.Thnrsdav, November 11, 1920 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, ragt Seven Tillamook Headlight crate party last’week. BARRICK & HALL A few words about our successors.1 They have entered on an important ATTORNEYS AT LAW newspaper field with a bright future. I Published by the National Building They will fine lenty of work for their HEADLIGHT PUBLISHING CO Tillamook, Oregon * minds and hands to do, and with econ­ ij omy and industry there is no reason Harold Hamstreet. Editor why these two young men should not By TILLIE MOOK DR. O. L. HOHLFELD Leslie Harrison. Business Manager ' become important factors in the up­ Tillie makes his'n or her ’ n bow building of Tillamook city and county. VETERINARIAN today for the first time. His'n or Give them the glad hand and con- her’n act will be a one-column ef­ Bell Phone 2F2. Mutual Phone. INTRODUCTORY Tillamook Lodge No. 1260 ' gratulate them; give them your loyal With this issue of The Headlight support and patronage, and do not fusion of his’n or her'u mind. How- L. O. O. M. Meets every Frl- sonieever, contribs are welcomed Tillamook. Oregon the ownership and management for­ day at K. of P. Hall. expect them to curry the whole load Tillie’s best efforts will be when oth- mally passes into new hands. The S. A. Brodhead, Sec. ; era help, for Tillie is the puppet of publisher will be The Headlight Pub­ of boosting for the county, for a live, • human minds. W. C. DUEBER progressive, wide-a-wake newspaper lishing Company, Inc., with Leslie « ♦ • • Marathon Lodge Harrison ’business manager, and can do wonders in .the up-building of' Some mayors don't like food no­ ( DENTIST [ the city and county. 93. Knights of Pythias how. That Irish feller MacSwiney Harold IIam«tr«et editor. Tilla*nook Building FRED C. BAKER. was one of ’ em. He resided in Cork Regular meeting Mon­ For the last 22 years F. C. Baker,! (Over Halton’s) 'Pears to me he was a corker, eh? day evening at 7:45 the retiring editor and publisher, has But is seems as how the mayor of sharp. By order of How often have you heard some Tillamook, Oregon controlled and directed the vigorous this city is right p«rt. How come? the Chancellor Com­ one complaining of hard luck—that Doesn't he relish Mac's way of beat­ career of The Headlight. He has The mander. the cards were stacked against them 7 ing the high cost of eating? Headlight up to where it occupies a John q. qarroll, C. C, Dr. A. C. Crank That they were continually fighting When beans were cheap and prunes ‘ Dr. J. E. Shearer prominent position in the county news­ misfortune? That in spite of what were low paper field of Oregon. In the transfer Drs. Shearer and Crank they did Fate kept them down and And meat and spuds and bread and the new management looks forward Johnson Chapter No. 24 butter refused to give them a chance ? That > MEDICINE & SURGERY io a continuation of the prestige and aj the harder they tried the less they Were heaped up high on yer board- R. A. M. National Building , Stated convocation Friday growth of the paper in keeping with seemed to accomplish. jp' house platter the development of the Tillamook Nov. 19. Visitors welcom«. ' Tillamook, Oregon You bear those complaints every And you kicked And grumbled at the caste of yer food counyt. This development is at present, day. Sometimes many times a day. I. E. Keldson, Sec. setting fastest pace, perhaps, of any Did it evef CfcUSfe you to stop and i Oh, boy, you didn't know what ytr yere cornin' to. part of the state. • • • • think“ think that perhaps you are a . r . No promise of the paper's policy 6nS of .those who are complaining? But poor MacSwimery died. And Cornlth Post, No. 35 Dept, of Ore­ can be given. Promises are too cheap. And did you ever wonder where it now prices are cornin' down. Now gon, meets on second and fourth Sat­ It is sufficient to say it will be re­ got you, what good it ever did and aint that ------- urdays of each month, ot 1:30 p. m., • • * * publican, with this modification—that how much it helped you to overcome in the W. O. W. hall. Visitors wel- partnership will not be a directing thought of that, then do. And if you | A lady met me on the street «oma. ‘ tother day. prjnciple. On the other hand there will have, has it helped you to st<• I’m on my way to the undertaker's acumen to a pencil and with the as­ sistance of our Tillamook supporters Knocking is futile unless that parlors.” Sez I reflectively as I watched her continue The Headlight on its journey knocking can be made to hammer in depart, sez I: "Tillamook is a popu­ Effective Sunday, Nov. 14th of disseminating information that will • a nail for making the structure of lar place. Heaven and hell take se­ lead to solution of perplexing pro­ progress more solid. The “ Oregonian ”-—Train Nos. 53 and 54. cond place. Handles day coaches, tourist and standard sleeping cars. • • • • helms. There are many here to be dining car and observation car. She: And what is an extractor? solved. The “ California Express” -Train Nos. 15 and 16. Swiss Watch Industry. He: (Hie) A person who gets a Handles day coaches, tourist and standard sleeping In a survey of the Swiss trade fn jazz from extracts. and dining car. FAREWELL MESSAGE « « • • watches for last year. Trade Commis­ The “Shasta”—Train Nos. 11 and 12. (No excess fare.) It was a surprise to many of our ! sioner H. Lawrence Graves at Zurich I’ve heerd it said this week that new through train. Handles standard sleeping cars only. friends when they were advised that points out that more and more the ex­ chums are biting the hook and line dining car and observation car. The Tillamook Headlight was about to ports of these articles to the United in the Kelchis river for the first i The “San Francisco Express”—Train Nos. 13 and 14. Han­ change hands, brought about by the States are being confined to finished time in history. When I mentioned dies day coaches, tourist and standard sleeping cars and watch movements without the case. the fact to Boyd 1 Mendenhall he fact that two ambitious young men dining car. The value of finished movements, averred with a grin that he bet it wanted to get into the newspaper without cases and of watches com­ —Through standard sleeping car, Portland was the first time. He allows that business in this city, one the son of plete with cases of gold, silver and the feller who caught a chum thus­ to Lo* Angeles, leaves Portland on the Cali- fornia Express arrives Los Angeles 8:15 a. a veteran newspaper man and a grad­ nonprecious metals. Including chro­ ly did It cause this tribe of fish is m. second morning. uate of the school of journalism of the nographs and all watches of fancy de­ so thick in the river that all one has I University of Oregon and the other a sign. amounted to $11.211.051. Of to do is throw a hook in the river California—Warm Sunshine and Flowers native Tillamooker and a son of a tills total the value of the finished and drag it out and then sit dwn movements, without cases, was $8.- and count how many he has. Make the days delightful in the Wintertime. Enjoy former successful dairyman and bank­ 280,72(1. This last figure represents Boyd insisted the fish were so the fragrance of poinsettas, violets, poppies and er of this city. about 83 per cent of the total export» thick in the river that he could walk geraniums, or the joys of outdoor sports and pastimes That, in a few lines, tell the whole of finished movements from Switzer­ across on their backs. We scratch land during 1919. the rest going large­ oudliead on this point however. Travel With Pleasure via the Shasta Route story. • • • • Reduced Rund Trip Tickets are Now on Sale io Southern It is not for us to say whether ly to England, Canada and Japan. Heard in the restaurant: "Oh,, California we properly filled the mission of a Indian Social Festivities. newspaper ma nin Tillamook county, 1 The Indians of Northwest and cen­ Suele, get the dishrag ready. There’s FREE on request, "California for the Tourist.” a new illus- here gurgling his soup." trated booklet graphically describing the different resorts other than to say that we adopted a I tral British Columbia are now In ths a man in * « « « well thought out policy for the Head­ throes of the height of the social sea­ For further particulars inquire of local agents Onct I was told talk was cheap, light, which we thought was the best son. One potlatch scarcely ends be­ But how come, buddy? I was in a for the moral and industrial develop­ fore another starts. The Indians store tother day and a clerk said as JOHN M. SCOTT. General Passenger Agent. ment of the city and county. We are gathered at Morrlcetown a short time how a garrulaus old man came in content to leave it to the judgment of ago In large numbers and gave away i who alleged he hadn’t had anyone to each other all their personal be­ our constiutents whether we fearlessly longings. No one suffered, as each to talk to for so long he just had to honestly lived up to the duties of a liad n suit of clothes to give and find some one to listen tohis chatter. Said as how his tongue had got newspaper man, or fell below what take. Now, the potlatch at I! igwiiget. rusty. Bitt believe me, said 'he In the Hazelton district, is on. The clerk, he surely had found something was required of us. To our many friends in the county Indians liuve foregnthered again. An­ to oil it up for when he gut started other gathering will be held later In we ws.nt to express, our appreciation the north. Considerable business Is he talked like a wind storm for an of their advice, their words of en­ done nt these functions by the white hour. When finally he got winded couragement and the loyal support traders. They meet the trapper In­ lie handed the clerk five dollars. "Thanks." he said and exited. We they gave the Headlight. dians and buy the spring fur catches. spent an hour of our time hunting Before we close it would not be for that man to tell him we had will­ NEWS TO DAIRYMEN out of place for us to relate our first ing ears. Yuh see we are deaf. • * * * Dairymen will bo glad to know that impressions of Tillamook city and its Yuh know the day of execration citizens, and wc will do so as briefly feed Is slowly hilt constantly de­ clining in price. The greatest change for the turkey is fnst arriving. as possible. Well, the event gave an inspira­ When we came into possession of •lately has been in corn which is now tion to our esteemdextemporaneou;' cheaper than, it has been for some fri VS V The Headlight 22 years ago it soon 1 w poetess, Viiltinia Drake Upham. En­ dawned upon us that Tillamook City time. We are expecting within a few titled,"Willie’s Thanksgiving." we was no bed of roses for a newspaper days a car of low grade flour which read what she wrote as follows: (We man who was intent upon doing his oats feed and our heavy chop are tliink Mrs. ITplinm very celever, don’t 1 Wfefll duty. The saloon and gambling ele­ will be sold cheap. Ground barley and yuh?) I z/ We ’ re all a working at our house. in great quantities. This going out ment practically controlled the city. Ma. Mary-Lou and me. The moral conditions of the city was feed is of far greater value when We've raisins, fruits and mill run, and from one to mixed with at a low standard and a hard place to fixed. raise children. There were compara­ two lbs. oil meal per day to the cow. Then pretty soon you'll see (KEROSBNB) Be sure that your cow feed is well tively few persons who attended A puddin' in abig fat bag. HEAT AND LIGHT church, the money sharks, when they ' ground; otherwise it is not worth Aboiling in a pot; loaned $109,000 would demand a bonus much. We will have several cars of And we'll cat it at dinner time. Served up all piping hot. of $25.00, a number of individuals Alsykc Clover Straw arrive in the grew rich by buying county warrants near future at a reasonable price; Ma paid live dollars for a goose; He looked so huge alive. at from 25c to 40c on the dollar, and get your orders in now for straw. But when we got Ids feathers off. Standard Feed Company. 11-lltl and to cap the cilmax we soon dis­ He wasn't big inside. covered that our predecessor a mar­ OPPONENT IS CONGRATULATED I helped ’em pick that nice old bird, ried man with a wife and family, in And Ma. she luffed and said: A good oil heater filled In considering the result of the re­ California was living with another “Why Billy boy, you're such a goose. cent election of a District Attorney, P earl O il adds to the a There's fathers on your head.” married woman next to the Headlight office. Added to this wc wore told I want to congratulate my successful ’Cause feathers they just fly around tiveness of home—makes opponent, and to express my deep And up and down your clothes. that we would be starved out in less home comfort Heat at the t gratitude for the splendid assistance And some get in your ears and than six months. mojtth given me by friends and acquaintances of a match—when and wher These conditions star«! us in the whereby so large a vote was polled But mostly upyour nose. want it No smoke, no odor And motheibsald. "It surely looks, face as we mapped out the future pol­ in my favor. That at the very best. icy for the Headlight under our mana­ P earl O il is refined and The presence of my wife in a hospi­ gement, that policy was just opposite tal at Snlem prevented my coming to This goose is worth two dollars, dear refined by our special pr The fathers cost the rest. ” to the public sentiment prevailing at Tillamook as pinned, but in spite of Aud so she mixed some bread Economical Sold in b that time, and it looked like butting the short time previous to election, .stuff. one’s head against a stone wall to such an excellent showing as was dealers everywhere and I ^Aneef cattle, sheep, hogs, goats and horses, but there will also be an exhibit of dairy products in connection. If local farmers wi«h to take ad van tn ar of the Daily Auction Dale» to enlarge or improve their herds, the First National Bank will lend the necessary co-operation, of course JOHN MORGAN. A.W. BUNN. HBNRY ROGERS DIRECTORS. C. A. R. T. BOAU, M. D. uvaoa «ad Pbymtw I. •. O r Baottac I 4 C. J. EDWARDS , B. C. LAMB, W. J. RIKCHBRS MeGHKR ’ The ft rsi intona ! Bank h