Thursday. November 11, 1920 ♦ « TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOTICE OF SALE FOR DELIN­ or parcels of ground to be sold, to­ Court of the State or Oregon. County Less paid Contractors: QUENT STREET IMPROVE­ gether with the name of the owner sold, are as follows, to-wit: Voucher 181—»17,189.28 of Tillamook. All persons having MENT ASSESSMENTS. oi owners thereof, and the amount District No. 15. Sixth Avenue East claims against said estate are here­ * Voucher 1»«— 38,887.20 J Paving | for which each separate tract will be Thayer’s Add.. Block 45, Lot S. by required to present the same for NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that sold, are as follows, to-wit: • by virtue of a wariant issued oy the District No. 11. South Tillamook 1-2 of lots 1, 2. 3. P. W. Todd, Own- allowance to the undersigned at bis |er. Amt. of Lien »249.53, Interest place of business in Bay City. Oregon City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore­ _ ! Sewer to Dec. 15, »2.49: Cost of Adv. within six months from the date of gon. dated November 10, 1920, t-nd Thayer’s Add Block 45, S. 1-2 Said sale will take place at the this notice. issued by order of the Common Coun­ Lots 1, 2. 3, P. W. Todd, Owner. front door of the City Hall In TUla- Dated this November 11, 1920. cil of said Tillamook City, the un­ Amt. of Lien »92.61; Interest tu uiook City, Oregon, being I he frout John A.Nelson. dersigned, Marshal of Tillamook , Dae. 15, »2.08; Cost of Adv. door of the building In which the Administrator of the es- City, Oregon, has duly levied upon Norton’s Add.—Block 7, Lot 8. Common C ncil of said Tillamook tateof John Larson, de and will, on Monday, the lath day John Andreas Olson, Owner. A* City holds its sessions. ceased. of December, 1920, at the hour of of Lien »88.20; Interest to Dec. ao, The names of the owners, or re­ 10:00 o’clock A. M. sell,at public »1.98; Cost of Adv. puted owners of said property as auction to the highest bidder for Tract beginning at the S. W. cor­ hereinbefore given, are the names of cash in hand the property hereinaf­ ner of Lot 6, Block 3 Drew’s Add. such NOTICE TO CREDITORS owners, or reputed owners, as ter described. The particular tracts to Tillamook City, thence South 105 they appear on the docket of city Notice is hereby given, that th- or parcels of ground to be sold, to­ degrees thence west 110 feet thence liens of said Tillamook City, and undersigned has been appointed ad- gether with the name of the owner North 105 degrees thence East 105 each of said tracts of land so de- nunistrator for the estate of Maud or owners thereof, and the amount degrees to place of beginning. T. F. scribed will be sold at said sale to i:otts, deceased, by the County Coi tt for which each separate tract will be Harrison, Owner. Amt. of Lien satisfy the assessment, interest and of Tillamook County, Oregon. All sold, are as follows, to-wit: $194.04; Interest to Dec. 15, »4.37; coMs due upon each tract as de­ persons having claims against said Delinquent Street Assessments Dis­ Cost of Adv. scribed, and each tract will be sold estate are hereby required to present Said sale will trict No. 10—3rd St. take place at the separately. the same for allowance to the under rract beginning at a point 120 ft. front door of the City ___ Hall in Tilla- This sale is made for the purpose signed at office of Botts & Winslow East of the N. E. corner of Lot 4, mook City, Oregon, being the front of satisfying the delinquent assess­ Tillamook, Oregon., within six mon Block 3,Maple Grove Add. to Tilla­ door of the building in which the ments for street improvements duly ths from the date of this notice. mook City,, thence east 50 feet, Common Council of said Tillamook assessed against said property, to­ Dated this 21st day of October, 1920. thence south 105 ft. thence west City holds its sessions. gether with interest and costs there­ H. T. Botts. Administrator 50 degrees thence north 105 degrees The names of the owners, or re­ on, said assessments having been oi the estate of Maud Botts, dec'd. to the place of beginning. M. A. puted owners of said property as made by the Common Council of Baker Estate, Owenr. Amount of hereinbefore given, are the names of Tillatnook City, Oregon, on 16th day Lien $523.42; Interest to Dec. such owners, or reputed owners, as of Aug., 1920, and said assessments »12.37; Cost of Advertising. they appear on the docket of city having been thereupon docketed in CALL FOR WARRANTS Stillwell Add.—Block 5. Lot 6. liens of said Tillamook City, and the docket of city liens of said Till- I The following outstanding county C. N. Large and Lizzie Harris, Own­ each of said tracts of land so de­ amook City, and more than 30 days warrants will be paid upon presen­ ers. Amount of Lien »549.59; In­ scribed will be sold at said sale to terest to Dec. 15, »12.37; Cost of satisfy the assessment, interest and having elapsed since said docketing! tation. Advertising. costs due upon each tract as de- and said assessments not having i All outstanding county general Stillwell Add.—Block 11, Lot 7, scribed, and each tract will be sold been- paid in whole or in part, and fund warrants. A. M. Austin, Owner. Anit. of Lien separately. the Common Council of Tillamook AU. outstanding county road war­ »549.59; Interest to Dec. 15, »12.37; This sale is made for the purpose City, Oregon, having, on October ls, rants endorsed prior to and includ­ Cost of Adv. of satisfying the delinquent assess­ Stillwell Add.—Block 11, ments for street improvements duly 1920, duly ordered a warrant to ing the 13th day of October. 1920. A. M. Austin, Owner. Amt. ____ , assessed against said property, to­ issue for the collection of said do­ Interest ceases this 8th day of No­ »549.59; Interest to Dec. 15, $12.37; gether with interest and costs there­ linquent assessments. vember, 1920. Cost of Adv. on. said assessments having been KATHLEEN MILLS, Dated this November lOtli, 1920. Tract beginning at a point 60 de­ made by the Common Council of County Treasurer. M. E. GRUBER, grees west of tlie S. W. corner of Tillamook City, Oregon, on 29th day Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon 11-lltl Lot 5, Block 10 of Stillwell Add. to of June, 1920, and said assessments Tillamook City, thence west 362.3 having been thereupon docketed in 11-1H2 I j degrees thence North 105 degre. s the docket of city liens of said Till­ thence East 3G2.5 ft. tin nee South amook City, and more than 30 days Notice of Budget Meeting to The 105 ft. to place of beginning. C. E. having elapsed since said docketing Taxpayers of the Port of Bay Notice to Creditors. Hadley, Owner. Amt. of Lion, and said assessments not having City, Oreg-on. Notice is hereby given that the un­ FUNDS AND RESOURCES. »3,794.82; Interest to Dec. 15, been paid in whole or in part, and dersigned has been appointed admin- Cash on hand, 11-1-1920 $31,474.46 the Common Council of Tillamook $85.38; Cost of Adv. j istratrix, with the will annexed. <>f Tract beginning at a point 270 ft. City, Oregon, having, on October 18, ! the estate of David O'Donnell, deceas- Cash on hand 11-6-1920. 40,963.73 West of the N. W. Corner of Lot 4 1920, duly ordered a warrant to [ ed by the County Court of Tillamook Bankers Acceptancees U. S. Treasury Certificates . 97,910.10 Blk. 9. Stillwell Add. to Tillamook issue for the collection of said de- ■ County Oregon, and that the under­ Port Bonds to be sold and de­ City thence West 52.5 ft., thence linquent assessments. signed has qualified as such admin- livered Morris Bros. January Dated this November 10th. 1920. South 105 degree? thence East 105 I istratrix. All persons having claims 1921 ............ 60.000.00 M. E. GRUBER, degrees thence North 105 ft. to the | against said estate are requested to Required from taxes .... 28,147.09 Marshal of Tillamook City. Oregon place of beginning. Royal Stillwell present the same to the undersigned ■Owner. Amt. of Lien $549.59; i In- ll-llt2 for allowance as required by law at Total . ......................... »260,995.38 terest to Dec. 15, $12.37; Cost of the office of Botts & Winslow, In Til­ Adv. ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS lamook City, Oregon, within six NOTICE OF SALE FOR DELIN­ Tract beginning 382.5 feet West of FOR 1921. QUENT STREET IMPROVE­ months from the date of this notice. the N. W. corner of Lot 4 Block 9. Dated November 4th, 1920. To complete dredging work MENT ASSESSMENTS. Stillwell Add. to Tillamook City, Margaret O’Donnell, on harbor project appropriat­ thence West 47.5 degrees thence 1 Administrtrix. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that 11-4 t5 ed .................................... $260,000.00 South 105 degrees thence East 4 7.5 1 by virtue of a warrant issued by the degrees thence North 105 degrees to 1 i City Recorder of Tillamook City, Ore­ the place of beginning. Royal Still­ gon, dated November 10, 1920, and Notice well, Owner. Amt. of Lien $497.26; issued by order of the Common Ccun- Interest to Dec. *15, $11.19; Cost of ' ’ j cil of said Tillamook City, the un­ In the County Court of the State Adv. dersigned. Marshal of Tillamook of Qregon, for the County of Tilla­ Maple Grove Add. Block 1, Lot 6. City, Oregon, has duly levied upon mook. To Employers of Labor In the matter of the estate of P. W. G. Dwight Est., Owner. Amt. of j and will, on Monday, the 15lh day By the deoeased, otherwise Lien $537.26; Interest to Dec. 15, I of December, 1920, at the hour of H. Mesner, $12.08; Cost of Adv. 10:00 o’clock A. M. sell at public known as P. H. Messner. Notice is hereby given to all to Maple Grove Add.—Block auction to the highest b'dder for W. G. Dwight Est. Owner. cash in hand the property hereinaf­ whom it may concern that the und- Lien $537.26; Interest to ter described. The particular tracts ersigned has been, by the County $12.08; Cost of Adv. The Oldest Offiee in Oregon I or parcels of ground to be sold, to- Court of Tillamook County, Oregon. Maple Grove Add.—Block 1, Lot 8, i gether with the name of the owner duly appointed Administratrix of the Headquarters for W. G. Dwight Estate, Owner. Amt. 1 or owners thereof, and the amount estate of P. H. Mesner, deceased; and Farm, Hairy, Mill, Logging of Lien »537.26; Interest to Dec. 15, for which each separate tract will be all persons having claims against and office help of all kinds. said estate are hereby notified to $12.08; Cost of Adv. sold, are as follows, to-wit: Phone Bdg. 2272 Maple Grove Add.—Block 3, Lot District No. 14. Fifth Street Sewer present same, duly verified, as by 14 N Second St. Portland,Or. law required, to the undersigned, or 1, W. G. Dwight, Owner. Amt. of Tract beginning at a point 60 ft. Lien $537.26; Interest to Dec. 15, East and 270 feet South of the N. to her attorney, John Leland Hend­ $12.08; Cost of Adv. E. corner of Lot 1, Block 1, King’s erson, at Tillamook, Oregon, within Maple Grove Add.—Block 4, Lot Add. to Tillamook City, thence South six months from this date. Dated October 14th, 1920, the first 2, W. G. Dwight, Owner. Amt. of 80 feet thence East 105 feet thence DR. J. G. TURNER Lien $537.26; Interest to Dec. 15, North 80 ft. thence West 105 de­ publication of this notice. Mary Mesner, Administrator $12.08; Cost of Adv. Eye Specialist grees to the place of beginning. A. of the estate of P. H. Mesner, de'cd. Tract beginning at a point 105 ft. A. Yager, Owner. John Leland Henderson. Attorney Permanatly Located in Tillamook West of the N. W. corner of Lot 4, A. Yager. Owner. Amt. of Lien for said estate. Block 9, Stillwell Add. to Tillamook »87.36; Interest to Dec. 15, »1.97; Private Office in Jenkin’s Jewelry City, thence west 105 feet thence Cost of Adv. Store. take place at the South 105 feet thence East 105 feet Said sale will thence North 105 degrees to place front door of the City Hall in Tilla- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Latest Up-to-date Instruments and Notice'is hereby given that the un­ of beginning. John Groat, Owner. mook City, Oregon, being the front [ Equipment Amt. of Lien $1,099.19; Interest to door of the building in which the | dersigned has been appointed ad­ Evenings and Sundays by Common Council of said Tillamook I ministrator of the estate of John Det. 15, $24.74; Cost of Adv. Appointments Larson, deceased. by the County Said sale will take place at the City holds its sessions. front door of the City Hall in Tilla- The names of the owners, or re-1 jnook City, Oregon, being the front puted owners of said property as I a5252Sa5ESa5eS252S25a5Z5252Sa5a5HSE52S25a5Z52525?5B525Z5’¿5?525?F¿S’ door of the building in which the hereinbefore given, are the names of Common Council of said Tillamook such owners, or reputed owners, as they appear on the docket of city City holds its sessions. The names of the owners, or re­ liens of said Tillamook City, »and I puted owners of said property as each of said tracts of land so de­ % hereinbefore given, are the names of scribed will be sold at said sale to I such owners, or reputed owners, as satisfy the assessment, interest and t they appear on the docket of city costs due «Pon each tract as de­ each tract will be sold liens of said Tillamook City, and scribed, * > each of said tracts of land so de­ separately. This sale is made for the put pose scribed will be sold at said sale io satisfy the assessment, interest and of satisfying the delinquent assess­ costs due upon each tract as de­ ments for street improvements duly BELL PHONE. MAIN JI MUTUAL PHONE scribed, and each tract will be sold assessed against said property, to­ I gether with interest and costs there- separately. This sale is made for the purpose | on, said assessments having been 5a5B5a5a52Sa5252SaSZSESBS2S252S2525a625è5?S2525a5a525Z5ESBS2S2525Z525?5? of satisfying the delinquent assess­ made by the Common Council of [ Tillamook City, Oregon, on 29th day ments for street Improvements duly assessed against said property, to­ of June. 1920, and said assessments gether with interest and costs there­ having been thereupon docketed in 5M; on, said assessments having been , the docket of city liens of said Till- . amook City, and more than 30 days mqde by the Common Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, on 29th day having elapsed since said docketing of June, 1920. and said assessments and said assessments not having having been thereupon docketed in ( been paid in whole or in part, and the docket of city liens of said Till­ the Common Council of Tillamook amook City, and more than 30 days ' City, Oregon, having, on October 18, having elapsed since said docketing I 1920, duly ordered a warrant to and said assessments not having issue for the collection of said de­ been paid in whole or in part and . linquent assessments. Dated this November 10th, 1920. the Common Council of Tillamook M. E. GRUBER. City, Oregon, having, on October 18, No matter how well equipped the farm Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon 1920, duly ordered a warrant io house or country home may be otherwise it is issue for the collection of said de­ 11-lltl not really modern unless it has electric linquent assessments. Dated this November 10th, 1920. NOTICE OF SALE FOR DELIN­ lights. M. E. GRUBER, QUENT STREET IMPR0VE- Marshal of Tillamook City, Oregon IMENT ASSESSMENTS. Help Furnished Free J t. " ” 183-185— 724.51 Voucher 187— 724.51 57,234..62 Balance unexpended 11-1-20 ........................ »202,765.38 For Interest on Port Bonds— 18,210.00 Due Dec. 31. 1920 .... DueJune 30, 1921 .......... 20.010.00 Due December 31, 1921. 20,010.00 Total Requirements . 1260.995.38 Please take notice that a meeting of the taxpayers of the said Port of Bay City Is hereby called to meet at the office of the First Bank of Bay City, Oregon, on the 5th day of De­ cember. 1920 at 10 o’clock a.m. for the purpose of discussion of said es­ timates or budget. By order of the board, Theodore Jacoby. Get Ready Now For Thanksgiving AVE the right Roaster or Pan to properly accommodate your turkey— the right Carving Set for him too. We can supply every Cooking Utensil you want for the entire dinner—the right Cutlery, too. Many other necessary Thanksgiving accessories, also. All are specially dis­ played this week. Come in and see how completely we can fill your needs. H It Lasts Threodrd Rubber In­ sulation has to stand a test as severe as the test of a lineman's rubber gloves. Aft»*r such a test you can be sure it will protect the plates and last as long as the battery. Threaded Rubber In­ sulation makes "bone dry" shipment and stor­ age of batteries possible. The Still Better Willard Battery—the only battery with Thread« d Rubber Insulation—has been se­ lected by 136 manufac­ turers cl cars and trucks. King-Crenshaw Hdw. Co. THE —----------------- VETERINARIAN County Dairy Herd Inspector n*~ ii STORE - n Kill That Cold With CASCARA QUININE AND La Grippe Colds, Cough« Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours — Relieves Grippe in 3 days—Excellent for Headache Quinine in this form does not affect the head—Cascara is best Tonic Laxative—No Opiate in Hill’s. WÌÌMird ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT L________________________ _______________ Tillamook Battery Station Willard Service CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HAUUNG PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO Dr. E. L. Glaisver, WINCHESTER I.O.O.F. BUILDING. BELL 65-J. A. F. WALLACE Mutual I’hotie À Life of Happiness OMES into every home when the Buick Valve-In-Head motor car C arrives, Nearly three millions of people today enjoy the comfort and pleasure of the five hundred thousand Buick cars in operation. ELach trip, every tour, or spin to town and back makes each passenger grow more enthusiastic over Buick operation for it is built to fulfill all the needs of family usage—and yet so easily appli- able to any business acquirement or special duty. That is why you find Buick dealers booking orders for the summer and fall months from motor car purchasers who know how essential Buick cars are in their daily life. Another Farm Problem Solved ¡ • 11-lltl NOTICE OF I QUENT STREET IMPROVE fMF.NT assessments . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that by virtue of a «arrant .«sued by the City Recorder of Tillamook C y. gon dated November 10. I»20- «nd tesued by order of the Common Coun- n f said Tillamook City, the^ auction to tbs 81^—* _ . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that | by virtue of a warrant iseued by the City Recorder of Tillamook City. Ore­ gon, dated November 10. 1920, und | issued by order of the Common Coun- ■ cil of said Tillamook City, the tin- drrrisned. Marshal of Tillamoikj City, Oregon, has duly levied upon and will, on Monday, the 15th day of December, l»20. at the hour of 10:00 o’clock A. M. sell at public : auction to the highest b'dder for eoab in knnd the property knrsinaf- tsr daseriM. Tin partisutar tracts or paresis of growed to to eoM, to­ gether wftl tin enaee et tie owner or owears tbsreof, snd tie eaaonnt ' tor whist srsl setasMto tonet wflJ be The Fairbanks Morse Home Light Plants Are Second To None Come to our show room and see one in oper­ ation. You will be amazed and interested to »ee the beautiful, bright and clear lights it produce*. R. F. ZACHMANN When better automobile* are built, Buick will build them >1 SUNSET GARAGE MVL rwi© them