TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT,October 28, 1920. NATIONAL MOUNTAINS AFFECT BIRD LIFE FOR ELECTORS OF PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES 12 M C. GEORGE, of Multnomah County Republican 13 CLARENCE R. HOTCHKISS, of Multnomah County Republican 14 JOSEPH HUME, of Linn County Republican L 15 JOHN Y. RICHARDSON, of Multnomah County Republican 16 WALTER L. ROBB, of Multnomah County Republican IT OSCAR HAYTER. of Polk County Democratic" 18 DR. E. T. HEDLUND, of Multnomah County Democratic 19 ROBERT A. MILLER, of Multnamah County Democratic 20 A. E. REAMES, of Jackson County Democratic 21 ELTON WATKINS, of Multnomah County Democrat 1c 22 WM. F. AMOS, of Multnomah County Prohibition’ 23 MARY H JEWETT, of Lane County Prohibition 24 E. T. JOHNSON, of Multnomah County Prohibition 25 B. LEE PAGET, of Multnomah County Prohibition 25 CYRUS H. WALKER, of Linn County Prohibition] 2 JOHN E. JOHNSON, of Malheur County Sedalia:" W. W. MYERS, of Clackamas County Social! B. F. RAMP, of Douglas County Sociali?» W. S. RICHARDS, of Linn County Socialist Si R. R RYAN, of Marion County Social‘3: 32 CHAS. H. BEARMAN. of Multnomah County Industrial Labor" SANDERS D. BERGLUND, of -Multnomah County Industrial Labor 34 FELIX J. CARLSON, of Multnomah County Industrial Lab >r > 35 NELS H. LOFF. of Washington County Industrial Labor 36 JOHN OLSON, of Multnomah County Industrial Labor Vote for Five Andes Said to Be Responelble for Num­ bar of Species Found In South America. The richness of Scuth American bird-life Is due to the presence of the Andes more than to any other one For Vice-President thing. It Is the absence of great CALVIN COOLIDGE mountain chains In Africa, which ac­ counts for the comparatively small numbers of species of birds In that continent. From base to summit, four For President distinct zones of life—tropical, sub­ JAMES M. COX tropical, temperate and alpine—are found In the higher Andes, and each zone has species which are confined For Vice-President FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT 1 to ft It is not only the height of the An­ des which affects bird life. In places for hundreds of miles, this gigantic range may appear as two or three For President chains each not less than 10.0UO ot AR RON S. WAI KINS 11.UU0 feet In height, and these cli­ matic walls are as Impassable to the For Vice-President species living In the tropical or sub­ D. LEIGH COLVIN tropical valleys they Inclose as though they extended to the zenith. Isola­ tion Is. therefore, added to the fac­ tors of climate and sedentariness In .. . the making of the species, and the For President three combined have produced a great­ EUGENE V. DEBS er variety of bird life than Is found In a,ny area of similar extent In the For Vice-President. world. The American museum of nat­ SEYMOUR STEDMAN ural history Inaugurated In 1911 a bi­ ological survey of the Andean region with particular reference to Its bird life. As a result of the collections For President and field studies made, the museum WILLIAM W. COX Is now In possession of large collec­ tions and data from the more north­ ern part of the chain. For Vice-President AUGUST GILLHAUS All Cows Are Alike to the EMPIRE Vote for One Democratic 37 GEO. E. CHAMBERLAIN, of Multnomah County 38 THOMAS A. HAYES, of Multnomah County Independent 39 ALBERT SLAUGHTER, of Marion County Socialist 40 ROBERT N. STANFIELD, of Multnomah County 41 C. H. SVENSON, of Clatsop County easy milkers— H nervous or calm cows industrial Labor —large or small teats— even or uneven udde.'.i —they are all alike to the Empire. It milks them till. And Empire teat cups stay on with­ out surcingles harness. W. C. HAWLEY, of Marlon County Republican-Democratic-Pro’.ii. Socialist HARLIN TALBERT, of Linn County Vote for One FOR SECRETARY OF STATE. 45 J. P. SEARS, of Polk County 46 UPTON A. UPTON, of Clackamas County Republi« n Soclalb-t Industrial Labor are now equipped with our new Super-Simple Piston­ less Pulsator. No wearing pistons to leak vacuum. It operates teat cups with absolute regularity. Cows like it. Itsoothesandquiets them. Results in greater milk flow and also increases period of lactation. Vote of Four 1 FOR JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT. 47 HENRY J. BEAN, of Umatilla County . . Republican-Democratic 48 HENRY L. BENSON, of Klamath County Republican-Democra’ic 49 LAWRENCE T. HARRIS, of Lune County Republican-Democratic 50 THOMAS A. McBRIDE, of Columbia County Republican-Dem. I Come in and see this different, better milking machine or, if you wish, phone us and we’ll bring the machine to your farm; no obligation. FOR JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT. To fill vacancy caused by the resignation of Justice A. S. Bennett. Vote for One—By writing in name I J. BURCHARD. FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL. To fill vacancy caused by the resignation of Attorney General George M. Brown to succeed Justice A. S. Bennett. Vote for One—By writing in name. ! FOR DAIRY AND FOOD COMMISSIONER. Vote for One Republican-Democratic C. L. HAWLEY, of Polk County F. J. VON BEHREN, of Marlon County Socialist WM. D. BENNETT, of Multnomah County Democratic FRED G. BUCHTEL, of Multnomah County Republican OTTO NEWMAN, of Multnomah County Socialist Willarid FOR SENATOR. TWENTY-FOURTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT. Lincoln, Tillamook. Washington and Yamhill Counties. 56 C. J. EDWARDS .of Tillamook County Vote for One Republican FOR REPRESENTATIVE. FOURTEENTH REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT. Tillamook and Yamhill Counties Vote for One 57 F. R. BEALS, of Tillamook County T. R. Win» Republlcan-Dcmocre ’1 .- FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Tillamook County Vote for One 5b C. W. BARRICK, of Tillamook County Independent 59 T. H. GOYNE, of Tillamook County Republican-Democrat ic COUNTY. FOR COUNTY JUDGE. Tillamook County 60 HOMER MASON, of Tillamook County FOR COUNTY CLERK. Tillamook County 61 H 8. BRIM HALL, of Tillamook County FOR SHERIFF OF TILLAMOOK COUNTY 62 Vote for One Republican-Democratic Vote for One Republican-Democratic Vote for One JOHN ASCHIM. of Tillamook County Republican-Democratic FOR COUNTY TREASURER. Tillamook County Vote for One 63 64 C. A. JOHNSON, of Tillamook County Republican Vote for One W. 8. COATES, of Tillamook County Republican-Demcratic J OR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Tillamook County 66 H. V. ALLEY, of Tillamook County FOR COUNTY CORONER. Tillamook County 67 TILL AMOOK BATTERY STATION, WILLARD SERVICE. Vote for One FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR. Tillamook County L’O I Threaded Rubber In­ sulation is as important to the storage battery as the tungsten filament is to the electric light. There are other insulations and other filaments but none that serve quite so well. The Still Better Wil­ lard Battery the only one with Threaded Rub. ber I nsu let ion— hrs been selected by 136 manufacture— of carl and trucks. KATHLEEN MILLS of Tillamook County Republican-Democratic TOR COUNTY ASSESSOR. Tillamook County R- N. HENKLE, of Tillamook County Vote for Or.e Dr. Howard, CHIROPRACTOR, 211 TILLAMOOK BUILDING Republican Free Consultation uriti Spinili Ai.alysia. Vote for One Republican To Whom It May Concern. FOR COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT. Tillamook County rhe City Transfer Co. has changed Vote for One hands Is in no way connected with - - - ...._________________ __ „____________ G. 11. LAMB, of Tillamook County One-Forty One-Forty One-Fo.ty One-Forty One-Forty One-Forty One-Fifty, Four, Five, Six. Seven, Eight, Nine, three passenger or live passenger car four _ . passenger coupe live passenger aedan four passenger coupe »even passenger car »even pa*»enger sedan F. Q. & 1199$ Ptinta ACKLEY & MILLER WHEN BETTER. AUTOMOBILES AÄE BUILT, BUJCK WILL BUILD THEM Stage and Movie. ■ To me the joy of the theater Is In the attention forced by a skillfully con­ structed play acted by players of con­ viction and artistic power. I have of­ ten watched an audience coming from a moving-picture theater, and rarely have 1 seen a look of more elation or spirit upon the faces of the crowd than would result from the perusal of a newspaper. Whereas, after an eve­ < » ning at an Interesting play, the audi­ ence pours forth In animation; and even though the play may have been a tragedy, emotions have been stirred and mind« stlmtrlnted until the reiic- turn shows on every face. So long a« the human relation Is preserved be­ tween actor and audience, so long will the acted drama retain Its supremacy In nny community.—Otis Skinner tn the North American Review. 0 I j» FOR COMMISSIONER OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE. COMMISSION OF OREGON. DISTRICT COMPOSED OF THE COUNTIES LY­ ING WEST OF THE CASCADE MOUNTAINS. Benton. Clack­ amas, Clatsop, Columbia. Coos, Curry. Douglas, Jackson. Joseph­ ine, Lane, Lincoln. Linn. Marion. Multnomah, Polk. Tillamook, Washington and Yamhill Counties. Vote for One. 55 Price* of th* New Nineteen Twenty One Buick Sarin Model Twenty Model Twenty Model Twenty Model Twenty Model Twenty Model Twenty Modal Tweoiy A bell which was cast by Paul Re­ vere still hangs In the belfry of King’s chapel, built when Boston was in Its Infancy. This bell was the one hun­ dred and sixty-first cast by Revere. Besides being a bell caster Revere al­ so was an engraver, a goldsmith and a dentist. Rising above the modest houses Is the old North church, from which Revere received bis signal previous to his famous midnight ride. Christ church, the second Episcopal church of Boston, Is situated In the north end. and is an off-shoot of King’s «•Impel. Its spire, designed and built In 1723. Ims served as a landmark to guide ships Into the harbor. In ISO* this spire was blown down by a great gale, anil was shortened by 16 feet. The chime of bells, now silent, which hangs In the tower, was made In 1774, in the foundry of Abel Ruddall. of Gloucester. England. Each bell has engraved upon it an Inscription denot­ ing Its history. The bells, as was com­ mon belief In that time, were supposed to possess the power to dispel evi! spirits. ARD milkers or Republican FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS. FIRST DISTRICT Benton, Clackamas. Clatsop. Columbia. Coos, Curry. Douglas, Jackson. Josephine, Lane. Lincoln, Linn. Marion, Polk, Tilla­ mook, Washington and Yamhill Counties. Vote for One SAM A. KOZER. of Clastop County p UBLIC Not the Least In the Historic Old City le the One That Was Cast by Paul Revere. FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR IN CONGRESS 44 Buick models is their utility. You can rely on the Buick Valve-in-Head motor for power for the hardest travel, the greatest speed emergency. To remarkable serviceability, the new Buick models add really impressive beauty. The graceful body lines, handsome ap­ pointments, refinements and roominess inspire justifiable pride among owners. Authorized Buick service, nation-wide in extent, reinforces their high serviceability. FAMOUS BELLS OF BOSTON STATE 43 B U1C K For President WARREN G. HARDING the Tillamook Transfe- c- Republican-Democratic A. F. Wallace. The Wonder of Eggs. One cauuot find among the multitude of wonders In nature anything more marvelous than the development of an egg. writes Elsa G. Allen in the American Forestry Magazine. Wheth­ er It be a butterfly which flourishes for a day «wily to die after depositing Its eggs, or a reptile which lazily leaves Its eggs with only the warm sand to mother them, or a fish, like the salmon, which, with incredible strength, jumps the rapids to spawn tn the upper reaches of rivers, or most appealing of all, a bird which builds a beautiful nest for Its treasures, the egg In every case Is structurally the same, and the miracle of life unfolds according to 'he same laws of cell division. Reckoning Longitude. Longitude in the United Kingdom and generally In the Uuited States Is reckoned from Greenwich, degrees be­ ing known as east longitude and west longitude from that point until the) meet In the Pacific ocean at ISO de­ grees from Greenwich, the opposite zero point, Asia being In east longi­ tude and the United States In west longitude. For the same reason the term Orient Is applied to the East and Occident to the West. It may be said that Germany reckons longitude from Berlin, France from Paris and Spain from Mailrld. while sometimes it Is reckoned In this country from Wash ington. hut. usually speaking, Green wlcb Is meant A Perfect Chesterfield. “I had a little experience this morn­ ing with an extremely polite man." "Tell me about It.” “I was standing near him In a bar­ ber shop while n dark attendant was briskly applying the whisk broom. The I’eutleman turned to me and said, ’Ex­ cuse my duet.’ ”—Birmingham Age- Herald. C. DI ETER DENTIST. TILLAMOOK BUILDING (Over Haltom’s), T illamook- Orenon. QK O. L. HOB LI.FED. VETERINARIAN. »,ell Phone—2F2 Ti)lnm««>k Mutual Pbnn? ' resini < . VAUGHN’S, the Original and Best $ Will set it up and put it to work for you to your satisfaction or you don’t pay a cent. To be had |now at the Tillamook Clay works, E. G. KREBS, Prop. See that clutch and sawholder ? Put your saw on or take it off in a jiffy. Phone or call. à FAIRBANKS-MORSE I [HOME LIGHT PLANT! Cany 40 Lights. put a Flea in Your Ear about Electric Lights on the Farm ( V ou’ll find it easier to keep competent help ; you’ll greatly reduce your fire risk ; you and your wife will live longer; and everybody be always happier after you’ve had us install an Electric Horne Light Plant. Four Hundred and Ten Dollars. The cost is so moderate that it’s a big paying investment. 1 R. F. ZACHMANN Notice In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Tillamook. n the matter of the estate of Wil­ liam Thomas Collins, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all to whom it may concern. That the un­ dersigned has been, by the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, duly appointed Administratrix of the estate of William Thomas Collins, deceased; and all persona having claims against said estate are hereby nptifled to present same, duly veri­ fied. as by law required, to the »in- dersigned. or to her attorney. John Leland Henderson, at Tillamook, Oregon, within six months from this date. Dated September 9th. 1920. the first publication of this notice. Lizzie Collins, Adminis­ tratrix of the estate of William Thomas Collins, deceased. ’ohn Lela'd Henderson. Attorney tor said estate. pacific - int . livestock exposition . HERE is a coming event of the utmost interest to Tillamook County. At that great show in Portland there will not only be exhibited the West’s prize dairy and beef cattle, sheep, hoga, goats and horses, but there will also be an exhibit of dairv products in connection. wi,h to take ««Ivantnge of th- Dailv Auction their herd», the Pint National Bank am lend the nece»»nrr co-operation, ofeourac JOHN MUUGAX. A.W. BUNN. H BN RY ROGERS 1 DIRECTORS- r. a . C. J EDW ARDS . B. C. LAMB W. J. HIKCHBRS McGHBE The first National Bank