Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 28, 1920, Image 7

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    TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, October 18, igeo.
Coaxing You to Smile.
------ o------
To a Baby Boy.
Winter Playground of the Pacific
Where the climate brings sunshine
and flowers the year round.
Play noli over splendid courses, tenuis on
championship courts; polo on tields of inter­
national renown; motor over perfect highways,
horseback riding along picturesque bridle­
paths; surf bathing on smooth sandy beaches.
Hello, red-faced little feller.
What you doin’ here?
One fist stoppn' up your yeller,
Other in your ear.
Slobbers on your chin;
Mighty scanty head o’hair—
Don’t you ever grin?
Lots o’room which way you turn—
World seems big to you;
Lot's o’ things you have to learn,
Lots o’ things to do.
Live your life clean day by day.
Courage all the while;
Make old Sadness keep away
By a happy smile.
------ o------
Some Party.
A headline in the Washington Star,
"Bagpipe Band Rehearsals," recalls
a story told by John Tombs of Albu­
querque, secretary of the New Mex­
ico Public Health Association. John
is of Scotch descent, and the conver­
sation turned to the canny Scot and
his peculiarities. “The Scotch have
some queer notions,” said John,
'bagpipes, for instance. Several men
were waiting for a train and one re­
lated an experience which he declar­
ed to have been the best time he had
ever had in his life, Another told of
an experience which he considered
the best time lie had ever had in his
life; and so on, till it came the time
for an old Scotchman of the coterie to
relate the circumstances of the best
lie had
ever experienced.
'The best time I ever had,' he said,
'was one time when nine pipers were
gathered together in one wee bit
room, each playing a different tune.
I tell ye, mon, it was grand!”
Reduced Round Trip
Winter Excursion Tickets
On sale daily to March 31, 1921.
Final return limit April 30, 1921.
Stopovers permitted at all points within limit
of tickets.
California booklets will help you select the
resorts of your choice. Secure your copy now.
They are free on request.
Inquire of Local ’Agents for particulars as to fares,
routes, sleeping car*acconiniodations and train service
via the Shasta Route.
S outhern P acific L ines .
General Passenger Agent.
A Distinction Without a Difference.
Money saved is money earned.
Make your Transfer Bills Thrift Bills,
We help yon do this when we serve yon by doing
it the economical way Therefore satisfied patrons.
Long or short hauls.
Oregon Transfer and Storage
OFFICE: Across from Post Office,
with Chester Holden’s Beil Phone.
ALEX. ¡VlcNfllR & CO
Kitehen Ranges * and
Heating »Stoves.
See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere
John Grant, managing editor of
the Western Newspaper Union, has a
Junior in the family who very much
, admires the director of the orchestra
! at neighborhood picture show, espe­
cially when he plays a solo on the
saxophone. So Junior has been beg­
ging his daddy to buy for him a sax­
ophone, so he could become a great
soloist, too. “If you have a saxophone
you will have to study music,” he
was told. “Aw, I wouldn’t study mus­
ic,” said Junior, “but 1 would take
lessons on the saxophone.”
Quite a Walk.
A i.ian who rooms on the South
Side i f Chicago but who lives in an­
other state, after leaving the elevat
ed the other evening started down
the street towarti his temporary dom-
icile. On the way, sitting on the
step of an apartment house were two
little boys, probably six and seven
years old, one of them holding in his
arms a half-grown pup.
“Say, mister, do you want to buy
a dog?” asked the one with the pup.
“No, I don’t believe I do; I haven’t
any place to keep him.”
"Couldn’t you kep him at home?”
“Why, my home is a thousand
miles from here.
The child’s eyes opened with
wonder. "A thousand miles! Do you
walk home?”
1 Limited Space.
She—I think the Newcombs must
have moved here from a very small
He—Why, dear?
She—I noticed their dog wags his
tail up and down instead of sideways.
------- o-------
One Form of Worship.
Cyril—That young bride worships
her husband, doesn’t she?
Clei-—Well, she places burnt offer-
ings before him three times a day.”
My Creed.
"Æfy Thor works
like a motor car”
would be true for there are those
who trust me;
would be pure, for there are those
who care;
would be strong, for there is much
to suffer;
would be brave, for there is much
to dare;
would be friend to all—the foe, the
would be giving, and forget the
would be humble, for I know my
would look up-- and laugh—and
love and live.
Oregon Tuborouloais Aatociaton
------ o------ •
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for the County of Tilla-
In the matter of the estate of P.
H. Mesner,
known as P. H. Messner.
Notice is hereby given to all to
whom it may concern that the und-
ersigned has been, by the County
Court of Tillamook County, Oregon.
duly appointed Administratrix of the
estate of P. H. Mesner, deceased; and
all persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified ko
present same, duly verified, as by
law required, to the undersigned, or
to her attorney, John Leland Hend­
erson, at Tillamook, Oregon, within
six months from this date.
Dated October 14th, 1920, the first
publication of this notice.
Mary Mesner. Administrator
of the estate of P. II. Mesner. de'cd.
John Leland Henderson, Attorney
for said estate.
Administratrix Sale.
Notice is hereby given, thnt the
undersigned, administratrix, will of-
fer for sale at public auction on
Monday, November 1st. 1920, at the
J. E. Reedy sales barn near the de-
pot in Tillamook City, Oregon, the
personal property belonging to the
estate of Frank Hanenkratt, deceased
the same consisting of farm machin­
ery, tools and Implements, wagons,
harness and one- or more horses.
with an interest In hay and several
head of calves. Also one-half interest
in milking machine. Sale begins at 1
o’clock p.m.
Stella Hanenkratt,
New-made Father—"What do you
suggest as a name for the baby,
Uncle Jim?”
Notice to Creditor!.
Uncle Jim ( a bachelor) — "What
Notice is hereby given that the un­
is it—a boy or a girl?”
dersigned has been appointed admin­
“It’s a girl.”
istrator of the estate of John Larson,
"Female, eh? Name her Ouija.”
deceased, by the County Court of the
State of Oregon. All persons having
claims against the said estate are I
Miss White has opened her studio hereby required to present the name
at Sam Moulton’s residence, 513 Wait for allowance to the undersigned at
Stillwell Ave., phone. Bell 32-W, and his place of business in Bay City,
is organizing classes This week. Those Oregon, within six months from the
wishing lessons can find Miss White date of this notice.
Dated »a i
at the studio.
HE machinery, which is entirely enclosed, is
shaft-driven by smooth-running, silent gears.
No exposed chains or belts to endanger hands or
clothes, no flimsy construction to get out of^order
easily.*Just a simple, accurate, splendidly-built
mechanism, that operates the working part in an
amazingly efficient manner. As for the working
part itself, any woman who owns a Thor will tell
you it cleans clothes more quickly than any other DR. J. E. SHEARER
machine, without the slightest harmful friction.
Of course, you’ll want a Thor. Ask to wee one
demonstrated. Learn about the easy terms.
Drs. Shearer A Crank
Medical & Surgery.
Tillamook * * - Oregon.
Place Your Orders Now For
Wood Cutten
Land Clearer!
And Grubben
with the
Pioneer Employment Company
The oldest office in Oregon 14
N. Second St. Phone Broadway
2278, Portland. Or. Headquart*
era for Fann and General Help.
Total estimated receipts, not
Including money to be rec'd
from tax which it is proposed
to vote .................................. *36.436
Before You
all over town for reliable
medicines, come here—
you won’t need to go an^‘farther
We don’t charge high for reli-
abitv either. It’s the complete
satisfaction we give in both our
drugs and our prices that holds
our customer.
Prescription Economy
does not mean to buv •/ medicines
where you can get them the
cheapest—unless von can be
sure of absolute purity, fresh­
ness and medicinal activity.
Bring your Prescriptions to us
and know that you will get the
best and not pay too much for
it either.
Tillamook, Oregon.
Kill That Cold With
Caldi, FOR
La Grippe
Neglected Colds are Dangerous
Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the first sneeze.
Breaks up a cold in 24 hours — Relieves
Grippe in 3 days—Excellent for Headache
Quinine in this form does not affect the head— Cascara is bast Tonic
Laxative—No Opiate in Hill’s.
Total estimated expenses for
year ....................................... *73,660
Total estimated receipts not ln-
eluding tax voted............
Balance, amount to be raised by
district tax.............................. *37,224
We Buy
Highest Cash Price.
Dated this Sth day of Oct., 1920.
H. T. Botts,
Attest: C. A. McGhee,
District Clerk
At Kuppenbender’s Warehouse,
Tillamook and Ilcbo.
Notice of School Election to Increase
Tax More than Six Per Cent Over
That of Previous Year.
Notice is hereby glfren to the legal
voters of School District No. 9 of
Tillamook County, State of Oregon,
that an election will be held in said
District at the High School Building
on the 30th day of October. 1920. at
one o’clock In the afternoon, to vote
on the question of increasing the
amount of the tax levy In said dis­
trict for the year 1920-21, by more
than six per cent over the amount of
such levy for the year immediately
It is necessary to raise this addi­
tional amount by special levy for the
following reasons:
It has been found necessary to pay
increased salaries to all teachers and
everything purchased is higher.
Dated this 5th day of October, 1920.
Attest: C. A. McGee, Clerk. H. T.
Botts, Chairman Board of Directors.
of our facial powder will make your
blossom like a summer rose.
Notice of Final Account.
give to your complexion the soft
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Tillamook County.
In the Matter of the Estate of John
L. Bozorth, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un­
dersigned administrator has filed his
final account In the county court of
the State of Oregon, for Tillamook
county and that Monday, the 8th day
of November, 1920, at the hour of 10
a. m. on said day, and the courtroom
of Hon. A. M. Hare, Tillamook coun­
ty courthouse, Tillamook, Oregon,
*”a been set as the time and place
the hearing of objections to said
il account and the settlement
late of first publication Oct. 7,
>ate of last publication, Nov. 4.
John O. Bozorth. administrator
ry L. Raffety, Attorney.
glow of youth and health.
cream is another Infallible aid
to beauty.
Try them both if you
would better your appearance.
Contractors and Builders.
iniitrator’i Notice of Hearing of
Final Account.
National Building.
Notice to Creditors.
- - o ■ ■
Notice is hereby given, that th?
The Or«gon Tuberculosis Associa­
tion, under the direction of the exe- undersigned bas been appointed ad-
cutive secretary, Mrs. Saldie Orr- ministrator for the estate of Maud
Dunbar, is organizing ita forças i:otts, deceased, by the County Cm it
throughout the state for the annual of Tillamook County. Oregon. All
sale of Christmas Seals. Robert W. persons having claims against said
Osborn, who has just conducted a estate are hereby required to present
tuberculosis survey of eastern Oregon the same for allowance to the under­
has been named seal sale director signed at office of Botts & Winslow,
and is already in the field building Tillamook, Oregon., within six mon­
up an organization for what the As­ ths from the date of this notice.
sociation hopes will be the biggest Dated this 21st day of October. 1920.
H. T. Botts, Administrator
and most successful sale yet held In
of the estate of Maud BottB, dec’d.
the state.
The Public Health Associations
Notice of School Meeting.
will conduct the sale in the eleven
------ o------
counties where they exist; they are
Notice is hereby given to the legal
Jackson, Coos, Lane, Washington,
voters of School District No 9, of
Hood River, Union, Harney, Curry
Tillamook County, State of Oregon,
that a school meeting of said district
other organizations have already
will be held at the High School
signified their intention of taking building on the 30th day of October.
an active part in the sale of the 1920, at one o'clock in the afternoon
Seals. In Yamhill county club wo- to vote on the proposition of levying
men will conduct the sale in Mc- a special district tax.
Minnville, Newberg, Sheridan. Will-
The total amount of money needed
amina, Amity, Dayton, Carlton and by the district during the fiscal year
beginning on June 30, 1920, and
Miss Edith Wyllie of Dayville, ending on. June 30, 1921, is estimat­
Grant county? has the distinction of ed in the following budget and in­
being the first woman to volunteer cludes the amounts to be received
her services as seal sale ugent before from the county school fund, state
the sale has begun. Columbia and school fund, special district tax, and
Clatsop counties were visitied during other moneys of the district:
the past week by Mr. Obson and or­
ganized assistance was arranged.
Extimated Expenditures.
Mrs. Dunbar visited The Dalles last Teachers’ salaries ................. f"
week and spoke before the Sorosis Furniture....................................
Club and that club volunteered to Apparatus & supplies..........
Jake over the agency for the seal Library books ...........................
sale for the entire county of Wasco. Flags ............................................
The budget of the Oregon Tuber­ Reparis of schoolhouses, out­
culosis Association for use in 1921 is
buildings or fences............
*35,000 and through the sale of the Improving grounds................ !
Christmas seals at a cent a piece, Playground equipment..........
this sum will be sought. This means Transportation of pupils ....
a sale of five seals per capita if the Janitor’s wages......................
work of the Association is to be con­ Janitor’s supplies............ ..
tinue along its established lines. If Fuel ............................................
a sum less than this is raised it will Light and power......................
mean the t— »rificing of some part of Water............................................
the vital educational .demonstration Clerk's salary ...........................
and experimental work.
Postage & stationery............
Four and half milion seals have For the paym’t of bonded debt
been received by the Oregon Associat­ interest thereon, issued under
ion. The 1920 Seal features a tiny Sections 126, 152 to 156, & 434
green elf who carries aloft the stand­ of School Laws of Ore., 1919 4,200
ard of Anti-Tuberculosis Association, Interest on warrants...............
the red double-barred cross, while Outstanding warrants.......... 24,186
riding atop the pack of gifts carried Insurance ..................................
by Santa Claus. The scheme of the
Total estimated amount of
stamp is a, typify the "greatest gift
money to be expended for all
of all, good health.” and the attach­
purposes during year . . . *73,660
ing of stamps to all letters and Chris­
tmas packages during the month of
Estimated Receipts
December will insure the carrying From county school fund during
of the gift of good health to hundreds
coming school year.......... *10,000 j
of Oregon victims of this dread dis­ From state school fund during
ease. as 95 per cent of the entire pro­
coming year........................... 1,236 ,
ceeds from the sale will be kept in Cash now in hands of district
clerks .......................................
200 |
this state to combat the disease.
Estimated amount to be received
from all other resources dur­
Notice 1
ing coming school year . . 25,000
>tice is hereby given, that the
rsigned has filed in the County
of the State of Oregon, for T11I- i2525?5aS2S?S252SH5HSHS25252S2SHSZ.5îSi!LE5ï!52.IïîSS5H5HSa5?5a5î.SE5a52SëS2Sa
k county, bls final account as
nlstrator of the estate of Al- ’A
<e J. Provooet, deceased,and that
Id court has appointed Satur-
he 30th day of October, 1920,
o'clock, a. m., at the court
__ _ of Mid court, in Tillamook city.
Oregon, as the time and place for the
hearing of ‘he Mid account and the
closing of Mid estate, and any and
all persons having any objections to
Mid account are required to present
the Mme to said court at Mid time
•nd place.
Sidney Provoost,
AAmlnistrator of the estate of Al- X
phoaae J. Provoost, deceased.
Reports whch come to The Nat­
ional Republican office indicate that
by apparent Inspiration Democrat!«
mud-slingers are whispering personal
libels they dare not publicly use
this fact In Itself being a confesaion
that they are Ilea. A tap on th« noee
la the best answer to the eleventh
hour campaign he gossip.
Dr. E. L. Glaisyer,
County Dairy Herd Inspei
— 7