‘r TIELAMOQF PESDLTgqT, PLAYED FEW “SAFETY SHOTS” O’CTOBER 7. 1 D2o of Hon. A. M. Hare. Tillamook coun­ w ty courthouse, Tillamook. Oregon, LOOKING TO SOUTH PACIFIC M«n Who Hava Won Succow in Life’« has been set as the time and place Game Satisfied With Noth­ for the hearing of objections to said White Men Planning Complete Posses­ ing but Victory. final account and the settlement sion of Fertile lelande st That thereof. Far-Away Ocean. Walter Hagen, the the golfer, golfer, says: says: Date of first publication Oct. 7, br.Never play for a safety, but always 1920. With Europe a seething mass of un­ try for the cup.” Date of last publication. Nov. 4, rest nud discontent and uncertainty, 1920. your Britisher is looking to the islands Kings In other trades as well as In of the South Pacific, already owned by John O. Bozorth. administrator golf hnve found that It pays to "try the empire, as the next place to go— for the cup,” remarks "Girard'’ lu the Harry L. Raffety, Attorney. and to exploit, to use the expression Philadelphia Press. of u lot of people who do not know the Safety shots are often careless shots meaning of lhe word. Already corpo­ in business as in play. rations are being formed to colonize Rockefeller played six hole out in BIG TREE YIELDED TO AGE the islands, nnd beautiful word pic­ »he oil world and he made a par and tures of the advantages of a residence then some. Chestnut In Which Washington la j upon them are being painted. Morgan hammered the ball straight The truth Is, for some years the Said to Have Hidden Collapses for the Aug and it flew above every white man has been gradually getting at Yonkers, New York. bunker and sand pit in the financial a foothold In the region. The delight­ world. Maybe there’s no truth in the tra­ ful pictures which one sees of the na­ Col. "Torn” Scott had no safety dition that George Washington once tives, gives a little Idea of what Is shots In his bag when dreaming out hid In tlie hollow trunk of the great really to be seen In the country. They tlie Pennsylvania road system, nor did chestnut tree that until recently stood , are not the wild, naked people roam­ Franklin B. Gowen when he made his in the front yard of Charles F. Coy, ing at large, eating each other and y to master stroke in buying the Reading's Yonkers, New York. But folk there­ the missionaries. Rubber plantations, coal lands. about believe he did, Just as they be­ coconut groves, phosphate mines and Theodore N. Vail, the telephone lieve that the tree was 700 or 800 other Industries are operated by Eu­ giant, never nflnqed his game nor re­ years old when it died a few years ropeans. And schools nnd churches sorted to a half shot to save his face. ago. and was the oldest and biggest i nre encountered on every hand, with U p went out with the long stroke and tree of any variety not only In West­ the honk of the horn of tlie automo­ lean Forestry Magazine points out. fice Wednesday and Thursday. Ore. Oct. 14 "» w w 4 paying him a good snlary may make I The best contact Insecticides In pow­ lish the prince’s sentiments of grati­ 2SHSZns2S2KK525^5H525E525Z5H5H5Z5Z52SHSZSB525aSZ52SZSa52S2Sa5aSZSHS2S !• tude for his reception, nnd to voice him work harder. But giving him a | der form are hellebore, slug shot and For Sale : 4 rugs at Economy Clean Money to loan—Enquire of John Leland Henderson, 206-31'd St., ers. new job and bigger Job will alone tobacco dust. Tlie best in fluid form his devotion to the principles of democ­ Tillamook, Oregon. make him supremely happy, will alone j are nphlne, black leaf 40, fish (whale) racy and allied solidarity. It was make him work with complete aban­ oil soap, nicotine (tobacco extract), not until many days had gone by For sale: Good ranch team, wagon t and harness. Inquire Frank Hunt­ I have for sale: seven head of callte. don. with thorough going enthusiasm.” kerosene, miscible oil and lemon oil. that Colonel Lawrence allowed it to be known among his friends that what I er. Todd Hotel. One cow, giving milk, six year old, —Forbes Magazine. Insects that eat plants, foliage, vege­ the prince had whispered to him was: | two heifers, giving milk, two years tables, fruits, flowers, etc., whether “I’ll recite tlie verses from the For Sale, Two high grade pianos al­ old, one long yearling and three No Doubt Who Was Boss. most new. Tillamook Music Co, op­ spring calves, all heifers, The three bugs, beetles, worms, caterpillars or Koran about the cow.” Sometimes It Is easy to see, even slugs are more quickly and effectu­ Thus did the diplomatic professor I posite P. O. older ones will be fresh in spring. before n couple Is’marrled. Just which ally destroyed with a poisonous sto- : deceive the unwitting ears of his Guild­ L. V. Junkin, Manzanita, Or. I one Is going to be the boss of the mucliic insecticide such as arsenate of hall friends.—Munsey’s Magazine, For Sale: Steel range, almost new. Inquire Mrs. Rinehart or call Bel) household. Recently n big, robust lead, parts green or hellebore. These, j Miscellaneous Advertisements phone M-64. V woman stepped Into the office of Reg­ if applied according to directions, are Country’s Motive Energy. ister of Deeds Adler Johnson. “Is so diluted as to be harmless to vege- 1 The gauge of a nation’s industrial For sale : 1 good milk cow. will be Dr. Wise—Dentist. this where I get n license?" she asked. tatlon and to animal life. I.ess pol- ' might Is the amount of motive energy 'fresh in about 2 «weeks. Otto Wal­ Dr.’s Allen and Sharp. Dentists. “What kind of a license?” asked sonotts stomachic and contact Insecti­ which it can command for the mani­ National Building. ther, Hemlock, Or. Adler. cides are kerosene emulsion, slug fold fields of production and the es- "A marriage license.” said the wom­ shot, etc. Dr. J. B. Grider, dentist, I. 0. 0. F. senflnl contributory activities. We Dr. Wise will be at his Wheeler office ■ i Bldg, Tillamook, Oregon. an. Friday and Saturday of this week 1 have maintained our supremacy in “No, we don’t handle them.” snid an also on Sept. 10th and 11th. 9-9 Dr. Wise will be at his Bay City of­ manufactured output very largely be- Boy “Policeman"’ Get« Results. Adler. “Go to the first door down the fice on Wednesdays F-26. Bill Zerbe, formerly of Indianapolis, cause of the vast amount of power hall on your right.” Sale, two latest styls White sew­ Is motorcycle policeman In the Lo­ which we could call Into service, Rob­ For ing machines, almost new, Singer “I knew at first thnt this wasn’t Dr. Ramsey Osteopath ert G. Skerrett wrote In the Scientific Agency opposite P. O. the place,” snid lhe big woman, with gansport police department. Both the American. Room 110-1. O. O. F. Bldg., Tilla­ Modern nations expend an air of disgust; “that's what I told young and old know Bill because of far more energy than tlie combined mook. Mutual phone. Bell phone his record as a tamer of speeders. Go to the Sunset Eeiectric for Nation­ him.” Thereupon =h- stopped Into 146-M. muscular ability of tlieir population A few days ago the driver of an al Mazda lamps. They give better the lmll. and when the door opened nnd beasts of burden. The margin Is light. Adler could see n little man waiting automobile permitted tlie motor of his covered by the employment of me­ machine to run while he went Into a outside. chanical energy in the form of power. For Sale: Vaughn dragsaw, with OU will have the same satisfaction in It was evident thnt the woman had store. When lie cnine out he found To accomplish ftie work done nnnunlly clutch, almost new. Also new ones. n piece of paper in the front seat of using a well-balanced, fast-cutting and i usurped command nnd was going to in the United States, would require E. G. Krebs. take charge of the marriage license lhe car. On tlie paper were, these the labor of 8.000,000,000 hard-working durable Saw, as you have in using a good razor. business, not to mention, of course, words: “You are pinched for permit­ slnves. Tlie use of power gives to For Sale—6 months old White Leg­ ting the engine of your machine to Our Tools for carpenter and home work in­ the honeymoon nnd nil the rest of the horn Cockerls. Call Bell Phone each mnn, woman nnd child in this alliance.—Fort Scott (Kail.) Tribune. run over 15 minutes. Bill Zerbe.” 6F1-1. Oct 14. cl ude the r igh t Saws, I lainmcrs, Axes, Hatchets, country the service equivalent of thir ­ Tlie driver of the car went to po- I ty servants. Braces and Bits, Chisels, Planes, Drawknives, lice headquarters to pay his fine and For sale: 12 good Jersey cows and 8 Australian Rabbits Selling Fast. exhibit the evidence that he had been Screwdrivers, Squares, Rules, etc. year old heifer. Bred to freshen in Rabbits have been doing great dam­ caught. On being assured that the Why Orchids Were Caged. spring. Price is right. Rasmusssen ARD milkers or age in the grazing districts of paper presented had not been pre- Visitors to the flower show held re- Come in today and see the Tools that last a Bros., Dayton, Or. .. 10-7 easy milkers — Australia, and strenuous efforts to pared by Zerbe, the driver of the ma- cently In the Royal Horticultural hull lifetime and always give satisfaction. eradicate them has resulted In the kill­ chine recalled that he had seen a at Westminster, England, were sur­ For Sale: 6 head of cattle, 150 chick­ nervous or calm cows ing of a vast number of these ani­ small boy with a broad grin on his prised to find a number of rare orch­ —large or small teats— ens and % acres of potatoes in the mals. Some 100,000 bodies are now face standing near when he started ids confined, like so many wild uni- even or uneven udde.,1 ground, at Classic Lake farm. L. I tn cold storage awaiting shipment to —they are all alike to V. Junkin, Manzanita, Or. 8-14 toward the police station.—Indianapo­ mala in the zoo, within a heavy wire England. The embargo on the export lis News. cage. It was explained that as the the Empire. It milks of rabbit skins was removed In De- flowers represented a new addition to My middle name is George. Let me i them all. And Empire vac stoss bring you "Vaughn" Best drag saw | . cember last, and the boom in rahblt- the orchid family, the grower was nnt- teat cups 3tay on with- Electricity to Locate Metal. on the market today. Call £. G akln prices has produced remarknble urall.v anxious that his fellow dealers ont surcingles or ■ The idea of using current trans­ Krebs. competition In slaughtering the pest harness. ’ mitted through the earth as a means should not share his triumph. Had it The ruling average price paid to trap­ not been for the cage, an unscrupulous pers for skins la now $1.82 [ter pound, of locating metal ores is familiar, the competitor might have stolen some I have a few dairy cows for tale, I Library Note». also a few choice corn fed young The most absorbing topic of conver­ and the demand for skins by the belief being that the greater conduc­ of the powdery pollen from the tivity of these metalliferous regions can hogs for your winter meat. Bell A few copies offline fiction can be sation at present is the grades of United States and European markets I blooms, and used It to fertilize plants i be clearly indicated, and the area phone 1 F 3. Oct 14. certain pupils taking home a largo is ao great that it cannot i>e satisfied, found at the library: Brand, Trail­ number of books is quite fashionable mapped ont, says the Scientific Ameri­ of his own. Normally adhering to the milking mohines and It is thought that prices will go bodies of visiting Insects, the pollen ing; Conrad, Rescue; De Laney, Toll and even the "Freshles" may be seen can. The location of oil deposits, Lost, strayed or stolen : 2 male po: 'int­ still higher. Experienced trappers are might easily have adhered to the tip er pups. 8 mon. old. One black end : are now equipped with our of the Sands: Zane Grey. Mnn of 'he i ( rambling through the dictionary. which according to the Electrical Re­ making up to $07 per week for the view Is now being Investigated elec­ of the thief's finger.—Popular Mechan­ new Super-Simple Piston­ white, one liver and white. Re­ Forest; Ibanez, Woman Triumphant; ics Magazine. skins alone. less Pulsator. No wearing turn to Bayocean. Reward. O. 21 Kyne, Kindred of the Dust; Lincoln. trically. presents a converse problem. pistons to leak vacuum . It Having your houne wired by Portygee; Marshall, Voice of 'he In this case the insulating properties operates teat cups with For Sale : 6 head of grade cattle. % folks who know their buslnnM Is Wanted a Quantity. United in Bonds of Peace of the oil diminish the current, and Pack; Rinehart. K; and Burroughs. absolute regularity. Cows acres potatoes, 3u Mallard duck« Helen's mother came from n large oil-bearing regions are detected ac­ not a thing to be dreaded. It can In the presence of lhe chief execu­ Tarzan the Untamed. likeit. It soothes and quiets for decoys, poultry netting and family and Helen loved to visit her cordingly. In view of the great depth tives of Ecuador and Colombia, the be done with far less musa and them. Results Ln greater chicken coops. L. V. Junkin. Man­ grandma's house, ns there were al­ to which It is often necessary to bore i comer stone of a monument commem­ fuss than you put up with in milk Mow-and also increases zanita. Ore. Oct. 14. i High School Notes. ways so many young uncles and aunts for oil—oil that only exists simulta­ orative of the happy termination of the period of lactation. having the house papered or to play with. One day, after return­ neously with an almost oil-free area boundary dispute lietwren the two painted. Come In and see this The Brunswick Phonograph plays all Last Wednesday Mrs. J. C. Ed ­ ing from one of her visits. Helen wax above—the method would seem tn countries, was recently laid nt the different, better milking We can wire vour house In two makes of disc Records. No repro­ wards appealed to the student body machine or. If you wi.h, taken to the bedroom and was shown have limitations, but It has doubtless bridge of Rnmlchaca on the frontier. or three days and leave not a scar phone nn and welt bring ducer to change. Compare the tone for clothing for the Armenians. It In a tiny new baby sister. Helen did not President Alfredo Mmquerizo Moreno the machine to your possibilities in dealing witli surface oil on your wood-work or plaster. with any other machine on the expected by authorities thul thir *« (arm: no obligation. of E'-nador and Pr|s|de nnd friendship SUNSET ELECTRIC COMPANY cans of milk to the factory. Terms seem to have forgotten that I’m a poor hetwren their respe vive countries. though the water is very cold man/ grandma has?” r Tillamook - • -Oregon. given the right party. Inquire of f. clerk on a meager salary.” of the boys hnve enjoyed swimming Mr. Martin. Tillamook Garage. “Oh. George, don't let poverty inter­ in it. Notice to Contractors. I "We mustn’t overlook the fact fere with our happiness. We can live Notice of Final Account. The football game I hat was so ihat Austria was against us in thia Wanted: a good, steady, gentlemanly on one meal a day, If necessary.” Notice is hereby given that the rl eagerly looked forward to by the mil war." says Senator Penrose, adding, saleman to handle a Ward's wa n \ “But you know nothing of household i Iä dents was not played Saturday owing “We aie In the habit of blaming Ger­ In the County Court of the State duties, sweetheart Why, you can’t County Court of Tillamook County. In Tillamook county. No exp°r- Oregon, will until 10 o'clock a. in. to the fart that but a few of the All many for everything and if we don’t of Oregon for Tillamook County. ience needed. For full partlcu! 's even cook." of •ctober 8, 1910, receive bids for Stars appeared to play. We loaned watch out Austria is likely to escape write promptly to Dr Ward's Med­ In the Matter of the Estate of John “Indeed. I can. love. I have kept it the clearing of the right of way on them some men and a scrimmage en- just penalties. Aliatila reminds of ical Company, Winona. Mlnnes-. a. L. Bozorth. deceased. secret from you but the time has come Market Road No. 3. from Hemlock I ms ailed In which one touchdown was Percy Jones. Established 1856. 11-11 i Notice is hereby given that the un­ for my confession. George, dear. I got to Sand Lake, St a 13523 to Sta made by the High School. We do not “Percy Jones dersigned administrator has tiled his a certificate from a domestic sdeuce 29282 according to the plans and know why tfie All Stars failed to ap regular fellow Call and see the new models of piaros «ebool three months ago. ” ' Anal account in the county court of specifilcations on file in the office of and players at "The Song Shop". pear but it has been whispered that said a mutual friend to another. The young man gasped. “My dar th« County Clerk. the State of Oregon, for Tillamook Sold on easy payments. You can they were afraid of the’consequences "Well. I'm not sure He changed county and that Monday, the Sth day 'Ing." be saUL "come to my arma. It On the date mentioned above lbs safely deal wth a firm like The Wil­ If they met our men on lhe field. his mule's name from Maud to Bill ’•.Il :«■ . .s sou wish—one nv-t' r*'wrt will publicly opep and rend > of November. 1930. at the hour of 10 ey B Allen Co. Over 47 years on Th!’ is the fifth week of school And so he wouldn't feel ashamed when he ».*> ■ .1 . •• i 'ore than enough.” a. m. on said day. and the courtroom , the bbl* but re-erven the rlgh- to e- the coast. »..« ■■ 1 ; t'.i ' '.. ii' I • U : rjt“d I’.’’ GEM THEATRE FEATURE ATTRACTIONS ( I ■ *» FRIDAY-SATURDAY, Oct. 8-9, Love, Honor and Obey.” Metro Screen Classic Productio Presented by all Star Cast. LITTLE MISS JAZZ” Comedy TUESDAY NIGHT, October 12, Tillamook Headlight’s Trade Mart. “LAUGHING BILL HYDE” Taken from the Story by Rex Beach. PATHE REVIEW. Nuff sed 28 W LAMB-SCHRADER CO. 4 j th Men Who Are Particular Should See These Tools Y All Cows Are Alike to the • EMPIRE H in ci King-Crenshaw Hardware Co. ß 7Y/NCHfST£H s EM pir E "* . ’ 4. < - < I I i I