Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 28, 1920, Image 1

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there, to have a piece of brass remov­
desirable suitor. Scaudal-mongers
Nothing Doing.
ed from bty eye. The particle of brass
involve her in a divorce proceed.fig
lodged there atioitt two weeks ago,
Corvallis, Or?.
with which site has had nothing to
Miss B. Kabkee spent Tuesday ’n when a gun exploded, throwing F. C. Baker. Tillamook:
do, and newspaper reporters are
Bay City visiting with her aunt.
pieces cartridge into the air.
Replying to open letter by C. Hab­ camping on her trail to "run dow n '
. A marriage license was issued to
A card party will be held at ths erlach condemning Market Commis­ the scandal.
Lewis D. Gilbert and Virginia Curl, K. of P. Hall, on Tuesday evening, sion Act, Haberlach is either entirely
Sickened and disgusted, she runs
onthe 25 of October.
Nov. 2nd. 1920, by the Pythian Sis- mistaken or deliberately talsefying away from the scene of het India-
Owing to democratic free trade on ters. -There will be ears, dancing his interpretation of Act .
nitlee, and In a different city, under
Market Commission will have no an awning during a «uiustorm, she
lumber the saw mills in this county and prizes for the card players, ami
th« election raturns will be announc­ more control over marketing Tilla­ meete—true romance, at Jast. But
are preparing to cose down.
all U not plain saNing yet—there s
William Zeurcher was arrested last ed every hour. Come, everybody, and mook chee.-e than Swift's Bacon.
Haberlach is apparantty aiding en­ many a moment of misapprehension
week for unlawful fishing and was bring your friends and have a guoi
time. The price is only 50c. Be emies of organized dairymen nd co­ and suffering before the last few feet
brought before Judge Stanley.
operative movement much in Oregon of the last reel shows the happiness
and be there at 8 o’clock.
The persons who went on Thad
I.- doing co-operative movement much ana sunshine that has come Into the
Robinson’s bund withdrew on Tues­
harm. Can you arrange public dis­ lite of a suffering soul.
day and he w ill haveto furnish a new shine club, Oct. 26. was observed by
a meeting at Mrs. Noyes’ home, with cussion Tillamook Saturday evening.
Habeilach and myself participating.
New Fair Grounds Petitions Filed
Sheriff Campbell left Monday fcr Mrs. Noyes and Mrs. Doty bostessas. Please publish.
Last Week
Hermiston, to bring buck Ross Mc-
Fall, who is indicted on a charge of fancy, work and social conversation.
filed last week call­
A dainty luncheon was served by the
ing fcr a special election for the pur­
hostesses. Sixteen members and one
Mrs. Munson and her daughter, visitor present. The next meeting Hector Mac Pherson, Corvallis. Ore. chase of the new fair grounds, which
Answering from tenor of your tele­ included nearly 700 signatures.
Esther, left ¿Tuesday for Seattle, will be at Mr. Charles Jotui.-on. Nov.
gram would hesitate to ask Cari Hab­ When it became known that the pre­
where they will visit for a week or 11th.
erlach to debate publicity with you. vious petitions did not contain suffi­
ten days.
The Tusatlla Club met at the
carrying out
wishes cient names owing to a half dozen
Mr .and Mrs. James Patterson, home of the Misses Emma und Lill­ Haberlach
who have ben living at Blaine, left ian Groat, last Saturday. A short of his people here. Has done pro­ petitions not reaching the county
for Newberg, on Ttiesday, where they business meeting was held. which bably more than any man in Oregon clerk in time, and the petition being
for co-operation, as he has made ab­ ¡ejected by the county court on that
will make their home.
was followed by various games. Re­ solute
here. account, the Chamber of Commerce
Mrs. Mary A. Barnes of Wheeler, freshments were then served, the
Believe your aspersions altogether undertook to see that another set of
returned to her home Tuesday morn­ girls having much fun with the fort­
uncalled for.
petitions were circulated and filed,
ing, after having spent a few days unes on their favors. After a few
Fred C. Baker.
which was done by the activs efforts
here with her daughter.
more stories were told the girls de­
of a few citizens of this city who are
Judge Bagley an4 his reporter, Mr.
Logging Road Along Highway a interested in having a permanent
Runyon, returned to their homes in Hnltom in two weeks.
I Nuisance.
fair grounds for Tillamook county.
Hillsboro Tuesday, the Circuit Court
Miss Georgia Parker, the Associate
It seems as if there is always some­ Quite ji number of the country pie-
closing Its sessions early that morn­ Secretary of the State Sunday School thing to take the joy out of life, or cincts appear to favor the Head­
Convention, and B. H. Jones, Field at least, to make awful nuisance lor light’s suggestion that people voiun-
Charles Rattary, the travelling secretary of the Near East Relief, re­ the public to bear. In the present ter their services on election boards,
engineer for the eWstern Electric Co. turned to Portland an Monday, after instance we refer to the stretch of so as to save the county the expense
was in Tillamook the latter part of having been here at the county Sun­ plank road on this side of Mahler, of bolding a special election. Oscar
last week, working at the Coast Pow­ day School Convention, which they tvhich is used by the Comstock Log­ Tittle, president of the Fair beard,
er Co. He left for Portland on Mon- said was the largest that had bee a ging Co. to haul their logs over by is in favor of this plan. Of course,
held in this county, it also being the truck. The planks were put down there will be some expense, such as
.about twoyears ago, the county giv­ printing notices and the ballots
Miss Jennie Robinson, of Salem, largest one they had attended so far
ing the company permission to put which would have to have been done
who has been
J.t down on certain conditions, one <f even had the election been set fer
past week or so with Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Goldsmith, formerly of which was that it was to remain only next Tuesday, and a few oilier ex­
Dunham, left for her home Tuesday
a short time. The planks are still penses but on the whole It is hoped
morning, after having had a very en­ Sheridan, and Ida. Davidson were
married at the home of the bride’s there and the company doesn’t seem that sufficient persons will volunteer
joyable time.
to care how’ much longer they stay.
The Episcopal Guild met at the mother, last Thursday, Oct. 21. Rev. All along the road there is roam for their services on election boards. The
home of Mrs. F. C. Baker on Tues­ H. E. Tucker, officiated, using the only one car and to pass one must Chamber of Commerce, having suc­
day, and the next meeting will be at ring ceremony. The relatives of the back up until one of the few turn- ceeded in securing sufficient signa­
the home of Mrs. Stanley Coates the bride, and a few friends witnessed outs is reached, or drive off the tures for the new set of petitions will
the ceremony, The bride and groom
no doubt, see that volunteers are ob­
last Tuesday in next month. All
are both well known in Tillamook, planks, running the risk of being u li­ tained for the six voting precincts in
ladies who belong to the Episcopal
and have the congratulations of a able to get back on. running in the the city, and if the country precincts
church are cordially Invited.
large number of friends who wish the ditch or tearing off a wheel, Tn will do the same there will be com­
— Wm. Hill and Mr. Rogers are put­ them happiness and good luck.
the winter time when it is wet, or paratively little expense to the coun­
ting upa building on the lot adjoin-
the planks are covered with ty in bolding a special election to de­
Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 the
ingthe Plasekr buijding on Thirl
frost, farmers find it almost impos­ cide whether Tillamook county is to
first meeting of the Women’s AuxiU-
sible to travel over the road with have a permanent fair grounds er
Street, which will be used as a gro­
iary of the American Legion was
teams, and it Is almost as bad with a not.
cery store. The lot and building be­
held at the City Hall in the Chamber
long to Mrs. Vida MUlis, who is to
of Commerce office. Temporary offi­
As the road is very crooked and
rent it to G. L. Burge and son.
cers were elected as follows: ~
Mrs. H. H. Stark, who has been ent, Mrs. Anderson; Vice-president, trees and brush form a screen era
here for a week, visiting with Mr. Mrs. A. C. Crank: Secretary. Mrs. B. both sides of it drivers of cars ca.n- Arrangements Made to Give Out the
and Mrs. Stanley, returned to her L. Beals. Another meeting will be not see when they are about to meet News at City Hall Tuesday Night.
home In Portland Wednesday. Mr. held next Tuesday at the same lime another, and when they do there is
Arrangements have been made 'o
Stark was here last winter and be- to elect permanent officers. All ladies not sufficient room to pass, consequ-
came very much interested in Tilla­ entitled to become members are ask- ently the cars run together in most obtain election news from all parts of
cases. Some days it happens that as the. United States next Tuesday
mook, so had his wife come over to ed to be present.
many as six or eight, cars run togther night, and the people will be given
see" it.
By a special Invitation from the two at a time, each time a number an opportunity to obtain this inform­
If the Headlight is a little uninter­ boys of Troop One of the Boy Scouts of lives being in danger.
ation right off the bat on Tuesday
esting this week it is because the of America, at Bay City, Chief TI ioe .
We think that .as the people In night at the City hall, which will be
editor has been kept at the grind Coates attended their celebration that district, as well as all who tra­
open for all those who are interested
stone at the mechanical end of the which was held there on Monday vel that way are being Imposed upon
in the presidential election.
establishment getting out ballots, night in honor of Roosevelt's birth­ by this nuisance that it should be
A special wire will be installed in
setting ardds for business men and tho day . After a pararde the boys gave elminated by petition or otherwise.
the office of the Chamber of Com­
poll (¡cans and pulling off a tew pol- a splendid program and a pie a>ci.i1
merce. where an operator will be at
itlacl stunts.
the pies bringing in about $12. Theta
the keys from eight o’clock Tuesday
Circuit Court Closes.
A reception for the new Methodist are only about eight or ten boys in
evening until three o’clock the next
------- 0-------
pastor will be held at the church
The October term of the Circuit morning.
Friday evening. If you are a strang­
Court closed Tuesday morning. The
Persons living in other parts of the
er, come and get acquainted with th? crowd before lontf, as they ore work­ judgements are as follows:
county could phone the Chamber of
Sunday School pupils, their parents, ing hard.
J. L. Jones vs. C. P. Knudson. Commerce for election news.
members of the church, and all who
While duck hunting on the bay Judgement against defendant for
The Headlight will compile the re­
are Interested in the church, All are near the mouth of Kilehis river Mon­ $112, with interest at 8 per cent per sult of the election In Tillamook
most cordially invited.
day morning, Lionel Thayer had the annum from July 8, 1914. attorneys' county, which will be posted in the
Dr. Boals reports the birth of a misfortune to have two of the fingers fees $100. costs and disbursements. Cty Hall. We have sent the following
son to Mr. and Mrs.M. D. Ackley on on his left hand blown off. The ac­ Also a sum of $3v0 with interest at circular letters to all election boards
the 16th of October, a girl to Rav. cident occurred when Mr. Thayer, 8 per cent per annunni from Sept. in the county and we feel sure they
and Mrs. Allen McRea on the 17tli, who was accompanied by Frank Ep- 6, 1914, and attorney’s fees of $59. will readily comply with our request:
Nehalem Valley Bank vs. But tner To the Election Board. Your Assis­
a girl to Mr. and Mrs. Scharff on the plett and Jack Driscoll, started to
18th, and a girl to Mr. and Mrs. Joe enter the row boat, having first put Mills Co. Judgement against defeiid-
tance and Co-Operation Needed.
Maginnis on the 19th.
Dr. Stork his shot gun in the bow of it. The ant for sum of $1125, with interest
Gentlemen: As members of your
seems to be a pretty busy fellow these gun exploded, shooting him in the at 8 per cent per annum from Feb. election board, I will appreciate
/ hand. He is now in Boals’ Hospital, 21, 1920. Also for further sum of your kind co-operation in obtaining
the result of the election in your pre­
Mrs Ella Shattuck, of Bay City, and. with proper care, providing in­ $150 and costs and disbursements.
set in the remaining
State of Oregon vs. Fred De Lilliei. cinct as quickly as possible, for all
died at her home on the 14th of Oct­ fection doesn't
candidates and all measures.
ober. She was born in Nashua. New- three fingers of his hand will be t Judgement against defendant.
Pacific Engineering Equipment
First: As soon as the ballots are
Hampshire. sixty live years ago. Her saved.
husband, George Shattuck died a -w On Tuesday. October 19th, Ethelyn Co., a corporation, vs. Foley Box Co. counted, please phone the result io
number of years ago and she leaves Brooks Crawford was united in marr­ Judgement against defendant for sum the Headlight office.
Second: In addition, have the per­
• sister .niece and other relatives in iage with Paris L. Lamar. The cere­ of $112.89and costs and dirffiiir/t»-
son who brings the ballot boxes to
this part of the country. The remains mony took place in Portland at the ments .
Martin and Catherine Blaser vs. the city leave a ballot of your pre­
were shipped to Nashua for burial. home of Rev. Anderson, in the pre­
Jeff and Lulu Fleck. Judgement cinct at the Headlight office with the
Inez Elizabeth Hale died at her
the groom, and Lula Alta Hamlin, a against defendant for sunt of $62.50. total cast for candidates and meas-
home in Salt Air. on the 14th of
II. S. Brimhall and Josephine Mires.
life long friend of Mrs. Rose Craw­
October, of tuberculosis of the lungs.
ford. mother of the bride. The happy Brirnliall vs. E. R. Manning. Judge­
Should a representative of the
The funeral was held in Bay Cl.y
ment against defendant. Costs ami Headlight ask to obtain the figures
Saturday afternoon at the Methodist couple are spending their honeymoon disbursements.
tn Portland. and other points in
- thè
- -
while the count is proceeding, will
church, and burial was in the Bay
State of Oregon vs. H. A. Frakes. assure you it will be done with little
will return to Tillamook
City cemetery. Deceased was only vicinity, and
will make their future Judgement against defendant. Costs delay.
fourteen years, old and leaves her where they
are well known in. tirs and disbursements.
The Headlight, in compiling lite
parents and other immediate relat­
State of Oregon vs. Richard Thorn- election returns, does so for the in­
community and have the best wishes I
ives to mourn her loss.
las. Judgement against defendant formation of the people of the coun­
of a large circle of friends.
C. L. Leighty, assistant manager
for $254.60, for expense of trial.
ty. and for that reason you can great­
for Portland divisions, and C. O.
Charles F. Pankow vs. City Trans­ ly assist us by following the above
Waugh, route manager for the Your of Rev. H. E. Tucker Tuesday mora-I fer Co. Judgement against defendant instructions, w hch will be appreciat­
Transportation Lines Inc., ar« in
ing. The ring service was used, about , for sum of $334.83. Costs and Jis- ed by this office and those who an­
Tillamook this week on business con­
’ bursements.
xiously desire to know how Tilla­
a dozen friends and relatives witness­
cerned with the starting of a stage
Anna G. Harris vs. Thomas J. mook county voted in the president­
ing the ceremony. The newly weds I
line between Tillamook and Port-
left on the 8:25 train, amid a shower , Harris and Harris Ammer Furniture ial election.
Ian*- A definite date has not as yet
Thanking you for your kind co­
of rice. They will spend a week or 'Co. Divorce granted, also Judgements
bean set for the beginning of the
so in Portland before returning here, against defendant for attorneys' fees operation, very respectfully yours.
company's operation of the stage line.
Fred C. Baker. Editor
where they will make their home. $250. plaintiff’s attorneys’ fees $150.
The Presbyterion Guild held one The bride is well known here and in costs and disbursements $100, Tem­
Tillamook Headlight
of fin best meetings since they re-org- the south part of the county, which porary support money. $50. Alimony
snfted. last week at the home of Mrs. was her home, and the groom is one .and support money $1000.
City Caucui Held Saturday
Clnngh. with Mrs. Fred Chrlstesen of our local young men who graduat­
------ 0—
t«ssitt*ng the hostesses. Next Tues- ed from the Tillamook High school
*•> the ladies will meet at the home two years ago and has since become »
A caucus was held Saturday even­
of Mrs Conover and it is hoped the a druggist. They have a host of . The underground whisper-factory, ing at the City Hall for the nomin­
1*0» trill all remember the date.
friends who congratulate them and I where rumors are spiead and reputa- ation of city officers. The following
There are a few books still in wish them the best of success and tions d am aged, is the subject of were nominated: Mayor. Sam Moul­
Elaine Hammerstein'» new starring ton; Treasurer, Leslie Harrison:
hMMs of readers which is delaying happiness.
for Selznlck Picture», '’Whispers.” Councilmen: 1st Ward, Roy Wilson;
0accession work and only the non-
which comes to the Gem theatre next 2nd ward. Dr. Hoy, 3rd ward. Frrd
OTi can be prepared for circulat-
Presbyterian Chruch
Sunday, Oct. 31.
Christensen; 4th wkrd, CMs. John-
ion until al) books are in place on
Miss Hammerstein in this product­ son; 5th ward, F. W. Talbott. Water
sholf. There are many good book-
Sunday School, 10 a. m.
Morning w_orship. 11. Subject: ion portrays a girl who Is the victim commissioner, 5th
available now for those earing to
of scandal, every Innocent move .‘lie Plank. No doubt there will l>e can­
“God’s Election.”
read books to travel and history.
Evening worship, 7:30. Subject: makes being interpreted in a sinister didates entered on Independent tick­
Mm. E. J. Hugh««, aemnipanied by
manner. Her mercenary aunt makes ets at the last monment. although
; her yvnagVr eon. Harry, left for "Ten Cowards.”
life unpleasant for her by trying toi at present none have entered their
Portland Wednesday
A. McRea. minister. ( marry her off to a wealthy but tin- names.
eye specialist
took th« hoy to “n
Tillamook Jottings
--- o---
C. B. Gray Commits Suicide.
Coroner Henkle was called to the
southeast part of the county Thurs­
day afternoon to hold an inquest over
the body of C. B. Gray, who was
found dead in the shingle mill be­
longing to H. R. Shelly. Gray lived
about sixteen miles up Coast Creek
near Willamina, but as the Shelly
place is in Tillamook county it was
necessary for our coroner to take
It seems as Gray had been having
a good deal of trouble with his neig­
hbors in regards to the toad, and had
also been worrying over his Income
tax, and as he was threatened by
some of the men he became despond­
ent. Thursday morning, after having
spent the night at the Shelly home
he tock a small revolver and went
down to the shingle mill, here he sat
(own and shot himself in the head.
This happened between eight thirty
and nine thirty, as bis body was
found at ten o’clock.
Gray has a brother in Wheeler, W.
D. Gray, who went down on Sunday
to arrange for the burial. Deceased
was not very well known here but
had worked in Wheeler about a year
ago, w here he was well acquainted.
’ a year, charged with grand larc
but was paroled
iled by the judge. The
Scotts have left Tillamook, but the
mystery of the remaining four
' thousand dollars’ worth of furi is
still unsolved.
------- o-------
No Forest Service Money Available
for Sheridan-Tillamook Road.
We have received the followi ig
from one of our subsetibers, taken
from the Telegn iu back in 1915:
_r E Chamberlain is advised
that the forestry service Is unable to
comply with a request fcr aid in con­
struction of a loan between Sheridan
and Tillamook, through the Tilla­
mook forest reserve. But $20.00(1 is
available for road constructon in Ore­
gon this year raid this is being ex­
pended on loads in the Cascade., Des­
chutes and Umpqua forests.
Attached indicates how “pussyfoot
George" helped Tillamook county
back in 1915 If he had not the pow­
er then to help, how has he now ?
Furthermore what has he ever
done for Tillamook county?
Successful Sunday School Convention
The annual convention of the Sun­
day School of Tillamook ^ounty was
held in this city Saturday and Sun­
day, sessions both in the afternoons
and evenings. It was considered a
splendid success from every point of
view, the program being carried out
alomst to perfection.
There was an enrollment of 242
delegates against an enrollment of
176 last year. The delegates of Bay
City are especially to be commended,
as there were 42 who attended each
session both days. The Presbyterian
church was crowded Sunday, and in
the afternoon the roll call was well
answered. Several Sunday Schools
had their banners, and answered
with their texts.
Saturday afternoon Rev. McRea
gave a very interesting helpful talk
on, “How I can get the most out of
the convention.” Sunday afternoon
Miss Parker, the Associate State Sec­
retary, who was sent here on account
of the inability of Mr. Johnston to
attend, gave a splendid address on
"How to make the Bible interesting.”
In the evening she spoke on "Person­
al Responsibilities,” and Mr. B. H.
Jones, the Field Secretary, described
the present conditions of Armenia.
Mr. Jones is the representative for
the Near East Relief, and his address
was exceedingly well received, espec­
ially as the Sunday Schools are ask­
ed to give Christmas presents to the
Armenian, this year. After the ad­
dress by Mr. Jones the solo “The Gal­
ilean’s Shout of Victory,” was sung
by C. J. Edwards, which fitted won­
derfully, well with that part of the
The following were elected as offi­
cers of the convention: Superintend­
ent, Mrs. C. J. Edwards; Assistant
Superintendent, Ira G. Lance; Sec­
retary, Mrs. Arthur Tippin; Director
for South part of county, Prof. E. K.
Barnes; Director of Nouof county,
Mrs. C. L. Alley. Mrs.’ Edwards
laughingly said, “Men may come and
men may go. but I go on forever.”
This makes the fifth term she has
served as Superintendent of the as­
Fun in Scott Cage Still Missing
Small Amount of
Moonshine Confiscated.
------ o-------
On Sunday Sheriff Campbell, hi-
two deputies, John Aschim and E. W
Perkins, and his son James, made a
raid on the largest still which has
ever been found in the county, being
larger even than the one found near
Blaine in the early summer.
The still was under the garage at
Mohler, and was being operated by
Ace Cook and L. W. Travis, It had
had been in use for two or two and a
half months .and the authorities had
known of it for some time, but had
to work very quietly to And its exact
location. They found a trap door in
the floor of the garage, over which
the cars were placed while being re­
paired. Steps led from the trap door
into a tunnel, several feet in length,
which opened in to large room. This
apartmfent was several feet under the
ground, and a ventilation pipe went
up thru the roof of the garage, thus
avoiding the detection of any escap­
ing vapor. A double coil was used,
also charcoal was used as a purifier,
which had not been found in any
other still here. Three large barrels
of mash were found, but owing to
the fact that the raid was made on
Sunday, and that by the end of the
week most of the supply had been
sold out, they found only a gallon or
so of the finished product.
Travis was brought down by the
sheriff and Cook was taken in cust­
ody, being brought down the next
day by one of the deputies.
Leslie Travis and Entry (known as
"Ace”) Cook were tried by Justice
Stanley, and as the evidence against
Coook was not sufficient to convict
him of moonshining, he was dismis-
sed, Travis being fined $2ij0.
Effenberger in New Employment.
You will notice in another column
of the Headlight that H. F. Effenb-
erger, a former resident of Tillamook
county for many years, has taken a
position with the Pioneer Employ­
ment Company of Portland, as mana­
ger of the logging and milling inter­
ests of that company.
The Pioneer Employment Company
is the oldest office In Oregon, having
been in business more than twenty-
one years.
Mr. G. A. Hurley, the manager of
the company, Is a brother of Grand
Chancellor J. A. Hurley, of
KnlghtH of Pythias, who is I well
known in the city, and who wts
formerly a member of the legal firm
of Hurley & Hurley.
The company maintains a depart­
ment for milling and logging hands
and finishes help fo all kinds for
farm work.
This service is free ió all cmploy-
era. Land clearing contracts handl­
ed also and the company Is In a pos
it Ion to take care of these matte, s
prompl ly and satisfactorily. The
company’s entire force Is experienced
and maintains a reputation tor
square dealing and efficient service
—— 0-------
A few weeks ago the excitement
ran rather high concerning the
Scott case, In which the thift of sev­
eral thousand dollars worth of furs
was involved. Although the supposed
arch conspirator was arrested and
tried by the authorities, the entire
story has not yet been brought to
light. About four thousand dollars
worth of furs are still missing and
no trace of them has been found.
The story starts in Great Falls,
Mont., about eight months ago, when
a fire burned most of the 125,000
stock of W. J. Scott, who was in the
fur business. Betwei n $4.000 and
$5.500 worth of furs were saved, and
Mr. Scott received the compensation
due him from the insurance com­
pany for the loss.
After the fire and the matters con­
cerning it were settled, Mr. and Mrs.
Scott came to Tillamook, bringing
with them tlie remaining fuys, with
which they planned on starting busi­
ness in Portland some time in the
I. 0. 0. F NEWS.
future. Two other families from
Rebekahs, well J guess, more of
Great Falls also came to Tillamook.
Jack Patterson and his parents and them every week, they surely have it
Alfred Muller, the Pattersons buying over the Odd Fellows, and 1 will tell
a ranch adjoining that of Scott's, you the reason why, you know the
several miles south of town. Mr. Odd Fellows are working |»hrd for
Scott returned for a time to Montana new members, and they are getting
leaving Mrs. Scott here alone. It them too. but here is the rub; every
seems that Muller and Scotts had time we get one new member the Re­
some trouble, and after Mr. Scott had bekahs get. two, for evety Odd Fel­
left here he made an attempt to low has a wife, sister or sweetheart,
blackmail Mrs. Scott, of which and they lose no tipie In getting them
charge he was acquitted on his trial to sign up an application blank, that
Later it was discovered that a fur means two, for most Bros, have to
coat had been stolen from the trunk I take their wives along In attending
In which the bunch of furs were Rebekafi lodge, and the young mem­
kept, in the Scott’s barn. Muller was bers of course need their sweethearts
taken into custody, charged with who are generally some other Bro 's
having stolen it. but said that Jack sister, so they ure eligble, and there
Patterson was also connected with you are. Do you wonder th« Rebelt-
the taking of it. In his trial Muller ah's Initiate from 5 to 15 each meet-
confessed to having stolen the coat Ing? We do net care we, we like the
and sent it to Portland by a friend, Rebekahs. Don’t you?
Tillamook lodge is endeavoring l<
who was to dispose of ft for him. The
coat was restored to Its ownewrs by train a Second degree team, to such
the authorities, but the remaining a state of perfection, that we ran
lot of furs which were tn the trunk, send a team’to the next session ot
and had disappeared also have not Grand Lodge which meets In Albany
been found and Muller says that he next year, so al! Bros, who are chosen
to work In this degree, please d’
knows nothing of them.
Muller was fined and sentenced for | your part, learn your charge, meet
with the team in practice, and let y-»
show the Graud lodge we are alive,
and on the map.
Bro. Matt Teffy Is still sick with
the Small Poll. Bro. Allen Page re-
ported sick, and Sam Moultou so far
recovered that bus been taken off toe
sick list.
Encampment members notice.
Bay City Rebekahs have a big time
planned for Saturday night, and a
good many camp members ate from
Bay City lodge, also Wheeler lodge
has something special t.r that nig at,
the Tillamook Encampment has call­
ed off the special session, which was
to be held cn Saturday eve, Oct. 30
to some future date, to be announc-
ed later; when the Wheeler degree
team will come and confer the Royal
Purple degree. Watch these column»
for special notice, and remember
there will be no special meeting of
the camp tilts Saturday night.
All members of Mt. Hebo lodge
I. 0. 0. F. are invited to visit this
lodge Tuesday eve. Nov. 2. The
Third degree will be conferred, if
you have any candidates, bring them
along; we have a special supper com­
mittee to see that we have lots to eat
on that occassion, but the secretary
hasto serve as judge on a night elect­
ion board, where will he get off?
Remember Rebekahs always on
time, Wednesday eve at 7:30. Odd.
Fellows the same on Tuesday eve.
Encampment 1st and 3rd Thursday
eve each month. But no special camp
this Saturday.
F. F. Conover, sec.
"Clothes,” Metro screen classic pro­
duction presenting Olive Tell and
all star cast.
"London Bobby” comedy.
Sunday. Oct. 31, “Whispers” featur­
ing Elaine Hammerstein.
“Mary’s Little Lobster” Sunshine
Monday, Nov. 1 "His Temporary
Wife” featuring Rubye de Reiner
and Edmund Breeze.
"One Reel Subject,” comedy.
Tuesday, Nov. 2, "Riders of the
Dawn” taken from Zane Grey’s
"The Desert of Wheat" featuring
Rot Stewart and Claire Adams sup-
supported by a celebrated cast.
Pathe Review.
Wednesday, Nov. 3, "The Blooming
Angel” featuring Madge Kennedy.
Bray Pictograph.
Friday-Saturday, Nov. 5-6 "Blnck-
mail" Metro producton featuring
Viola Dana.
------- o-------
Note: The entire month of November
is tilled with big programs. Don't
overlook any of them, they have all
been selected with special care--26
photoplays you’ll want to see.
‘‘Him Have Good Face”
------ 0------
Senator Harding's smile haH won
him a handsome Indian , blanket.
Nana Carrothers Learning, matron
of an Indian Hcliool at Polacca, Aril.,
tells the story.
An Indian woman from the mount­
ains saw Senator Harding’s picture
In a trader's store. "Him look good;
him huve good face hint honest
man," wls her comment. The trader
told her he was to be the next "big
white chief at Washington." He sa‘d
his name was Harding. At the wo­
man's request, the trader wrote th«
name "Harding” on a slip of puper.
In a few days the Indian woman
returned to the trader’s store and un­
folded a beautiful blanket that .‘he
had made. The trader immediately
offered to buy It, and asked her.
"How much?” "Me no sell,” she an­
swered«- “Me make it for Harding.
See him name?” In the blanket,
beautiful in color design, won woven
the name, "Harding.” “Send to him
for me,” she said, as she turned Io
go. "Him good man him good
white chief.”
Buying and Selling.
Feed, Flour, Hay, Grain, etc., is
our business. Being constantly :tl
touch with largest and best produc­
ers and mills und able to buy in bit;
lots to the best ndvsntnge puts us in
irqsltimi to give you the best possible
price at all times. Grain of all kinds
has been declining in price since liar­
vest and we have some exceptionally
good values to offer now, but ut the
same time would not advise dairymen
to load up for the winter.
Our stock is now complete and <ve
cun save you real money on your re­
Standard Feed Co.. Ttllnniook
Wholesale and Retail.
s Card of Thanks.
It is with sincere appreciation that
we express our thanks to the many
kind friends who so kindly assiated
us during the Illness and death of
our beloved sister and aunt.
Relatives of Mrs. Hila Shattuck
Idaho Statesman: "Joining a lot of
bankrupt, near bankrupt, and claim
Jumping nations in a league is like
a prosperous farmer signing a Joint
stud horse note wth a group of neigh­
bors of doubtful credit. His signature
makes it a good note at the bank, and
his neighbors would think It mean of
him to refuse to sign. But when the
note becomes due and some of the
neighbors, or perhaps all of them,
fail to pay tlrlr shares, the prosper­
ous farmer must make good the dif­
ference. The league of nations is a
ttud horse note, and the posperou*
United States lias a good signature.'*