TILLAMQQK HEADLIGHT. OC t OBER 14, 1920. ▼ HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Tint Outside Game in Four Years to be Flayed Friday. GENERAL FAYOLLE I '"priday chief doates of the Fire De-- I pariment delivered an address on tiro prevention. At a football rally held Monday lithe men 0,1 football team, Coach F inniniick, Prof. Turnbull, Prof. Ben­ nett, Henry Boschler, pres, of the Seniors. Ramona Haltom, pres, of the ¿ophomores and Joe Maxwell, pres. 4,1 the Freshmen gave short speeches on the game played Saturday at For­ est Grove and the game that is to be played here with Oregon City Friday. Next Friday the T. H. S. team play football with Oregon City. This is the rtrat outside game of football played in Tillamook In "four years and a large crowd Is expected to en­ courage the team iu future work. Oregon City may have a good team but we have a better, come and see if we haven’t. Tickets may be bought from any of the high school students. The Girl’s Glee club met Monday and the following officers were elect­ ed: Pres.. Grace Jolllffee; vice-pres., Vera Rogers; Sec.,-Treas., Frances Inlcr^Btional FHn Servi» t Wilson. Last Saturday the T. H. S. team General Fayolle, who repreaented played a game of football with Forest Grove high school. The score was 30- France at the recent national conven­ 7 in favor of Forest Grove. Our teim tion of the American Legion. put up the stiffest fight possible but 1 lacked pratical experience. Coach Dimmick said’ ‘They put a splendid fight up.”. This is the thing that counts in football and in all probabil­ ity the next game we play with For­ est Grove we will come out "on top”. Lincoln experienced many failures I Portland, Or.—Steps toward forma­ before he became a famous states- tion of a permanent organization were man. There has been a change in the taken at the session of the Northwest grading system since last year. Form­ Rivers and Harbors congress which erly figures were used this year lett­ convened here Monday. ers are. Professor Turnbull expects Charles Hall, president of the Ore­ this will prove more satisfactory gon State chamber of commerce, than the other system. which called the conference, was elect­ The students of H. S. receiving A ed chairman. In his address he urged in all subjects for this month with­ a lasting organization to carry on the out tardiness or unexcused absence work of encouraging river and harbor that comprise the Honor Roll are: Lucia Wiley. Artine Heyd, Henrietta development in the Northwest and Jenkins, Ramona Haltom, Ethel An­ forwarding marketing of Northwest derson, Ruth Gould. Mary Nelson, products. More than 100 delegates from Ore­ Elta Sheets, Viola Wilson, Geneva gon, Washington, Idaho and Northern Abrams and Mary Lammar. The tank in the gymanaslum is in California points, were welcomed to use now although it will not be pro­ Portland by Mayor George L. Baker. Responses to the address of welcome perly heated until next week. Since the high school has joined were made on behalf of Washington the State Student Body Athletic as- by Mayor W. H. Clay of Everett and sociation all the boys on our teams on behalf of Oregon by Earl Kilpat­ will have to have standard grades in rick of the University of Oregon. all subjects. U. S. Senator Charles L. McNary In order that we can have a suc­ of Oregon and United States Senator cessful football team will have Wesley L. Jones of Washington were the co-operation of the town people among the prominent speakers who as well as the high school. A success­ ful team would not only bring hon­ addressed the conference. GEM THEATRE FEATURE ATTRACTIONS. ! EX-SENATOR CRANE A FLASH OF STEEL AND THE SOUND OF A BODY FALLING....“I KILLED HIM!” whispered the disheveled woman. “THE BEAST—HE—” and LEIGH DEKING, with everything before him, shouldered the blame. WHAT WAS HIS REASON ? The Price of Redemption STARRING BERT LYTELL Will reveal the secret. Adapted for the screen from the novel TEMPLE OF DAWN.” Friday-Saturday, October 15-16 “LIVE and LEARN” Comedy W. Murray Crane, ex-Unlted States senator, who died auddenly at hie home in Dalton, Mas». CONGRESS PLANS DEFENSE CHARGES PERMANENT BODY TORTURE IN JAIL Children 15c. Adults 25c. PTION WILLIAM FARNUM is presented by William Fox in E. Lloyd Sheldon’s Romantic Drama, “THE ADVENTURER.” See it Tuesday Night, October 19th Pendleton.—Charges that ammonia was applied to the mouths and noses of at least three of the five prisoners A GREAT STAR—A GREAT FEATURE—A GREAT recaptured following the jailbreak and the slaying of Sheriff Taylor and that other cruel means were adopted to force confessions from the men were made during the argument of the mo­ tion made by the defense In the trial of John Rathie and Elvi D. Kerby to throw out the testimony of Robin W. Adults 25c. REMEMBER—ONE NIGHT ONLY. Fletcher, member of the grand jury, who was called to repeat the voluntary time. Consult M. A. Gage, Sher­ statements of the prisoners to that Tillamook Headlight’s on wood, R. 5, Box 37, Ore., or at re­ body. sidence at Stafford, Clackamas Co., The motion of the defense was over­ Trade Mart. » Ore. Oct. 14 ruled by the court on the ground 01 o »• One cent a word per issue. that the statements made by the de­ Money to loan—Enquire of John fendants before the grand jury were For sale: 8 registered Holstein cows, Leland Henderson, 206-3rd St., made ten days after the alleged third- Tillamook, Oregon. very fine breeding. Price $300 a degree application in the jail, and that head. Write or call M-9376, Wal­ the defendants were not under the in­ ter Schallberger, Hillsdale, Or. O.-7 I have for sale: seven head of callte. One cow, giving milk, six year old. fluence of fear when appearing before two heifers, giving milk, two years Singer Agency — H. F. Cook, Prop. .* the grand jury. old, one long yearling and three Cabbage for krout at reasonable spring calves, all heifers. The three FRANCE HONORS PERSHING prices at C. O. & C. M. Dawson's. older ones will be fresh in spring. L. V. Junkin, Manzanita, Or. / TREAT “PATHE REVIEW” I Medaille Mllitaire Is Presented American Commander. to When in need of’something electric just call on the Sunset Electric. Miscellaneous Advertisements or for the high school but would ad­ the Washington. — "In the name of vertise Tlllamoook and her products BRIEF GENERAL NEWS Blackberries wanted—at Small's can­ Dr. Wise—Dentist. American army that fought in nery. as well. We ask the town people to Dr.’s Allen and Sharp. Dentists. Real estate in New York city will France,” General Pershing accepted buy football tickets and support our National Building. team in every other way in order have an assessed’ valuation of $9,608,- the award of the medaille mllitaire, Let the Sunset Electric wire your home and save you money. that we may “carry on.” 017,467 for 1921. the highest military decoration within Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F, Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. The population of North Dakota is' the gift of the French government. Bring your Blackberries to Small's 645,730, an increase of 68,674, or 11.9 The presentation was made at Fort cannery. The Market Commission Bill Dr. Wise will be at his Bay City of­ per cent. Myers by the French General Marie fice on Wednesdays F-26. South Dakota has a population of Fayolle, who commanded the first Dr. Wise will be at his Cloverdale of­ At the last meeting of the Tilla­ 635,839, an increase of 51,951, or 8.9 American troops on"tGe Western front. fice Wednesday and Thursday. Dr. Ramsey Osteopath mook County Creamery Association per cent. Room 110-1. O. O. F. Bldg., Tilla­ “It gives me the deepest pleasure,” For Sale, Two high grade pianos al­ the Directors adopted resolutions mook. Mutual phone, Bell phone Wisconsin’s population is 2,631,839, General Fayolle declared, in present most new. Tillamook Music Co, op­ asking the voters of Oregon to vote 146-M, an increase of 297,979, or 12.8 per cent. the medal, "to confer upon you ing posite P. O. No on the Market Commission Bill. Franklin K. Lane, former secretary as the commander-in-chief of the This bill would put the marketing of Sale, two latest styls White sew­ “The Price of Redemption” with Tillamook cheese under the control of the interior, has been forced to give valiant American soldiers who fought For ing machines, almost new, Singer of a Market Director not residing in up business temporarily because of ill in France, the highest decoration of Bert Lytell as star. Agency opposite P. O. my government.” Tillamook, possibly in Portland or health. Reports made public in New York Salem. The farmers know from ?x- Go to the Sunset Eelectric for Nation­ Bert Lytell. popular young Metro perience and to their sorrow that the by employment agencies of both the Seattle Fire Chief Ousted. al Mazda lamps. They give better screen star, will be the attraction at best control is control by themselves. Salvation Army and Knights of Co­ light. Seattle, Wash.—Frank L. Stetson, the Gem Theatre, Friday and Satur­ Since they have had control of their lumbus indicate that jobs soon will be chief of the Seattle fire department day night, Oct. 15-16, in the “The Sale: Vaughn dragsaw, with own marketing there have been no scarce in cities. for the past nine years, was removed For clutch, almost new. Also new ones. Price of Redemption,” a picturization lossef, previously to that they lost Appointment of George M. Hermis­ from office by Huge M. Caldwell, of I. A. Wylie’s famous novel, "The E. G. Krebs. lots of nontey. The matter cf ton, Toronto, Ont., as general com­ mayor, and George L. Mantor, a bat­ Temple of Dawn”. Mr. Lytell’s new marketing a commodity is a difficult mander of the Patriarchs militant, the talion fire chief, was appointed in his vehicle is said to surpass ail of his For Sale — 6 months old White Leg ­ proposition and in no way should be uniform rank of the Independent Or- horn Cockerls. Call Bell Phone previous pictures in that it shows stead. Mayor Caldwell declined to controlled by the state. The bill pro­ 6F1-1, Oct 14. the wreck of a strong man and his der of Odd Fellows, has been an- discuss his action. Chief Stetson was vides for an appropriation of $50,- redemption through love of a little nounced. chief of the fire department at Min ­ For Sale: Team, harness and dray. child. 000.00, the salary of a Director at Mississippi is the second state to neapolis for 30 years before coming Will sell singly or collectively. In­ $4,500.00 per year, a secretary at The story is that of Leigh Dering quire of G. H. Ward, Tillamook. $3,600.00 pet year, and attorney fees show a decrease in population in the to Seattle. (Bert Lytell,) a young English offi­ 1920 census. Its population of 1,789,- without fimit. Practially everytnlng For Sale: modern 10 room house, cer, who saves the garrison at Fort THE MARKETS mould be spent for attorney fees it i 182, announced by the census bureau. barn, garage, chicken park and 4 Akbar, India, from extermination Is 7932 or .4 per cent less than that of the Director saw fit. lots. Close to business section. In­ during a native uprising, and is there ten years ago. Portland. All existing marketing associations quire Box 236, Tillamook. 10-21 by acclaimed a hero. A year later Wheat—Hard white, 82.00; soft or corporations are put under Sta'e in London he marries a wealthy girl, Death Summons Murray Crane. white. $2.07; white club, $2.05; hard For Sale: 6 head of cattle. 150 chick­ but it is a loveless match. Thus, dis­ control, yet the promoters claim they are fighting the Non-partisan Lea­ Dalton, Mass.—W. Murray Crane, winter, $1.95; northern spring and red ens and % acres of potatoes in the illusioned and turned to drink, he at gue. Their intentions are the same, former United States “enator and for Walla, $1.90. ground, at Classic Lake farm. L. length assumes the guilt of another’s absolute state control of private bus­ years a power in the Republican party, • Oats—No. 2 white feed. $43. V. Junkin, Manzanita, Or. 8-14 wrong and leaves London for India iness. This is just a starter. No died here in the family- home. The end Corn—Whole, $67@68; cracked, $70 I have a few dairy cows for »ale. with the brand of a murderer upon parlor theorist can operate a market­ came quietly, after four days of heavy @71. him. Back in India, Dering sinks to also a few choice corn fed young ing association. The marketing of a sleep, almost of unconsciousness. The the depths In drink and drugs, living Hay—Willamette valley timothy, $28 hogs for your winter meat. Bell commodity is something that takes a sleeping sickness had set in after an @29 per ton; alfglfa, $23@24. a hunted life in a brothel from which phone 1 F 3. ’ Oct 14. lot of training to do, and think of illness of several months, and it was he only emerges after dark. Butter Fat—64c. one man controlling the marketing It is in this state and that his Lost, strayed or stolen : 2 male point ­ Eggs—Ranch, 60c per dozen. of Tillamook cheese, all dairy and this which immediately preceded er pups, 8 mow. old. One black and wife, now married to another, finds death, the actual cause of which was Cattle — Best steers, $9 @10. good to 1 milk products. Hood River apples. white, one liver and white. Re­ him upon her journey to India, und Bend potatoes, Clackamas egss. Mar- . said by his physician to be inflamma­ choice, 87.75@9; medium to good,' turn to Bayocean. Reward. O. 21 it is his little boy who awakens him 1 $6.75 07.75. ton county berries, and the endless tion of the brain. to sense ef honor and shame, Hogs — Prime mixed. $15.80@16; I For Sale: 6 head of grade cattle. % bit by bit. under the incubus of things marketed in Oregon. Truly it acres potatoes, 30 Mallard ducks would take a Moses to lead Oregon in $5,000,000 Offered Amarican Lagion. medium mixed. $15@15.50. destroying habit, and the gyves this regard, and no Moses is in sight. Chicago.—The board of directors of Sheep—-Prime lambs, $9.50@10.50; j for decoys, poultry netting and drug addiction, he fights his way chicken coops. L. V. Junkin Man­ the clean world of clean men. Plausible arguments are put out on the Knights of Columbus bas voted valley lambs, $8.50 @9.50; ewes. $2.25 zanita, Ore. Oct. 14. co-operation, but successful co-oper­ to offer the American Legion $5,- @6.00. ation is cold blooded business, not 000,000. This is the balance of the Seattle. Lost: on Sept. 3. somewhere in Tilla­ ph/anthrophy. No parlor philan­ $40,000,000 collected by the organisa­ mook or on road between Tillamook Wheat—Hard white, hard wintet thropy can market anything. and Beaver, a necklace, set with an tion for war purposes, to erect a mem­ and northern spring. $2.05; soft white, FARMERS Voters of Oregon should run this orial building in Washington. amethyst and two pearls. Finder $2.01; white club, $2.02: red winter, bill down and give the Legislature a please return to Lillie Beatty. $2; northern spring, $2.05; red Walla. Place Your Orders Now For chance to look into this matter in Coming Champlonahlp Not "Fixed” $1.80; eastern Walla, $1.95; Big Bend Hemlock, Or., or to this office. January, so that all interests can be New York.—District Attorney Lewis blueetem, $2.20. Wood Cutters heard. This bill is the work of the­ or woman wanted to care for Hay—Eastern Washington timothy, Girl i of Kings county issued a statement small child and do light house work orists in Portland. California co-op­ Land Clearers for lady who is teaching schofil. eratives were going for .years before in which he declared Investigation by $36 per ton, alfalfa, $30. Butter Fat — 59@61c. his office had failed to disclose any And Grubbers Saturday afternoon and Sunday ->fi their marketing law was even dream­ Eggs—Ranch, 60@61c. Good home and wages. Box 135, ed of. Their’ first marketing Direct­ plan to “fix" the 1920 world series. with the Poultry—Hens, dressed, 28 @ 40c; Bay City, Or. » 10-23 or had a good press agent and gained alive, 23@35c. Jots of advertising, no one has heard Cleveland Wine American Pennant. New York.—Cleveland won the Cattle—Best steers, $9.50 @10; me­ Wanted: a good, steady, gentlemanly Pioneer Employment Company of his successor. saleman to handle a Ward’s wagon American league pennant and earned dium to choice $8@9. ■— t ----- In Tillamook county. No exper- the right to oppose the Brooklyn Na­ Hogs—Prifne. $16.i>0@17; medium to — The oldest office in Oregon 14 ence needed. For full particulars Having your house wired by choice, $15.50© 16.50, tionals In the world seriea. write promptly to Dr. Ward’s Me 1- folks who know their business is N. Second St. Phone Broadway ical Company, Winona. Minnesota. W>ot a thing to be dreaded. It can 2278, Portland, Or. Headquart­ Established 1856. 11-11 be done with far less muss and •r. ers for Farm and General Help. An Explanation. fuss than you put up with in Due to the fact that a mistake was Where Dr. Shearer erred, when-th? Call and see the new models of pianos having the house papered or and players at "The Song Shop made in* regards to the article about article appeared in the Headlight he painted. Sold on easy payments. You can Dr. Shearer being a member of the failed to notify us of the mistaken, We can Wir« vour house In two safely deal wth a firm like The Wil­ American College of Surgeons, which but allowed it to go abroad that he Upr three days and leave not a scar ey B. Allen Co. Over 47 years on DR. J. E. SHEARER was published a short time ago, our was a member of the College of Phy­ on your wopd-work or plaster. reporter wishes the whole matter sicians. and it was only through the the coast. DR A. C. CRANK ‘ There's no dirt, nor any incon­ corrected and dropped. She Is willing action of the Tillamook Medical As­ venience to you and tne cost is Dr* Shearer & Crank to allow that the fault wu on her_________ ___ __ sociation that our . attention was For Sale: 180 acres of land, about 70 acres tide land, well diked, the bal part and that there was a mlsunder-| drawn to the matter, . Dr. Shear?.- We will come and tel! you ex­ Medical 4 Surgery. ■ nee first bench. An ideal dai-v standing between her and the doe-, was in our office a few days after the actly what It will cost if you wish. farm, situated on Nestucca bar. tor as to his statement. The doctor's ; article appeared, but. strange to re- J Wationel T,’!iJ,’isY WW1 ELEcAlIC com ? any v’.’nt; « an! p-ws-s were seen by ' lete. said not a word to u about ". Tillamook county. O- r~l<-“ |?0z I he-, m Ui- part is prv.ven. B-pc- - K;fto-. per acre. $700 d >h ■ ! Tills meek • - -Or-!»«. Children 15c. Football i Tillamook High School o Oregon City High School Friday, October 15 th, AT FAIR GROUNDS ** * Admission 50c WHAT THE GOVERNMENT IS DOING FOR YOU We have cause in every way to feel proud of our country, but we are as a nation too little informed as to the activities and actual benefits of our Government. To remedy thia situation locally, we have secured the exclusive right to dis­ tribute a series of attractively illustrated folders and booklets in which are given new and interesting facta about Our Government and how we all share its beneficent influence. We will gladly send one of thia set each month to those who will request it, and aa a permanent con­ tainer for thia valuable information, we will present a substantial brown and gold portfolio upon personal call at thia Institution. No obligation. Tillamook County Bank Headlight is $2.00 a year.