To the Farmers of 1UAMOOK COUNTY; We note that in a letter by Carl Haberlach to Mr. Joseph Loeb of Portland. Oregon, that he states that the pro­ posed Marketing bill will put marketing control of Tillamook cheese in the hands of a political appointee over whom the farmers there would have no control. In our opinion Mr. Haberlach has been wrongly infoiined by Mr. Loeb or has not read the bill correctly. The bill provides for assistance to co-operative organizations but does not provide for control. Mr. Haberlach has evidently been scared by someone who has a selfish interest in the matter. MR. LOEB WAS PUBLICITY AGENT FOR THE NESTLES FOOD PRODUCTS COMPANY AND THE MILK DISTRIBUTORS IN THEIR RECENT FIGHT AGAINST THE FARMERS OF OREGON IN THE OREGON DAIRYMEN’S CO-OPERATIVE LEAGUE. HIS FRIENDSHIP FOR THE MILK TRUST IN PORTLAND IS WELL KNOWN AND WAS VERY MUCH IN EVIDENCE DURING THE RECENT CONTROVERSY IN THE PORTLAND COURTS. We do not think that the farmers of Tillamook County intend to assist Mr. Haberlach in giving aid and com­ fort to enemies of farmers in other parts of the state. We do not think they are mislead by the efforts of Loeb and his attacks upon the Market bill. The bill provides all along that the market director shall act as advisor and promote, foster, encourage and act as a mediator toward co-operative associations. The only case in which even supervision is authorized is in require- ing reports of the business of such organizations to be made to the director. THIS WAS PUT IN FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATIONS AND NOT AS MR. HABERLACH SAYS TO TAKE THE CONTROLOUT OF THE HANDS OF THEIR MANAGER. We think it Sufficient answer to attacks upon the bill to say that the undersigned were present when the bill was prepared and that it is designed to help the farmer and farmer’s organizations* The fact that Mr. Loeb and his associates are fighting this measure is evidence that it would be of benefit to the farmer and to the detriment of the speculator with whom Mr. Loeb has been associated. WE ARE SORRY TO SEE THAT MR. HABERLACH IS ASSOCIATING HIMSELF WITH THE ENEMIES OF THE DAIRYMEN, AND WE READ WITH CONSTERNATION HIS LETTER TO MR. LOEB CONTAINING THE ASSERTION THAT THE MARKET DIRECTOR WOULD OBTAIN CONTROL OF CO-OPERATIVE AS­ SOCIATIONS. We appeal to the farmers of Tillamook County to read and consider the measure each one for himself. We believe that after an impartial study of the bill the farmers of Tillamook County will agree with us in that it is a measure that will benefit the farmers of the whole state without surrendering any of the necessary control of their products. THIS BILL WAS DRAWN FOR THE PURPOSE OF PUTTING THE FARMER IN A POSITION TO PRO­ TECT HIMSELF FROM SPECULATIVE MIDDLEMEN.MR. HABERLACH SAYS, ’’WHY NOT LET THE LEG SILATURE GIVE THE FARMERS A MARKET BILL?”WE CALL ATTENTION OF MR. HABERLACH TO THE FACT THAT A BILL PRACTICALLY THE SAMEWAS INTRODUCED AT THE LAST SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE BY FARMERS’ REPRESENTATIVES AND IT WAS KILLED BY THE SAME SELF INTER ESTED PROFITEERS THAT ARE FIGHTING THE PRESENT MARKET BILL AND TO WHOM MR. HAB­ ERLACH IS GIVING AID. C. E. SPENCE, Master State Grange Oregon City x ■'""***" A. R. SHUMWAY, ... .i?****^ " ■* President, Farmers Union Milton HECTOR MACPHERSON Dn-ector Markets at O. A. C. Corvallis *»<1^ SENATOR WALTER M. PIERCE * * ■ *• * Stockman and Wheat Grower La Grande , SENATOR J. A. WESTERLUND (Paid Adv.) ' i ’’ Fruitgrower Medford