Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 14, 1920, Image 4

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WlauuioR IkaMùiht
Fred C. Baker, Editor.
per year >2.00
not be surprised that it is subject to
just criticism, even by persons in
this county who have been good
friends of the Commission.
to death, for there was never an ad­
ministration in the United Staic-s
that blowed in the people's money »0
wastefully as President Wilson and
the democratic administration have
done the past seven years. Put this
little incident—not that it is a very
little incident as far as dollars and
cents are concerned—squarely before
the people of the county. The hign
cost of living and high cost of run­
ning the government are two import­
ant matters now confronting the peo­
ple. In 1914 it cost the taxpayers
>2,000,000 a day : nu this year It ex­
ceeds $ 15.00ft.00' a day. Talk about
"he kept us out or war" fooling the
people, why the way the demorcatic
party make.- the taxpayers dig down
deep into their pockets and ocugh p
their money is surprising, yet the
democrats of this neck of the woods
are shouting for more of it. An in­
crease of >13.000.000 a day to run
the government is going some, and
that it will be increased if Cox is
elected, with Tammany and all the
other democratic bosses to be satis­
fied at the political pie counter. Wny
it is going to force the taxpayers ro
go down deeper into their pockets and
dig up for higher taxes. Those who
like to be humbugged should vote f .1
Governor Cox and Senator Chamber-
lain, but those who want their taxes
reduced and the government run on
a business basis are going to vote for
Senator Harding for president. Rob­
ert N. Stanfled for U. S. Senator and
all nominees on the republican tick­
diplomacy, enormously increased in
power." "Back to your tents, O Is­
rael ” he will cry. "let us resume
our national freedom and have noth­
ing to do with this great engine
whereby the few strong victorious
governments are trying to increase
their hold over the world."
some sort of a fool procedure out
.there permitting anybody who wants
a freak measure on your books to get
a handful of petitioners to put it on 1
the ¿allot artd there is no telling
what kind of a fool thing you will
pass at any time. The Initiative and
Referendum is alright in theory. Why
don’t you pass a law requesting 25
or 50 per cent of the registered vo’-
ers to sign a petition to get a mea­
sure on the ballot. That would stop '
such fool things as that 5 per cent
Interest Law you are going to trp Io
pass. You know about our selling
our Oregon timber. We are »eliirig
it on a long payment contract. The
matter is now hanging up on accojit
of that fool 5 per cent Interest Law
you are going to vote on in Novji.t-
“We cannot afford to have money
outstanding to return us only 5 per
cent. They cannot afford to engage
in business and carry bills receivable
on which they can’t collect more
than 5 per cent. So there you are.
I do not know how it will end up.
I have a. little money 1 want to set
out. What kind of Washington and
California bonds do you have?
“Yes there you are. The above is
not an isolated case. It is the or­
dinary thing we run into when we
try to sell Oregon securities outside
the State. The 5 per cent interest
law is .of course, a new angle—that’s
all,” contiuued Mr. Freeman. "What
are the people thinking of? Do they
think the banks are going to contin­
ue paying them 4 per cent on their
savings and time deposits when the
bankers will have to carry up to 50
per cent reserve to be safe while pay­
ing big rates outside to keep their
business alive and then cannot loan
their money higher than 5 per cent?
What do they think they are going
to be able to do in providing water
work systems, school, sewers and
when bonds cannot bear a higher
rate of interest than 5 per cent and
■ I cannot be sold below par. He is
right, all right. This certaiqly is a
freak state.
I am not unhopefully, how ever that
we will grow out of this thing and
settle down to plain common sense. I
have lived in Oregon for 42 years
and believe in Oregon but I must ad-
mit that some of the things that one
tuns into are seriously
to say the least.
Government by the people, for he
people is democratic and ideal bu ,
misgovernment for the satisfaction of
freakish impluses is quite the con-
------ °-------
The effect of advertising on busi
ness was investigated recently by
Bradstreet which reports that 84 per­
cent ot the business fritures are
among merchants who do not adver­
tise. No better argument could be
found for a liberal use of printer’s
ink.—Gazette Times.
Cox personally interested himself in
their case and put it up to President
Wilson so strong that that worthy
overruled the decisions of the draft
boards and granted the Scripps boys
the exemption the yso ardently carv­
ed. They quit shivering in their
shoes an went back to polo and golf,
while the other young men of the
.country went abroad to fight.
As a consequence of the good work
done inbehalf of these young slack-
era by Governor Cox, the Scripps pa­
pers today are ardently working in
his behalf, singing his praises and
going after his opposition rough
shod, There is in this Incident som?-
thing for the American people to
think about and especially for that
element which during the war took
up arms in the nation’s behalf, seek­
ing no exemption and making no at­
tempt to evade duty by a resort io
that influence exercised by great
wealth and newspaper pull.
G. B. Nunn has bought the Wheel­
er Reporter, and we wish hint a
whole lot of success, There is one
bad trait about Bro. Nunn, for we
For President:
don't know how he is going to
Harding a Brewer?
square himself. He’s a democrat and
For Vice-President:
The statement is being whispered
According to word from the Ameri­
party, and how a democrat can run
around that Harding is wet, Harding
can consulate general, >222,000.000
a newspaper in a saw mill town and
Electors of President and Vice-
holds stock in a brewery. Some ar ■
worth of goods were exported from
pretend to be a friend of the sawmill
even putting it in thia form: "Did
London .England, alone during the
men, the timber owners and the men
M. C. GEORGE, of Multnomah Co.
you know that Harding was an ex­
first eight months of the current year
•C. R. HOTCHKI8H. of Multnomah Co. who work in the logging camps and
saloon keper?” And so the story goes
compared with >2o3,000,000 worth
saw mills is a conundrum to vs.
JOSEPH HUME, of Linn Co.
the rounds, magnified and given a
for the first eight months of 1913,
J. Y. RICHARDSON, of Mult. Co.
Edge. Bro., and do the ‘Independent’
new innuendo each time repeated.
under the protective policy, from the
W. L. ROBB, of Multnomah Co.
stunt, or better still join the partv
Now, the facts are. about 25 years
entire United Kingdom. Yes. the
For United States Senator:
that is going to give proper
ago when brewing was not disreputa­
democratic free trade policy is a fine
Robert N. STANFIELD, of Mult. Co. tion to lumber interests of the Unite.i
ble — iu Ohio—Senator Harding, then
thing—for England.—Observer.
For Representative in Congress:
a private citizen, subscribed for two
W. C. HAWLEY, of Marion Co.
shares in a brewery about to be es­
Senator Harding’s remarks on for-
For Secretary of State:
Foxy George Chamberlain: ! In his
tablished in Marion. His motive was
eign, especially British movements :o
SAM A. KOZER. of Clatsop Co.
talk on the political issues on
to "help the town” with a manufac­
control the petroleum supply of the
For Justice of the Supreme Court.
day in this city, he never mentioned
turing enterprise. The brewery fail­
Samuel Shortridge,
world are timely because news his
HENRY J. BEAN, of Umatilla Co.
the name of President Wilson, never
ed. and Senator Hardinng still holds
has granted candidate for U. S. Senator in Calif­
HENRY L. BENSON, of Klamath Co. mentioned the name of Governor Cox.
two shares of worthless stock in ait
exclusive rights to explore and ex­ ornia, says; I do not Kish to see this
Lawrence T. HARRIS, of Lane Co. never mentioned the democratic par­
early day enterprise now long de-
for oil. in Lower Calfornia to nation commit suicide. I am a nat­
Thomas A. McBRIDGE, Columbia C. ty. and never said one word about
to Japan. ionalist and not an international,
Britian and in Sonora
For Dairy and Food Commissioners: the league of nations. Yet these are
Wilson has been and I am, have been andalways will
•C. L. HAWLEY, of Polk County.
four of the most important issues be­
Dont’s for Democrats
dreaming of a perfect world. Britiati be firmly against the league of na­
For Commissioner of Public Service: fore the people. Well, our George is
has been following the farsighted tions. It is not because I am afraid
FRED G. BUTCHEL. of Mult. Co.
pussy-footing around the country to
Don’t mention that $1,051.500,000
advice of Lord Fisher, who saw that to fight. Personally I should be the
For State Senator:
catch republican "suckers" to vote
we blowed in on aircrafts—but boys,
oil was the fuel of the future and , first to fight for America and the .last
c. J. EDWARDS, of Tillamook Co. for him next month. We hope repub­
throw the mud.
would become necessary *o naval su­ to surrender her independence. From
For Joint Representative:
licans in Tillamook county know
Don’t mention anything about Mc-
premacy. The nation, like the man, the beginning of time the Monroe
enough not
to become
F. R. BEALS, of Tillamook Co.
Adoo and the railroads which result­
which attempts to follow high ideals Doctrine has been enough for me,
For District Attorney:
"suckers", and won’t be hooked i:i
in a lost of >1,375,000,000 that the
while other nations are strictly prac­ 1 and I am still willing to let it lead
T H GOYNE, of Tillamook Co.
by political deception that Senator
U. S. Treasury had to make good—
will surely go under. We tried me wheresoever I may go. Further­
For County Judge:
Chamberlain is endeavoring to fool
but boys, throw mud like hell.
from 1914 to 1917, but had more, I am a protective tariff man, a
Senator Chamberlain is a political
the people with.
Don’t speak about those guns and
to be practical enough to make war protectionist first, last and always. I
For County Clerk:
"pussyfoot”. It was announced that ammunition that never got to France
after all. So it will be in the rivlary . wish my country to be industrially
A large number of democrats are he would speak in this city on the as it resulted in a dead loss of over
and commerically independent. If we
of commerce.—Oregonian.
For Sheriff:
I going to “knife” Senator Chamb?r- political issues of the day, and tho3* $480,000,000, and boost for the cov­
1 entangle ourselves in foreign allian­
■ ■ o—
lain because he opposed the demo- who went to hear him were greatly enant—but, boys, throw the mud.
If there is any doubt as to the ces we are subjecting this country to
j cratic administration. Certainly our disappointed, for he avoided the pol­
For County Treasurer:
Don’t bring up the tariff question
on which the jitney transpor­ a national suicide. No real American
George put himself in a hole when lie itical issues that now are uppermos’ because we wish to keep that in the
lines operas, just suppose wishes to commit this outrage, and
For County Assessor:
voted for Wilson's league covenant in the minds of the people. He talk- | background—but, boys, throw the
Hillsboro should tear up a block of we all would be willing to fight !f
' and then voted for the Lodge reser- ed very pleasingly on a number of mud.
paving within the city limits The civilzation were again at stake. I am
For School Superintendent:
1 rations. And the democratic party other subjects and wanted the peo­
Don’t mention Liberty Bonds as
would be that the jitney a firm believer in Senator Harding’s
having gone on record recommending ple to return the democratic party to ! we know they are cheap—but boys,
to run, and this statement in regard to the Pacific
For County Surveyor:
I I the adoption of the Wilson league power for another four years. What throw the mud.
would mean that not only would they coast. The Golden Gate must not
[ covenant, it is now hard for George was most surprising about Mr. Cham­
Don’t even mention sugar because
be unable to reach their down town swing open to admit the refusft of
For Coroner:
io square himself with the democrat­ berlain's “pussyfooting,” he never we had to protect the sugar kings —
stations, but they would be unable Oriental countries. The thought of
ic party in Oregon, hence a whole lot said one word in favor or disfavor of but boys, a little more pep to the
to proceed westward to other towns, | it appals the calmest mind and dis­
For County Commissioner:
1 of democrats are out to get his scalp the Wilson league covenant, which, niud slinging.
proving conclusively that their busi­ turbs the stoutest heart. Twenty
' and they are going to get it, for Sen­ from the democratic administration’s
It’s not necessary to talk about the
ness is made only possible because years ago the Oriental question, as
ator Chamberlain will not recieve the as well as the democratic party’s things fiave been done, but talk fl­
property owners have gone to great represented by the Chinese, was fl-
large republican vote he did six years point of view is the most important bout how nice Cox is, but never hint
expense to piovide pavement. Vet cute. As then, so since a-nd now, I
I ago. Republicans generally realize issue now before the people, yet about that booze question—but boys,
after having been supplied this op- am opposed to Asiatic immigratiou
that it is necessary that the Senate George Chamberlain, who is the dem­ throw mud now like hell.
po.luaily ot embatking in bm mess to California. And by this I mean
This is the political stunt for re­ be republican so as to give Mr. Hard­ ocratic nominee for United State:,
without cost to themselves the jitney the Hindus, Chinese and Japanese."
publicans—vote the ticket straight ing proper support, and for that rea­ Senator of Oregon dodged the Issue,
men retuse flatly to pay a nominal
------ 0------
The Fedeial Reserve Banks as 100
next month and swat the party that son it is highly important that Ro­ and not a word came from him whe­
fee which would assist in maintain­
the Ft. Wayne News,
ther he was in favor of the democrat­
kept us out of war, kept us out of
ing the pavement which cost the.u in a scorching reply to Tammany
sugar, continue to keep us out of
nothing and also cleaning it. The Cox’s windmill onslaughts on the
The Farmers and Merchants
------- O-------
Wilson League covenant. Govern »:
peace, and wants to keep us in war.
people affected have received ¡he idea of a seperate peace with Ger-
Our friend, Bro. Trombley, four Cox is backing and supporting th? ional Bank, to Los Angeles, in
new business in a friendly spiri’ and many, calls attention to the fact thit
years ago was feeding his leaders democratic platform with the league York Finance.
Matteis of Interest to Tillamook j it
The building of the new school
has been largely patronized, but no it was Woodrow Wilson himself who
with a lot of "he kept us out o' i ;.r” covenant tacked onto it. but Senator
! business can flourish on a one-sided was the first to threaten such a pro-
building at Bay City was good pick­
When the sorely bedevilled taxpay­
------ Q.----
dope. Strange to relate our demo­ Chamberlain is taking the position of
ing -for the grafters. That Is if all
er of the country contemplates the To the editor of the Tillamook
basis and it would seem that the jit­ cedure on the part of this nation.
cratic freind has closed up as tight a “pussyfoot," and is not saying one
is true that is going the around fl­
useless waste of money which the
ney men themselves would be the Says this editor: "It was during one
a-» a clam and hasn’t a word to say word on this important issue. Tie.
bout the building of that new school
national administration has been
It appears to me that there are first to see the importance of main­ of the numerous crises that came-
about his "wet" candidate for presid­ fact of the matter is Senator Cham­
building, for there was something
guilty of .ever since the war ended, two matters of vital importance to taining a friendly public sentiment. near disrupting the Versailles con­
ent. We feel sorry for Ed, lor Wo berlain is afraid to declare himself
rotten somewhere.
he must draw some consolation from citizens of Tillamook county gener­ I A grab-all oiicy and failure to show ference that President Wilson, balk­
don't like to see him in such “wet” for fear that he will lose a large
the fact that there is one branch ot ally and especially to Tillamook city appreciation of benefits conferred ed by the diplomats of Great Britiap,
Through the negligence of Presid­ company and lined up with Tamm­ number of republican votes. The the government which is not only
France and Italy, let his temper go
that should be taken up within a will not do this.—Independent.
ent Wilson, with the assent of Attor­
self-sustaining but a money-maker. short time. On is the matter of im­
to the boiling point. He was not go­
ney Gener-1 Palmer, more than $1.-
In fact, the earnings of the Federal proving Front Street from the Coates
ing to 'play any longer,’ but would
was over whelmingly in Reserve banks would satisfy the ava-
•00,000,000 was extorted from the
Mill to Lambs dock. The condition I
The Astoria Budget publishes a ‘take his things and go home.’ And
” But what a- favor of it. When he found that pub­
American people and handed to the you’ll get your booze.
' rice of the most hardened usurer. If of the street as it is at present is a letter from a business man in Mon­ he even went as far as to ored the
sugar profiteers. Yet there are per­ bout that war you kept us out of lic sentiment suddenly changed, he these earnings continue for twenty shame and a disgrace. Tillamook
tana warning the people of Oregon Barge of State prepared for inimedl’
sons who will vote next month for
years, they will go a long way to­ is without adequate freight facilite«. against the Non-partisan League and ate sailing and began to get ready
which trie democratic administration wards wiping out the national debt.
»lemocratic candidates who are re-
The railroad is taking our money and the 5 per cent interest bill. He cites for hasty departure from Europe. He
year by the way republicans are com­ and Governor Cox condemn. Where
sponsible for robbing the people.
The excessive earnings of the Fed­ is not providing reasonable trackage. a man of his acquaintance who warns was going to have either his way or
ing into our sanctum and subscribing Senator Chamberlain stands today on
eral Reserve banks have been a If nothing else could be done, the to move to Oregon to live. He says nothing. Had not there ben found
Which Jury was right, the one that for ’he Headlight, the pioneer repub­ the Wilson league covenant no one stench in the nostrils of the nation.
Front Street should be improved so his friend has $20,000 which he will means to placate his temper lie
•convicted Rudolph Zweifel on a
The writer has seen it stated in it can be used, and the cost charged invest in Oregon if he comes here, would have deserted the conference.
charge of causing a nuisance or the
print, but does not vouch for the to the property owners and the city. but he will not come until after the And what, pray, could such a course
Jury that didn't convict him. Both republican in the county to support gon. Such "pussyfoot” tactics many truth of the statement, that the earn­
It would seem that the cost of the November election for the reason have meant If not a separate pea’e
cannot be right. But after all one
ings of the Federal Reserve Bank of improvement would be too great to that he wants to know first what with Germany? That is Just what
forgotten how the democratic party
------- O-------
can never tell what a Jury is going Io
New York, for the six months ending be assessed to the abutting pro­ happens to the fool measures to be President Wilson had in mind. It
It is about twelve years since Sen­ fooled and misled the people by the
do. There is this much to say. how­
:• ;.:<ued 100 per cent of perty alone, as the whole city and voted on.
was precisely the interpretation that
ever .that the taxpayers are made the
the capital. In this district, with a county would benefit from having a
This man is only one of many who everywhere, in America and abroad,
"goat" for they have to foot the bills.
capital ot something over $6,000,000, street where trucks could load into avoid Oregon because of the fear that i was given his threat to quit the con­
of importance to this county have Governor Chamberlain proved a dis­
the savings of the- Federal Reserve cars and take loads from the cars. As some time one of the frequently pro­ ference. No other construction was
come up and needed the personal at­ appointment when he was advertised
’Hie democratic administration and
bank for the past six months were a rule the mud, slush and broken posed bills of the half-baked crank» possible. Withdrawal from the neg-
tention of the senator, he kept away, to speak on the political issues of the
the democratic party have made the
over $4,000,000. While making ex­ planks make it an almost impossible w ill in some way, slip by and be adop­ atiations then going on at Versailles
which is in marked contrast with day and then dodged them by not
Wilson League- covenant their polit­
cessive earnings, the officers of th? proposition to load and unload cars ted. A fhan interested in mining told could have left for America no oth?r
Congressman Hawley, who visits 'his saying one word about them and in
ical issue. President Wilson forcing
Federal Reserve banks are strewing in safety. No doubt if proper steps the writer a few years ago that Ore­ course than a peace of her own. And
and other parts of his district every support of the democratic platform.
it into politics as a solemn referen­
the land, and possibly the sea also, were taken by the city authorities, gon had some fine mining resources, that was just what President Wilson
yt.T and comes in touch with the No wonder a large number of demo­
dum for the people ot the nation to
with platitudinous preachments, in the railroad would co-operate in fix- but that it was
impossible to got served notice on the other powers he
people. Twelve years is a long time crats are going to vote for the re­
decide, and in spite of the fact that
the shape of lectures to the banking I ing Front Street. It might be nec eastern capital interested because intended to do.”
for our U. S. Senator to keep away publican ticket aVd "knife" George
Senator Chamberlain is the regular
fraternity, urging thrift upon the essary to secure a franchise.
of the unwarranted animosity exist­
from Tillamook, and what brought for being a "pussyfoot" politician.
nominee of the demorcatic party for
people and heatedly condemning the
The other matter is the proposit­ ing
him to Tillamook this week he Is
re-election he lias not one word to
profiteers. The advice of these offi­ ion if obtaining common point rates
Notice to Creditors.
and because of the fact that our ini­
• wanting the people to vote for hint.
It is not out of place to enquire
say on this important political issue
cers against profiteering will fall on for Tillamook points on shipments tiative scheme permits freaks of all
It is not to the interest of Tillamook what people In other nations think ot
Notice is hereby given, that th?
George Caniberlain is now playing
deaf ears, inasmuch as the Federal originating East of Poeatellt, i. e.. on i sorts to get measures on the ballot
county to vote for Senator Chamber- Wilson’s league covenant. The Lon­
undersigned has been appointed ad­
the role of an artful dodger.
shipments coming out of Montana, inimical to every man of enterprise,
lain. 3’here is going to be a republi­ don Spectator throws some light on
filers in the nation, If the earnings the Dakotas an^l the Mississippi Val­ push, ambition and a desire to forge ministrator for the estate of Maud
can administration, and it will be lhe matter, which should be of in­
j;otts, deceased, by the County Cot it
Senator Chamberlain was in Tilla­
of the Federal Reserve banks contin- ley points. The railroad has granted ahead.
good horse sense, as well as good terest at the present time. It says:
of Tillamook County, Oregon. All
mook the first of the week, and cf
ue as excessUre as they now are, a common point rates on shipments;
The best thing that Oregon could
polticai sense to elect a republican
"We thought of the League of Nat­
course was wanting our citizens Io
storm of protest will be aroused, moving East when delivered along do for itself is not embodied in se­ persons having claims against said
| senator who is in accord with the re­ ions as something to work a trans­
vote for him. He's awfully interested
which will endanger their present its own lines, so it is not in a very- curing a deep water harbor for Port­ estate are hereby required to present
publican administration. When this figuration of the earth, to establish a
in Tillamook and 3Tllan<pok people
management, if not the existence of safe position to deny the same rates j land, a Natron cutoff, land drainage, the same f»r allowance to the under­
county needs government aid for im­ new brotherhood, between nations in
signed at office of Botts & Winslow,
all of a sudden. Well, w heh the peo­
the banks themselves.
when the freight comes this way. es­ irrigation, a Market Commission, or I
provements at Nehalem and Tilla­ place of the old Jealousies and intri­
Tillamook, Oregon., within six mon­
ple of this vicinity were highly indig­
pecially when it orginates along the paved roads. The best thing that
mook bays. If Senator Chamberlain is gues; and we find in the first place
ths from the date of this notice.
nant and considerable complaints
same lines, w here it now makes com­ could happen to Oregon would be a
re-elected, he will have no political i* "secretariate," a great government
H. T. Botts, Administrator
were going the rounds about the po»r
mon point deliveries. On corn and law rising the limitation on the num-
influence with the party In power, office of a somewhat unusual and ra­
of the estate of Maud Botts, dec’d.
service at the post office, did our
"The harm done to this state by . other grains coming West, salt, and ,ber of signatures necessary to obtain
in fact, there is the ..possibility his ther cumbrous kind. The chief sec­
George do anything to give the peo­
election would do more harm than retary is an English civil servant, a initiating fool measures to be ballot­ various supplies for our factories, to initiate a measure to 40 per cent
ple better and more satisfactory mail
good in obtaining appropriations for man of long and distinguished ser­ ed upon is quickly brought home to and endless merchandise coming of the registered vote.—Gazette I
Notice 1
service? We don’t know of him doing
from the East, Tillamook has to Times,
our harbors.
I vice and in my opinion let nie ..ay the man who goes outside of the
so. He could and should have inter­
------- o-------
In the County Court of the Stato
in passing—-a most admirable choice. the State to obtain money for the de­ Pay a local rate from Portland,
ceded for the people, but he didn’t
There Is no doubt whatever that The second secretary is a French­ velopment of Oregon,” said F. A. while all of Western Oregon from
of Oregon, for the County of Tilla-
Cox and the Scripps Scandal
and the people had to put up with It.
there is a strong sentiment, and it I-» man; and the head of the Internat­ Freeman upon his return this week Ashland to Portland takes the same
growing stronger every year, against ional Law Department is a Dutch­ from an eastern trip. Mr. Freeman rate as Portland on car lot stuff, (From Ft. Wayne (Ind.) News and
In the matter of the estate of P.
"Let’a see," said the' blind man. the initiative provisions in what is man; of the Publicity Departments a is president of Freeman Smith & There is no reason tn Justice why
H. Meaner,
and Sentinel)
when the
(•ailed the Oregon System. We are n Frenchman; the heads of other de­ Camp Co., dealers in bonds and mort­ Tillamook should not enjoy the same
known as P. H. Messner.
A. Rowe to Washington to obtain favor of repealing that part of the partments are Norwegian. Swiss, It­ gages in Portland and San Francisco. rate as Ashland, and I think it could
Notice is hereby given to all to
government aid for the Improvement system for it is a bad system, as peo­ alian. and. 1 believe. Spanish. So His company has sold outside the be done if a general effort were ex- nection with the Scripps boys, Jim whom It may concern that the und-
of the Nehalem bar. Mr. Rowe asked ple are finding out. It is time, for the much for the secretariate: and above State many millions of dollars of erted to this end. I have taken the
ecsigned has been, by the County
Senator Chamberlain to go with him best interest of Oregon, that a stop It there are, of course people who Oregon securities. The principal has matter up with one of the leading
Court of Tillamook County, Oregon,
to one of the departments there he put to freak legislation under our correspond to Ministers of a Cabin­ been used altogether for develop­ Western firms looking after matte’s
duly appointed Administratrix of the
and the Senator told him he could dual system of law making. Jackson, et; nnd we find that these are for ment of the resources within the of this kind and hope to be able to
estate of P. H. Meaner, deceased; and
not do so that day. Certainly. Mr. of the Oregon oJurnal. used slush the most practical purposes merely a State of Oregon, the building of wat­ report progress soon., We now have owns the string of Scripps newspap­ all persons having claims against
Rowe did not find Senator Chambe-- money to injure the country newa- Cabinet of the Prime Ministers of er works, the providing of schools, to pay >200.00 per car of 4ft tons li­
said estate are hereby notified to
lain very enthusiastic for the impro­ papers, when he initiated the news- England, France, Italy and the Un­ the construction of roads and high bove Ashland or Medford on ship- and both husky specimens’of young, present same, duly verified, as by
vement, otherwise he would have be­ paper rate bill, which is on a par ited States, plus the representatives ways, the development of agricultur­ ments from the East, and about the
law required, to the undersigned, or
come Interested after a person hud with the 4 and 5 per cent rate bill of four lesser powers. And our friends al lands by drainage and irrigation, same on salt. I understand that their father's California palace when to her attorney. John Leland Hend­
gone to the time and trouble to go which will be on the ballot next are more disappointed than ever. the loaning of money for general agr­ Grays Harbor points now enjoy a
erson, at Tillamook. Oregon, within
Washington to help along the good month. Jackson had a grouch against "This is not the Council of Man­ icultural purposes, etc. "But,” s<vd nn ditied kind of common point rates. time to golf, polo and kindred amuse­ six months from this date.
George has suddenly become the country newspapers, and Al­ kind." they say; "this is a sort of Mr Freeman "the discouragements The recent advance on freight is bad­ ments. They had never had any con­
Dated October 14th, 1920, the first
nection with their father's newspap­
interested in harbor improvements bright seems to have a grouch glorified cabal. I am not sure that at times are heart breaking."
ly felt and adds greatly to cost of all ers .except to enjoy their great earn­ publication of (his notice.
now that he is wanting votes.
against the banks and those wh > 1 entirely approve of my own Prime
"Oregon is a freak state a wealthy things. To give your readers and
Mary Meaner, Administrator
ings, nor were they connected with
have money to loan, and both used Minister, and 1 think those of other investor said to me T won’t put an- idea of costs, we Just paid >1,010.55
any other business. However, when of the estate of P. H. Mesner, de'cd.
John Leland Henderson, Attorney
What is bringing the State High­ the initiative measure to accomplish countries are mostly a good deal othe dollar In Oregon until you set­ freight on car load of barley from the draft law became operative they
for said estate.
way Commission Into bad repute Is their purpose. This is sufficient to worse. 1 never meant that that little tle down and atop initiating fool California and >1.028.00 on car of suddenly became very much Concern­
incidents like that which occurred In convince every fair minded person group should get together and rule measures. 1 admire your enthusiasm corn from Omaha.
ed in the newspaper game and nom­
about your State but common sense
Yours for a greater Tillamook and inal berths were speedily created for
Tillamook county. Last year the that when our new fangled laws cc.n the world.”
Sam Gompers, speaking in the cap­
And the main duty of the League won’t permit me to invest any more Oregon.
Commission awarded a contract to be used to financially Injure others
them. However, this ruse failed to acity of a Democratic politican.'says
Carl Haberlach.
the Warren Construction Co. to lay
register with the draft boards and If Governor Cox is elected, he will
live miles of hard surfaced road in to cripple the whole financial and in­ ister and carry out the Treaty of on your passing some fool law that
both of the young men were inducted "go forward.” Sure thing; he will
this county. The company constrii.'l- dustrial life of Oregon there Is some­ Paris, that treaty which took such a will injure my security. I believe in
The disclosure that Secretary Bak­ into service. The whining plea
go right on givng us more of what
ed a little over a mile and then quit, thing terribly rotten with our initia­ disastrously long time in the making diversifying my investments. You er has contributed only fifty dollars that their work was absolutely es­ we’ve had—and that’s one reason he
and has hardly a friend in the world have a great state physically but to the Democratic campaign fund de­ sential for the welfare of the Scripps Is going to be asked to go away back­
with the understanding that the
work would be completed this year. bills and endeavor to put them ov >r when made. "To administer the your politicJal management is rotten. monstrates that Newt is reckless only newspapers, which knew that they ward and sit down, by the voters on
The company built less than three with slush money, the same as Jack- t reaty of Paris." our friend will say: This is not a matter of my personal when he is spending other people's existed ony by reason of what they November 2nd.
"I would sooner set it to tear the opinion. It is constant talk among money.
miles and then quit work again for son did.
drew from their earnings. Kas flatly
Treaty of Paris into shreds, I cars my associates and acquaintances who
another year, leaving the remalnd r
The testimony of Ambassador-tre­ turned down by both the draft board
Make the approaching Republican
Just one word with the taxpayers nothing for this artificial fabric who have large Investments tn the asurer Gerard proves
to be completed probably—next
that the Demo­ and the district board. It appeared landslide such a huge one that the
the fellows that have to go down which you j presume to call by the state. I like to do business with you crats have definitely
year. For a contractor to take three
made up their that these cowardly young slacken wholie world will know that no Pre­
reasons to hard surface five miles of In their Jeans for taxes. Vote the name of my League of Nations You personally but common sense busi­ minds that in this campaign they ‘ would have to go to war.
But the
well-sounding name ness Judgment won’t let me buy a«iv arwnoi going to take any more mon- public reckoned without Govern >r sident who trwdea off American
m-tl ’s •’rnoylng, if not exasperating. lemocratic tick'd nnd for our Georgo have stolen the
rlgtrts. Irfe-**'« and ideals can de­
You have ey than they can get.
' Highway Commission must ii you want to be still further taxed u-.d ,<r. up a meie engine of ot r more Oi egun seeriritlee
i Cox and President Wll on. Govem.tr
liver the goods.
Editorial Snap Shots