TILLAMOOK headlight , Vont THUR8DAY. NOV. 4 Œtllamnck ìieaùlight CZECH WITH A SCOTCH NAME TOO “SANCTIFIED” FOR HER WHEN BLANKET IS REMOVED DIALECTS MANY AND VARIED SUBSCRIPTION editor of New York Hlae Lidu De­ scended From Rob Roy'S Clansmen. Aunt Lizzie*« Reasons for Leaving Her Spouse, and Why Shs Was Not Grieving. Genesis of the Traveling American May Be Pretty Well Recognized by HI« Speech. per year .$2.00 Russians May Be a Great People Whon the Bolshevik Cloud Has Been Dissipated. The verdict of the voters on Tues­ A survey just completed shows that If Harry Lauder were to read that a Aunt Lizzie, comfortably fnL a wid­ Nobody can tell what a horse looks day can only be construedin oneway | MacGregor was one of the leaders of ow. and nearing middle age. met her like until Ills blanket is taken off. 33 languages are In dally us« In New -—a vote of condemnation for the tTzecno-Slornkinn thought tn America taie In the person of a prosperous ue York, not Including three or four kinds ■Who knows! When this unsprok democratic administration. To those he would doubtless conclude that the gro who owned a plantation and a able bolshevik screen Is removed nsv of English. There Is highbrow Eng­ PACIFIC-1NT. LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION. who have carefully .watched ihe ' printer man had pied the type. Just the good home. Her white friends thought be the Russians will emerge a* a great lish. lowbri^ English aud the R-le.*» trend of public sentiHient the last 1 same It’s a fact that the patronymic <»f she bad done unusually well, and were race. HERE is a enuring event of the utmost interest to Every people has done hard variety, besides the strange. fefBbica- few years was to know that the dem­ | B. C. Gregr. editor of the New York glad. A few short months after the and queer things at rimes. “Girard' ble cockney kind, which glves^W**'er" Tillamook County. At that great show in Portland ocratic party wotfld be hurled frem Robemiau dally. Bias Lidu. Is nothing wedding ceremony, however, she came «rites in rhe Philadelphia Press. sounds the sound of "ol." We say in­ there will not only be exhibited the West's prize power. Two years ago sentiment less than a Czecho-Slovak remnant of to see a family site bml bad once cook Oxford university Is. perhaps, rhe i’ explicable, for we have never seen ex­ dairy and beef cattle, sheep, hogs, goats and horses was very pronounced against Presi-1 I MacGregor. ed for. and when » .<>img member of Intellectual center of rhe earth, ano plained why In certain New York ver- but there will also be an exhibit of dairy products in dent Wilson and the democratric par­ And the answer Is that one of the the group a*ke>i h '« iu > her wealthy ret (Ilford SUS so bentglifed that It I nncttlar third Is “tholil,” bird Is "l»oid" connection. ty, and when the Maine election was editor’s liveliest ancestors was an a<1- spouse. she said: “Law chile. I done burned rf>e b x.ks of John Milton as and curse Is “coIse." If local farri ers wish to take advantngc of the Daily Auction lield a few months ago, with the I venturous Scot of the great Rob Roy’s 'eft that nigger, ll.rii aud me didn’t hhisphemniis. It was Oxford, also Sonietltne. somewhere, that enuncia­ Sales to enlarge or improve their herd», the First National Bank will lend tlie neccesary co-operation, of course. women voting it was foretold what I i clan who found his way to Bohemia get along a-tal." Surprised, the girl which declared during the Revolution tion must have begnu—whether on the was going to happen in other east- [ and stayed there. Bowerv or In Harlem or even In Broad ­ arv war. "that American* n* a |»«> earth was the mat- asked: “What on D1RECTOHS. era states. President Wilson’s ad-. The real Bohemia of New York. ter. Aunt Lizzie? I thought you mar- pie have forfeited ihelr lives and rtieir way nobody seems tn know. Wa* It In JOHN MORGAN. C. J. EPWAKÜS , a colossal 1 E;inistration has been existence In lSi:o? The New York lit­ A.W. BUNK. quite unknown to the pallid Bohentl- rled a flue mail with plenty of money." fortunes In the justice of a state." B. C. LAMB, HENRY ROGERS w. j. ri F chbrs : nf I nns who criticize life from the eleva­ “Had plenty ,u money, all right.” she failure from a business point Now look al rhe other side. In erature of that era does not seem to so C. A. McC.HEE x le w. It demonstrates that a co:-1 tion of a Greenwich village table d’hote. replied. —..... “Warn't but one thing wrong that same war. the czar of Russia re­ indicate. The converse of the boot­ e professor with nothing but | Iles in the Seventies, between Second with him—he was sanctified. You fused to sell 2O.IZZ* soldiers io King blacks and luvenlle street sweepers of t .. ory and ideas to go on cannot avenue and the East river. Since the Know, one of dese here holiness men George to tight against George Wash the mild and Innocuous fiction of those war Its inhabitants cull themselves Us hadn't been married no time hefo' Ington. days reveal almost a Sunday school te a success as a president. before the country can be brought Czechb-Slovaklans. he told me I warn't as good as him And we. here In rhe United States diction. The "colse" has swept over Editor Gregr. whose forefathers for­ Said I was on regene rate. ii.. k to a safe and sane basis, with Den he constantly abuse the Turk, who- kills Manhattan since then. * It came with rhe melting pot and may be part of It. i .iealism now rampant wiped out. got to hand him down a Scotch accent, stopped me film drinking coffee, an Armenian now and then, anti for ■ it is going to take some hard think­ and who wouldn’t know how to say wouldn't let me wear my weddln' get how we killed rhe Indian* for for nil we know. The United States Is ItWre enough ing and anxious time for Mr. Hard­ “Hoot, mon!" either In Scotch or clothes, and said he'd quit me If I three centuries. On one occasion th" coniain a number of dialects and al- ing. What was Wilson's and tin­ Czecho slovak. Is a son of a renowned ever went near one of dese picture zealous Christiana «f New England democratic party’s failure will be Bohemias patriot who served for 50 shows, And you know, honey. I loves ■ail far from Harvard, shut np 7<»' lemlv it does contain them, so that one’s genesis Is pretty welt dlsttn- Harding's and tlie republican par­ years as a parliamentary representa­ my i-offee. my clothes, and when I I’eqiiinot In a modern prison and. a* ty’s success. If the republicans suc­ tive of his people In the legislature of comes to town my picture shows So cooling to John Fiske, all but five were gtllshed bv his speech. We know New England t>v Its “lofflng" laugh and they ceed it will be a long time before the their Austro-Hungarian oppressors. 1 up and quits him." “You don't look burned to death or murdered. know us by our "larflng” one. "Ask” people yill trust the democratic par­ The editor himself Is a profound stu­ sad about it." tlie girl said. “Ain’t So I say that In the next century dent of International affairs and Is snd. honey; ain’t »ad.’ 1 got tne a the Russian rfnd the Turk may nave in some parts of the South Is as flat- ty again. looked upon as a sage hy the 700.000 lawyer and tuk half dat nigger's plan­ around the circle a* fast n* John Bull ipiieil i tir almost as the "a" In "hake.” Approval has been expressed cf Czecho-Slovaklans in America.—New tation way fum him. Guess he wish­ and Uncle Jonathan have in the last while still remaining "osk” iu Massa - cliusetts. the action of the board of directors York Sun. ed w lien I done dat be hadu’t bueu so hundred or two years. Our e plurlbus nnnm language Is of the Chamber of Commerce in turn­ sanctified." truly that kind, and likely to I eeome ing down an advertising scheme to FEWER GOLDEN WEDDINGS FOR AND WHEN LIGHT DAWNED ON HIM more pluribus as the country gror.s help a printing concern in Portland. Colds, Cougns 'OM^ Grippe RASMUSSEN TO STUDY ESKIMO older.—St. Louis Globe-Democrat. We think too many “grafters” have Late Marriagoo and the Divorce Courts Young Man Understood Why the succeeded in this city because they Reduce ths Number of These Danish Explorer's Ambition 1« Said^o Neglected Colds are Dangerous Malden at First Shrank From have managed to get some individual Anniversaries. TOMBS THAT ARE INDIVIDUAL Be to Make Thorough Study of His Warm Embrace. Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first Bneen. or business men to back them. the Northern Race. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours — Relieves Where there are "grafters” there More and more Infrequently with the After the glory of the setting snn It Resting Places of Chinese Ruler« So Grippe in 3 days—Excellent for Headache roust be "suckers,” but the trouble succeeding years do we read of th» ob­ Constructed as to Reveal Char­ The remarkable studies carried out Quinine in this form does not affect the head—Cascara is best Tonic is so few business men realize too servance of the golden wedding anni­ by the Danish explorer. Knud Rasmus­ was dark. The man felt nfrnld as he i acter of Occupant*. Laxative—No Opiate in Hill's. late that they have been imposed np- versary. Memory recalls the time when sen. among the Greenland Eskimos stumbled on after his companion who. pon. Numbers of persons come such celebrations were of frequent oc­ are described by W. E. Ekhlaw In the woman-like, went straight ahead, re­ At the Tung Ling, or Eastern Tombs gardless of all obstacles. . with the idea that Tillamook currence; when the sons and daugh­ Geographical Review. Rasmussen, Angry murmurs from the unseen of the Manchus. nature has worked rich city and country, with a ters, grandchildren and often great­ who Is port Eskimo himself, was born trampled on hand In hand with man to produce a plus of money floating around, grandchildren gathered to honor and snd trained tn languages am) eih- people whose toe* they wash of a harmonious whole, writes Roy Chf.p- followed them like rhe they come here with the idea of felicitate those who had shared the uology at the University of Copen­ no heed ; tn utan Andrews In Asia Magazine. Most steamer. Bio she paid rying away some of the shekels. An joys and sorrows of two-score-ten hagen. To jump int” a big beautiful him fell the duty of muttering apolo­ of the tree* about the tombs have outside concern came here a few years and Invoke heaven's blessing white, porcelain bathtub like ' been planted, but they have been so It is hfs ambition to make a thor­ gies. weeks ago with a plausible business upon them as they continued hand In ough 'tndy of the whole Eskimo race, Ibis and disport yourself. All! Just ns despair was seizing him he cleverly chosen and placed that they proposition to invest money, but up­ hand the Journey toward life's sunset. front "astern Greenland to Siberia, and saw her straight ahead, She had oh look ns If thev Pad grown itisi wheiv the hot water you want—and This infrequency may be due in a he Ims already visited every Eskimo on investigation it was found that in natures «chetile of tlilngs. they rained s sent. And Investigation show then a bracing cold shower. It’s they promised to sell stock bearing measure to the present custom of mar­ settlement In Greenland. It is said erf that the one next to hers was ought to he There is nothing giur­ great for your health! Let us from 15 to 20 per cent interest. Ri­ rying at n later age than wn* the rule ’ha* he knows every Greenland Eski­ empty. Imo It he sank thankfully lugly artlfici.-»l ia thè appearaoce of instill one for you. We are diculous! But the advertising stunt several generations ago and ’<» th« fit t mo personally. Mr Ekblaw believes The picture was one of love am! brav­ I lie park modern plumbers to cleanly is the one that gets the business that we of the present semi to fall It *afe to say that no one else has ery, with rhe usual fair heroine and Although rite ■ tombs are alike In gen- i folks roan, who will advertise in some out­ earlier under the hand of the grim ever come Into such direct contact handsome hero and beetle-browed vil­ era I plan, they are at the same t'.’oe side advertising scheme. We affir a reaper than did our sturdier ancestors. with a whole people as hb has were t*he emperors i lain.' As they watched he slipped no n« Individual as there is no better advertising med­ But to the divorce evil may be accred­ l.ate in 1919 he returned from h arm around her slender waist and themselves. En«-h is a suh’le expres- ium in Tillamook county than The I ited the greater |wirt of the blame. The visit to Amnm-sallk. on the east <-oasi s.on of the lgned has been appointed admln- come. t peraUon for appendicitis at the National Bldg. • d fres W fe T.. K. Sales. Mrh i ¡»tra’or of the rotate of John _____ •nd to th* Needy. IT. W Conimandsr Laraea. TILLAMOOK. ORHGON Boala hospital Wadnesday. R«v. V.ary T. Cilsk. ¡deceased, by Hie County Court of *ke le Or»¿OB. ■amwal Dew««. Adjt TheHrst National Bank Kill That Cold With CASCARA QUININE ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT Bayocean Sheet Metal Works. GEORGE BURCHARD. Help Furnished Free PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. News of the Lodges Unto Others”