TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, Thunrey. November 11 Society and Club Events , Power of a Noble Purpose.” We in­ novel manner. Guests of the after­ Reformed Church. noon were: Mesdatne3 Riechers, Con- Sunday School at 10 a.m. Public vite you to all of these services. dit, E. W. WaHace, Conover, and worship at 11 o'clock. Subject: Sometimes to be where we ought to Benningholf. Next meeting will be "Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness­ be, requires some planning. May we The gala event of the social season es Against Thy Neighbor." cr suggest that you make your plans at the home of Mrs. Henry Heisel. ed later. Mrs. Beals served hot bis ­ was the formal dinner last evening * • • * "Tongue the Test of True Religion." early in the week to attend public cuits, butter and honey with salads given for 16 members of ths Mystic for the afternoon lunch. Those pres­ ' Singing by the male quartette. Come worship. Strangers in our city ate A successful basket social was giv­ always made welcome. Shrine and their wives at the home ent were Rev. and Mrs. Dark, Mrs. J. en by the Garibaldi school last Sat­ ' and worship with us. W. G. Lienkemper,.pastor. of Noble and Mrs. A. A. Pennington, C. Edwards, Mrs. Geo. Lamb. Mrs. urday. The purpose of the event Mill construction at Garibaldi has for which Mr. and Mrs. Pennington Lloyd Edwards, Mrs. Hewitt. Mrs. was to raise funds for basket United Brethern Church brought in such an influx of resi­ and Mr. and Mrs. S. Vierick were the Cloyd Dawson. Mrs. Alvu Williams, applies and equipment. There i A cordial welcome is extended to dents that all available living space hostesses. After refreshments many Mrs. Fred Beals. Mrs. Helsel. Mrs. about 250 persons present and all to each of the services at the U. has been taken ^nd employes of the Noyes, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Turnbull, ding on the baskets was lively, amusements took place which occu­ B. Church. Sunday School at 10 mill have ben fored to sek a^tiu.io- pied the entire evening. The date Mrs. Paul, Mrs. Goyne, Mrs. Gailey, proceeds netted the school *200. o'clock. Preaching by the pastor at dation^ at Bar Viw. As a resut. the Mrs. Trombley, Mrs. Hoy. Mrs. The feature of the evening's rn- palms at the oasis of Noble Penning­ tertalnment was a jack o' lantern 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Preaching cottages at Bar Clew are filling up :u ton were tastefully decorated in the Crank. also at ellow Fir at 2 P. M., and summer season style. * pa.ade by the school children. With Shrine colors and with many pictutes Pleasant Valley at 3:15 P. M. the lights turned off and carrying suggestive of the order and the tor­ Interest in the Presbyterian guild Subject for Sunday morning ser- Plans for the Oregon W. C. T. U. tures which must be gone through by is reported as growing steadily. Last through the darkness carved pump­ mo.i: "Vital Needs of the Church." farm home drive are nearing com­ every novice who attains the rank of week in spite of the inclement kins with their knife-notched faces Come and worship with us. pletion, and nearly every county in Noble. The weary wanderers were weather a large assembly of women lighted by candies, the procession R. FISHER. Pastor. the state is now organized for 'lie took on the aspect of a ghost walk. supplied with plenty of camel’s milk met at the home of Mrs. Conover actual solicitation of the *125,000. The auctioneer was Al Wadsworth, . and Zent Zem which is greatly ap­ and by the time the assistant host- The drive will be held during the Christian Church preciated by any one who has ever ess, Mrs. Stienbach, finished her who cleverly sold the baskets. Harry week of November 15 to 22. Ac­ A cordial invitation to the public Bitter represented the school board held the rope. quiz, the women had forgotten that cording to C. J. Edwards, chairman to attend all services. Preaching at for the evening and in a short talk The following were guests of the the weather was other than cheery. of Tillamook county, the quota for evening: Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Reedy, On November 16 the won.en meet at outlined the plans for the school for i 11 o'clock and 7:30 P. M. I Bible school at 10 A. M.. We use this county has been fixed at *950. M and Mrs. Morris Schnal, Mr. and the home of Mrs. Gruber, And ivo- the coming year. The hall for the evening war, do­ the graded system,,which will meet That this amount will be quickly M C 0. Dawson. Mr. and Mrs Rol- men who would like to spend a plea- 1 subscribed in the belief of Mr. Ed­ by Mr. Sipprell, clerk of lile your needs. nated lic Watson, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hail ant afternoon and get acquainted i C. E. at 6:30, with a fine bunch wards and members of the county school board. M ■. and Mrs. C. W. Barrlck, Mr. and welcome. The organi­ of young people. Be one of many. campaign committee. Mr . Roy Henkle, Mr. and Mrs. Carl i zation work is now pracitally over. Wednesday at 7:30 Prayer Meet- Haberlach, Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Gil- | The Kill Kare Klub met October The Order Eastern Star Kensi: z bert, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Harrison. 21. Mrs. H. 11. Rosenberg and Mrs. ing. Mrs. Ed Cary of Carlton, came in ton Club met at the Masonic ti p • Ladies Aid on Thursday afternoon. on the stage Monday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Condii, Mr. and I Veuuington were hostesses. R ¡11 last week with Mrs. Gruber and M - HARRY E. TUCKER, Minister. her daughter. M rs. John Nelson. H. T. Botts and : call found nearly all the members Gaylord as hostesses. The women Cough. • present. served and did some needed work I .1 • • The resignation of Mrs. R. C. Joi e Presbyterian Church the Eastern Star, for which the el ■'» Sunday School. 10 A. M. was regretfully accepted. Mrs. Cast, ADMINISTRATRIX N0TICEE delightful 50Û patry was given was organized. There were 35 wc- Morning Worship, 11 A. M. Sub­ .Mrs. Conover and Mrs. Edwards were I CREDITORS on Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Homer men present and several new me.ii- appointed as a committee to suggest ject: "Humanity of God." NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN vson, Mrs. John Groat. Mrs. C. T. hers Joined. The luncheon vis Evening Worship, 7:30 P. M. Sub­ by order of the County Court Clough and Mrs. F. C. Baker, at ¡lie served in the main hall and was el* names to fill the vacancy. The guests for the afternoon were Jcct: "Hypocrites." Church peoplo Tillamook County. Oregon, duly home of the latter. The spacious joyed by all. Mesdanies Crenshaw, Hays, Reichert*, are sometimes accused of being hyp­ 'made and entered, the undersigned rooms were artistically decorat i. Mesdames Hcyd and Henkle w»’l .¡iii, io.-iey. Moulton aud J. H. Ro<- ocrites. Is this accusation true? I Bertha M. Johnson, has been duly the floral decorations being white entertain the club in December. Everybody welcome. i ei.berg. ¡appointed adminlstrix of the est and yellow chrysanthemums, en­ • « • ALLAN A. McREA, Minister. i The programme committee, com- i of Ella J. ¿Shattuck, deceased, i twined with green foliage. The hos­ On Thursday evening. November . ¡»c. ed of .'¡rs. Case and Mrs. Conover, | has qualified as such. tesses proved themselves to be 18, at 8 P. Silver Wave Chapter, I entertained for the afternoon with NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN Lutheran Church charming entertainers and a most ' No. 18. Oreder Eastern Star, will I an excellent paper on "From the Lutheran services at the Seven* h (that all persons having claims pleasant afternoon was participated | give the Floral degree > and Past Did World to tlie New." Daj -\dvent church Sunday, Nov. 14, ' against the said estate must present in by the large number of guests. | Worthy Matron's degree. ■e. This is The hostesses served a delightful at 2:30 P. M. (thcm to the undersigned adminiscra- The honors of the afternoon were ■es have been lunch. i the first time these de You are cordially invited. I trix, together with the proper voueh- Mrs. won by Mrs. George Winslow. The Klub adjourned to meet in given here. All Stars and visiting REV. C. GAHL. ■ ers, on oy before eix months Partridge was the winner of . he Stars are invi cd to hr present. By November wi.ii Mrs. Carl Iiaberlach. 1 this date. consolation prize. The invit d order of th< Worthy Matron. Leila j Nov. 11. 1920. guests were: At The Methodist Chui’ch. Doty, Secretary. BERTHA M. JOHNSON, Sunday School at 10 a.m. You arci Mesdames Aiderman. Anderson, * Administratrix of the Estate Bales, Krebs. O. A. Schultz, J. H. R C. mt uber are going to [j ß # $ ßf [||ß CflUFChCS urged to be present at the opening ‘ Ella J. ¿¿hattuck. Deceased W. irfing service. Rosenberg. Carl Schultz, II. IL Ros­ Bay City, Oregon. At eleven o'clock the pastor will enberg. Robinson, Gruber, Plank, I have a bazaar in the near future. All speak on tht subject "The Un-Shep- S. S. JOHNSON. Franklin. Reedy, Conover, Naus- members are requested to do theit Attorney for Administratrix. herded Multitude." The subject of iinaer. Smith, Hadley, Leonard, I bit toward helping out the cause. Thanksgiving Services. 1 Holmes, Riechers, Partridge. Mor­ I One member said this week: "Those the. evening discourse will be "The 1 1-llt 4 Thanksgiving I nio i Sorvice rison, Poorman, Lamar, Henkle, who were benefited by going cn the follow the usual order and so it Koch, Glaisyer, Hill, Winslow’ Broad­ G. A. R. excursion should get in and be held in the Christian Church head, Kuratli, Case, Campbell ®or- help. Some say we pay our dues, Rev. Allan McRea delivering the roll, Eastman, Small. Hall, Coates, Yes. hut some of us don't get out mon at 7:30 p. nt. The program Haltom, McNair, Hays, Williams, once a year to a meeting and help." appear later. • * * Shearer Steinback, B. C. Lamb, Beltz Harry E. Tucker. Farley, Condit, Turnbull. Boone, The altar society, which war to Hoskins, O. M. Cook. Arenz, Boals, have met at the home of Mrs. Kup- Reformed Congregational Church Stone, Fletcher, Crenshaw, Crank, penbender last week, postponed i’.-l Sunday School 10 a.m. Preachin Lewis, II. Cook. Shearer, Moulton, meeting for a month. service 11 a.m. Subject: Christianity Haberlach, Burge, Gaylord, McGin­ ♦ » » and the Survival of the Fittest.” Not nis, Christensen, Gardner, and Miss Mrs. Geo. Hanselmalr and Mrs. survival of the fittest but redemption Benninghoss . The Ladies Aid of the Methodi ?t Webb McCracken entertained the J. of the lost was the law of life church met last Thursday at the U. G. club yesterday at the home of Jesus. That is the touching beauty home of Mrs. A. G. Beals. The wo­ Mrs. Hanslemain. A delightful af­ the cross. men are planning to give an enter­ ternoon was spent at games and A friendly welcome to all. tainment with eats in the near fu­ needlework after which delicious re­ Rev. Richard Schuetz. ture ,the time and place to b0 decld- freshments were servd in a very H5ESE5clSE5B52K5BSH5H5H525E5HS?5HirH5HSH5H5H5HSH5H5a5HSH5d5 db dÄb dSaraSHS Transfer Wood Gravel Phone 37 Tillamook Transfer Co.li Liberty Temple.'“ The Faithful Nu as well as the skilled phy. sieian knows the value of pure, strong efficacioJ drugs. Of what avail are medical skill and e.xperj.j ence if the chemist fails in his duty by the patient? Realizing our responsibilj. ty we are careful . Tillamook, Orem ALEX. MeJMAlR & CO GENERAL HARDGUARE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere I ! E. E. KOCH G. H. BENNETT & SONS Contractors and Builders All Kinds of Building and Repair Work. Plans and Estimates Furnished, LAMB-SCHRADER CO ADDRESS : BOX 542, TILLAMOOK, OR. rararararararararaszrararararasarararararararararararararararararararara <71 at the high cost of living ( ? ? ? From now until the first of Jami- uary we will give FREE t i I •* with every truck sold 100 gallons of gasoline and one barrel of oil I r $ ■ and with every car sold 5 We will give 50 gallons of gasoline, 5 gallons of oil and a tire and tube 5 All 1 ires at from 20 to 50 per cent Discount STAR GARAGE Chas. F. Pankow 6CCC mileHORSESHOE TIRES form­ erly priced at $24 we are now selling at $17.50. Others in proportion. GASOLINE at 32c; Eastern Oil 25c per quart; Western Oil 15c per quart Sta/ A. Í Cha: Sum W. I A. € W. 1 Tills W. < Chai T. I Mini C. P E J Clan John Nehl F S. W. 1 Bilis M. J