0 91 STOP ! LOOK ! READ ! Then Come to Haltom’s Great UNLOADING SALE ! ■ SURPASSING ALL RECORDS FOR SELLING ! People Are Coming From All Parts Qi This Wonderful County Buying As They Never Did Before, Reaping From It's Benefits. The Store That Sells For Cash and Selling for Cash Sells for Less. Mail Orders Filled. They Know Haltom’s Merchandise Is Dependable, None BetterJ Think Of It! This Immense 575,000 Stock OfferedJit Drastic Price Reduction. And Every Article, Every Price Reduced (With The Exception Of A Few Contract Goods). Chance To Fight The Hi-Cost Of Living. I ACT NOW ! Don’t DELAY BUY NOW ! Women’s $10 00 Silk Here Is Your One Best Alterations Free Of Charge. Without a Parallel, and absolutely beyond any precedent, Prices have been Wrecked and Shattered to tho Breaking Point. Many'articles in this High Class Stock goes at Prices Dictated by our firm determination to unload regardless of cost or the present value of Merchandise. People are buying as they never did before. They appreciate the importance of Haltom’s Unloading Sale and we want you to know it is a Genuine Sale all the time—and that tin good things were not for one day only. Don't Miss This Wonderful Event or you will regret it, for in many cases you will pay 50 Per Cent More than we are asking now for Recognized Quality Merchandise (Such as Hal­ tom’s has been favorably known to carry thp past 18 years), that you and every person needs every day during the year. Good Quality Merchandise is Hard to Get. Don't Put It Off. / r Japanese Crepe Petticoats, $6.48 EXTRA! All shades, Excellent quality silk petticoats, taffeta flounce and jersey top. $11.00 values, Sale $7.98. EXTRA!! EXTRA!!! Only, Yard 19c SATURDAY AND MONDAY Women’s $60.00 Suits, I Choice $39.65- WILL BE TWO OF THE BIGGEST, BUSIEST BARGAIN’ DAYS IN Splendid models in serge, poplin and silvertone and fashionably tailored. THE HISTORY OF HALTOM’S STORE, REMEMBER THE DATE. Saturday Only, October 23 Aprons, $1.19 CALICOE, Yard 2c Developed of good quality 'percale, gingham or chambray. Neat belted and plain styles. This affords an opportunity to save about half. Monday Only, October 25 To $40.00 Women’s Note the’ good|warm materials they’re < cm- and bodied of velour, kersey, silvertone plush. Three quarters| and full length, In- eluded are models lined ¡throughout. Show 'n in all new fall coloring. Women’s Gabardine Raincoats, With Purchase'; of $2.00 I Or Over. Limit 10 Yards To Any Customer. Approximately 1800 Yards Of Best GradejAmerican Print. Come In Light, Medium And Dark Patterns. Extrardinary At $29.65. Alas, they’re here! New English gabardine coats that are withstand ’s wot weather- Nicely so well known t to ............. ...... .. Tillamook .............. tailore«!, trimmed with neat bone buttons, May be buttoned high at the throat. Q w Only, Yard 19c. 27inches wide. This lot consists of plaids,stripes aud plain colors. $3.00 Wool Ottoman With Purchase Of $5.00 Or Over. Exactly 100 Large Double Bed Blankets, Either Grey Or White, With Borders. $4.50 Values. • Yard 21c. Approximately 300 yards. Neat designs and good for comfort covering. 35c. Dress Ginghams BLANKETS, Each $1.00 Limit Of 1 To A Customer Or Family. Genuine Japanese crepe at much less than half price, 30 inches wide and shown in attractively figured patterns. Suitable for women’s sac­ ques and kimonos. 3 5 c.-40c. Victoria C halli es Women’s $2.50 Bungalow Coats, Choice $29.70 Liberty Bonds Taken At Face Value In Lieu Of Cash. Sale, Yard $1.59 Line Quality blue woolen, 38 inches wide. Only 50 yards. Crash Toweling Sale, Yard 13c 1 he special price were quoting is below today’s wholesale price, and most stores ask 30c. for it. MEN! WOOL UNDERWEAR $2.15 Millinery Selling At Half Price. The Garments Or $4 15 The Suit. Famous Glastenburg. All Wool Underwear. Heavy Weight, Natural gray. All sizes. Worth $3.25 the garment. Offering the largest selection of women's and misse s new style headgear at the above drastic price reduction. Women's And Growing Girls MEN! $1.00 SILK TIES, 49c. SHOES To $9.00 Values $4.98 Nowheres will you be able to find such shoe values as these. This wonderful assortment consists of black calf aud kid skin laee shoes in sizes 2} to 7. Then too celebrated women’s Red Cross Shoes last, patent and kid skin; broken lot, but nearly all sizes in some style. Entire StockfOf Shoes At Substantial Reduction In Price 4-In-Iland Styles, New Patterns. now for gift giving. An opportune time to buy MEN I NEW $50.00 OVERCOATS, $39.85 Very Fashionable New Fall and Winter Wool Overcoats. Wanted heavy weight. Rich brown and dark green mixtures. Half belted styles. Misse’s 5.75 Shoes, Pair $3 98. Good School Shoes in gun metal and kid leathers MEN! $2.00 UNION SUITS, 98c. Men's Florsheim Shoes At 4.98 Heavy cotton, riblred, ecru underwear ; long sleeves and ankle length. All sizes. PAD GARTERS, PAIR 19c. Button style and come in black and tan calf Men's Florsheim Shoes' In Black 4 Calf, Unloading Sale, Pair $6.85. MEN ! $4.00 FLANNEL SHIRTS, $2.95 Lot Baby's Soft Sole Shoes, Come in olive drab, grey and brow n. All sizes. 10 doz. in lot. <> 1