TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, THURSDAY, NOV. 4. another pailful. He walked to the from the story of Lncial Chamber- Harry Hogan Satisfied Users of the Detroit Vapor A. Whitcomb, Mr.. R. Chileott/x^ same spot on the beach where he had lain in the Saturday Evening Post M. Hughes • • Oil Store. Lawrence Moulton, Mrs. p, jj G ara found the coast guard on the prev­ i and which is announced as the feat­ Mrs. Claude Ackley Sold by Mrs. C. Holmes at Smithy’s 1 ner, Mrs. H. >’. Wait. Zelphl. ious afternoon. The tide was out and ure attraction at the Gem Theatre The member« of the Loyal Daugh­ Variety Store. Oran Williams ftie farmer was astonished to find ’ tor Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Robert Coleman. Miss m ter« Class of the Christian Church Mrs. L. V. Erwin. Mr«. T. C. Percy. ’ La Follett. Miss Lillian SeverlX’ that the sea had receded for a couple Homer Mason The photodrania features the nt- Sunday School gave a party at the Mr«. Burr Beals, Mrs. Harvey Ebin- Mr.. O. M Cook. Mrs. Dr. I. M. s"*’ of hundred feet. The coast guard ap­ | tempts of a beautiful adventures« io Leslie Barber church Thursday night, which was ger, Miss Theresa Gaylord, Mrs. O. S. j Mr«. Style««, Mr«. Norman Christ-,, R. M. Savage peared in the nick of time. “I guess blackmail a wealthy young man in­ well attended by the young people ■ I’ll take another pall of sea water," to marrying her but when success it would expedite the handling of Wilkes. Mr. John Plasker, Mrs. P. J. I sen. Mrs. Elsie Vidito. Mrs. Webster of the church and the school. Games said the fanner. "I’ll get It for you,” ■ seems assured love upsets the plot the Fair Board business if the own- ; ' Worrell, Tillamook Hotel, Mr. John , Holmes, all of Tillamook; Mrs w were played In the Christian Endeav­ iClent King, of Beaver, and Mrs Wit I_________ _______ __ Preabyterian Church.____ , replied the coast guard, and he did , and with the aid of a brilliant young er« of these checks would call as soon Patterson. Louvre Restaurant, 'ci Mrs. or room, which was decorated in R i-i Gm Dr. Shearer. Mrs. F. A. Beltz, Mrs. T L. I t unn son, of Brighton. so. "How much?” asked the farmer. lawyer an entirely different turn is as possible and get them. Sunday School 10 a m. yellow and black, witches and cat« Morning worship, 11 a.m. Subject, | "A quarter if you can spare It,” was given the carefully laid plans of the of jaiper decorated the walls. In the ■f the. reply. The coin changed hands. band of underworld confederates. class rooms were weird, mysterious "The Christ of Experience. Evening worship. 7:30 p.m. Sub­ On his way back to the house the Viola Dana is starred in the role of witches dens where the guests were farmer ruminated. His sister was Flossie Golden, the daughter of a initiated into the mysteries of being ject: "The Great Cloud of Witnesses' An important business meeting I standing in the doorway. crook, and her supporting cast in- a witch.and there were ghosts, for­ “Say, Mary,” he exclaimed, point­ ' eludes Wyndham Standing, Alfred tune tellers. Refreshments consisting will be held on W’ednesday October, ing to the coast guard, "that man Allen, Florence Turner, Edward of doughnuts, cider and apples were 13, at 7:30 p.m., to which the mem­ must do a hell of a business.” bers of the church and congregation i Cecil, Lydia Knott. Jack Roi and ■served, and everyone had a most en­ are urged to be present. Fred Kelsey. A. L. LeVino is respon­ joyable time In the engineering of a telephone plant—switchboards, conduits, Everybody always welcome. sible for the scenario and the picture • • • cables, pole lines and general mechanical equipment—we have always Gem Theatre Program. Allan A. McRea, Minister. was directed by Dallas M. Fitzgerald '¡"he first social event of the high Friday-Saturday. Nov. a-6- -"Black­ John Arnold was cameraman. The tried to anticipate the growth of a community and provide therefor by school season was last Friday even­ mail" featuring Viola Dana. special art interiors were arranged advance construction This course has enabled us to more promptly ing when the sophomore and senior "Pollard Comedy.” by A. R. Mantz. c? ises gave the freshmen and junior HAD FUN WITH CONDUCTOR Sunday Nov. 7—"Ruling Passions," comply with requirements for service with better construction and at a < asset gave a costume Hallowe'en All star cast, t- ultimate expense less than that involved in waiting to meet demands as Fit Man Proved to Him That There ty at the gymnasium. The hall "His Wife’s Caller," Sunshine Call for Fair Checks. they arise. Were Others Wtth a Keen j decorated in yellow and black. Comedy.” C. A. McGhee, treasurer of the Scree of Humor. Tuesday, Nov. 8—“The Blue Bon-, \nches of autumn leaves were tied County Fair Board, has quite a num­ In the war period we were unable to maintain this reserve plant, as net” featuring Billie Rhodes. 11 d at the windows and black cats, ber of checks still in his possessiun I On an outbound trip the other af­ the very things we needed for telephone purposes were reqired and Two reel comedy. owls and bats were seen about the which have been drawn for prem­ room. The refreshments served were ternoon the “whistling motormno" of Tuesday, Nov 9—“The Mollycoddle," necssarily taken for government purposes. The demand for telephone iums etc., and which remain uncall ­ featuring Douglas Fairbanks. sandwiches, doughnuts, apples and the east Washington line hud lulled service did n|^ decrease &nd our reserve facilities were practically ab­ for. The list follows: ed his passengers into a pleasant semt- "Pathe Review." cider. The main feature of the even­ S. B. Nunn consclousness with the drowsy mo- sorbed in meeting it. Wednesday, Nov. 10—“The Cup of ing was the “skits” presented by the P. E. Richler notony of hts Siberian waltz. He Fury”, featuring all star casi entertaining classes. LaVelle Baker trilled a pretty flourish. died gently As every business man knows, the problems of reconstruction fol­ • • • taken from the book of the same Mrs. T. H. Goyne. name by Rupert Hughes. Mrs. Mabie Folks invited the ladles Into silence and glanced hack at bis lowing the war have been acute and prolonged to an entirely unexpected Pearl Anderson “Bray Pictograph.” class of the Methodist Sunday Scho >1 sour-faced compatriot on tlie rear degree. Unusual conditions are prevalent throughout the entire manu­ G. W. Hammond platform. Thursday, Nov. 11—"The New York to a perfectly appointed dinner Mrs. Joe Rosech “ Ornamental! Ornamental! ” song facturing, mercantile and social world. The ' telephone industry has Idea. ” featuring Alice Brady. car ­ Thursday. Singing and sewing Gertrude Ingram "Hunted Spooks” two reel Harold had to meet all the difficulties and pet rags was the order of the ray. the conductor. The passengers awoke handicaps of retarded production, Mrs. A. J. Anderson Lloyd Comedy. Those present wer Rev. and Mrs. with a start, craned their necks for distribution and transportation. Barbara Neiger bearings ami then giggled in unison A real fight in which the only Dark. Mrs. Beals, Mrs. Goyne, Mrs. Adam Schmelzer Turnbull, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. . .till- as the ear stopped at Oriental street weapons used are bare knuckles, This advertisement is not meant to be one of apology, but one of ex. Mrs. P. Bushlac to allow a nicely-dressed and indig ­ adds to the many thrills included in well, Mrs. Noyes. Mrs Olson. Mrs. Mrs. Albert Marolf planation and even accomplishment, In the face of an unprecedented nant young mo to alight. Immedi­ "The Mollycoddle”,, offered by Paul, Mrs. C. L. Edwards, Mrs Ginn, Mrs. Pearl Burton demand for telephone service in the last few months, hampered by Mr». Harry Johnson. Mrs. Huston i ' i ately a fluffy young thing rang for • Douglas Fairbanks, which will be Werner Abplanalp stop at Arsenal avenue. shown at the Gem Theatre on Tues­ and Mrs. McEwln. the exhaustion of our reserve plant and difficulty in securing materials, L. S. Hushbeck “Arsenic! Arsenic!” sang the con- day November 9, 4 • ♦ j. C. Pangborn we have added more telephones thus far this year in the State of ductor. During his career as a screen star 'The home of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine , E. L. Lyster And again the passengers tittered, Douglas Fairbanks has had many Oregon than in any similar period of telephone history. Hayes was the scene of an old fash­ J. E. Reedy The motormnn here cut In with a "battles” of a more or less spectacu-, ioned Hallowe’en party Saturday Mrs. A. J. Anderson lively strain from "Lohengrin' that lar nature. In some cases he has just I In the State of Oregon, in the eight months ending August 31, we night at which all the guests had a | Mrs. I ,H. Moore held all engaged until a sweltering the “villian” to handle and In others | have added 6863 telephones. In the eight months ending July 31, 1917 very enjoyable time, forgetting they Mrs. H. H. Rosenberg ■* fat man In the front of the car called he has even gone so far as to "beat were grown ups and acting like boys — before the war—we gained 2655 telephones. Mrs. E. Bales back to the rear: up” an entire gang. Without excep- and girls again. Mary Powers “Say, conductor, will you let me off tion al lprevious fights Indulged in About twenty were present, the 1 at Whetstone?” In the State of Oregon we have approximately 2600 unfitted applica­ Sidney Hart by the athletic star have been re- women wearing fancy costumes and Wm. Stuivenga tions for telephone service. A similar situation exists all over the "Whetstone? Whetstone?" was the hearsed, but not so with the fight in the men wearing sheets and pillow * purged response. “There Is n« street Jacob Nicklaus "The Mollycoddle. ” United States. We will continue to secure all the equipment possible, cases, like ghosts. The rooms were I by that name on this line.” Mrs. Peter Jenck The first blow is struck while the and the desires of the public will be met as soon as it is humanly possi­ beautifully decorated with jack-o-1 J. C. Pangborn "Well, they told me It was near two men are on the edge of a cliff.. lanterns, corn stalks, and all that go Paul Fitzpatrick ble to do so. Arsenic,” and the fat man rang for They clinch and a moment later fall with Hallow’een. Games were play a stop. Ed Staseck , , 50 feet into a tall tree below, ed and regular Hallowe’en refresh­ Mrs. Anna Graf The Telephone Company regrets the inconvetiience to prospective The conductor glanced out of the Even now there is no let-up and ments served and a regular old-fash­ Hugh Barber window and growled: subscribers. It is an anxious to give service lnce In the forests In the summer Brady in the staller role, comes to ed to close ort that date. The mem­ months the warriors world paint their | the Gem Theatre in this city on bers have decided not to take out a bodies green with a dHsh of other col­ Thursday. Persons contemplating di­ charter yet as they hope to get more ors or produce the exact blend with vorce should see it. a a a They even sketched members in before doing so. It is re­ surroundings. quested that any mother, sister, wife birds and small animals on their bod­ Political intrigue and romance or daughter of any ex-service men ies to make the effect more realistic. have been woven together in Rupert who wlslies to join the auxiliary get If the battle was to take place when Hughes' “The Cup of Fury". It deals HERE'S Truth in the Saying that “Success Inspires to Greater Effort,” and in this com­ in touch with some of the officers of autumn had withered the leaves and with momentous events and with af­ mercial era when news print is alive with heroic tales of price-cutting on first one line the organization and hand their touched them Into gold, splashes of fairs of love in a way to keep one’3 names in for membership. The auxil- brown nnd yellow made the warriors interest on the jump. The story is an and then another, it is not out of place for an organization of extensive scope and sin­ 11117 is able to do a great amount of blend with the sotting, The trick, aftermath of the war, packed with cere purpose to keep before its patrons its service to them in point of economy. good in the community and should be when artfully turned, resulted In suspense and dramatic interest. It is encouraged. The women's auxiliary great victories, nnd many of the early an Eminent Authors picture and was has the same relation to the Amerl- settlers were taken Into enptlrlty by made by Goldwyn. « • a canLfeglon as the W. R. C. to the G. use of camouflage. Running Elk. Stronghenrt’s father, A. R. when the prices of all commodities were constantly soaring, the policy of our company is The Inside working of a band of • • was scout for Gen O. O. Howard in expert crooks is disclosed in "Black­ now history—how we steadfastly withstood the temptation of easy money—how we constant­ Mrs. R. A. Leonard ands Mrs. E. E. the Nez Perces war. nnd aid to Col­ mail,” a Metro special production ly replaced merchandise at less than replacement value—how we, when it became impera­ Koch were the hostesses at a charm­ onel Roosevelt in the Spanish-Ameri­ tive to raise a price, shaved our already small margin of profit ; gladly contenting our­ ing card party given at the home of can war, nnd Strongheart when a the latter last Thursday afternoon. hnhy, wns cnrrhsi about on the for­ C. DU EBER selves with less—all these facts are now common knowledge among our thousands of cus­ Seven tables were placed in the room mer president’s hack. His grandfather tomers in the 297 communities which we serve. DENTIST. which were decordated with Hallow was Chief Standing Rock, who took *een colors and symbols. Mrs. B. C. part In Cnster’s last fight, and who TILLAMOOK BUILDING Iamb won the prize for cards which died at the age of 109 years. (Over Haltom’s). was a box of stationery. The Invited guests of the afternoon We now enter the Reconstruction Period—one of more or less uncertainty, yet one which o T illamook- Oregon. were the Mesdames Case. Alderman. need not necessarily be fraught with great danger. Bales. Robinson. Beltz, Oscar Schultz, That it will be gradual and cover a period of several months is the concensus of opinion QR. O. L. HOHLEELD. Hadley. Holmes. Winslow. Clough, in best-informed circles. In away, this is commendable, Tliat it should be otherwise could launar. Brodhead. Hays. Conover, VETERINARIAN. llenselmalr. Allen. Gruber, Cra lk. mean but one thing—panic—with its resultant crippling or1 industry, both labor and »¡.ell Phone—2F2 Mutual Phone Eastman, Turnbull. Anderson. Lamb. capital. * •• Groat, Campbell, HelHell, Moulton. •t Tillamook Oregon Art Case, Boats, Carl Schultz. Arentz, hey are telling a story here of Gaylord, Christensen and Mason. a Kansas farmer who on a visit to the Tillamook coast saw the places us, at this time, among the few institutions of this country who are in a positiou to ocean for the first time. He was an As in the give their patrons IMMEDIATE aud FULL benefit of every price decline. oldish i man. so the story goes, and one whose credulity had no limits, past, we were the last to raise a price, so now we are among the foremost to pass thethrice- The farmer understood that the welcome reductions on to the public. ocean covered a sizable area, but he At The Methodist Church. f knew nothing about the rise and fall Sunday School at 10 a.nt.. You of tides. He was afflicted with rheu ­ may have been out of touch with the in your cooking and you Fut'day School lessons for a while. matism, and grumbled at one of the will realize how tender, hence we are not burdened with large stocks of merchandise purchased at peak prices. The lessons are in the New Testa­ stores one day about his aches and light, and delicious cakes pains, when a traveling man said tn ment, the moat familiar part of the Our warehouses are the shelves in our stooes. We believe in quick turn-overs and small and pastry can taste. Bible We invite you to study with him: “Why don't you soak your feet profits, relying on volume for our reimbursements. We do not believe in the “sale” its these lessons so fundamental to >i in the sea water?” The farmer turn­ Gem Nut Margarine stores. So our slogan ? “We never hold a sale.’’ methop to lure customers into our life of service and abiding happiness. ed this question over in his mind and I is ideal for all cooking There is a class and a welcome for finally decided to follow the advice. purposes ss well as for The farmer took a pall and made you. his way to the beach There he saw serving at table. The morning sermon at 11 o'clock Subject of the morning discussion a man who was in uniform. The The wholesale market is flooded with a deluge of inferior merchandise which is being Delicate in flavor- farmer had never seen a const guard will he. "Shorn of Power." offered at almost your own price. This is not such i merchandise as we desire to sell or as economical in price. h subject of the evening sermon hut concluded thnt the uniform de noted a man of authority. "There's you, knowingly, will want to buy. We suggest that you, as much as possible, confine will be "Bred in the Desert." Special OWar ■ cartea «edgy. I both morning and evening. We n lot of It,” said the farmer waving your patronage to firms whose standing and past practices preclude possible disappoint- SWIFT & CO. i '1 to you a cordial Invitation the pall seaward. "There Is”, replied Manufactured Daily in ment to vou in this respect. d ollclt your prayers and coopeia- the const guard, "nnd I have control Portland riant over all you see of it. ” This ronvixr- t In behalf of all the Interests of d the farmer that the man In uni­ ■ King,. >n: of God. form must be a high official. The tide was In. hut the farmer knew nothin« Reformed Church. bout tides or that there was a con- utiday School nt lo a.tn.. Mornt.r-: dernhle fall and rise nlong the ship at 11 o'clock. In the series coast. 11s mentioned that he hid ermonn on "The Coniinqndnien' - "nine for a pall of sea water for his to Date." the pastor will pren h heumatism. The coast guard said. the Eighth Commandment: Tho’t "I'll get it for you.” and did so. The it not Steal. farmer asked. "How much? "Smotli- Tlldetberg League meeting and erlng his surprise, the coast guard enlng service at 7:45. Subject: «aid: "A quarter If you like." Ths Inning out Friends For Christ.” coin changed hands. The farmer te- You nr< cordially Invited to these urned to his sister's where he w is services. visiting nnd sonked his feet. In the W. G. Llenkaemper. pastor •’ornlne he told his slstar that the on water had done his rheumatl«'” a power of good.' he w<> dd L ;d Congrega ional Church VE NEVER HO D Sunday School at 10 a.m. preach­ ing services 11 a.m. Subject: "In Ac­ count With God.” We are responsi­ ble to other men, but accountable only to God. Render unto God the things that are God's. A cordial invitation is everyone. Rev. Richard Shuetze. r 1 The Telephone Situation The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company r THE POWER OF PRICE Our Importance in the Market is Measured in Millions--Our Patrons are America’s Thriftiest Households. T During the Past Three Years The Inevitable Price Recession Has Started Ocean Business Big says Farmer •1 N3WS of the Church« s Our Modem Merchandising Practices Gem Nut Margarine We are Merchants, Not Speculators We Otter a Timely Warning •7 TILLAMOOK OREGON. X . A. V t OX Q w 5