TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER i4. l920. A CENTURY OF ANTHRACITE BROUGHT BACK SAD MEMORY NO LONGER SIMPLE PROBLEM Firat Ton of Hard Coal Reached the City of Philadelphia Just One Hundred Years Ago. Little Wonder That Comedian Could Not Lock on Buns With Any Degree of Affection. Matter of Food. In These Daye Statistice, Has Become Ques­ tion of Calculation. even hundred years have elapsed since one William Wurts. a Pb'.ladel- phla merchntrt, drove his team of mules with the first ton of autliraclte through the spring freshets and bog land to the banks of the Delaware river and floated the new fuel down the river to Philadelphia on a plue log raft. But he experienced no little diffi­ culty In that first anthracite year of 18211 in overcoming the popular objec­ tion that the coal was “extremely slow of lighting.” Pine log rafts floated only 365 tons of anthracite that year. But It fetched a price of $12 a ton and could be delivered frelght-on-raft Philadelphia at $3—a fact that was freely advertised to attract additional capital, for. of course, there was no profiteering In those days. Spring freshets aud bog land and slow inflammability no longer worry operators. Silk shirts for miners are a bigger nuisance. But production in a hundred years has JuiAped to 86.- 290.000 tons, and could this year sur­ pass the 100 mlllion-ton mark, which was almost reached in 1917. Reading. Wilkesbarre, Lehigh, Mauch Chunk—these ' names are spoken one thousand times hourly in the industrial world today, simply be­ cause there lay up in the hills of Penn­ sylvania a hard, black substance, one ton of which sly old William Wurts steered on a raft down the Delaware to Philadelphia, just one hundred years ago.—Wall Street Journal. "I never ent buns.” the comedian said sadly, “thev remind me of n hor­ rible experience I laid once." The listeners drew netr. thrilled by the tenseness of his tones. “I was on a ship In ntldocean.” went on the comedian dramatically. “Her cargo was self-raising flour and cur- flints, and a touring theatrical party. Suddenly. In the dead of night, we run Into an iceberg. “There wore no boats, so things look­ ed very desperate for us. The huge waves dashed over the sides and down the hatchways. “Then we heard a curious noise. The water had got to the self-raising flour and presently It began to ooze up In large blobs, like buns, with the cur­ rants mixed up In It. “As the great lumps of dough floated on tbe witter the heat of the sun baked them hard. I got on top of one of the biggest and floated Away from the sinking ship. "Bur. «Ins! the ocean thereabouts was full of sharks and they seemed to like my bun. Anyway, they nibbled anil nibbled at It. and dally It grew less. until I had hardly'room to hang on. I got washed aehore Just when there were only two bites of bun left for them. “Ever since then,” he ended, with a sigh. “I haven't been able to look at a bun without shivering.” ASTRONOMY STILL AT FAULT Dwellers on This Globe Have Shown No Curiosity Concerning Possible Wonders of Its Interior. Once upon a time this problem food was a very simple matter. Three times a day, as a rule, the attention of man was drawu to a hollow feeling located due east of the lower end of the vertebral column. Tills vacancy he proceeded to fill with a slab of CONSERV ATI VEN ESS ' is the twin characteristic bread, a chunk of beef, a pot of rice, of progressiveness at the First National Batik. etc., flavored as a rule with butter. Too much conservativeness would retard progress, Jain, garlic, etc., according to race, re­ while./in the other hand, too ititteh progressiveness ligion. climate, age, etc. Tills settled might be detrimental to safety and good business in the problem till the next call from banking. the far East. At the First National you will find just the proper It pains us to say that this was liv­ proportion of both of those desirable elements. ing to eat and not eating to live. It DI it ECTORS. showed no adjustment of means to JOUS MORGAN. C. J. BOW AKl>s, end. It was a system of food that A.W. BUNN. B. C. l.A.MB, made no distinction between a long­ HENRY ROGERS W. J. RIKCHBKS shoreman and a free-verse poet. It C. A. McC.HBB was Internal anarchy. Happily the truth has been realized. 7 The consumption of food Is no longer destructive but constructive. Man no longer eats coined beef and cabbage, TILLAMOOK. OREGON. but the vltamines In the beef ami the polyzeugmntics In the cabbage, When he picks up the bill of fare he no long- er says. “What will most speedily and cheaply allay the unrest in my far East?" but he says, "Where can I find the 12.500 cnrbonuxntes that will give me the right outlook on the League of Nations?” And lie finds it In unpolish­ ed rice. Or he says to himself. “I am now at work on the fourth act of my poetic drama; to make it convincing to Belasco I must absorb 3.200 per maganazoids dally for the next 30 days." So he shaves the kernels off the corn and eats the cob. Perhaps with coconut butter, for the added col­ BELL PHONE. MAIN 3. MUTUAL PHONE loidal saxophoniams. This ve- .- midnight In our great city a couple of army corps of teething in­ fants will be lulled to rest with 23.175 ïd5E5H5HSHS25HSHSH5H525clSZ5BSH5H5H5?SH525?525252525H5HSZ5H5HS25252SH5HS2: pneumodactyllnes warmed up in a bot- tie.—New York Evening Post. “-¿I r ftlW ’ * ’ ■;y ■> 1 J, mi . meatu dec®/* 3OII &wav with u ™S ‘on',?1"6'the beauty °f S’»01' home, w on care you give it and eather-beaten and warped siding cracks and open joints are forerunner? of decay signs, judKTheYAoZr Th CV° 10°k f°r 8Uch appearances only buildmgs by general T ?ro^tvdflidSineSS t0 rnake regular inspection of your x* of e"j,J 9ua;ity'which Æ tofiicïsïïrPacific Coast pr°duct are b“k oveStaXuïït FULLER Some of the FULLER Products HOUSE PAINT" FLOOR PAINT PORCH and STEP PAINT SHINGLE STAINS SILKENWHITE ENAMEL -—For interior woodwork. I ♦ DECORET—combined stain and varnish ih all shades for refinishing furniture, etc. VARNISHES DEKORATO — the Sanitary Kalsomine AUTO ENAMEL Men of Science Forced to Admit Exact Results From Their Calculations Are Not Possible. The celebrated observatory at Green­ wich, the place from which we reckon longitude, was founded by Charles II in 1675. mainly for the purpose of in­ vestigating the movements of the moon in the interests of navigation. Although in the Intervening two and a half cen­ turies astronomers have worked at the problem, the moon has not yet become entirely amenable to their mathemat­ ics. In a recent report of the obser­ vatory at Greenwich attention is in­ vited to the increasing deviation be­ tween the calculated position of tbe moon In the sky and its real position ’ shown by the Greenwich observations. The deviation has lately been growing in a serious manner. The error last year was more than twelve times as large as the error twenty years ago, and the average annual Increase dur­ ing the two decades has amounted to half a second of arc in longitude. The reason that astronomers have failed in getting exact results from calcula­ tions bused on the dynamical laws of gravitation is possibly the existence of some attractive force that they have not yet discovered, ulthougii the result may also be affected by the trife shape if the earth, which still awaits ac- •urate determination. W. P. Fuller & Co 1849-1920 Northwest Branch Houses at Portland, Seattle, Ta­ coma, Spokane, Boise PA1NTS . 71 YEAR leaders Look Up a FULLER DEALER in Your Town ’WlMCff£5T£JE Deadly Weapon of Warfare. An Invention by a French wireless engineer, M. Dunoyer, will completely change the character of naval war- fare. If Its claims are fulfilled, says the London Mall. It consists of what tie calls an “electric safety lock." The nechanlsm to direct the course of a •orpedo and secure its explosion igalnst an enemy warship can be worked not only by wireless waves if the right length, but also by a jroper sequence of Morse signals. Any ■rror In the right sequence of dots tnd dashes would run the mechanism town to zero again nnd render the orpedo harmless. Each torpedo aunched would have Its own key se- tuence of dots and dashes, and so the ■nemy would be unable to tamper with It. Make Sure of Enjoying Your Shooting ,.'*M OW that it’s time to be getting ready for the hunting season, make up your mind not to ex­ periment in getting equipment for shooting. N Books From Washington’s Library, The sale of the library of the late Samuel Riker of this city was con- I eluded at the Anderson Galleries re- eently. Dr. A. S. Bosenbach paid M.OOO for George Washington's copy if “A Cellectlon of All the Treaties ! >f Peace, Alliance, and Comijierce Re­ ween Great Britain and Other Pow- •rs From the Treaty Signed at Mun- -ter, in 1684, to Treaties Signed at Paris, In 1783,” three volumes. Lon- Ion, 1785. The work contains Wash- 1 ngton's autograph on each title page 1 ind bls ln>ok plate on the Inside of ! -arh front cover. The work was anc- ; ioned off nt the sale of the library if Lawrence Washington, the great rrandson of George Washington. In 'hiladelphla. In 1876.—New Turk rimes. Buy Winchester World Standard Guns and Ammunition, the kind you can trust. Winchester testing and inspection insure your satisfaction, and the Winchester guarantee backs them up. Come in today and look over our stock of Shotguns, Rides, Shells, Car­ tridges and cleaning supplies. King-Crenshaw Hdw. Co the WiNCHtSTfH*™™' E Concerning Aerial Flights. a “In Every Respect 99 says the Good Judge You get more genuine chew­ ing satisfaction from the Real Tobacco Chew than you ever got from the ordinary kind. The good ‘tobacco taste lasts so long—a small chew of this class of tobacco lasts much longer than a big chew of the old kind. That’s why it costs less to use. Any man who has used botf kinds will tell-you that. Put up in two styUs • I W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco Air Commodore Edward Maitland of 1-34 fame, speaking at the Royal So- doty of Arts, «aid that while flying he Atlantic he retired about 0 a. m., ind he was ashamed to say he slept ■ nttl nine the next day. He found hat the air not only induced sleep, •tit sharpened the appetite. Ladles md often asked him. the cotnimalore aid. “In what should we dress when tbout to take an aerial flight?” He elt tempfell to suggest crinolines. Uilch would become very useful as larachutes should the necessity arise. -London Chronicle. A Big Contract. “I see where the fteople at Atlantic vlty art» a«ktng the authorities to nake the high wind« stop blowing he sand nbont at Chelseu.” “Next thing the public will be de- nandlng that somebody stop ths hot |r blowing In congress.” KNOW LITTLE ABOUT EARTH The earth’s crust Is compared to the skin of an apple by the writer of a leading article In the Scientific American Monthly. Our knowledge of the globe on which we live, he says, is not even skin deep; for an apple as large as the earth would have a skin twenty miles thick; and no one has been much more tlmn a mile In­ to the crust, or has bored into it with tools more than a mile and a half. It Is rather humiliating to think that we know more about' the sun, ninety millions of miles away, than we do of the solid earth under our feet. We think nothing of dispatching exploring expeditions to unknown regions thou­ sands of miles away; how about a little expedition to points only a few miles distant—vertically downward? Such explorations have been proposed, although the boldest explorer has not dared to suggest going further than twelve miles—a trip that would take him on the surface of the earth only from one end of Manhattan island to the other. Success Through Optimism. At one time while building the Pana­ ma canal there were eight thousand men engaged in the Culebra cut alone. Every night as much soil slid into the cut its could -be taken out during the day. But there was not a sign of dis­ couragement—the men enjoyed the fight. Colonel Goetlinls walked through the cut one morning Just after an extensive slide. Tbe foreman had been on the job since midnight. “Well, how Is everything this morn­ ing, Mr. Hogan?” asked Goethals. “Fine. Colonel, fine. It buried that steam shovel over there and tipped over two batteries of drills and cov­ ered all the tracks through the cut but one. but everything's fine, sir. We’re diggin’.”—II. H. Moore In The Youth of a Nation. Careful Custodians The first National Bank Dr. E. L. Glaisyer, VETERINARIAN, County Dairy Herd Inspector <> HAD IT ALL PLANNED Colored Soldier Knew Exactly «'hat He Was Going to Do With All Those Black Clothes. ■iiia5ZS25a5a5a52SZSa5E5aSHSMZ5i5BS2SH5a52SHSZS25252S2SZSZSHSZSZSZSESHS • We Buy CASCARA BARK Highest Cash Price. At Kuppenbender’s Warehouse, Tillamook and Bebo. ti GREETING To the Citizens, Farmers and Dairymen of Here is a story of two negro sol­ diers, who were talking Just after the Tillamook and Vicinity : signing of the armistice: I “ Ttastus,’ said one, ‘what you gwlne rI^O ADVERTIZE is one way of netting a Customer, to do when you-all gets home?’ | get a Customer and keep a Customer is a different A "’What am I gwlne do? Wai, in 1 thing, tint when we get a Customer we keep that the fust placf, nigger, I's gwlne buy ! Customer by giving that Customer service at a reason­ me a white suit o’ clo’es, ’n white able Fee. shoes, ’n a white shirt, collar 'n tie, Your (reneral Hauling—Moving—Storage respectfully 'n a white hat. I's gwlne be white all solicit!. Give us a trial. over, nigger, an’ den I’s give up you nigger folks 'n alius do my ’soclatlng wid white folks.’ “The boy paused, then asked: ..croes from Post Office, OFFICE: Across from Post Phone. Oftice, ‘What you-all gwlne do, Jake?' • ‘Wai,’ with Chester Holden ’s Hell says Jake, ‘I’s gwine buy me a black stilt, 'n black shoes, 'n a black shirt, 'n a black tie, 'n a black hat. I's gwine be black all over. Den, when A TOUCH dat’s «lone, I’s gwlne buy me a big crape and fasten it piece of black of our facial powder will make your round my black hat.’ blossom like a summer rose. It “‘Man.’ says Rastus, ‘what you-all mean by all dem black clo’es and by give to your complexion the soft dat black crape? What for ymu gwine glow of youth and health. Our wear dat black crape?’ “ Nigger,' says Jake, ‘I's gwine wear creant is another infallible aid dat' black crepe to your funeral.’ ”— to beauty. Try them both if you Wendell D. Howie in the Boston Transcript. would better your appearance. I J Oregon Transfer and Storage, A Leech. E. E. KOCH A man on the South side advertised his car for sale. Early the next morn­ Ing a man who lived across the street came over and said: “Pardon me, but I see by last night's paper you adver- Used your car for sale.” “ 'Quite I true,” said the man who ad­ vertised the car, “hut surely you are Assyrian “Ambassadress.*” not hi the market for it." The Lady Surma d'Mar Shlmum has “No,” was the reply, "but I only live across the street and I also want arrived i>; London as the officiai am bassador from the Assyrians In the to sell my car. And there would be Kurdistan mountains, says the Argo­ no need of me spelling my money for ' an advertisement If after the people naut. Very handsome, not unlike the were through looking at your car you queen of Montenegro in profile, very- i could Just send them across tbe street bright, lively and animated, Lady- I to look at my car."—Indianapolis Surma d'Mar Shimutn Is only a little News. more than 30 years of age. Of fine physique, she Is also a highly cultured I The Scrap. woman, so cultured that tbe arch­ Representative Freur Interrupted the bishop of Canterbury closed a re­ reading of a report to say: cent Interview with the "ambassador" “Official language Is always rather with the remark: “It Is extraordinary ludicrous. Once two scrubwomen In to find so much civilization where one I government employ had an argument, could naturally have expected bar- aw a result of which the weaker vessel I ba riant.” I was laid up for some days. “An official inquiry was duly held, and the victorious scrubwoman re­ The Atlantic Patrol. After the wreck of the Titanic, 11 celved a letter which said, among nili- I i of the leading nations of Europe er things: “‘Is It true, as reported, that xald joined with the United States and Canada to provide a service for the Mrs. Hagan received certain ocular ami observation ami patrol of Ice along the nasal contusions at your hands?” “The scrubwoman in official language north Atlantic steamship lunes. These nations contribute In different propor- w rote back : •“I regret to say that the answer is tlons to the expense of this service. but the work Is done by the United In the infirmary.'” States coast guard cutters Seneca and Tampa who cruise buck ami forth ‘At a Boy! during the warmer months when the At the speedway races a tire com Iceberg* come south and send out to puny gave away toy ballons us ad­ all vessels wireless reports of tbe lo­ vertisements. A Ind about four years cation and movements of the ¡ce.— old came up to the man on the Job Boys' Life. and said: "Please may I have two balloons?" The man replied: "Sorry, my little Had No Experience. An artist was showing a young worn-' lad. but only one balloon to a boy. an over his studio, After she had Have you any brothers at home?" After a minute of deep thinking the critically examined all the pictures. led gave this answer: “No, I have no she remarked: "I notice several sunsets among brothers, hut I have a sister who has a brother.”—Indianapolis News your works, but not a single sunrise How’s that?” Law and th« Profits. The artist, who was rather noted "How did you come to be a prof for his bohemian habits, blushed a little at ibe question, ami then st am- Peer?" "It was all because of the law of mered: “You see. It's this way. To tell the supply and demand,” whimpered tbe truth, the reason I've never painted a culprit. "I wax trying to get a suffi sunrise is because I'm never up at dent supply of money to meet the /terna rut for it.” that time.” a fl <> C. DI ETER Tillamook, AÜEX. McfiAIR & CO GENERAL HARDU1ARE Kitchen Ranges* and Heating »Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere SCHOOL BOOK TIME Complete line of Tablets, Pencils, on this year’s Bill by We Are Headquarters for School Books DENTIST. TILLAMOOK BUILDING (Over Haltom’a). T illamook- Oregon. and retail [at [Board] of Educa­ tion'« wholesale list price. R. O. L. HOHLLFED. LAMAR'S DRUG STORE, VETERINARIAN. »,•11 Phons—2F2 Tillamook Tillamook, Oregon. Mutual Phons Oregon OregoB < >