TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. OCroBEH 7 Notice of School Meeting. PEARL OIL xaaodawk) HEAT AND LIGHT Chases the Chill o’ the Morning A good oil heater filled with P earl O il gives instant warmth —wherever you want it; econom­ ical and convenient No smoke, no odor, for P earl O il —refined and re-refined by our special process—is clean-burning. Sold in bulk by dealers everywhere and by our stations. Order by name—P earl O il . STANDARD OIL COMPANY 4 (Californi«) “You’ll Always Find «ay« the Good Judge I 4 That you get more genuine satisfaction at less cost when you use this class of tobacco. A small chew lasts so much longer than a big chew of the ordinary kind the full, rich real tobacco taste gives a long lasting chewing satisfaction. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put uf> in twn styles W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGFf f CLT is a short-cut tobacco Co oany HOZ Sro idw iy. New fork City Rexall Remedies means King of all and all preparation* put out tinder this name whether they are medicinal preparations, toilet, preparations or other merchandise, are made of the very highest quality of materi­ al* obtainable, the finest ingredi­ ents put together in the most scien­ tific way. in the most up-date day­ light laboratories and guaranteed to give satisfaction. The following guarantee is printed on every package. The Untied Drug Company and the Retail Store selling thia preparation, guarantee it to give aatie- faction If it does not. go back to the store mhere you bought it and get your mon»/ ft belongs to you and ma mant you to have it. ” WHAT MORE LIBERAL GUARANTEE COULD YOU HAVE ? SEE US REGARDING YOUR DRUG STORE N E E D S * ♦ ♦ ♦ C. I. CLOUGH CO THE REXALL STORE, Tillamook City - - . Oregon, G. H. BENNETT & SONS Contractors and Builders All Kind* of Building and Repair Work. Plan* anil Estimates Furnished, ADDRESS : BOX 342. TILLAMOOK. OR Headliéht is $2.00 a year.i Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No 9. of Tillamook County. State of Oregon, that a school meeting of said district will be held at the High School building on the 30th day of October, 1920. at one o'clock in the afternoon to vote on the propoaitloffi of levying a special district tax. The total amount of money needed y the district during the fiscal year beginning on June 30, 1920. and ending on June 30. 1921. is estlmat- ed in the following budget and in­ eludes the amounts to be received from the county school fund, state school fund, special district tax. and other moneys of the district: TILLAMOOK COUNTY AT THE STATE FAIR. ------ o------ Exhibits Attract Crowds at County Booth. School Display and Pure Bred Cattle. « r92o. county manufactured 6,091.259 pounds ot cheese, which sold for $2,- 907,475. R. W Watson, a long time resident of Tillamook and secretary-rerasurer of the Tillamook County Holstein Breeder's iseoctatlon. appeared with other citizens of the county before the county commissioners aud secur­ ed an appropriation of $1900 for an exhibit at the state fair. The cattle breeders of the county secured a spe­ cial train and came to Salem with 21 Jersey, 15 Holstelns and 19 Guern­ seys. Barn No. 1 was assigned to Tillamook eoiiuiy and trimmed in green and yellow, tile country’s col- ors—green for Tillamook county's evergreen meadows and pastures, and yellow for her cheese and butter. Joe Donaldson. Leonard McCormick. J. J Rupp. Clay Daniel. Alfred Jost. Ira G Lance Alfred Zwald. Frank Goyne and Bert Fowler came with the cattle exhibit. A glance at the Tillamook county exhibit will prove that rhe country is one of varied resources. Here are some of the products I saw in the ex­ hibit Cheese, timber, salmon, tront, clams burrer. corn, wheat, oats, clov­ er. alfalfa, barley, cow peas, mint, kale, beets, turnips, sunflowers, rhu- hard, sugar beets. horseradish, potv roes ground cherries. onions and .1.1 the regular garden vegetables and fruits, cascara bark, mush-room-, cranberries, huckleberries, venison. flour, honey, wool, beeswax, coal, cedar shakes. Indian baskets, dr1 ad and canned fruits, eggs and poultry, D*er heads, cougar and bobcat hides, wild ducks and geese and manufact­ ured goods show that Tillamook county is self-contained and self-iu- staining. At the booth I met Dolph R. Tin­ nerstet. dairy inspector of the coun­ ty; F. W. Christensen, cheese in­ spector. and R. O. Richards, who told me enough about the history and re­ sources of their county to make a book. TILLAMOOK MAN HONORED ------ 0------ Accepts Appointment as Attorney- General and Then Declines ------ o------ After reconsidering hie decision tQ accept the office of attorney-general to succeed George M. Brown, who Prtday night was appointed justice of the Oregon supreme court by Gov­ ernor Olcott to All the vacancy caus­ ed by the resignation of A. a. Ben­ nett, T. B. Handley Saturday rejected the executive’s offer and will remain 3t the head of the state corporation department. After receiving Mr. Handley's statement embodying his reasons for not accepting the attor­ ney-generalship, Governor Olcott tp- pninted I. H. Van Winkle, assistant attorney-general, to succeed Mr. Brown. Mr. Handley’s statement to Gov­ ernor Olcott, declining the office of attorney-general, follows: SOME FACTS ABOUT J)UB GOVBViMENT Local Financial Initirution to 3la. tnbute Interexting Inionmtjoa Not for years hua there be«,, evident unreal aa exl8lH in [he today. Even the caaual reader ot,“ laily newspaper see» that the U sick and need» a doctor The « to social deallh ia through an aw?/ uned interest in the affairs of Government and an increased feeiu, □f our responsibility in its w..|far!f and adnnnstration. Not until * understand the magnitude aad ciency ot the United State» g(IVei l ' ment do we feel the respect for J BUDGET that Is deserves. Estimated Expenditures. At the present moment. In spite of Teachers' salaries .’............. 131.535 all our unrest, the United States > • • • • Furniture.................................. the most favored of the world’, la. Apparatus A supplies.......... 2.000 tions. We have enjoyed a centiuy 250 Library books ........................ and h half of the "government of m, Flags ......................................... 25 Tillamook People and Exhibits. people, for the people, by the yeo. Reparls of schoolhouses, out There never was a time in the his- Appointment is Declined. pie. ’ It is not perfect but it is the buildings or fences.......... . 2.000 lory of Tillamook county when our “Since informing you that I would strongest, most substanial and most Improving grounds .............. 250 people were more interested and accept the appointment as attorney­ efficient government in the world to­ Playground equipment . . . . 250 closely brought together in one line general tendered to me last night I day. 900 of endeavor. The countje booth In Transportation of pupils . . The Tillamook County Bank ia have given the matter very careful Janitor's wages ...................... 2.600 charge of Dolpti Tinnerstet, B-b and earnest consideration and now contemplating the tree distribution Janitor’s supplies................... 250 Richards and Lewis Hush beck was wish to advtH« you that I must re­ among its friends and patrons <_$ a Fuel ............................................ 2.200 the first prize winner of the coast spectfully decline the appointment. series of highly illustrated articles Light and power.................... 600 counties, The exhibit was very at- In order to immediately enter upon on the government of the United Water.......................................... . 340 tractive, Tillamook cheese was serv- the duties of attorney-general I States. The articles, although written Clerk's salary ........................ 225 ed to the crowds daily and many ia- would of necessity have to leave in populur form, will be of real <-du- Postage A stationery.......... 50 quiries were answered about Tilla- many important matters now pend­ ational value. They are to be mailed For the payin'! of bonded debt A mook County in general, Tillamook ing before the corporation depart­ directly to the homes of this com­ interest i hereon, issued under cheese was awarded rhe 1st. 2nd and ment unfinished. Among these mat­ munity without charge. This plan ia Sections 126. 152 to 156, A 434 3rd prizes in a large list of contes­ ters are some that have had my per­ in keeping with the new idea 'hat of School Laws of Ore , 1919 4,200 tants. The county school display was sonal attention, and in order to do overy progressive financial instltut, Interest on warrants............ 600 very attractive and many individual my duty as corporation commission­ ion owes a broader service to its , om- Outstanding warrants.......... 24.185 prizes were won besides the exhibit er. it would require at least two munity. The modern bank is nu Insurance .................................. 500 raking first premium, this school weeks in order to properly dispose of longer only a place where money is Total estimated amount of exhibit was in chareg of County Snpr. deposited at one window and drawn these mutters. money to be expended for all Geo. Lamb and wife. The dairy cat­ purposes during year . . . $73.860 tle exhibit consisted of 21 head ot Jer­ In addition to this, the annual re­ at another. It is rather a center of port of the coporation commissioner constructive and helpful information seys. 1$ head ot Guernseys and 15 niUHt be tiled with you on or before to which any one may bring his fin­ Estimated Receipts head of Holstelns were all in barn Front county school fund during November 1, and this is a matter of ancial problems with some confidence No. 1, which was entirely occupied coming school year.......... $19.000 by i the Tillamook county exhibit. The importance that I believe it is my of finding a solution for them. These stories are designed to show From state .school fund during duty to attend to personally. In tact, cattle were shipped in a special train coming year........................ 1.236 , of five cars and returned to Tilla­ after giving everything careful con- the benefits that each of us derives School Exhibits at the Fair. CaHh now in hands of district sideration it is apparent to me that from the service of the government, mook the same way. The barn was l'hey have been brought up to the clerks ....................................... 200 decorated in he county colors of yel­ County School Superintendent G. I could not immediately leave the minute, and however well informed Estimated amount to be received low and green with two large flags B. Lamb and wife returned from he duties of aiiorney-general and do the reader may be he iH sure to find from all other resources dur­ hanging suspended in each end i.f State Fair at Salem on Sunday even­ full justice to he state of Oregon. something new in them. They have ing coming school year . . 25.90') the barn. It is estimated that over ing. They went out with the County “It is also true that the acceptance a particular appeal to new citizens, fifty thousand people were visitors Lockley board and the Pacific Northwest made the proposition to old Chief newspapers, for in spending th.niJ- “School District No. 11 Bay City. ------ o------ means a great saving In time to the Kilchis that he would give one bush­ ands of dollars every year in new* Oregon,” for the sum of $1ftfi. .■»« a ‘ If you want to be proud of the fact shipping public, as traffic does not ed of potatoes for every gun rhe In­ papers in other counties, the local guarantee that the contractor will that you are an Oregonian either by have to pass through the congested dians would bring, giving the assur­ newspapers, which had done so much furnish an approved bond equal to 1 birth or adoption you should visit rhe terminals as does the all rail aorvte:. ance that rhe guns would be return­ to boost rhe dairying and the chee* 5ft per eent of the contract within 1 Oregon state fair All embargoes against the Morgan ed to the Indians after hostilities by Industry, were overlooked For 25 years I ten days after the awarding of the 1 have been visiting the fair and I have Line at New York from the interior the other tribes—not the Tillamooks It was decided to adopt the Nation­ contract. —ewer over. al Editorial Associations scale tor never seen a better display of our have been raised on less than earload All bids must he made out on 1 state s varied resources. Every eoun- business and carriers promptly issue "I said no murder of a white set­ advertising, which is based on ei> blank proposals for the sama. Blanks 1 ty for example. Tillamook county. permits on carloads. This permit re­ tler was ever committed by this tribe. eulatton. and in the near future *11 furnished upon application by 'ha ' regarded tn rhe past as one of cur quirement in connection with Mor­ In 155 4. if my memory serves me job offices in the couaty will adopt County School Superintendent or more or less isolated counties. The gan Line will be a thing of the past, right, a couple Indian men and one the Franklin scale for job wort. arckiwet. Plans and specifications 1 first thing you notice in Its display and alt traffic will be moving with­ squaw wandered out to the Grande This system is being adopted all overs may b* seen at County School Super­ is a gigantic golden cheese. If you out delay. Round*, in Yamhill enunty. and in the country, and will increase the intendent's office, Tillamook, Oregon, ate a quarter of a pound of cheese an attempt to steal a jug ot vinegar, rate for job work in a good many in­ or at architect'« office Those who are crediting the elect­ which they had seen tn the daytime stances. each day it would take you six years The siieeessful bidder will be re­ one month and 20 days to eat this ion result in Maine entirely to in a corner of a cabin by the Are. and The newspaper men. like those in quired to give references and an ap­ colossal cheese It is one of the larg­ Franklin Rooeevelt’s speeches are ov­ which they had mistaken for liquor, other counties, are up against a ser- proved bond equal to 50 per eent of est cheeses ever made in rhe Pacific er hooking other factors that figured they were entrapped m the cabin at ioiis situation—the high cost M ; the amount of the contract. night by th« occupants, an elderly newsprint paper, which is now 13m coast famous cheese district. It in the result. The board reserve« the right to r»- weighs 5(0 lb«. Since it takes 100 ------ 0------- minister. Dr. Clark, and his aged mo­ per pound in two ton lots, and high­ jeet any and all blds. One reason Mr. Cox ia running a- ther. They said afterwards they eith­ er when a less amount is taken, the pinta of milk to make 10 lbs. cheese By order of School Board No 31 It took 5*00 pints, or over 2 <4 tons, round so much is that he is trying to er had to murder or be caught.. They Headlight being th« Urges; consum­ Lucy E. Doughty, Clerk. of milk to make this cheese When fit himself for the Europe«« travel choae the former alternative and er of newsprint in th« county. you talk of Tillamook county's milk that is considered a perquisite of a then burned th« cabin. The two In­ Democratic Presidency diana were banged for th« deed a«1 A* a mean* of achieving the Pre­ and cheese production you talk In ------ 0------ the squaw, by order of Chief Kilchb. sidency of the United State« mud­ big figures, for last year the dairy How many of the hundreds of mil­ was forced to go with her head ek>w- slinging Is going to be considered rows of that country produced 53,- lion« waefd by the admin irt rat ton ly shaved for several years, which 522,249 pounds of milk Ian ’ year after this campaign, more Impoenlble a mark of deepest diagraee >■ the cheese facvorles in Tillamook dnt’nr th» •’■ar onttrt tn be rennre«t than ever. an Democratic campaign expedit nr««' thia trike." The Fifty-Ninth Annual State Fair, ended at 9 o’clock on last Saturday night at Salem. “It was some fair", in rhe slang of today, Til say it was' and then some. For large and diversi­ fied exhibits of all kinds, it was a most wonderful fair and excel la any­ thing that the writer has viewed there in the past 17 years of con­ tinuous visits. Many Tillamook peo­ ple were attracted to the state fair this year, probably more than at any previous fairs: rhe reason for this is, probably, that our diversified in­ terests were greater than ever be­ fore, in fact, wherever one went they were were sure to meet someone from Tillamook.