Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 07, 1920, Image 4

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    SiUamcnk SraììligfrL
Hartford Live Stock
Insurance Pays !
AJiert W. F ix .
wr. -.ng
a the
K tóh.-g-»« Poer, .nd.ua .e» ait C ov ­
i - hit Cox lad "k-Led me wwe*. ’ «1
m speak. Mr Fix saw
Tie xr»a -
«« mprti nsi:. w che ftw s* Dvia-
icm.-.e faada ha* ’ppneer .y i—n
'si’+nnr -ax's
»aiea find' charge
îga-asr -.he Bepahiigai.»
r lead,via"*—» a Mrvr Y<rx -ear
« 1 l id '-.iegriau -i »sx-f Z»^n-
erara mmugfuiu- -ae easinTy ?isr
untore me gnweranr ^euacied l.a sen-
.Iin.ii mam* T vv *x>*" rt la
.na.-rt- if me r ’*n..ri »upp»;.--
*-* »'1>L4 tuBTl-hgr* 15 ""> ir 8*1
saeil. It «ir- in. » irmi -ned he
« :u.d-M D* misrn;.i' -on —!nr.iri a-
*x> V -hhiiutaig any *ns tii *un:esn-
Laar -tad
: léelo. Eemueratxu aeugg uir erv -w-
tostn'Ieaa le—«n expsam.ng
"la? die wrtBer had ar*nits»«t to m-
tritasi • ha- t d ar.r *v hi., iLHd na
ip9**ir - n til* lewspaper- n ttinneer-
jm wT 1 i - Sanar*» nah f-indf al­
Fir Sheriff
r X«M«r.r
F r S-3ii*i Snperiaiii'ntotir
G à. L-IM3
Fir Cnnnv Snrwycc
F t - Conner
a. v sivr &
Far Canary Cnmm.s»ii:aer
Í. C
Editorial Snap Shots.
~i'.l «iinen'ia- pieaae. expui.a
as huw a v':m.i.i v hi a-*epa iciiae mil
wot* tor a par-y ma; aepr. mem eir
nf niÆi,- and ma>te -hem jay ex-
•irhirtm" prioa» Mca.use ?-tauten
lave -he
WUsca Cd hoc h*v*
'he Tur ■ neue
•eaar i buy th* CMm aurpatr
Otr jr:«id fr-enrt. 3r-> 5 ma. af -.1*
md Til
■rrer tay Waeeûtr
Wheeler .ea>t»
.ends aad
minis fnûnw».
Wring iga. a 3r-i
Th* dair-men md .nmiier nTervw
af titiH OHOKW neither ie TiiMinnt
nty toLLnwng -he preueaxhg if tilo
fcws rod*, demtifm a edimr iu a*
•'.fl see when he wire* are siila ••!
The T’. amo» a irmi -.■ k . i
whn «nrert tor Wliesin s Lasagne ìf 11-
'innM iwer'.r»i>:e»t he fact had me C.
S. sena:* i S*et -;te *r-»5a,f me •
will se j* tari* ig» m a f-i-v yea.-»
and iiabu* h» le ta.. *t ;p» • i igh"
che hactbei ìf -wn jng :a .n* • Ear-ip-
ena humnna. Wel_ latto * i.i_- ’.X.- ■
waaed fiir Sin a —.eie 14 :f -he toagir»
nf aa.-:nn» ìma -ae rx;-*d Sfa-*, t*
-ak* a land m Eitr.;pvaa brasi*.
sx>rátac ;a -h»
un* wore -usa .1 the lat.iss. dis-
tmrr if -_h_? «tty t* lad -hat gatte a
anmiler if peroro* voted again«; 'he
WJsea utiur;e «owwaatt. aad voted
tor Governor Cnx. who is in favor of
ra* WJttoa LeiLTie- That u on a par
w.xh a pe-tun who voted for a repuh-
itcaa pre-* ten - aad ’h*n voted for a
Amanerar for f ? S*?itor. Sow* ,.f
*«r «i Lhens leed <trut¿hten:ag oo'
^xSe HsadMcfU wtlk er
rompile »iet—-
un. ret ima us tomai for -he fiow-rm-
ber eísser.on. uid we usik -h* *n—ipe--
i i i if env- m mu.-x, md irh*r»
who ir» mi* tir exped-te tit* rerar-m
fmm eann precmer r'tinthing 1* ls
i’liekly us psuesn •*
At m- jr-ma.—’
síes-r on nir -»pr—senm.-ives* Tier v.rh
•t-i irry pet-sens tn me beards, which,
m ti’.iibr. vus ta.used Ty :ther per
.n.‘ trier ma.i -he ?-»** touting ñ
i.ut “ rferrtng
V- 3 "he tonni
i le men
i raer
i e-»’v t ir pwoi senme. Ws —■
‘ ir-* lourde if eiecnnn. bar ini*
pr»w*nrarrviM wttt -g*e ij Ui
:me m pessnbi». aad m .ie afam-
icon is tor th» pnbiie. w f—*i «nr*
.low tile
•a«r!i eissertiin wiard wtil
?rv.*» 'o inra-n the lg-ir»-s i •» -a a
per-nste. The Sesutitghr v
naa* ar—logements m k*“P til 3***s-
lie of tin» eoun'y usso inf. -m*si V pe­
'her 'he par*? har b*pc is mi: lf
war ir -he -»pnniiitan bu.—? win» at
the election.
It used to n* -bar '3* **ad»-T
he -‘pnnuttan
a thx» '<11111
md -eipertmly
íiimtrtoí vth
rssr -nipsrher u
«v» t. ai pa.gn.
flaw eiee'-
.na» may Bora
and tss ien»t le x door ma*. dawmg
■ le snap «me timt m tu me jni.-.ea*
«■—ippiag. And "h*v tun
har* -je »aergy aid mag to ."•*':
.a*»« co.* si-rnft mene’ n a*ip msn-
'* parry that kepr -aem ìnr af vi •
aad span til* -mipa-ers non*» • 44
a bx af <nal»n detntiem.-j
an. V»
mean sailors.
As enmper.r.ua
-:ppcef • a * -he IiM of hnemesw. m
w«K *-» poi>tte3. maybe it voidil i
be a bad idea to have i ioi-a. dntnn-
liehet in 'he held
year to make an eteetum more in. ■•r-
- ■ - . S . ■ • - »
I 3 31- .
1 ■ ..
who have tosen honored with 3mnm-
atiom* setnnx hark in their i«Bit-*
and depend on the or her feilo-v -n do
the work, a* weli a¿ rester»? li» bard
The f* r-iand Spoetaror iayi ?ni-
-.•.:<al encdrioas in Oregon ind Call-
fimta ire e:mewha- «miliar
Her ■
■he r“çmrri-.,:a record» shirv ~w re
*e ma it S*pui»:r.aae a » DsmuMoac
Lhd »s lave * Demarra
moa. 5*n
EL TLamberta.n.
-»preeenr nr us n
"Ae Ci et rranesT penare
n .'aiiilir-
lta* 'here ir» hseu-'.J rare* tL-piUMlr-
ims -n me Drnnnm- aad .'i.nea L
?ha..Li. i t*tnerr-i
s» «natur
•*a*«in f'W h;» aannuuy a 'hoc i*l
who Ci"er te lepuain-ams ia me
regnstraniia -»fir-t* are lur mut a
Ir » p i e f ? generaüy •snneeded "har
.1* vnr.ng hmirh. A <MOr wury je*
Señar.ir Ha.-ma wtl.
tos th* n*xr «ma ■riaeirter k -noi— —ape*-.iríse v>
The iex- few -ear» . •■.11 Te -»iparervd ia leptin tienne man U-
Sämig cu ir* via.*«—
b* Mteiseea.—
no iota n 4ii"»rninen
aiaMiKanre Sir he
mprovemen' nf •■•pifarain tor -~sp^'amiii ’ mer» r
o .leir >pen -togrergaiinn
in»i toena.em
ham ind a.'~ar led
ha.-bnrn. The nen whi» uto leer ihu- ta lepunucana. -les* 3e—win» -, -n
«*surhilv tn—r
ta ahaa.il gnwertimenr aid ir» tilo*» ‘he Tailor w>v md
Wör ter
vli are peiir.oa.Iy
mnaee'ed virh -.heir r>'*s tor >mn»n .i
ir aor ;r :» inné aunsee Jila n tiOiiu
-je aatm -i.»r—i.iun.
£f hiiiier* to
tl vBt...-
.Sti.Tíietd. tos topsibiutaa bornínsse tor -eape»”aO'' îr-sngh .
irn with he leo'iniii-an pai—• iati
C 5. Jenarur M *Ì«rT.«*<t h* w’U be n
hen s«r~»pr.<»uH'- «i ewe sgmiief ia
a SHutr na no <•» marni
• her»»». if jr'uri pie» lad -aiuti da: e* n i iiu-e
Prr tos innwr. *mm '-.Hw
» eiet-wd
■ni tor -he poli tirai maineis—sn» Ï»
a -temsimru’ 3$ma"ir
crin toa»* ¡ir-i* ir mi psul vnh fte te'ermine '
Mtxn iu»n-ar.un. Aa?one taa «w le
tac-.- «f mr iimresv sin. vW.. la tt
Ve niteniert <1 .le ll“irhlun
b tir
le ie*H n"*”**r^ ;f T’iiamiwit Milla Cd.
tor i mr if a»n
wwm .
Bneer" > ir.iaâeut "W That silo*vs inw m» ir »ir saw mil»
retí T. i. StMKT.ir
mprse-taie :ie i. tue new otiper mit
of hx.-bor improw-*-
m*s't tor
Neiia-itm md Tiilamnck
■»?■» ut of far m<
mp* <—an -» 'baa
a a.—r* wmntar of mr «* rem» rwul-
Th* shor-ga- if cars ia th*
Snuchrri Putide ra..-nd with ia-'
.-■■in it trvuxhr rares trnuiut -nail ■
ewerynet-’ ion* ip md ak-* infice,
an* -he
proper »ttiram
,.t war*r
ca»fonr-a j’ti tor
le ?imb*r-n.m
md rh* da.rymaa. That at mmm -
rhtng ha; 'hut amary mutr haw»
uttomgn v- mnevi u w» m :u» Tn*
ti*, ’he nad stini non • i tn p iwi t <s
he temo*—irr iw» 1 m tir rnnuer
W'rti a i»muulran prteudeni uid i
topnui trau
vsriivto«» 1er»
■ wre—.-
pmapnr- luu lunner ulrt mir? pm-
tu*'» vil inuuu num jmiwiua ,nr
"hmem» *ggr> .«isillrt wir et ulow*d
to mm»** witn ;t* uinn*r naou-
Socrttod uut ile tau-* jrKiirru if
T.-iunue« miuif
Tuwvt v’ti» van-
nur» ‘"hineae eig- uut Ignadlaul
mmtosr a» msn» nrn W*
sami.tt wire
-.1» tetorwrnrr .«*.■•
assi -tome vi* a«* n jt-irMsr le
pria«-: jo. nsbuK—mt if
to» snnn -•
will w»re Sir jeng-.ir S.uMlng. Sir
Pto»i»t*n- X. 3S •mmfeud. .tor ~ i
-ena e ind W S. litis- tor twu-
grwswnuaa. Anyway we te ton th. sk
tikar a pernia who IWVH Jnp»?’ w
» P( touHiev* here uam piug snrs*
■enee aa Tewing , ma wc* Sor ta»
■Barar ■
s.T he
tigs POTT Aim a.i wt
îr-gn- ma Hr .-*-irn.ag «annul
► a repumutaa
«HU'ar fritn
pin as he-, p h.m n -ins gr»a i_i-
iamg ' lar f.ofnn-j th* next
-eaa idmmu-: rar.iin.
When ynsi
your wire tor i-t.i.-i.ag ue 1
toe 5raadeut Lau.
Th* aex-
resa ttunud he .3 leeort w.r.l
Hart ng. 3 or siiniLd '3* Cured
*» Senate be kum.-iared by tem-
mrieiy from
-he áourhssr i
». t wtil le * secón» la-iuitiij
le repn.Titean
pa.—y ta ger m.r
uartn .’ nun? tin pu »
Hap tn money
being mi-
pe*t tor me lemocra.: e ta.-npa.gm
One nay our leueve it bur it » x
tier Mwrisum met "har ¿£Efl1Ulr.t
Sir th* repot— that me
nau^sn w.H 3* deep .a "ile lai“
Er eame
viun til* :a m pa. gn :» iver
uiniir ika tin*. Flute a.¡i.-n Jimmy
vmagf-iE? accused -a« itpuniicanu
na-mgert if -mHhg mLiumaoC toi-
ar, ’ m? he prwantesay Ar ictah-
:a--r -jin* Fi-ite A_a.—n l uun? su-d
Misi "i<i v amen -.me .r wx-,
ill too
md by iCnaer
J.mm? C.TX had marlipiissd tt ta Fia -
i i'i |.i.)
Jimmy Cox hey- matsing
uinerr-utrnd anoar 1AÍ ’he muiu.i-.
in- Ty evenmg had • haek where te
lad Igsrod * me jr»v-.<ans owaing.
The sena.-» tr»»r gamia tomrs --**»
touad ma- Fimo l a.~m J.mmy via
i.kmg mrr-’.gh has hat nt fir ynt-
:ai effect.
5ome af "he ng mb-
• fmers m me demtHntorie uxja.n
lid gnr tai« fee' mt ref-iaed :
mua? ip ' fir fen.- ma -he? vinai
xweangarod. toi J mm?
s <
fause u;u-m aaaif
r»pi-.uinsan *ri i
•ni.te? lave jnt me lemneraie emi-
ju.gn manager* ai i viaait~ .mi
tr aigh* miai; i frtusc ir totadn’ia — -
7he ippi't.n-3ien- if T 3 Han.ì
m me atBee :f Att*aa*y-dG*n*rxì
fría: hntu'.r tnnf*rr—t
tt :n- -f ir
iamred son.: L am- b » i ntrgrw
T_ amor* peop - vh-x a -* *rr:."
W reite1 »e; 1 ’ A'
’ ' -y S ». .‘:'1 t
un -eà.ng m- f- a l*w-
amt 1-
paupi» aeneraL? ippear»d m le v - !
W.’ ?¿\ kJ it. 1*7
£ ■ ’1
i nilaaiiititf m l
vieil ae
a TÍtó j B¡W*T li-'L -
i.eo v ieti le iMcaune 4tiu-e 4*tna.' "
tor W in a; :ig-<i ii-
UttiHA. T2ÀÙ1H14WK
iad T Lm.i.ii EBmKBHL Br ’WILS
unL :n yin-
nOrnsr "an."
hc an*.ce u^\i4 SXM
-n-T". ▼’ t - x
trwCr -n t.Ti.wif i-lit At* -11KU1« I-
uiw - r ^“
-epnæeti- ut. M.- W a nifftoY
laa iste:;.led me
.le 3MUM1II -har le tut iiir iü-s
":me mit nenne na -in i ffuns v'tr
tii.npa.gn ind viere las nun* v tnia
utre a he wr-.fett in '.I* Mili".
v a. joaeituy taadirtaree fini ali
<n-as*. Ti nir way it .ìineing le u-
et t-'iovt
:i rir-iaig
ìptunnrmeni town, tor i gn«d ma.:
inert.una ire mung
uosest vt ? hr
r«±»<na:inUM muid
mir au?»» ia**n
piacss « LH -n allow pertoin» amile*
•*> igpesir in ne bailor.
-------- ••---------
*f irher gorra af Oregon ’•ira
.toui'aiilhiu" the tame
le .unse vi
witest m me strr v wire n ni» tif
Harding will tarry il* «aie. -iy i
wire of 3 m
ui I and d.
3. >.
to. -dmilli'ld
viti tosai 5«na or <hainner:u.n 1 i
e tiv”
A» ’ile democrats mu­
ted. with t -. vìi
temiwrai.». t*na>.
Tuunnorlmn and TTlumae A Sir e
.-inning fbr Tilted dtare» -lenanir.
A baiti? bandi ramnert.
-v'.rh ■21e
-’»nnnilmn hai— mi~i.
Wi? «i many tenuirrain ir» ww
poned a ienauir ThamnsTaiti a
■Ailles "Se? •!aim
1* ter* r*.rd
tenuistratic utminibsmr.nn vh«i
leip vie leteted. lar ng trrw w
tor ■V’.tann » ragne
hssn «ned tor hr Lwtgi» -»ser
Viro fmauir Tiamoer-iun
n Lti*. .!«-•
“•piiaiionu n le n-r 1. A. 2»*
he -wgmar -»piuiiiisui i nine»
Hartford Live Stock Insurance Company
Fmsc». CJ.leits—2i/—Ci.
toe jmer
5siolzh Zweifel
T ; Burtéiri L*ve Stxrk bismots Cx
Sui ’.mietei. mi.
Eveiy Owner of Valuable Live Stock Should Insure It.
Toms May be the Next
RÛLLŒ W. WATSON, “The Insurance Man.
u. m.-uii*— i ’our lea-—a yon m.i*
u it—m 5« v • u—s going -a iitmi.n.-
■ n -<ni
a* i nr if to sfeiiMuika tad
tspir vtnis
nr jng’i hewer viLt
tins— <•-- •
ic goui vim yut
ae nt* vaik.
ippustue your
irt hue ;- a ,. it akr to«L ir where
■m- ...ir - :a r nigh; srinmus uid
ir .a 11» mux >*nir‘ le lad mne su
-it..... "hn in -x tear ir .ler-. uid
tii; L'i some u jar iithy
—■* nr gmr -aa-urt* til* tiry mar-
isa will 3»
¡it u irresr yng Sor
ill anus'
..a .u-T mfr he” vamu. tvl ' ill
mi'. '~ - lu.'n»i7i uiiiö. au'
ig ... uta ii£^
* san lid
h -
- ini’inm toeu mil l » 5rr
le xy
___ii_. vw’1 irwneti imn a rm. bar
•ftosm I le tun - ’<■' - * -le M_ E.
xiur-3 petinie mnn»*
atte vi.ï
¿jus irarr
"liter jr- ..----
.imriau »»imi1 ir xebä ae »tau?
ir'- winr.aiie -1
•nwnnif naxt-.i í
vriEtiíly -tuait* if- irti miai:»* T -
M die ftr« part o€ oor iermoo. Mor*.
national organiia-irei and wu- doing
*plendid work before th* world •*-»-
commeaeed. and to carry < on that
Tie Zed Cm« Drive for Mexberahip work a E'tubcnà;} drive ■ is to
be made next noutl
Av a matter
la Jovember.
fact too many irgas marinas appeal,
----- 4-----
ed to the people toe money during
The Etesi Crow* drive for niember­
the war, which. peoanWy k. the rea.
th. p w.U take piace nex month art
sen that dirvea for money hare
-.he Ti.iiBi»:’i Chapter of the Rid
come so unpopsilar.
Chois* * end-avonng to kitei eet p*.--
• too.: 'si 'ake an active part in i.h”
tr.v*. us tht.- toan'y should hav* a
Sortee «f Owrxmi-p
arg” mem be .-ship in that very im-
portaat nrganma da Xot only so,
This is to certify that I am
Sir 'he t*3«tal ihap-er should ¡-eceive
he rapport of th* people of the eonn- owner, editor and publisher of
Tillamook Headlight, published
T iliamook. Oreana 'ha' there are no
There appear* to be a very strong
stockholder- and br.ndholder-
smnmost everywhere that the drive*
te plant is pot ta any way »n-
for noney have been overd<me irid
snmbercd ly moc-gage or otherwise.
stoMiiit iea.se the people being tried
Fred C. Baker
if .le pestering lad annoyance that
a -a.L-sesi. hut tt is somewhat differ­
in' vt-h "he led Cross, which is 3
Owner Ed.'■• r and P-.blisher of
the T.ilant.:« Headlight.
After two m- otha >f perennai investiga
3 conditions abroad I am tirmlv of
rite optai a that this country cannot hope
t.. derei >p a health v bovine» and be able
to compete w.th foreign markets unless
we re-establish merchandise «elltug prices
more nearly jc a par with condition* ex
srisg prior to the war
$1035 Touring
Touring .
♦1035 Roadster
$1525 Coupe
Sedan .
$1675 Sedan
S 895
S 895
$2300 Touring
$2300 Roadster
$2950 Coupe
Touring .
Coupe .
P tjct * f
c b
Chas. F. Pankow,