THURSDAY, NOV. 4. 1920 For Sale: Vaughn dragsaw, with clutch, almost new. Also new ones. E. G. Krebs. Listen ! Have you an old piano von A want to sell? I will pay the top price—cash! Or, possibly you are thinking of trading it in on a new one or a Player. Write or phone and I’ll be around to see you. Le­ land B. Erwin. The Plano Man. TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, When in need of something electric For Sale: All the city property I have ! Cabbage just call on the Sunset Electric. in Tillamook, including my heme as well as my new Duplex house at No. 10 and 12, Seventh St., East. These properties are splendidly loc- ated, both on pav»,. streets. J. Smith. For sale : good steel rang", also organ, Call Frank Nelson. Let the Sunset Electric wire your home and save you money. to Dr. Wise will be at his Cloverdale of­ 206-3rd St., For Sale: Harley Davison. 3 speed, electrical equipped motor cycle. $200—$50 down, balance easy earth, 60 lb. cau, 18c. per lb., 10 terms to responsible party. Apply lb. can 19c. per lb. light amber a at No. 4 Corner 12th St. and Still­ blend 17 and 18c. per ib. Amber. well Ave. 15 and 16c. per Ib. These prices at I shipping point. Pool with yoqr Wanted: a good, stéady. gentlemanly saleman to handle a Ward’s wagon neighbors and order a big can two in Tillamook county. No exper­ in a case. Cash with ordeti prompt ience needed. For full particulars shipment. Reference, National write promptly to Dr. Ward’s Med­ Bank of Hermiston. Chas Kaiser. ical Company. Winona, Minnesota. Hermiston, Oregon. 11-4 Established 1856. 11-11 ing machines, almost new, Singai Agency opposite P. O. Go to the Sunset Eelectric for Nation­ Ford, For Sale, reasonable, has body al Mazda lamps. John They give better light. that will hold 8 milk cans, has just Lost: a college pin with the letter«, been overhauled, a dandy truck fur S. D. S. C. in gold on black back a dairyman. See Geo. Hoskins, 2 ground. Finder please leave at Till­ miles north of town. 11-4 I amook Drug Store. Reward. Dr. Wise—Dentist. Dr.’s Allen and Sharp. Dentists. National Building. They relieve much suffering 4> dentist, I. 0. 0. F. Dr. J. B. Bldg, Tillamook. Oregon. Dr. Wise will be at his Bay City of­ fice on Wednesdays Pilled with hot water and applied to the side, head, feet, back, or wher­ ever there is pain, brings quick relief. are made by experienced workmen in one of the best equipped factories in the world, Each piece is tested before it leaves the factory, We guarantee Kantleek Rubber Goods to give satisfactory wear and service for 2 clears. auto drivers 12 head of young stock. Island of Bermuda Colonized Eight Year« Before the Mayflower. Sailed From England. The Island of Bermuda was discov­ ered In 1515 b< n Spaniard. Juan tie Bermudez. Nearly 100 years later an English vessel with Virginia colonists wit« shipwrecked on the Island, which had been known ns the Isle of Devils because of the terrific storms on its Ad- coast, and had been shunned, mlral Sir George Somers. lending the Virginians, died, His body was taken back to England, where the colonists told the wonders of the island. The Virginia company deteAuined to colo- nize the islands, and hail Its charter amended to Include islands within 3 As a result. 50 leagues of Virginia colonists were sent out tn 1612. eight vears before the Mayflower sailed. Later the Virginians sold their rights to a Bermuda company, which so sub­ verted tlie Inhabltnn’s that they formed a parliament and fought fog their rights. Three branches of govern­ ment were devised. Regulations were most severe, anil penalties were of the most extreme nature. thewater C. I. CLOUGH CO THE REXALL STORE, Orego«, CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING Mutual Phone UNLOADS By staging a Big Cash Reduction Sale. Money and More Money is the demand COMMENCING ON MONDAY NOV. sth WE WILL CUT THE PROFITS ENTIRELY OFF BLANKETS, COMFORTERS, QUILTS, BED SPREADS, PILLOWS ETC., AND MAKE A SHARP CUT ON FURNITURE STOVES, RANGES, OIL HEATERS, DISH­ ES, CROCKERY, GLASS WARE AN DALL OTHER LINES IN STOCK—SALE TO RUN SIX DAYS ONLY. 4 I COMFORTERS $2.75 $3.60 $4.25 $4.85 $6.00 $7.50 $1.50 12.50 $4.00 $6 00 $8.00 COMORTERS.......... ’. . COMFORTERS ...... COMFORTERS ............ COMFORTERS ............ COMFORTERS ............ COMFORTERS ______ PILIXJW8 PILLOWS PILLOWS PILLOWS PILLOWS RUGS. $1.65 15 PCT OFF ON ROOM SIZE AND AXMINSTER. $2.75 PCT OFF ON ROOM SIZE 20 13.35 DEITOX GRASS RUGS $3.50 $4 25 VILLA RICE STRAW RUGS $5.75 ' CROCKERY PILLOWS ••• $1.25 .2.00 • ■ •' I 3.00 ■ • - 1 4.50 -116 50 VELVET 30c. CUPS AND SAUCERS......................25c 35c. CUPS AND SAUCERS...................... 25c. Vc. PLATES 25c. 32c.................................................................... PLATES . ....... 30c DISCOUNT ON GOLD BA?iD AND WHITE WARE DSHES. NOTE—DURING OUR FOUR YEAR BUSINESS CAREER WE HAVE EXTEND­ ED CREDIT TO ALL. WE HAVE ENDEAVORED TO GIVE YOU VALUE RECEIVED IN ALL BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS. THIS SALE AFFORDS YOU THE OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW YOUR APPRECIATION WITH YOUR DOLLARS. THANKING YOU IN ADVANCE WE ARE YOURS TRULY HARRIS furniture company That of Heart Far Outranks th* Writ­ ten Word In th« Making I of Friend«. Foundations for tlie central struc­ ture of the present eepltnl in Washing tun were finished on August 24. 1818 The old cnpltol bad only two wings connected by a covered wooden bridge which was destroyed and tlie wings damaged by the British, who set tire to the building in 1814. Three years In­ ter congress voted to remove the wuigs and build the uew central structure, which with Its douie was completed in 1829. • The two great marble extension wings In which the senate and house of representatives meet were begun In 1851 and completed for occupancy In 1859? The old dotue. made of wood and brick, was torn away In 1855. and rhe present dome completed In 1864. The great statue of the goddess of freedom, which rests upon the dome, was designed by i'homas Crawford, father of Marlon Crawford, novelist. Charles Bultinch of Boston wus the architect of the original central struc­ ture and Thomas U. Walter designed the marble extensions and the present dome. He was a Philadelphian. The total cost of the present Capitol was about $16.0041.'ss>. and It has been pronounced by architectural authori­ ties. both In America and Europe, to be tlie greatest and uoblest building In tlie world.—Chicago Journal. There Is one language of tbe fnngn» and another of the heart, anil tbe oud is tlie more Important. Tlie ihiiigk- hov In France often found himself nrv- able to exchange word«—beymnl iiier briefest greeting or the expresalon of the elemental needs of life—with ihoee among whom be came, from » far. strange land. But ucUvu« were tenner and more Intelligible than speech, The people knew from his kindly tace and his outlield hand that they had nothing to fear from tills A literteat; soldier. He on me not to steal or de- stroy; he came to help and to play the pnrt of a frleud. The traveler In a land held by «ay- ages Is under a constant su rvelllance. The aboriginal folk are wondering _ whether he Is tbe advance agent of a grent many more, who are coming to take what through the ages hns be­ longed to them and to their forbears. He Is on trial, and the burden of proof rests with him. If he goe» with the modest, courteous, consider­ ate demeanor of a Fambee traveling through Amazonia, he has nothing to fear—for he has done nothing to cre- nte fear. When Stanley went to Af­ rica or Roosevelt traversed South America or Kinglake made his Jour­ ney In the East, each of these voya*> era encountered unfamiliar tongues;, but there are always ways In which one human being makes himself tm- derstood by another, no mutter how distant the points from which they came. Class fled Ads. right; satisfaction guaranteed. ll-18pd. For Sale 12 head of young stock Also 6 tons of hay. Wm. Stuivenga. ll-18pd. Send your orders to Wm. Stuiven­ ga for parsnips in sack lots. ll-18p Singer Agency—opposite Postoffice. Pianos and tuning. All work guar­ anteed H F. Cook 131 W. il l If Two boys with bicycles to peddle pa­ pers. Apply al Palm Confectionery. For Sale—12 head of good work horses, wagon and harness. Inquire room 126, Tillamook Hotel. 11-4 Almost new seven drawer $112.00 Singer Sewing machine for saie Terms if delivered. Phone 131 W. Wanted—typewriter, must be in good condition. Write box 283, Til­ lamook, Oregon. Lost—White crocheted scarf. $6.50 $5.75 $5.50 $6.75 Capitol at Washington Recognized As th« Fme«t and Noblest Building on the Earth. Osteopath Aiso 6 ton of hay. Wm. Stuivenga. Room 110-1. O. O. F. Bldg., Tilla­ 11-4 mook. Mutual phone, Bell phone Won His Honors Worthily. 146-M. Now is the time to order your cab­ Fljst Sergeant Dnn Daly, undoubt­ bage for krout. In 2 or 3 weeks the edly the best-known man in all the price will go up. Win. Stuivenga. services, with the exception of Ser­ Send your orders to Wm. Stuivenga for parsnips in sack lots. . .11-4 11-4 geant York of Argonne fame, has been placed on the Inactive list of the Ma­ rine corps reserve. Daly won two medals of honor for valor in the Boxer •<>• KNOWS NOW HOW IT FEELS rdtiellion and in the capture of Fort Riviere, in Haiti, and is said to be the only man in all the services who holds Dentist, Given Emergency Toothache Treatment, Dreads Further Ordeal two medals of honor. In the world ef a Session In the Chair. war his feats of exceptional bravery won for him the tnedallle milltalre and A haggard-faced man rushed Into the croix da guerre from France and the distinguished service cross from the Park Emergency hospital shortly General Pershing, His passing from after 3 o’clock a few mornings ago. the active list to accept a position "For the love of mud will you give with a prominent banking house in me something to stop a raving tooth­ New York removes from the murines ache? It’s had me up all night, and their most picturesque of the old I I’ve tried everything." he moaned to school soldiers. the steward In attendance. The steward made the pain-ridden i patient comfortable In a chair and Artificial Wool Not Muoh Good. Widespread interest having been then applied soothing remedies to the taken in a new artificial wool, an ex­ offending molar. “Why. the pain’s gons,” tbe patient haustive investigation into the prop­ erties and merits of the fiber has been exclaimed after a while. “Well, that tooth won’t bother you made by Prof. Eber Midgley, head of the department of textile Industries of any more for a while, but you had bet­ the Bradford Technical college, and ter see a dentist in tbe morning," said United State« Consul A. S. Ingram of the steward. “Guess TH have to,” said the patient Bradford, summarizes his conclusions gloomily. about as fellows: “Everybody hates to go to a dentist.” The new fiber is unsuitable for u«e In spinning yarn on the worsted prin­ remarked the steward. “WUl you give ciple. It being lacking In uniformity of me your name for our records?” “Yes." said the patient “I am Dr. diameter, strength and elasticity. When blended «"1th pure wool the re­ A. Karageorgs.” “Are you a physician?” asked the sult Is an uneven yarn. steward. “No. I’m a dentist.” smiled the pa- Subduing the Hookworm. dent ”1 have enred scores and scores Efforts of the campaign against the of aching teeth, hut this one of mine hookworm in Jamaica conducted by aure uunerved me. Guess I’ll have to the government and an expert for the go to a dentist In the morning. Gee, I Rockefeller foundation already are hate to”—San Francisco Chronicle. In Vere, one of the largest felt, sugar centers of the colony, the la- Hearing of Butterflies. borers now work six days a week, The hearing of certain butterflies, they were able to whereas formerly work only three, On account of the moths and the spiders has been a their Improved physical condition subject of much study by F. Eggers, large numbers of the workers are whose results have been reported In a Berlin zoological annual. The seat leaving Jamaica to work In the cans of hearing is found to he the “tym­ fields In Cuba. panal organ" of the last ring of the thorax. The air-filled vesicle or ••Dead Men’s Club." bladder of this organ adjoins two very The formation of n Dead Men’s club thin spots In the external chitin, and out of the 2.000 ex-service men who. one of these Is the tree drumhead, while living, are officially listed as connected with a nerve strand having killed In action Is a probability, It wits two sensory cells, while the other, the learned at nntlonnl headquarters of so-called opposite drumhend. seem« the American legion. Wlllfnm Wart to serve as a sounding board to re­ of Akron, O.. one of the "casualties." enforce vibrations. Experiments with who was gassed and left on the fleld crickets have shown that the «dilrplng In Picardy, has suggested the forma­ of the male Is heard only by females tion of suck an organization. having the tympanal organ Intact. The organ of the butterflies, which Is more sensitive, cannot he tested In the same way, but response has been had to very high, shrill tones, such as that Now is the time to order your cab­ made hy rubbing a cork against a wet bage for kraut.. In 2 or 3 weeks the glass, and In one species to a clutter­ price will go up. Wm. Stuivenga. ing sound made by the wings of the ll-18pd. male. Butterflies flying hy tlnv seem Beef for canning, grain fed. Send to hnve hearing organs more generally your ordersto Wm. Stuivenga. Prices than those that are active at night. Hams Furniture Company blankets . LANGUAGE SPOKEN BY ALL WILLIAMS GARAGE I.O.O.F. BUILDING $8.50 WOOLNAP BLANKETS . . . $8.25 WOOLNAP BLANKETS . . $7 90 WOOLNAP BLANKETS ... $8.50 SUB WOOL BLANKETS . $7.90 SUB WOOL BLANKETS .. $9.00 ESMOND BLANKETS $2.75 ESMOND CRIB BLANKETS $6.00 COTTON BLANKETS BLANKETS . $5.75 COTTON $5.50 COTTON BLANKETS . . $5,25 COTTON BLANKETS «.. $4.00 COTTON BLANKETS .. .,. HAS ADMIRATION OF WORLD 15 PER CENT TRADE DISCOUNT^ ON ALL TIRES now in stock, our tires are all Standard makes and are fully guaranteed by the man- ufacturers. Come in and investi- gate our price before buying else were GET IT AT A. F. WALLACE and A BRITISH POSSESSION In order to make room for our incoming’ stock we are offering bottle that does not leak. Tillamook City truck wages 8150, investment of $500 re­ quired. Also want agent for Tilla­ mook under same conditions. Write or call. 325 Glison St.. Portland. Or. Your Transporation Lines Inc. 11-18 UUI4G II Kantleek Rubber Goods Insure Comfort by |u»in£ Kantleek. F-26. Wanted: Fo" srie: Dr. Ramsey 'Hot Water Bottles at reasonable 1 Henderson, Tillamook, Oregon. fice Wednesday and Thursday. Big reductions in Millineiy at Mi« For Sale, two latest styls White sew­ Patterson's. All tailored and feath- “ er trimmed hats greatly reduced. Many soft off the face models it $5.00. n-4 loan—Enquire of for krout I prices at C. O. & C. M. Dawson'.«. | I If iu need of glasses see A. H. Harris. ' Registered optician, at R. W. Ben­ 1 nett’s Jewelry store Tuesday and Saturdays until further notice. Will make dates any time. Phone 143-J. PAGE THREE Possi­ bly In Tillamook or between Tilla­ mook and Chance place on Trask river. Finder leave at Tillamook hotel. 11-4 tl. Shingles for Sale—All orders deliver­ ed free. Write W. H. Sales, Mohler, Or. 11- 4t 3m. Woman with child wants light house­ work. R 1. Box 39, Tillamook, The Wiley B. Allen Co. have thou­ sands of satisfied piano customers here on the coast. Established over 47 years ago with this motto: "Your money’s worth, or your I money back." Write for catalogue and monthly payment plan. Leland B Erwin "The Piano man,” Tilla­ mook. Ore. 11-4 ti The Hun never change» We rend Irr well-informed magazines everywhere that Germany, unlike any other natio» participating In the great war, refuse* to forget the war. While In Aine»»- Ica. tn Britain. In France and Italy» the chief desire Is to turn full atteo- tlon to the things of peace and to bio* out war memories. In Hunland th« coo- verse is true, declares the America»' Legion Weekly. The astounding sale of books dealing with military phases of the war and the military lessons taught by tbs war continues throughout Germany. Gets- mans, old and young, are reading what Von Hindenburg and Von Kluek and Von Sanders think of even tbe mi­ nutest details of strategy and tsctlca. Clubs have been formed for the study of military questions, and newspaper« are full of articles explaining just why Germany failed, and jnst how she could have done better. Some stupid persons wonder If this does not mean “.lust how she can do better next time I” “One would expect the reverse look for a national revulsion of feeling on the part of beaten Germany leading them to abjure wnr talk and turn their thoughts elsewhere. But Helnle can neither learn nor forget. Prudence^ not pessimism. Is the origin of an In­ tense conviction that our sons will some dn.v have to combat the same old Teuton mrfiace. Teach Value of Food«. The first laboratory for working out household food problems wns Installed tn Teachers’ college. New York city, a little more thnn ten years ago. says an exchange. The development of acK once has been extraordinary, the cur­ rent Ideas of the actual value of food in common use have been revolution­ ized by tlie work In these laboratories!. When th" war came, the government accepted w’thout question the result» of these Investigations and the ra­ tions of American soldier» in Fraar«- were fixed upon them. One of the most Interesting fea­ tures of the laboratory Is a complete fiat. Including kitchen, dining room, bedroom and bath. Students are se­ lected who need such kinds of food and experimented upon for weeks at a time. In this way. many problems of ihe nt most Importance were solved. Fur» From New South Wale«. Ths Whltewashsrs. Representative Frear was talkinc An important export trade In fur ■bout a committee with a notorious «kins Is being developed in the stare record tor whitewashing. I of New South Wules. says Consul Ed­ "That committee.” he said, “ought ward J. Norton. Sydney, Australia, as to go out to Los Angeles and start instanced by the fact that varlons fur up in tlie moving picture business. I skins to the amount of 2312.462 They'd certainly have a grand sue- oounds. valued at $7.000000, were ea- ces«." ported from Sydney during the «ta “Why?” asked the puszled report- •nontli (terlod etuled January 30. HO» •r. Why do you ray that congres* excluding rabbit skins, which consti­ man?’ tute a big Item of export from Syd­ “Tt stands to reason they’d have ney. Fox skins are largely exported a grand sure««««” answered Mr. Frear. and the foreign demand for kangaroos "Look how beautifully they screened opossum, wnllahy aud wombat «kina D»«h last month.” Is steadily Increasing. Long onv*.. ’•There is one thing which that young lawyer fellow of Elia's ought tv be proficient In when he ’.‘••’•-rs to practice.” "What Is that?’ "The art of securing a atay."—Bal­ timore American. Try Heidlight Classified Ads. Lost: a Gent’s black gauntlet driving glove. Monday night somewhere on the streets. Finder please re­ turn to Ralph Himes at Dawson’s j store. I Nation Continue« to Dream of Vletorv- ou« War, In th« Face of In- glorlous Defeat. Snap« Eruption Ten Yards Away. An unnerving but fruitful Incident Making Wood Fire-Resisting. occurred recently hs tlie volcnno of Keeping wood wet. Infecting certain Kilauea. II. 1.. described as the most continuously active in the world, was chemicals. and coating with suitable being examined by scientists of the paints, are the three methods of u>- crenslng resistance to fire that have Hawaiian Voli mio Hi scardi assoda flop. At tlie climax of this expedi­ been tested at the United States f<>r»-«1 products ill born lory. Though not tlie tlon they ted determined to photo most effective, painting Is the chenp- graph a towering crag of soll0 gross of them. Wetmore Sb! They're spirit H np > mometors. Every one Is filled with • per wot alcuhui.