Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 04, 1920, Image 8

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To make Saturday’ a record breaker a$6.Q0 Kingsbury Hat (of latest styles, blocks and colors) free
with any’ Hart, Schaffner A Marx or Griffon suit—and all clo
’v •’
150.00, $55.00 and $60.00 good
165.00 and *70.00 llart, Schaffner and Marx
wool suits-- (including $6.00
suits (includinga $6.00 hat free) at
hat free) at
There is no need to expatiate on these famous all wool clothes
1 Saturday Only
as men who want the best in clothing wear these.
....... Suits, New
Renowned Hart. Schaffner & Marx ami Griffon
models. Form fitting and medium back iiF fancy brown and
grey mixtures.
Late style
Saturday, November 6 th, and following days
begins the second big si.x-day drive of Haltom ’s monster
Economy chances that overshadow even our own unrivalled bargains of the pas;
¿stupendous euent—Greatest in Tillamook county's history
involving $65,000 worth of wanted merchandise
in many instances at less than wholesale price
to you.
Act now—at once before it is too late. Buy now and save!
People are coming from all P^5
This ad tells only in part of the
to buy! buy! buy!
This big Unloading Sale drive to reduce this stock is merrily going on.
No further introduction is nec-
astounding values given.
Virtually everything is being sold at a substantial discount in price
essary as Haltom’s over 18 years of merchandising in Tillamook has made a favorable impression as to quality of goods earned ana
up-to-date business methods with the many hundreds of satisfied customers.
Nov. 6 only.
Women’s celebrated
Mitia Taylor
Monday November 8 only.
9 a. tn.
Commencing at 10 a. m.- Balcony
Anyone making a $5
purchase or over in any department is entitled to one of
these excelllent quality) house dresses at 75c. Splendid pat­
terns- All sizes. No phone or mail orders filled-
Tuesday, November 9, commencing at
9 a. m.
Commencing at
Boys’ Heavy
Bib Overalls
Heavy Crash
Toweling yard
Special purchase procured at a ridiculously
low figure. Space will not permit going in­
to detail. They’re wonders and new arrivals
Women’s line woolen
dresses serge, tricotine
Wednesday, November 10 commencing
at 9 a m.
0. N. T. Spool
Cotton, Only
j vv
$7.50 to $1 ! .00 hat
Anyone making a $2 purchase orover in any section of the
store is entitled to a good shirt at only 39c.
Come in neat
patterns. Displayed under the balcony
No phone mail
orders filled.
200 in group.
$3.25 and $3.50 Outing Flannel
Gowns for women at $1.98
tion of best quality.
All sizes.
Men’ heavy flannel logger shirts $9.65
c....... > in double back and sleeves with water proof interlining.
grev and’olive drab, This includes heavy army wool khaki shirts, too.
Men's $4 Flaiiel Shirts $2.95
one-half price and less
Well made. Colors navy, grey, olive drab
Men's *25 vyool overcoats Silt $1449
Men a work sox Sale pair 10C
Men's $5.(K) heavy werk shirts Salt $3.95
In the lot you’ve 500 yards of Hue quality woolens to select
from at ttiia ridiculously low price consisting of check suitings
fancy plaids and such fashionable weave as tricotine. In width
48 to 56 inches.
This assortment consists of woolen checks jersey, poplin,
noveltv, serge, crepe ami plaids- (mod range of colors to 5« in­
ches wide.. Approximately 900 yards.
Saturday, Nov. ti only. Braud new $8.50j*9.00, *1000 and $11
Wool Coatings choice
per yard
Big assortment
nowned ‘Brighton label which is an indica­
1500 yards of WOOLEN GOODS at
In lot 2 Woolens that were $4 now
selling per yard
Bin asssort men t
Fancy outing flannel gowns bearing the re­
Anyone making a $2 purchase or over in any) section of the
store is entitled upwards to 6 spools of cotton thread at 3c
a spool.
No phone or mail orders filled. Displayed under
There are 400 dozen.
In lot 1 Splendid woolens that formerly
sold at $6 choice the yard
and misses.
Very fashionable medium and lieavgc weight wool coatings in
iVnntedweaves and 8 distinctive pnHerns.
56 inches wide
These cool days suggest a comfortable wearing wrap
Silk sale ceveriig «tire stock
An illustration of what Haltom is doing-—a partial list
*4.39 40-inch heavy georgette yard $1.91
*3.98 40-inch crepe de chine vard $1.91
*3.25 yard wide satins $1.39
*3.25 36-inch taffeta silk oard SI-3’
$1.85 silk poplin 36 inch width yard 91C
to this ad
means money
to you
Ready for
Remember! Every Shoe in Store
on Sale at actually reduced prices
Boys’ dress shpes sizes 6 '-2 to 9 sale $2.49
Sizes 9 to 11 sale price $2.9«
$4,95 values, 11 1-2 to 2, pair $¡<.49
45.95 values, 2 1-2 to 6, pair $4.45
i« * *
Early season
432.50 woolen dresses
Thursday, November 11 only, commencing
at 9 a, tn.
w im
Early f»eason'*50 and $55
suits. Sale:
Supreme Price Slashing
On All Millinery
Huudreds of stunning models that the “Unloading Sale” is in­
strumental in moving rapidly. Suitable styles for both women
r--------------------------- -
Boys’ $1.35 to
$2.00 Shirts at
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- — >
Regular $9, $9.50 and $10 Silk
Petticoats, Sale $5.89.
Announcing a Suit and Diess
Sale Extraordinary!
Anylone making a $2 purchase or over in any department is
entitled to a boy’s heavy and durably made overalls at 35c.
Sizes 4 to 16.
No phone or mail orders filled. Under
Any’one making a $2 purchase or over in any department
is entitled to upwards of 6 yards erf good heavy crash tow
No phone or mail orders
eling at y'ard 5c. Under balcony,
500 yards in lot
<_--------------------------- i-----------------
Boys' m.75 All Loath« Bgh top boots $45
X real boot for the sturdy and strong boy. Lace style and two
buckles at top.
$4.75 to $5.25
House Dresses
----------------------------- —s
Women’s lienvy quality ‘Munaingwear’
$1.50 vests aid puts, ganMit, $1.10
Heavyweight ribbed and fleece lined underwear for discrimi­
nating women who waut 2 and 3 seasons’ wear.
bleached. Vesta come in twoatvlee. crocheted neck and front.
Regular sizes to 44), sale *1.19; out sizes sale $1.29.
Children’s Buster Brown stockings worth He per pair 33c
Children's $2 coveralls unloading sale $1.49