Bilkiiiwk ÏImNiflbt X TILLAMOOK, OREGON. OCTOBER Tillamook Jottings days, D. J. Hadley left Saturday for Homney Okla, where he will visit for a few months. From there he will go to Cape town. South Africa where he has mining interests. Mr. Hadley has been there for a number of years, this having been his first trip home for some time. David Kuratli left Saturday for Bend, for about a week, to attend to business. He had just returned from a two weeks trip to California, he and his wife and Dr. and Mrs. Grider having driven down in their car. They report having a delightful trip and a wonderful outing in the hills down there, camping in the Klamath Verdi Indian Reservation. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Pickett started Tuesday noon in their car, for their new home in Valijo, Cal., staying in Cloverdale that night with Mrs. Pickett’s son Albert Wade, he accom­ panying them as far as McMinnville. They visited a day with her daught­ er,’Mrs. W. E. Anderson, at Grand Ronde. and then to Portland and on down to California. W. G. Gilbert, of Chicago, who is doing field work for the House of Kuppenheimer, was in Tillamook a few days last week levaing Saturday He says they are going to establish a line here in Tillamook and that a representative will be in every six or eight weeks. While here Mr. Eber­ hart met Mr. Reichers, an old friend o this whom he had not seen for over seven years. They were both front the same town in Wisconsin. 14, - l»20. a few days, defendant commenced a- CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HAD Mr. Chamberlain explained how the lar, but now that dollar goes to pay War had dislocated the social indust­ for the membership fees, which is a busing his wife, which again forced INTERESTING MEETING her to leave him. There are three rial and commerical life of the coun­ dollar a year. Mr. V. Wolf, of Portland Is in the children born to this union. try, and that a paralysis of the indus­ Takes Up Matter of Interest to the city this week on business. trial life would come to pass unless a GEM THEATRE PROGRAM County Married at the Christian Church Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coburn went to change was made. The peole realize parsonage Wednesday, W. M Pitman Portland Sunday for a short business The October meeting of the Cham­ that it is absolutely necessary some­ Friday-Saturday. Oct. 15-16, “The of Portland and Mrs. M. Jones. Only visit. ber of Commerce was held last thing should be done in the immed­ Price of Redemption” featuring close friends attended. Bert Lytell. iate future to remedy these condit­ F. R. Beals left Saturday morning Thursday with a large attendance. "Live and Learn" Pollard comedy. L. S. Dalton, of the Loyal Legion for Portland to spend a few davs on Several important matters requir­ ions and that everyone should help business. of Loggers and Lumberman head­ ing immediate attention were taxen in solving these problems. The bene­ Sunday, Oct. 17. "The Vieled Adven­ ture” featuring Constance Talmadge quarters. of Portland was in Tilla­ up and discussed. Among others was fits as well as the liabilities derived Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crenshaw left mook Monday.. He had been on a the car shortage. C. J. Edwards ami from the war are not only for the “Jazz Bandits" Fox Sunshine com­ in their car on a business trip to edy. tour of inspection as well as visiting F. A. Beltz reported their findings on present generation, according to Mr. Portland on Wednesday. all the mills and camps in the coun­ I this subject after which the manag- Chamberlain, but for several genera- Tuesday, Oct. 19. "The Adventurer” Mrs. Muller—of Portland, returned ty. having spent over a week here. I er was instructed to take up the mat- tlon^to come. He said that all of featuring Win. Farnum. to her home Saturday, after having Pathe Review. Mr. Dalton said that even though the , ter o. tian.-purtation with boat com­ the problems arising from the war spent a couple of days here. mill here was closed a great deal of ■“ panies with a view of procuring wat- could not be settled at once, for all I Wednesday. Oct. 20. “A Fighting Co­ Mrs. M. E. Olden, of Netarts, left leen” featuring Bessie Love. the time, and the work going on slow | I er transportation for Tillamook. It the questions arising from the Civil Saturday morning for Portland, to in the other parts of the county, the I I is believed that enough out-going war, even, are not yet settled. It is “Jumps and Jealously” big V com­ Bpend a week on a business trip. general lumber conditions in this i i freight would be obtained to make to be hoped, however, that changed edy. county were a great deal better than I this plan feasible. J. A. Carroll. as far as possible will be made in the Thursday, Oc.t. 21. •'The Mother cf Rev John Hopp, of Portland will featuring Gladys in other parts of the state. The mar- I ■ County Road Master, was present near future. His Children” preach at the Reformed Congrega­ ket is closed, all the eastern people . ! and stated that it was the intention Brockwell. tional Chuch next Sunday. Come and buying eastern lumber, as it is cheap- I I of the County Court to begin work on Kelso Farmers and Business Men to Pathe News hear him. • er, and as’ the prices here are so high, I the Bayocean road about the first of Oct. 22-23, “The I Friday-Saturday, Visit Tillamook N. W. Phelps vs. A. C. Everson is consequently there is no sale. That, the year. The Chamber passed a re­ Saphead” Metro special production. ------- o------- a suit fled in the circuit court to re­ along with the car shortage brings solution urging the County Court to Plans are being completed for an cover »500 growing out of a real est­ the lumber industry almost to a hurry the work along as much as auto tour of farmers of Cowlitz coun­ ate transaction. ( Ladies Entertain. standstill. ty, Wn., to Tillamook county, where ------ o------- possible. Jensen Shingle Manfg Co. vs. Pa­ Mrs. J. H. Rosenberg, Mrs. A. A. H. T. Botts brought up the quest­ a number of prosperous dairy farms The Lung motor which was ordered cific Engnieering and Equipment Co. from Boston some time ago, was re­ ion of school buildings for District will be inspected. hTe trip, which Pennington and Mrs. H. H. Rosen­ 1 b a suit filed in the Circuit Court to ceived by the Fire Department last I No. 9, stating that the School Board will combine education and pleasure berg were the delightful hostesses at recover »1981.95. night, and tried out. This motor would like the opinion of the Cham­ for those taking it, has been under a charming at home party at the The Alter Society of the Catholic is about the same as a pull motor, ber regarding their building pro­ discussion by a group of Kelso bus­ home of the latter Wednesday after­ church will hold a sale of cooked only that the pull motor is an auto­ gram. The,belief was generally ex­ iness men for some time, and definite noon. The rooms were made beautiful foods and fancy articles at Zacli- matic contrivance. while this is not. pressed that it would be money wast­ plans were made last week to make with bowls of yellow dahlias, and the man’s Oct. 22nd and 23rd. It is on the order of a bicycle pump, ed to attempt to repair and alter the the tour as soon as possible after the Hallowe’en scheme of yellow and F. F. Baker, of Burns, returned to black cats and witches were also used and is used to restore persons suffo­ old school building in place of putt­ harvest is completed. The party expects to leave Kelso for deocrations and favors. his home this week, leaving Tuesday, cated by smoke, drowning persons, ing up a new structure. after having spent several weeks here Games were played and Mrs. Tuck Considerable discussion was arous­ Friday morning, the 15th, making those struck by electricity and a The Chamber of Commerce wrote visiting in this city and at* Garibaldi. hundred other different accidents, as ed over the Tourists Park, some In the trip to Tillamook thut day, er rendered a number of beautiful to the State Highway Commission in Nehalem Valley Bank, a corp., vs. regard to the bad condition of a piece well as pneumonia patients and I favor of establishing it on the new spending Saturday here in the coun­ selections on the piano, which were Buttner Mill Co. and E. W. Barnes, of road near Willamina w hich was others who have not the strength to fair grounds to be bought by the ty at different points and returning very much appreciated by the guests. is a suit filed in the circuit court io torn up by the railroad contracts, breathe, as it practically forces county. It was decided, however, that home on Sunday. It is planned to The refreshments served by the host­ recover »1125.00 on a promissory and on Saturday a telegram was re­ breahing. A deluge set was also re­ the present site be used and improv­ make the trip through the Willam­ esses were very delicious and daintly ette valley to Tillamook, returning served. ceived, which is put on the pump, I ed for the next season. note. ceived from Engineer Nunn stating via Nehalem, Seaside, Astoria and Among those present were the Mcs- The Chamber went on record as causing the force from all three The Presbyterian Guild will meet that the road had been planked and the Columbia Highway, if possible. dames. Drew, Veirick, J. S. Lamar, Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 at the completed by Monday afternoon. Per­ streams to be concentrated to the strcngly opposed to the 4 and 5 p :r Glider, Kuratli, Alex Watt, Turnbull home qf Mrs. Chas. I. Clough and any sons w’ho came through on Tuesday one stream, which would be forceful cent Interest Measure and a comm 11- and Mr. Turnbull’s mother, B. C. Farewell Party ladles Interested in the work are cor­ stated that the work was completed enough to knock down a buildin.j. tee composed of C. J. Edwards. H. T. Lamb, Fauekner, Reedy, O. A. The department is getting a life net Botts and L. W. Turnbull was ap ­ dially invited. the previous evening. As Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Cardiff are Schultz, Groat, Mason, Lewis, Smith, and other apparatus, which is expect­ pointed to put the matter before the Frank A. Bergman, of Portland, a The weather the past week has ed in the near future. people at a meeting to be held in the to leave Tillamook soon a number of Alva Williams, Glaisyer, Baker, special agent employed to investigate been quite wet, with very few inter­ Mrs. Cardiff’s friends met at her Clough, O. M. city hall next Wednesday evening. Cook, Haberlach, the case where a number of furs were missons. This appears to be the most R. W. Watson read a communicat­ home last Thursday and held a fare­ I Plank, Esch, Craven, Tucker, McRea, Constance Talmadge seen in “ The stolen, left for Portland this morn­ moist fall this part of Oregon has ex­ ion from the County ageint of Cow­ well party for her. The refresh- Henkle, Conover, Lee Doty and Stein­ Veiled Adventure” j ing. perienced for many years. The first litz county. Wash., stating that a de­ nients, which were brought by the bach. Carl Dawson,who has been stopp­ rains came late in the August, and “The Veiled Adventure,” Constan­ legation of dairymen from that sec­ guests, were exceedingly delicious ing at the home of W. F. Baker, dur­ all through September, with the ex­ ce Talmadge's newst Select Pictuie, tion were going to visit Tillamook and were very much enjoyed by all. Shakespeare Club Meets. ing a bad attack of rheumatism left ception ot a few days, it rained, and which can be seen on Sunday, Oct. some time this month to get an in­ After having spent the afternoon the first two weeks of October the the The monthly meeting of with his wife and family oil Wednes­ 17, at the Gem Theatre, Is a roman­ sight as to Tillamook dairy methods chatting and visiting, the guests de­ same kind of weather prevailed. This tic comedy plus drama which holds and to establish closer relations be­ parted, leaving a gift with Mrs. Car­ Shakespeare Club was held at the day for their home at Garibaldi. tween the dairymen of the North­ diff. as a token of their esteem. Those home of Mrs. David Robinson, on last Mrs. Lucinda Ford, ot Corvallis, weather condition this morning look­ you to the end. present were. Mesdames Feldshau, Friday, the 8th. An election of offi- left for her home, where she lives ed more favorable the wind being in It Is a story of Geraldine Barker, a west. The Chamber is a live, growing in­ Geo. Chaffee, Vernon Blanchard, As- cers was held, the following being during the winter with her daughter. the northwest but how long it will young and beautiful society girl, chim, Harry Thomas, of Coquille, Le­ chosen: Mrs. Reichers, president; She has ben spending the summer remain there is hard to tell. t whose marriage to Reginald Crocker, stitution and is going ahead to make An incident occurred Friday morn­ a society “fop” is averted, when she, Tillamook prosperous, better known, wis Wilson, Frankie Berry, Smith, Mrs. Robinson, vice-president; Mrs. here with Mrs. Royal Stillwell, also ing whlh shows tlie dire necessity of in trying to teach a young man from and a better place to live Tn. A Abpsely, Kenneth Cater, H. Brooks, O. A. Schultz, secretary, Instead ot her daughter. Hoffman, Houston, Mahan and Will reading from a play as usual, min­ E. A. Morganty, of Rupert, Idaho, a little more speed in the construct­ Texas a lesson as to the influence cf Chamber is a factor in any commun­ Oathout and mother. The Cardiffs utes of the meetings held sixteen ion of the Kilchls river bridge. As a ity that should be given more atten ­ woman over a man, is herself en ­ who has been here for some time as are well know in* Tillamook and are years ago were read by the secretary, superintendent of the Warren Const­ large Standard Oil truck was passing lighten regarding men and unconsci­ tion than has generally been given It. esteemed by all, and it is with real which were very much enjoyed by ruction Co.’s work here In town, left over the brdge on its way to Brighton ously teaches herself a vital lesson A few progressive people carry It regret on the part of their friends the members. The club is now stint­ for Portland Tuesday morning. He the wheels broke through the rotten of life. She is presented in this pict­ long, nursing it through it’s growl lg that they see them leave. ing on its seventeenth year, which is flooring. If it had not been for the stage, work with it and boost for it. ure by Lewis J. Selznick. will later return to Idaho, his wife quite a long time for a club to ex­ and finally send it on to a complete having gone there about a month floor beam, on which the truck sus­ ist. pended, it is very doubtless the whole success, while the less enthusiastic Christian Endeavor Party. ago. The ladies drew the names of the thing would have plunged downward Tillamook County Makes Gain of ones look on and wonder whether it I ---- o ------- The Tillamook County Sunday into the river. No one was hurt and $758.405 in Valuation will go or not. After tne hard work About fifty young folks, most nil months to ascertain when each was School convention will meet in this no damage was done though, thanks is over the doubtful ones are glad to members of the Christian Endeavor to entertain the club. The months Summary of Assessment Rolls of city on the 23rd and 24th of October. to the fact that it did suspend on the jump in and share the credit. That of the Christian church, met at the were drawn as follows: November, Tillamook county, as finally equali ­ Mr. Morman Johnson, the new secre­ beam. is human nature. But our Chamber home of Mr and Mrs. Lee Doty, and Mrs. John Groat; December, Mrs. zed by the County Board of Equaliz­ tary, who has been a member of the is going ahead. It has gained stren­ proceeded to have one of the best, Campbell; January, Mrs. Baker; Feb­ C. H. Hoskins and wife, of Gold ation. Pennsylvania Sunday School AssocL-' gth and size and is now about to don times of their lives. Each guest was ruary, Mrs. Reichers; March, Mrs. Beach, Or., arrived in Tillamook late i Acres of all land, 591,762 ation for the past few years, will be long pants and take it's place with requested to wear costumes which Crenshaw; March, second meeting, Tuesday evening by automobile to I ........................ »17,210,785 the chief speaker. were not familiar to the rest of the Mrs. Robinson; April, Mrs. C. J. Ed­ it's elders. visit with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Acres of tillable land, 18,929 Lee Grimes vs. Lavona Grimes is W. H. Hoskins They see a great Anyone wishing to take out a party and as. they were ushered into wards; Muy, Mrs. Clough; June, Mrs. ......................................... 3,121,440 a divorce suit filed in the circuit change for the better since their de­ membership and help this cause al- the liali they were given domino B. C. Lamb; July, Mrs. Holmes; Aug- court these parties having been mar­ parture 9 years ago. Before coming Acres of non-tillable land, long will please communicate with masks with which to hide their fea­ ust, the annual picnic to be heJd, 153,796 ........................... 2,228,145 I ried at Astoria, Or., on the 21st of here they visited with Mrs. Hoskin's the manager at the office of the tures from curious ones. It was great September, Mrs. O. A. Schultz March, 1917, one son having been parents in Oakland Cal., they were Acres of timber land, 419,037 The hostess had decorated the Chamber on the second floor of the fun guesing who was who, and al­ ......................................... 11,861.200 born to the union. Plaintiff alleges out marketing one day and asked for though it was rather early for Hall­ rooms in a very charming manner City hall, or call, 31-J. We want ev- Improvements on deeded land that defendant abandoned him on the cheese—the owe'en.the spirit of witches and with fall flowers, and served a dain­ proprietor in charge 587,G25 ery business man, retired or not, who black cats prevaded 1st of November, 1919. the rooms, as ty, appetising luncheon. The lnvhod feels that our community needs the said we have several kinds of cheese, Town, city, & beach lots, • help of this organization, to be- crepe paper figures of black and yel- guests were Mrs. Hultoin and Mrs. I. Returning last week to Portland but the best is "Tiliamoook”, needless 34.585 ........................... 1,776,590 low, also African daises were us<'d C. Smith. was Vida Lamb, daughter of Francis to say Chester knew that already Improvements on town lots a member. 520,125 come for decorations. M. Lamb, where she will take up and the sale was made. | Improvements on land not Refreshments consisting of ice Gladys Brockwell in “The Mother of branch work In that city writing for I Bob Richards, of Beaver, who was deeded................................ 6,325 Senator Chamberlain Speaks cream and wafers were served by the His Children” I the Feature Magazine of Chicago. the manager of the County fair this Logging roads and rolling » in Jillamook hostess. All manners of games were Miss Lamb spent three weeks at the year, and'who went to the State Fair stock .................................. 60,000 I "The Mother of His Children,” de­ played and'music and singing were Lamb camp and visiting Mrs. Henry with the Tillamook exhibit, had some Manufact'ing machinery, etc A number of people were present the entertainments ot the evening, scribed as a powerfully dramatic 520,805 Heisel, a former Eugene girl. bad’ luck the last night of the fair Merchandise & stock in trade 275,275 at the City Hall on Monday night to after which the guests departed, very photodrama, will be presented by C. I. Winnek left Tuesday for Port­ at Salem. While he was helping some Farming implements, wagons, hear the address by Senator Chamb­ tired but happy. William Fox, starring Gladys Brock­ land. where he will spend a few days of the men tear down the booth de­ etc. .......................................... 69,630 erlain, who is on his political camp­ well, at the Gem Theatre on Thurs­ on business. He and his wife are corations he stepped on a nail which Money, notes & accounts . . 10,700 aign for re-election. He was advert­ day, Oct. 21. from San Diego. Cal., having come was ticking straight up in a board. Shares of stock ...................... 124,350 ised to speak on the political issues Tillamook Fiih and Game Club This is a story of high life In Paris here about ten days ago. and, as they The nail went almost through the Hotel & otfite furniture .... 58,428 of the day ana Jie Important quest- Meet». picturing the alluring scenes in liked the place so well they decided ball of his foot .making quite a hole Horses & mules, 1.082 .......... 60,675 Ions which were to be voted upon by which the artist's life centers. Tin. to stay here, so bought the Boss in it. Mr. Richards is obliged to Cows, 10,971 ........................... 622,260 the people at the coming election. A meeting of the Tillamook Fish romance of a capivating princess and Turner ranch six miles south of here. walk on crutches, when he does get Cattle, 2,341 ............................. 61,280 Strange to say, however, he did not and Game Club was held at the City a famous statue, of love and revenge, Mrs. Bailey left Saturday morning about, but he will feel pretty lucky Sheep & Goats, 575 .................... 2,395 i I touch upon the vital issues such as hall laqt Tuesday night. The Con­ is set forth with telling effect. if he does not have a case of blood Swine, 1,028 ........................z. . 19,165 the League of Nations, which disap­ stitution and By-laws, which hud for Los Angles, where she will hpc id pointed the people, who were expect- been drawn up some time ago had the winter with her daughter, Belle. poisoning. Total value of taxable ing to find the stand taken by the submitted, were accepted and adopt­ Vu'canizing Department of She was accompanied by her smail^ _ Allot het one of our Tillamook men the Sunset Garage has gone East and i eturned with a property as equalized. . »21.986.605 Senator. Instead, he spoke of the ed. Also a resolution was passed by grand daughter. Frances Long, whanr" h ------ o------ The above does not include Public i good that his party had accomplished the assembly to get our Representa­ sh< is taking there an account of the bride. Floyd Gardener, of the Stan­ We recently visited the Vucaniz- little girl’s health, as she has been dard Oil Co., and Mrs. Gardener, nee Service corporations which are asses­ during the present administration, tive, C J. Edwards, to have the advising the people, who are suppos­ Stale game laws conform with thoae ing Department of the Sunset Gat age ill for some time with asthma and Miss Mytrle Grimsey, of East Orange, sed by the State Tax Commission. New Jersey, returned to Tillamook 1920 ......................... »21,986.605 ed to be getting a good thing out of of the Federal laws. At present there and while there Mr. Coleman explain­ pleurisy. 1919 .................. 21.228.200 it not to change the policy of the is a difference in the duck laws, the ed to us the method of repairing M. L. Gilbert, of Portland, who is last week. The wedding pccurred at the home of the bride ’ s parents, in government, in other words, to re­ Federal law allowing fifteen days damaged tires. the special state agent of the Cle­ Mr. Coleman has recently made up Gain 758,405 elect democrats and have the same more on the open season than the veland National Fire Insurance Co., New York, on the 22nd of September. state law governing the shooting cf an unusually interesting exhibit ,n things for the next few years. was in Tillamook this week. He wis They came back via Washington, D. the form of a Cord tire, showing tlie In regard to the present commeri­ the wild ducks. ▼ery favorably impressed with Tilla­ C . New Orleans. Texas, San Francis­ Reduce the High Cost of Living. various kinds of repairs in different The matter which was taken up by co, having bad a delightful trip. cal conditions he spoke of the advan ­ mook, especially with the splendid Up to October 31st, we will offer tages of shipping by truck and by the Multnomah Fish and I Game Club, stages of the completion. This cas- Ure fighting facilities of the city. He Mr. Gardener has been in Tillamook ing contains one section of retread also said our fire engine was the best for some time and has made a great the following bargains in newspapers by water, stating that when the wat­ in respect to the Fish Hatchery on erways were improved the railroads the Trask river, was brought before left open at the end in such a way (One Year,) one in the state, but we already tho’t many friends wro greatly admire and respect him, and their best wishes Daily Oregonian and Headlight ISSO would be compelled to reduce the the meeting and discussed. The Mult­ that it shows all the various layers that ourselves. are extended to him and ^lis wife, Daily and Sunday Oregonian rates on transportation of freight. nomah Fish and Game Club wants as they are built up. He also shows Tillamook merchants have agreed who it is hoped will be pleased with and Headlight........................... 8.50 The Roosevelt Highway will greatly the fish hatchery to cease hatching the method ot preparing a casing for to close their stores from 2.30 to her new home. in the transportation by truck salmon and hatch only trout. These ' repair of a blowout as well as the Weekly Oregonian and Head­ I aid 4:30 Friday afternoon so that their and as it now is not under the con­ trout they want shipped to the val- | completed repair in such a case, Helene C. Walter« vs. Harold G. light ........................................... 2.60 employees can attend the football 1 trol of the War Department, as form­ ley and planted in the streams there, An examination of this exhibit will game at the fairgrounds between the Walters is a divorce case filed In the Daily Oregonian .......................... 5.00 erly, it will be put thru more quick- which would be a benefit to themsel­ give the tire user more knowledge Oregon City H. S. and the local H. S. circuit court. These parties were Daily and Sunday Oregonian . 7.00 ves, as they are Interested In angling t concerning his tires than he would .75 iy boys. This i| the first interscholar- married at Jacksonville, Ore., on the Weekly Oregonian...................... In reviewing the work of the Sen- more than anything else. The mem­ ordinarily get in years of tire use. 29th of May. 1914. Plaintiff alleges Hurry! for this offer will expire on tlc game which eitizens of Tillamook This tire will be kept on display In ate In the past few years Mr. Cham­ bers of the meeting disapproved of have had an opportunity to see and that soon after the marriage defend­ October 31st. berialn spoke of the numerous ber this movement, as they wish to keep the Hales room of the Sunset Garage ant began a cotfse of cruel and in­ interest is high. and harbor improvement along the on hatching salmon for commercial and is well worth examining by ev­ human treatment and personal in­ You are vitally Interested in Ore­ Presbyterian Church. ery automobile owner. coast; the benefits derived by the purposes instead of for sports. dignities which has been almost con­ gon having a port equal to any port ------ O ------ The membership of the Tillamook farmers by the Rural Credit Act; ai- tinuous. except during the periods on the Pacific Coaat. Initiative mev- Sunday School 10 a.m.. Morning so the Federal Reserve Act which Fish and Game Club numbers about when the parties were not living to­ United Brethren Church. «re No. 310 on the ballot to be voted prospect* gether. Plaintiff bore this treat mini worship. 11 a.m. Subject: "Man's stands back of the people in any fina­ 170, . * present, and fflHkfor a great ma^Biore. Ev- In November will provide Oregon Destiny.” are i ncial emergency, and he thinks that The following services will be held with such a port. The coat will be for a long time up to the 28th of Evening worship. 7:30 p in. Sub­ as all these acts are very beneficial cry iftan should join thnNLib. as It May, 1919, when the defendant drove In J he United Brethern church Oct. born by the people of the port of oing a great deal for tlWgood of ject "Attitude of the Presbyterian Is doing to the people they should be kept the plaintiff front home. In March, Portland hut all of the state miwt church toward Amusements." danc­ and more acta like them should be the county. The above a lesblution* 17: Tillamook. Bunday School at 10 vote on it. Vote 310 Yes on the ballot 1920, the plaintiff agreed to live with ing. cards, theatres ect." are good examples of what these bid i a.m., preaching services at 11 am. passed. the defendant on account of the, who are members are doing. The in- I Preaching services at Pleasant Valley on November 2nd. Everybody always welcome. In his discussion about the present children and make an effort to build After having spent the summer a home, but after living together for| Allan A. McRea. Minister. conditions of the State and Nation itiation fees of the club are one dol-1 3 pm.. preaching at Beaver at 8 p.m. R. Fisher, pastor. here with old friends of his boyhood SCHOOL DIRECTOR IS INDICTED FOR GRAFTING. Grand Jury Find Crooked Methods in. Building Bay City School. ------- o—‘— As a result of the grand jury’s in- vestgation of the crooked method til building the new Bay City School. Henry Butler was indicted and arrested this morning on a charge of larceny to the amount of »4u0.90. He Is now in the county jail. He was one of the school directors when the contracts were let, and It is reported, he “grafted” the contractors. Other surprising revelations are likely to come out when the case is tried, for it seems that there are others who» have been as crooked as Bulter. Zweifel Found Not Guilty. o After the jury in the case of th® State against Rudolph Zweifel. had been out sveral hours, a verdict of not guilty was brought in. Zweifel, who lives at Mohler, and is engaged in conducting a cheese fac­ tory and dealing in the hay and teed business, raises a large number ot hogs on his place. The charge cf having allowed a dead hog to remali* on his premises for an undue length of time, without burial, was brought against him by the state. Sam Tom­ linson a neighbor of Zweifel’s, made the complaint to Dr. Boats, after having noticed the body of the hog lying under the approach ot the bridge across the Nehalem river. Zweifel’s hog yard is along the bank of the river, near the road, and sev­ eral witnesses testified to the tact that a very offensive odor eminated from the hog yard, that would almoHt knock down a passerby. The fact that the hog had lain there the alleged ten or twelve days, was unknown to Zweifel, who, after his nephew found it and told him of the fact, buried it. It was proven by the evidence that the hog, lying under the approach of the bridge, was on the property of the county, and it was the dtity of any passerby to bury it. It was con- sidered by the court that it was the duty of Tomlinson to either bury the hog or notify Zweifel of it, instead of waiting for a week before mention­ ing it and then phoning to the C*urf- ty Health Officer, and he wai laying himself liable to the same offence is that which was charged against Zweifel. This was first tired in Justice Stan­ ley’s court, the Jury bringing In a verdict of guilty whereupon the just- tlce fined Zweifel »200 and cost. A write of review was taken to the cir­ cuit court. Circuit Court Still Grinding The grand jury returned an Indict­ ment against Andrew Zuercher, char­ ged with burglary, and it seems h® has skipped the country. Alfred Muller was indicted for lar­ ceny. '■ Herbert H. Wilson is Indicted tor adultery. 1 The of George Hubbard wa» tried this morning before a jury, wh® was accussed with Guy Ailnao*. of breaking into Wagner's cksar stand. After the case had prnemdHd. Prosecuting Attorney Goyne chanc­ ed the charge to simple larceny, to which Hubbard pleaded guilty, and the judge Imposed a fine of »100. Lewis M. Herron vs. the unknown heirs of Henry Saxon. Order. Anna C. Harris vs. Thomus J. Har­ ris and the Hurris-Apimer Fui nit ure Co. Divorce. Defendant ordered to pay »250.00 into court for attorney's fees and support of plaintiff. Fist Bank of Bay City vs. Henry Butler, et-Hl. Case dismissed. Jefferson and Lulu M. Fleok m. Martin Blaser. Verdict of »300 for plaintiff. Lee Parson vs. R. C. Parsons. Judg­ ment In favor of plaintiff. Grand jury returned indlcments *- gainst Richard E. Thomas and Fred DeLil lies. C. W. Hatfield va. A. Arstill. Mot­ ion to quash sustain* d. First National Bank of Port laud vs. It. A. Rowe, et-al. Dismissed. American Veterinarian Supply C ol vs. E. L. Glalsyer. Verdict of plain­ tip. H. K. Mulford Co. vs. E. L. Glaisy- er. Verdict In favor of plaintiff. State Industrial Accident Coinnua- sion vs . J. A. Jensen. Veidict fog­ plaintiff. Reformed Congregational Church. Sunday School 10 a.m.. preuchtrif 11 a.m. and 2 pin. A special service program will elaborate our annual mission feast for the morning and afternoon s « m - sions. Rev. John Hopp from Portland, the very successful preacher, will de­ liver Inspiring thoughts of Home and World missions, to which activities* every human is bound by divine lair. Therefore we extend a most weleotn® invitation to every one in hope that many will come and make It. a point of success. Dinner will be provid 'd for all country visitors. Rev. Richard Schiieta*». Call for County Road Warrant*. Al) outstanding County Road war­ rants endor < ;>rior to and tncliidt’ig the 31st day of August, 1920, will he paid upon presentation Interest ceases the 18th day of October, 1920. Kathleen Mills. County Treasurer.