $ 5.90 To $13.95. Unloading Sale................ $ 8.80 To $19.98. Unloading Sale.................$11.65 To $24.85, Bnload-ag Sale................315.85 To $33.65. Unloading Sale............... $:3.85 — First, we wish to dwell upon the immensity of our high-grade stock of skirts. Such an interesting collection of them too— just as attractive as can be with their smart belts, pocke's and tucking«, cleverly nlaccd add to their effectiveness. The unique pock-'ts. others effectively embroidered are especially charming ft aturcs. • Come prepared to select from the best assort­ ment that ever graced tlus city: fact Is would do jus- tl o to apparel shops in cities seoeral times the sic of Tillamook The woman or miss who has her mind > Jt on a dashing plaid weaves with plenty of snep to them will be elated at them, or it a solid color is de­ sired yet distinctive, Halton's has them too. Balcony Men’s Good $5.00 Hats At, Only $2.95. Men’s Glastenburg Heavy Wool Underwear, Garment $2.15; The Suit At $4.15. Men’s Heavy Weight Wool Underwear At, Garment, $1.85. Men's $5.00 Flannel Shirts, Colors Grey and Olive Drab Sale $3.95. > 4 ----------- > ’ Men’s $4.00 Flannel Shirts in Navy, Grey and Olive Drab, Sale $2.95. I__ ALTERATIONS FREE OF CHARGE^ ! Women’s Coats Sharply Reduced To 325 values 15.88 Te $43 values 25.95 To 330 vain, i 19.35 To 365 values 37.85 A visit to Haltom's Apparel Salon will convince tho.-c wi o have been here here­ tofore that the special prevailing prices have been revised downward and if at all tn need of a «oat don’t hesitate as these prices will be instrumental of encouraging a number to buy now. Buy now before se­ lection is Depleted. All good styles and wanted fabrics. LIBERTY BONDS TAKEN FOR MDSE. An Advantageous Buy In Women’s Suits. $55.00 Values. 'N LIEU OF CASH A Dress Opportunity, Unique Wool Tri­ cotine And Serve Modles That Ordinarly Sell Upwards Ta $32.50, Bow $19 85 ONLY 300 YARDS OF *■’ Taffeta and Satins _ Half Price and Less Formerly to #3.25 SI 39 Choice, The Yard . . .*1"" Light and dark colors. 36 Inches wide. —$7.50 Fashionable Wool Heather Rich Colorings. 58 inches wide, yd. $4.98. Suitings. —Splendid $1.50 Satin Finish Pretty Patterns. Tard 98c Damask, Table —Women’s $1.25 Vests and Pants. Winter weight Bleached, Gar. 89c. $1.75 and $2.00 Silk AQp Hose, Choice, Pair ¿V Qv K£ Excellent serge and poplin models About 300 pairs of women's silk hose entered this exceptional offering, consisting of f&ncies, colors ana wanted black, though not all sites in all colors. Not one pair but what is being sold much less than replacement cost. for Xmas. This should tempt folks to buy «