TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCicBEE 7. | JHaltom’s As Usual Sets The Pace In Lowering Prices --Involving Much 0i The New Fall Goods. W I I FALL MILLINERY J I Prevailing On*All Fall Suits, Dresses And Coats Middies, Waists, Extraordinary Dresses, $25.90 & $31.95 $6.95, $10.95 And $11.90 A recent express shipment of them. Fas- hioned of splendid quality serge or tricotine and resembling Bolero effect, Long waist. with plaited skirt also plain. In much wanted bright red and navy blue. Introducing several new shades and be­ coming styles. il Regulation style and double yoke. Goods Season We Offer Yard Wide Duchess —Women's Dress Gloves, Consisting of Tan Suede, also White and Tan Kid.Excellent $4 50 Values. Special Purchase.. Pr .... $2.98 —Women's Mercerized Lisle Hose, Black And Cordovan. The Pair ..75c. — Women s Black Cotton Hose. Reinforcedd Toe And Heel. The Pair 25c. —Women's Black Pure Silk Hose.Reinforced Foot. Exceptional at. $1 59 —Boy's And Girl's 50c. Black Rib Hose. Medium And Heavy Weight 39c. —Boy's (Rawhide) Extra Heavy Black Rib Stockings. Sizes 6 to 11 at ...................................................................................................................... 49c. —Children’s Medium Weight Rib Cordovan. Stockings At, Pair . .--45c. .—Children's White And Colored Bordered School Handerchiefs At . 9c. —Big Assortment of Hairbow Ribbon. White and Colors. To 65c. Values, Yard.............................................................................. -.............. 29c. —59 Bolts Of Plain Colored Satin And Taffeta Ribbon, Values To 35c. Yard................................................................................................................... 9c. -—4 Fold Germantown Knitting Yarn. Black And Colors. Only, Ball. 39c. —Children’s Hair Bow Fastuers. Saves Time and Worry + + + ¿ Straight 10 Per Cent O/scounri a s,„. _...o, r»J ♦ ♦ ♦ I 4 a • DOMESTIC Lot~~-$3.00 Corsets At $1.98 'i —You can save a little better than $1.00; In back lace, medium top, long skirt and come with two pairs hose supporters. Satin, Today's Actual $4.00 Values YARD $2.89 —Women SHOULD WEAR “ Nemo’’—‘'Gossard’’- 'American Lady. —''A Frock Or A Sul| Is As Good As Y out Cornet Makes It." 5 ¡I — The admired lines of a rightly poised, perfect fully proportion'd body, gracefully unconscious of corsetry except for iis 1 lightfully comfortable support, will give charm and added value in any clothes. And the wrong corset? Prehaps you have had one. Prehnps you had a gown that was a dissapointment. seemed list ail wrong, not becoming, and yet it had looked us well in the shop window and was such a precious model you couldn't resist buying it. But it wus disappointing Pre haps the neck line suggested a change, or the sleeves, or possi-, Illy the waist line seemed not just as effect­ ive as it might be. What was the enevlt- 1 able result! Repeated attempts at remodel- ' ing that left you miserably discouraged, j when the real cause of the despair was ( that disgraceful corset. It didn't give you < the right poise and porportion and threw I the frock out of line until it lost the charm- I ing silhouette you had admired and the de ( signer had intended. Our experienced cor- | setlere will satisfactorily take care of your I corset problems. * Nemo Back Lacing Corset at $5.25 to $9.00. G ohm rd Front Lacing Corseti« At $4 50 to $«.50. “American Lady" at $2.00 to $8 50. — Practlal school togs, especially suitable for Tillamook where rain is plentiful and requiring something like these to withstand the test. In blue and cardinal and tan with hood attached. Sizes 4 to 1 4 and priced $3.99 and $4.79. Also of navy blue gaberdine with hat to n atch at $7.95 —Children's Cozy Duckland Fleece Sleepers In Blue. Pink. And Tan. Prettily Figured To Delight Their Fancy—$3 25 Hal tom ’s Is The Scene Of Lovely Fall Merchandise —At no other time of the season is the new Fall Merchandise more refreshing than it is right now as will be discernible upon investigation. It is useless to expetiate other than disclose the best of the new arrivals. tnfants’ Silk And Wool Toques Infant's White Wool Sweaters — New Handerchiefs Ge’ore —New Jet And Pearl Beads .« — ■squisite Wide Camisole Rib- bons Women's New Beaded At»d Lea­ ther Bags —New Suiting And Pearl Buttons Gold 'Embroidered Silk Vesting — Fashionable Lace Silk Hosiery — New Dress Trimmings. Winsom» New Dress Silks And Linnlng. — Munsingwear Family money or who’se i j i ) J ested in soft shimmering silkes like this celebrated Duchess line will feel thankful towards Haltom’s in making this exceptional silk offer. Convenient- ly displayed for easy selection. Note the color range For The Whole — New (Orlenental Designs) CoI­ onian Cretonne* New Comforters And Blankets New lace Tabbing For Trimm- MEN! The Greatest Silk Shirt Sale Evei Announced In Tillamook-New Actually Worthl 12 50 $13.50 é3 $15 Old Rose. Pearl Grey. Reseda And Bottle Green. —Of heavy qualtiy drapes gracefully and can be developed into most beautiful dresses, such as is uses it may be applied to with effectiveness too— being approved by Dame Fashion. There are other petticoats, blouses, camisoles, trimmings. neglig.>e and fancy articles. There Were 120 In This Shipment A prominent shirt manufacturer anxious to get more of our business sold us this fine lot of silk shirts at a big price concession. Realizing the demand for just such pic­ turesque shirts, naturally our men’s fur­ nishing goods chief. Mr. Boyd Mendenhall, eagerly snaped this wonderful buy. $2.50-$2.75 Whispering Taffetas And Shanghai They Are The Finest in Quality Silks, Choice And Workmanship. Attention is Directed to the Reversible Fea- Says Mrs. James Girl’s Bestyette Rain Capes — Big Shipment Of New Yarns who value their v —Men’s Silk Knitted Scarfs, Exquisite * creations. In Solid and Two Tone Colors. All Shades. At $3 95 To $9.75. means are limited, especially those who are inter —Un blear lied Turkish Towels, Wonder­ ful Value» Al Each THE CORSETS YOU Hati For Particular Men In All the New Shades And Blocks—Priced At $7.00 To $12.00. Other Lines $3.75 To $6.00. Burgundy. Plum. Copen And Light Blue. Purple, -—Best Grade Table Oil Cloth. 47 inches. White and Colors, yd —Go d Weight Dre-- Ginghams. Light And Dark Patterns, Yard . 28c. -White And Colored Outing Flannel. Good Weight, Soft And Fleecy 28c. —Genuine Japanese Crepe, Pretty Floral Designs. 30 In. Wide. Yd. 39c. —Yard Wide Standard Percale, Light And Dark Patterns. Yard . . . 29c. '—To 50c. Heavy Weight Wash Goods. Plain And Figured, Yard . . . 30c. —Linen Finish Sheet.-. Bleached. Hemmed. Size. 72 by 90 Inches . $1.89 —81x90 Pullaway Sheets, Bleached. Heavy Weight, Priced........... $2.19 — 42x36 Perfect ful)y bleached Linen Fiaish Pillow Cases. Each .. . 53c. —42x36 Celebrated Pequot Brand Cases, Hemstitched, Each........... 75c. —50f. 0 Yards Genuine Oil Boiled Calicoe, Light. Medium & Dark. Yd. 17c. — 9-4 (SI Inch Wide) Full Bieached Wearwell Sheeting. The Yard 98c. —9-4 (SI Inches Wide) Aurora Sheeting, Good Weight. The Yard 93c. -10-4 (90 Inches Wide) Premium Brand Sheeting, Bleached, Yard 93c —36 Inch Perfectfully Bleached Wearwell Tubing. The Yard 61o. —42 Inch Pequot Pillow Tubing. Heavy Weight, Bleached —42 Inch Wearwell Pillow Tubing, Bleached. The Yard . —42 Inch Bleached Pillow Tubing. Linen Finish. The Yard............................ —45 Inch Wearwell Pillow Tubing. Full Bleached. The Yard.......................... —Crash Toweling, White Or Linen Col­ or, Choice. The Yard................................... j —18x33 Inch Huck Towels, Firmly Wo­ ven. With Red Borders............................. ; —Large Thinsty And Good Weight Tur­ kish Towels. Bleached................................. ( the well know n American Lady line too. —Express Shipment Of Mallory Craventted The Beginning Of The Piece FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN o —The brightly colored feathered head- gear so fetching, is being favored by the youthful Miss. Models, Values To $10.00. Choice $5.85 Women's Misses's And Children's All Woo/ New Georgette And Crepe de Chine, —Where is the woman w ho does not look forward with pleasure to her autumn chap­ eau. A number of thenew models show a decided tendency in favor the becoming draped fabric hat. duvetyne being especial­ ly fashionable. On All Pattern Hats. Weather Goods Women, Your Attention Is ^Directed To The Specially Marked Prices Is The Scene Of Much Admiration. —The trade mark at top is our best proof of correct millinery of which Haltoms feet« highly elated as the discriminating fair sex prefer ‘'Gage” millinery. “Best Selection Of Wet ture Of Cuffs, Therefore Doubl­ —Taffetas as all know need little In­ troduction and as to its ever popul­ arity. This assortment consists of yards and yards of these 36 inch silks. Colors, flesh, plum, maise, re­ seda and bottle green, reindeer, pink, old rose, navy, sand, burgundy, pearl and medium grey. MAIL ORDERS FILLED —Please enclose sufficient postage for mailing. To Mrs. Brown: The Leading Dressmakers Use —Right in the store where 1 buy my shoes I found relief from those painful con­ ditions that you have. They have there a Wizard foot expert. Mr. Gilbertson, who ex­ amines your stockinged foot, and adjusts those dainty little leather inserts in the pockets, and in a jiffy there’s no more pain. —“I'm sure Wizards WH1 give you instant relief, and it lasts, too. If you go to the •tore and home your shoes correctly fitted and at the same time get Wizards 10 restore the misplaced bones to normal position, you simply can't have any more discom­ fort.. Try it my dear. I know over one hundred people last month got relief from shoes and Wizards properly fitted—ask them.” • Buy? Your Shoes In A Real Shoe Dept. The Largest And Most Com plete Stock In County ing Life of Shirt. YARD $1.89 RUTTERICK PATTERNS — Patrons désirions of ordering mail add lc. extra for 15c. or patterns; 2c. extra for 25c., 35c. and 40c. patterns. LIBERTY BONDS —Taken in face value in lieu of in payment of merchandise. ALTERATION FREE —Of charge, insuring absolute ing of every garment that leaves the store is considered a duty here and whatever attentions are necessary i;o charge is made for same, whether men's, women'« or children's togs. Every one is brand new—embodied of heavy quality silk—come in snappy color­ ful stripes, suitable for the pronounced or conservative dressers. 2 w J 1 —When we tell you that shirts of the self­ same silks and patterns are priced in regu­ lar stock at $12.50, $13.50 and $15.00 will realize how wonderful the values at $9.35. Sizes 14 to 17. Included shirts with collars to match. WEIGHS OHlY A Ftw O unces MUNSINGWEAR AGAIN LEADS —Munsingwear is now as formerly, accepted standard for quality underwear. HEMSTITCHING —Done on any kind of material. When you ask us for Munsingwear instead of underwear, we know you are a descrim­ inating buyer and are the sort we like to have trade at our store. Made in a variety of sizes, with consideration for the short, stout and the slim, that the wearer is cer­ tain to be comfortable wen given the pro­ per size. —Onr Stock Is Now Complete. Light Medium. Heavy Weight Cotton $1 85 to $5 DO. Light. Medium. Heavy Weight Wool |5.00 to $9.45. —Women's And Children's Munsingwear. Fall And Winter Weights Too.