TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, October 28, 1920. = Gem Theatre Special Features X - - - .-7-1 / FRIDAY- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29-30 îvia T a II FEATURING AI UHVC 1 €11 uot tiers Sounds Queer Does’nt It? That is the name of the name of the play, the plot of which concerns clothes, or propounds the question, how can a girl enjoy high society on a salary of $2000.00 per year when this amount would be “pin money” to those who she associates with. All in all it goes to make asplendid picture, one that will please you. if LONDON Y COMEDY” TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2 RIDERS OF THE DAWN I A Taken fr om Zane Grey’s “THE DESERT OF WHEAT,” featuring Roy Stewart, Claire Adams and all Star Supporting Cast, ADULTS 25c. O' y •<: REMEMBER TUESDAY NIGHT ONLY. COMING. Douglas Fairbanks in “The Mollycoddle” Mabel Normand in “Pinto,” “Revenge of Tarzan, taken from the book “Return of Tarzan,” Jack Pickford in “The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come. •o< •O' O' 'O' ■o Contracts Wanted K ------ o ■ ■ ■ Republican Candidate for Second Term, Public Service Commissioner, 1 i LAND CLEARING, GRUBBING, and WOOD CUTTING NOW. Amendment on November Ballot Proposed Constitutional ? Anti-Compulsory Vaccination Amendment $ No form of vaccination, “inoculation,” or other medica­ tion shall be made a condition in this state for admission to, or attendance in, any public school, college, university or other educational institution ; or for the employment of any person in any capacity, or for the exercise of any right, the performance of any duty, or the enjoyment of any privilege. It is now time to get this work done, as we are having inquiries daily by men who make this work a specialty. For 21 years this office has been headquarters for this 312 X Yes ___ • We, the undersigned, have examined the above Amend­ ment, in our opinion, 1 This - and - amendment does not abolish public health laws. 2. This does not abolish quarantine. 3. It does not permit food handlers to refuse examina­ tion. 4. It does not allow persons infected with small pox, lep­ rosy, syphilis, and other diseases to go upon our streets, in hotels, theatres, churches, schools or trains. Ö. This amendment does not prevent vaccination, in­ oculation, or other serum treatments to those who desire them, but it does prevent one from being compelled to submit to these forms of treatment. (Signed) Maurice A. Seitz (Signed) Ralph A. Coan 99 W. T. Vaughn E.B. Birkenbeuel 99 99 Junius V.Ohmart J. O. Stearns 99 99 Loyal H. Mc­ Ashby C. Dick­ Carthy son • * 99 99 W. O. Sims Wilson T. Hume 99 99 F. C. McDougall Clarence H. Gil­ 99 Geo. D. Young bert 99 99 John A. Jeffrey E.J.Mendenhall 99 99 Hamilton John­ W. B. Shively 99 stone R. K. Walton (The above are well known Portland attorneys.) (Paid Adv.) class of wo.k. So get your men from a responsible firm Also get your Farm Hands, Married Farmers, Dairymen, Etc. FRED G. BUCHTEL Mr. Buchtel, chairman of the Pub­ From the “old Pioneer,” the oldest office in Oregon. We are lic Service Commission is the Re­ convinced that a half of the farm help going through the employ­ publican candidate for a second term as Commissioner, and because of his ment office in Portland goes from this office. Get the benefit of efficient and economical administra­ our experience by sending to us for your men. “DADDY” tion, his candidacy has been general­ MARTIN has had charge of this department for 21 year and is ly endorsed by the press. A few of still at your service- WRITE US for the many commendations are noted. “Fred G. Buchtel is deserving >( re-election for his administration has, Mill Hands, Loggers, Woodsmen, Time Keepers been honest, efficient and economic­ 0 u al."—Medford Sun. This department is under the supervision of Mr. H. F. Effen- “Sound business aggressiveness and protection of the public is the I berger, an experienced mill man, who understands Oregon con­ triple theme in the platform of Fred ditions and who gives this department his closest attention. We G. Buphtel, chairman of the Public also maintain a department for Service Commission.—Albany Even­ ing Herald. Hotel Help,’Auto Repair Help, Mechanics, Etc. "Mr. Buchtel has made a reputa­ tion of being an energetic, fair and fearless member and his service and We keep a list of craftsmen registered so we can fill orders for familiarity iwth the duties of the this class of help quickly and efficiently. We also handle office make him a valuable man io be retained."—Cottage Grove Senti­ Book Keepers, Stenographers, Typists, Clerks, Ect. nel. “His— Mr. Buchtel's—four years experience on Commission should not You get the benefit of our advertisement, our registration!{of i be discarded by the stn’e, especially hundreds of applications on file and our careful selection of men. as he has shown industry, balance $ There are no long delays. We insure prompt service. and judgement in opinions his errors have been on the popular side, cer­ tainly not in favor of any special interest.”-—Oregon Voter. “Mr. Buchtel has consistently ex- II hibited good judgment, the faculty ® of patient and exhaustive investiga­ The Oldest Office in Oregon. tion, the attribute of fairness to all interests involved and an administ- had a “small range of stabilty,” G. A. HURLEY, Manager, ratice ability that meant valuabla which, with a light load, made it “an DADDY MARTIN, H. F. EFFENBERGER, service to the people of this state and unsafe seaboat.” Supt. Farm Dept Supt. Mill and Logging Dept. section.”—Portland Telegram. “Mr. Buchtel's activities to secure Phone Eroad vay 2278. i Vote for Prozperity more cars with equitable distribution { Portland, Oregon. 14 Nortb Second Street, thereof to Oregon industries and Casting one’s vote is a serious bus- lumber shippers reduction of fu-1 iness. A vote Is more potent for gooJ wood rates and his campaign to min­ or evil than almost any power in the <>• ■< •O' O' imize traffic hazards, together with world. It is greater than armed the estabishment of station faciiites. force—greater than the power of elected were: president, Bert Folks; industry tracks and service investi­ money. our fellows on the field. We ask 'he HIGH SCHOOL NOTES I our fellows on the field. We ask the vice-president. Bob Coleman; secret­ gations have all been of public in­ Next November you will cast your terest and benefit.’’—Oregon City vote. When you go to the polls ask At a special student body meeting town people to help us out in these ary-treasurer, Rose Williams. i Enterprise. Those present who joined the Pro­ yourself seriously if you are voting Tuesday it was decided to have a tl?st games until our success in the I Paid advertisement by the Oregon football rally Friday at 3:15 to work football world is assured. Tickets gressor class were as follows: Mr. I Republican State Central committee so that good will result to yourself may be bought from any of the High and Mrs. Bob Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. and to your fellows. off some of the game Saturday. Floyd Inghram, Mr. and Mrs. Harold In short do you want to live like Delnta Bodyfelt of McMinnville School students. Reformed Congregational Chruch Dintmick, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Folks, honest-to-goodness upstndlng men, HighSchool is a new student here. — — o ■ — r do you want to live as do the 1JW- Mrs. Edwin Boquist, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. S. gave a brief talk Tuesday- I Halloween Party. James S. Gailey, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. vice in Mohler at 1 o’clock. The last ?r classes of Europe and Asia? on a subject which might be entitled Turnbull. Mr .and Mrs. Harry John­ time we added five new members and You declare that you want to con- A Hallowe ’ en party was held at “Don’t kick your school." son, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Surgeon, Mr. a few more are still on the waiting tinue the American standard, You Miss Barry, history teacher, was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Daw­ list. The subject of the sermon will ill the later part of last week but the son for the young married friends and Mrs. Marlon Hopkins, Mr. and be: "Divine Love Challenged.” Th< idmlt that the standard basii I students were glad to see her again and members of the Methodist Mrs. Teddy Hutchins, Mr. and Mrs. display of God’s love to everyone Ir meant and facts bear you out, the Cloyd Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd rlthough much the past eght year«. church. Monday. all the nations shoud fill us wih Hobgoblins and witches stalked Edwards. Mrs. Aiva Williams. Sever­ amazement. But it «»»ms of man? You assert, wages have been high Last week Grace Jolliffe. president of the student body presented an in­ around and the lights were all cov­ al other couples who were unable to they have not only forgotten th' prices have been so excessive that vitation for the Sophomores, Senior ered with big yellow jack-o-laterns. be present intend joining the class bleeding love of the Lord, yet they your actual standard of life he.-' classes to the Freshmen. Junior Spooks were flying through the air and the first Sunday’s attendance say. wherein hast thou loved us’. lumped amazingly. If you want to continue to live in classes to a masquerade party next when the lights were dimmed and a was very large, so the class predict a Divine love is challenged most every omfort, you must vote the Repub'i- Friday evening at the gymnasium. continued ghost story was made big time this winter. Two unmarried guests who fur­ where, therefore let us reason why an ticket. If you are willing to The invitation was accepted by wierd and very realistic as each nished beautiful music for the party All who want to contemplate thi dopt the low standard of the Orient guest added their individualistic James Sharp, president of the Jun­ heartily invited t< earnest matter are nd Europe, then you must vote the iors and by Joe Maxwell, presiden’ part. Then the old witch read each of were. August Boquist and Lowell >ur service. emocratic ticket. the guests hands and fore told their Edwards. of the Freshmen. Rev. Richard Schuetz' Bear wth us and we will explain, Miss Brakel. English taecher. was fortunes. Contest games were play­ he democratic party stands for no ed in which Harold Dfmmick receiv ­ At the Methodist Episcopal Church »uddenly taken ill with appendicitus iriff to protect American industty i last week and was taken to Portland ed flrat prize, a box of candy and Eagle Boats Unsafe. Sunday School, 10 a. in A ne» nd the workers in American ln- ——o----- for an operation, that took place ou II Edwin Boquist received the booby ____________ Fixed ballast hereafter will b- uiistry. Friday from which she is recovering I. prize, a child's box of animal cookies., class composed of young married peo­ i as rapidly as possible. Mrs. Turnbull which i Edwin .«aid. would be very ple has been organized. There is a placed in all navy Eagle boats as a n.Mtb appieciated by the younger class for you. result of findings of a board of In- United Brethern Church. is teaching in her place "Good Literature Day” w ill be ob tuiry which investigated the capsiz- Next Sunday morning and even­ Next Saturday the T. H. S. team member of their family. Of course the refreshments were served at 11 o’clock; short talks by ng of one of the vessels in the Dela- ing at the usual time, preaching by •lays a game of football with Wood­ vare river last June, when nine lives the pastor. Also preaching nt Yel­ bum H. S. This will without quest­ doughnuts, cider and pumpkin pies laymen; sermon by the pastor. Evening services at 7; 30. Subjec were lost. The boats were a special low Fir, at 3 o'clock. ion be the best game ever played in and altho the eider had no «tick ;n I Sunday School. 10 o'clock. Prof. Tillamook. Woodburn beat Dallas It everybody was more than jolly of evening sermon: “Unused and Un • ype. built af the Ford automobile blest Capacites.” I .Hants during the war for submarine B»nnet, Superintendent. H. S. 20-0 this year and undoubtedly and full of fun. A cordial invitation is extended tJ defense. The board, in a report, Those present formed a Sunday You are especially invited to all has a One team, while everyone who foilnd that no person was responsible these services. saw our team play with Oregon City School class and voted to name It. all these services. C. L. Dark, pastor. ■ for th» <11 aster. but that the tewl R Fisher, pastor 1* familiar with the grit and skill of Tb<' P.-ngre« wr Class”. The otB.-ers II The Pioneer Employment Co ■J CHILDREN 15c. FRED G. BUCHTEL, eh ***** Ç that makes this work a specialty. “RATHE REVIEW è ♦ $ $ ? 1 $ ? ? ? $ * EH* J. J. JOHNSON for ATTORNEY -GENERAL. How it Appears on Ballot : FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL. To fill vacancy caused by the resignation of Attorney General George M. Brown to succeed Justice A. 8. Bennett. ____ ________________ '■_______ Vote for One—By writing in name. How to Vote FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL To All vacancy caused by the resignation of Attorney General George M Brown to succeed Justice A. S. Bennett. Vote for One.—by writing in nam? X J J. JOHNSON i Endorsed by 30 Leading Attorneys of Portland, also by Leading Business Men. EH* t ? A* a /V a /V MILK COWS FOR tor Dry Stock. $ ■5?S’ YAGER A BRADY I