TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, October 28, 1920 weakness, international surrender and domestic autocracy has got to be reversed. It cannot be reverted with­ Fred C. Baker, Editor. out the help of the senate. The gov­ ernmental extravagance that inak s per year $2.00 high taxes and high prices has gut SUBSCRIPTION to be checked and the co-operation j of tlie senate is necessary to check it. The Wilson plans to throw away billions of foreign enterprises md in Europe. Asia and adventures It's none of our business, but fhe eomehow it don't look the proper Africa have got to be stopped. thing to see business men piayiig senate is the body that must help me cards in card rooms during business president stop them. The tangle, hours. Not that we are opposed to in which the democrats have invdl- cards, but the bad example and the led us by their timid sacrifice to Mexico and Japan has got to be un­ bad habit. raveled and in this un^et taking the ------- o------- senate is practically as important se The dairymen of Tillamook were the president. In tariff, banking and n little surpised when they read in i commerical affairs, in bringing tho the daily newspapers that New Zea­ land butter was being shippeJ to United States back to a peace basis Portland, which, of course, will low­ in restoring normal conditions in factory and business er the price of cheese. But we cannot farm, see how they could be surprised. The life, a strong republican senate democratic I party passed the Under is an absolute necessity. A genuine reform of the government and recon­ V: od tariff bill, allowing farm pro­ struction of living conditions cannot, d mts, and eggs from China, to come be imagined without it. If the vot- I-,. i the country free of duty. The ■ ers of Oregon could fully realize how s ¡> shot man cannot understand much of their future comfort and V any dairyman in Tillamook prosperity depended on the Unite! c- nty can vote the democratic tlck- ’ States Senate, there would not be et. The next few months will prov.?. the slightest doubt as to the election with smaller milk checks, what dem of Robert N. Stanfield. He will be ocratic free trade means to the dairy­ needed, urgently needed. Fortify the men of Tillamook county. administration after March 4th. No democrat, no matter how high mind­ Our friend Bro. Trombley eight ed. could be able to do the work >f years ago was going to reduce the Mr. Stanfield as a republican would Ugh cost of living when it was one be able to do. In peace times a dem­ third less what it is today, and four ocrat is bound to vote on party issues years ago he was going to keep u< with the democrats, and in the sen­ out of war. What about it . Bro. ate after March 4th the democrats Trombley? But that is not all. He has will be voting as a party against Pre­ been receiving democratic patron­ sident Harding, so a man who now age for a number of years, and now withholds his vote from Stanfield in that the democratic party is striving withholding it from a re- to retain power, B:o. Trombley, has­ Oregon is publican presidential elector. The n’t as much as opened his mouth in only way in Oregon to cast a one faovr of Wilson’s league covenant, hundred per cent ballot against the Coxsure Jimm> Cox or the democrat- Wilson administration and for a re­ is party. Bro., that is base ingratitude publican administration is to vote for after receiving democratic patronage Harding and Coolidge und Stanfield from the land office and from local on Nov. 2nd.” democrats. WI uuwuk ®raùHçi Why is it that so many persons visit this neck of the woods with all kinds of schemes to obtain money for this, that and the other scheme? Is it because there are too many "suck­ ers” in Tillamook? We hardly think so. At a meeting of the executive board of the Chamber of Commerce the other evening, every member present was exceedingly pronounced in their view and thought a stop ought to be put to the "grafters” who come here and beg for money. If the business men and others would do the same as the Chamber of Com­ merce did and put their foot on it, there would not be as many advert­ ising agents pestering them. ----- -o-------- When you go to the polls next Tuesday, swat the Market Commis­ sion measure. We don’t see the need of a lot of state officials poking iheir noies into the business affairs of the Tillamook Creamery Association, There are too many men holding down soft jobs and drawing big pay in Oregon, and it is about time that something was done to rid the state of so many commissions, boards, etc. Owing, however, to our initiative law. there is nothing to prevent those who want to eat at the pie counter front initiating new measures to Int­ ercast1 the pie eaters. If for no other reason every dairyman and others in­ terested in the same should go to the polls next Tuesday and swat the measure. We think the measure has a wrong title. It should read: "$50.- 000 Graft for a Poke Nose Market Co:.iml.._'lon.” Everybody go to the pools next Tuesday and swat the party that put dairy products and lumber on the ire list. How anyone con vote the democratc ticket who are connected with these industries Is a difficulty question to answer, but it is sufe to say there will be some dairymen as well as lumbermen .loggers and saw mill men who will be foolish enough to vote the democratic ticket and against their own interest. This is not political hot air. Does the dairy­ man want Chinese eggs and Austral­ ian bytter to be shipped Into the country free of duty, and does the mill men and loggers want Canadian lumber with Hindu labor, shipped into the country to compete with home products? We do not think so. But this Is a matter that is of far more importance to Tillamook coun­ ty than the1 league covenant, demo­ cratic autocracy or any of the other of I he their political issues. The way to obtain protection for our home in­ dustries is to vote for Hardiag and Stanfield, ------- a------ John I*. Adams, Vice-Chairman of i;. Republican National Committee, in charge of western headquarters, tn le this statement regarding M>nu- «. ■al election lit Oregon: "It is not V'i •■nigh fpr a state to choose Harding : Coolidge electors on November 41 •> I, u strong republican Senate Is :st as Important ns a strong r»- '■licun White house. To vote for .ding a democratic senator is to . a to undo with the left hand the X'- 1 work which one has already r But yesterday. I asked again. Leland Henderson, 206-3rd St., close seclusion from public leaders "Republicans, ” said he. everyone marketing anything whe­ Tillamook, Oregon. and public affairs he has had no oc- . ther they are organized under Ore­ "You wonder why I changed their casion to receive and study reports ' name. gon law’s or New Jersey laws? Why from those who do know what the Eat Honey and be healthy, cook with Though blind from birth before, with honey. Alfalfa honey, best on pick out associations working under American people are thinking and Now, that these puppies all can see, earth. 60 lb. can. 18c. per lb., 10 Oregon laws? saying and doing. He does not com- ■ They're— Democrats—no more. lb. can 19c. per Th. light amber a We have too much State supervis­ prebend, as to the Solemn Referend­ blend 17 and 18c. per lb. Amber, ion its it is. um for which he long ago appealed ! 15 and 16c. per fb. These prices at Tillamook has become well known Isn't it About Time to Call a Hal? ? and now again appeals, that the Am­ shipping point. Pool with your through its own efforts. The only erican people already have gone over­ ------- o------- neighbors and order a big can two time Tillamook has been left 111 the President Gompers, Secretary Mor- whelmingly and irrevocably against in a case. Cash with order, prompt lurch is when it asked the State aid his covenant. He does not dream Reference, National on its roads, We are still waiting riaaon, and other Washington offi- aught of this although it is perfectly: shipment. cials of the American Federaton of Bank of Hermiston. Chas Kaiser, for that aid. well known to every Democratic The people or Tillamook should l.abor. are now on the stump for Cox newspaper, every Democratic leader.■ Hermiston, Oregon. give an unamious vote against this and Roosevelt. every Democratic manager and every For weeks the principal business measure, as it Is against our vital Democratic campaigner. Mr. Wilson Miscellaneous Advertisements interests, The bill permits the Dir- of the officials and publications of does not realize, then, that when he, ector to fix schedule of fees for the ihe American Federation of Labor denounces the impudent audacity of Dr. Wi*e—Dentili different co-operative associations, has been that of boosting the Demo- those who oppose his covenant he un-' Dr.’s Allen and Sharp. Dentiate. and as the bill is supposed to be self : cratlc cause. consciously but undoubtedly is re­ National Building. This procedure follows a report in buking the Nation." •supporting In a short time, the fees will be so heavy as to be a burden favor of Cox and against Harding by Dr. J. B. Grider, dentiti, I. 0. 0. F. Bldg, Tillamook. Oregon. Tllnmook Is unnbe to stand. The bill a "non-partisan” Federation com­ i Washington Post: ’’For cool, im­ provides for an appropriation of $50.- mittee composed of three partisan Dr. Wise will be at his Bay City of­ 000.00, market director at $4.500.00. Democrats. Gompers, Morrisson and pudent audacity there is no parallel fice on Wednesdays F-2$. Secretary at $3.600.00, and attorn­ Woll, all of whom are of alien birth I to the statements of the individuals and are advocates of the un-Amerl- who assert that American soldiers ey's fees without limit. Some rieh Dr. Ramsey Osteopath eanized covenant of the league t.f went to death in this war in order ’o Room 110-1. O. O. F. Bldg., Tilla­ plckin pickings for attorneys! mook. Mutual phono. Bell phone i establish the league of nations as Think of the co-operatives in Ore- nations. The Federation of Lab framed at Paris. Some of the advo- 146-M. gon paying sufficient fees to take i cates of the covenant do not hesitate care of such an office! The tax would ported, the large salaries be so great on them that they could officials are paid, from dues and ases- ■ to assert that the American boys had not survive, while private corporat­ sments levied on the membership the covenant before their eyes when ions and Individuals would not be so of the Federation, without regard to they fought and fell. These spell­ politics. Thus hundreds of thousands binders actually ask their hearers to taxed. The proposed bill provides for the of Republicans are taxed to provide belive that the covenant is the sacred publication of n monthly bulletin to a Cox campaign fund, and are com­ ideal for which the boys willingly give Information regarding mark“t- pelled to witness the flagrant perver­ l gave ther lives. From this menda­ itig. The dully papers give this now, sion of the machinery of their organi­ cious starting point, the league sup­ the government Issues daily and zation to promote the partisan pur­ porters easily take the next step in weekly bulletins on almost every­ poses of certain Democratic politic­ Impudence, which is the assertion thing under the sun. ians who have had federal patronage that the United States will dishono" I'he fate could not ask for any and other favors lavished on them itself and betray the memory of the Information outside of Oregon, hence by the Wilson administration. slain lads If it does not accept the any information would be limited, Is it not about time that pro,nt contract which was drawn up at and ancient history If published mo.i- should he voiced against this misuse Parts. It Is difficult to speak moder thly. of Federation of Labor machinery" ately of such offensive utterances. The Legislature is the proper place Is It ordinarily honest to use the They grate so harshly upon the feel­ to get up a measure like this, Then money paid In dues by non-Demo- ings of so many thousands of mothers every one can be heard. As it la. cratlc members of organized labor 'n and fathers, and so utterly dlstott this bill was gotten up by railroad the promotion of the Democrailc and outrage the heart feelings of the and street car men. a banker, an In­ cause, under the false pretense that soldier boys now asleep in the flag, surance man, and labor men. Tilla- in this way the cause of labor rather that no politician has a right to use i .ook. Ijood River, nor any of the ■ han the cause of partisan Democrncy such argument, no matter how hn-d successful marketing assocatinw is being served? premed he may be." Editorial Snap Shots. Senator Chamberlain voted for the Underwood tariff law and as a result of his support of free trade five mill- on bushels of Canadian wheat was bought and shipped into the United States to compete with wheat raised in this country. Under the previou.- republican tariff law that amount of wheat shipped into the United States would have given the government $1.250.000. Free trade was what Sen­ ator Chamberlain voted for. In fact, he voted to place lumber and dairy products on the free list, and now he is asking the lumbermen and dairy­ men to vote for him after injuring their industries. were not asked to these deliberations still they think we should swallow the bill, hook, sinker and Hue. Nat­ urally farmers resent action of this kind. We earnestly urge that voters cf Tillamook vote 321 X NO and help defeat the Stale Market Commission bill. A vote for 304 X YES will help put over the Oleomargine bill, which would forever put that product under its own name and prohibit its niw querading as a dairy product. Help Protect Tillamook's Vit 11 Interest*. x. I Football TILLAMOOK VS. WOODBURN Saturday, October 3rd At Fair Grounds Admission 25c Cem Kct Margarine A Pure Sprezd for Bread Mads Iron ■ t* »<■.'' •“ esn d 'rom the white meat of the co'.cenut, p o' it all, Pasteurized milk, and salt. It is pure, c:eon, rud dshuious. So that your e'ea! tviii get it fresh, we make it daily in LaAeon, convenient local cd factories. Delicate in flavor, .-.-J economical in price, yea may spre.: 1 G m Nut gener-' ously ai d still effect a substantial saving on your grocery bill. Order a carton today. SWIFT & CO. Manufactured Dally In Portland Plant Transfer Wood, Gravel. Phone 37 W. Tillamook Transfer Co. Liberty Temple. CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HAUUNG I-OO-F- BUILDING BOTH PHONES. “I’m here to Tell You” say* the Good Judge That you get full satis­ faction from a little of the Real Tobacco Chew. The rich taste of this class of tobacco makes it last longer— and cost less—than the old kind. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two itylet RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco