*4 Mliobt eil la mo o I; TILLAMOOK. OREGON. Tillamook Jottings. OCTOBER * 1920, tuneral of Mrs. Arthur Powell, who > died on the 24th of September. First Bank of Bay City vs. Henry ■ Bulter. Hubert O. Bulter. J, W. Bul- . ter and Wassell-Butler Packing Co., is a suit flled in the circuit court to > recover 33,550.00 on a promisory note. of grass this fall will reduce the feed I joyable trip, being accompanied by of this month for an indefinat«* per­ ROAD TO CONNECT WITH LIN­ HON. C. J. EDWARDS bills of many dairymen considerable. I his daughter, Elizabeth, and Margur- iod. Condensors reduced their buy­ COLN COUNTY APPROVED WILL ADDRESS GRANGE let, who is working in Los Angles. A ing prices to 32.50 per 100 lb*, ttrlk. Frank Davey, of the Claim depart- Mr. arid Mrs. Hoskins spent Mon­ ------ 0------ ' number of chiefs have promised to beipg a drop of 40c. rnent of the State Industrial Accident State Highway Commission Makes It day in Barview on business. Will Speak at Fairview Grange, On send him some suggestions for Im­ Meeting adjourned. Commission, was in the city on Tues- A Project For Next Year. A. G, Johnson, of Bay City, spent Thursday, Oct. 14. at 1 P. M. provements in the fire efficiency, and. day. He has served in the state leg­ the wAek end here, returning Mon- GEM THEATRE PROGRAM with the work that was accomplish- islature on several occasions and is At a meeting of the State High­ day. All Grangers are urgently request­ ed toward that end at the convention o again a candidate on the republican way last week it was decided to build Miss Jetta Little left Sunday f >r Leo Morrison vs. W. B. Aiderman ticket for representative of Marion another important piece of road next ed to be present as we will have an the people feel that he did a preity Friday-Saturday, Oct., 8-9 “Love, Baker, where she will make her and A. opportunity to hear Hon. C. J. Ed­ good job, even if he hasn't the cup Honor and Obey” Metro Screen H. Harris s a suit flled in the county. Last time the editor saw year, which is to connect Tillamook home. circuit court to recover 1550, grow- Frank he was in the "pen", serving and Linedin counties. This road, wards speak upon the measures that to show7 for it, for we can’t have ev- Classic production. “Little Miss Jazz” comedy. A meeting of the Chamber of Com­ ing out of the sale of a Liberty tour­ a term as clerk of that institution. when completed, will not only be a we are to vote upon at this coming erything, you know. • Sunday, Oct. 10. “The Figurehead” merce will be held this (Thursday) ing car.which plaintiff alleges was That was when the editors visited great benefit to the South part of the election, Nov. 2, 1920. featuring Eugene O’Brien. At this election there are eight i evening. the penitentiary, but since then he county, but will greatly increase the defective and Tillamook Creamery Association’» “Monkey Business.” Sunshine com­ measures or amendments to be pass ­ resigned, for he did not like the amount of the summer travel into Walter Earl was operated upon The dairymen, it seems, are going Monthly Meeting. edy. ed upon. We should feel it our duty, Tl" Wednesday by Dr. Boats, and is to give the high cost of living a live­ “pen” work. Monday, Oct. 11, “Cynthia of the A stretch of ten miles of road will as it is, to enlighten ourselves to a | steadily improving. Oregon weekly papers rank A-l ly time the next few weeks, for it is Regular meeting of the Board of Minute” featuring Leah Baird. thorough understanding of the nat­ be built, approximately 1 miles be- f- A baby girl was born to Mr. and on the tapis to reduce flour to 33 a with country papers the world over. Bray Pictograph. ... xiuai.iuoK county. 1 >4 in Lin­ ure of and the importance of these , Directors of the Tillamook County Mrs. Chas. Goeres on the 30th of sack and sugar to 311.50 a sack. Some we are proud to receive at our I measures or amendments to our in­ Creamery Association was held at Tuesday, Oct. 12, “Laughing Bill coln county and 7 miles in the gov ­ September, Dr. Hoy attending. That’s what the dairymen say they exchange each week. Among the best dustry, our county, our state, and to the association rooms Monday. Hyde” Rex Beach story. and ablest in the country are the ernment reserve. According to the ourselves. Meeting was called to order by W. Pathe Review. L. V. Rex ,of San Francisco, was in are going to bring about. Corvallis Times-Gazette, the Tilla­ present plans the state Highway As it is a well known fact that our H. Christensen, Pies. Wednesday, Oct. 13, “The Flaming TUlatnool. a few days this week, on J. P. Easther, a practial teacher mook Headlight, Rainier Review, Commission and the government will law makers are largely influenced by 20 Directors were present, viz., W. Clue” featuring Harry Morey. of Bookkeeping and Pennmanship is construct the seven miles through Forest Grove News-Times, Clatskanie “Somewhere in any Place” comedy. E. R. Alvoid vs. Buttner Mill Co. now in town and is located at the Chief. These editors are newspaper the reserve, and the two counties the public sentiment of their people, H. Christensen, Carl Haberlach, C. js a foreclosure suit filed in the Clr- Hotel Ramsey, where he can be loc­ men and their papers are equal to each building its share of the re­ it would seem that it is al way’s our A. McDonald. D. J. Dunn. Fred Affol- Thursday, Oct. 14 “Sweet Lavender”' duty to come out and express our op­ ter, J. H. Holgate, Chas. Ray. Sollie featuring Mary Miles Minter. ated by any one who are in need of I edit court. any weekly newspapers published— maining three miles. The probable ionion to our Representative when Smith, J. J.Rupp, F. E. Meyer, E. J. "Captain Kidd's Kids” 2 reel Har­ information in either Pennmanship cost to this county for its share will , Curt Deorge left Monday for Aber­ size of respective towns considered.— Gienger, T. W. Lyster, Wm. Maxwell, old Lloyd comedy. or Bookkeeping—privately. be about 315,000, which is a very the opportunity presents itself. Banks Herald. deen, Wash., where he expects to Do you fully understand the 4 per Andrew Peterson, F. W. Robitsch, Friday-Saturday, Oct. 15-16, "Prlc* small amount of money for this coun ­ Rev. C. L. Dark has been appoint ­ work in a logging camp. The 0. E. S. Kensington held their ed pastor of the M. E. church in this regular business and social meeting ty to expend for so important road cent Interest Measure? Did you know Jesse Earl, Rudoplh Zweifel, C. S. of Redemption”, featuring Bert E. R. Measor left Wednesday for that the voters are to say at this Atkinson. Joe Donaldson. Lytell. city and Rev. G. O. Oliver goes to on their regular day. All officers tn improvement. I Philomath, where he will visit with Minutes of last regular meeting of election whether all voters of legal Sheridan. Bay City is to be suppli­ the chair, with Mesdames Hays' and his folks for a short time. age are to be compelled tc vote? Per­ August 2, 1920, and of special meet­ Eugene O’Brien Star in “The Figure­ ed by Rev. J. T. Keating and Nehal­ CIRCUIT COURT DOINGS haps you will learn something well ing of Sept. 13, 1920, read and ap­ Lee Zimmerman, of Portland, who em and Wheeler will have Rev. W. J. Foster as hostesses. The afternoon head” ------ 0------ was spent socially with a large mem­ worth your while if you will be pre­ proved. had been here for ten days, visiting, Warren as pastor. Grand Jury Returns bership present. Several guests were Motion made, seconded and carried sent at Fairview Grange at the next returned home on Monday. Eugene O'Brien plays the role of Mrs. Michand came in on Monday’s present also, and a new member join­ Several Indictments. regular meeting. “That all matters acted upon at spe­ Albert Lodge, who had been here train front Watsonville. Cal., and left ed the club. The hostesses carried ------ O------ a candidate for political office in the cial meeting Sept. 13, 1920, not cov ­ Committee ! for about two weks, returned to his again on Wednesday. Those who are out the decorations in the pumpkin Circuit court convened on Monday ered by call for special meeting, be new Selznick picture, "TheFigure- i home in Portland, Monday. acquainted with the Michands will yellow colors typical of our October morning with Judge Geo. R. Bagley and the same are hereby ratified and head,” which will be shown at the Gem Theatre, Sunday, Oct. 10. Don’t overlook the free tube offer be glad to know that family is en­ harvest time, and the individual pies on the bench, and it is expected that No Change in Price of Dodge confirmed.” He is chosen by secretly allied pol­ and other tire bargins at Williams’ joying the best of health and like were nedless to say well disposed of. the business before the court will Brothers Motor Vehicles Report of Inspector F. W. Christ­ Garage. their new home in California. The next meeting will be held on the take several weeks. ensen read, showing 791 triplets. 36 itical bosses because, as a nice younK A grand jury was drawn, compos- Official confirmation of press dis­ Y, A.’s and 112 Longhorns seconds silk-stocking aristocrat who is more Mr. and Mrs. P. ©. Brown, of Port­ 1st Thursday of November instead of O. F. Hines, of Portland, returned ed of C. B. Wiley, John M. Bodie, J. patches from Detroit, announcing Wednesday after having spent a land. were here for a few days on Wednesday on account of election out of 32,960 triplets, 3,358 Y. A.’s interested iu golf and yachting than a business trip. While here Mr. Jones week. Mrs. Gruber and Miss Gay­ M. Vermilyea, James T. Stafford, Al­ that there would be no reduction in and 4,411 Longhorns made in July, anything else, he will be an easy con­ couple of days here on business. bert Plank. E. Worthington and F. I the price of Dodge Brothers Motor lord to be the entertainers. and 361 triplets, 186 Y. A.'s and 12 testant for the "machine" candidate Mrs. A. P. Pye, of Portland, spent met with an old schoolmate of his, Sappington. The judge appointed C. Cars, has been received by the Sun- with whom he had attended an aca ­ Longhorns were seconds out of 26,- to defeat. The young “Willie”, how­ Capt. H. A. Circle, captain of the a few days last week here visiting demy. He is G. F. Robinson, one of detective force of Portland, H. H. B. Wiley foreman of the Grand jury J set Garage, the Dodge Brothers deal- 728 triplets, 4,302 Y. A.’s, 2,551 ever, inspired by love, develops into with relatives, returing Monday. and excused Earl Porter, L. C. Dan­ er in this city. A telegram from C. the employes at the depot, and they Longhorns, and 6 “Tillamook” made a campaigner who fairly “lifts the Mrs. W. A. Bennett left for Port­ certainly enjoyed seeing one another. Pomercy, Chief Deputy F( e Marshal iels, J. L. Geogre, Walter F. Cason W. Matheson, acting general sales roof off”, and gives the intrigueing In August, 1920. and J. S. Morak. also a detective, land Wednesday, where she will visit and Carl Posetti from jury duty. manager to the local dealer, reads: bosses some sleepless nights. After D. R. Tinnerstet, deputy dairy ind who were subpoenaed to appear here Ed Glad returned to his home here for an indefinite length of time. The grand jury returned an indict­ “Dodge Brothers policy has ever food commissioner, made report, vainly trying various subterfuges to Tuesday, after an absence of over in the Circuit Court in the Scott case Mr. and Mrs. John M. Nelson, of two years, He has been firing on a with the fur coat of Mrs. Scott’s that ment against Fred DeLillies, and he been to give full value for the price showing work of inspecting dairies, get him to withdraw, they attempt asked. There will be no reduction in etc. He also made report of work a “frame-up” and publish a manu­ Tillamook, were registered at the passenger train between Centralia had been stolen, returned Wednesday will plead Friday morning. The grand jury is investigating I the present prices of Dodge Brothers Hotel Portland, Portland, on Sunday. and Duluth, Wn„ for some time, but on the train. Detective Morak is the done at State Fair, showing that Till­ factured scandal calculated to elim­ Miss Esther Heusser, of Portland, will now take to farming, as he and one who arrested Nelson with the the building of the new school house motor cars. Newspaper reports to the amook had taken first, second and inate him from the contest, at Bay City, as there appears to be i contrary are absolutely untrue.” Instead it arouses his fighting Irish is here on a two weeks’ visit with her his brother, Reuben, will run their coat. They went up the river fishing third prizes on cheese and had taken an impression that there was some­ "Dodge Brothers announcement first prize for exhibit of county booth and he performs a few stunts that brothers, Emil and Roland Heusser. father’s ranch. on Tuesday and said Mr. Morak, who thing wrong, it being claimed that was no surprise to us,” said Mr. Ack­ takes the wind out of the bosses and Pearl Church is visiting at Oswe­ Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Blair left gun- is called the “King of the Brutes," there is not nearly as much lumber ley, “In fact it is only a substantiat­ tor Coast Division. puts the completion to five fascinat­ caught all the flsh Motion made, ceonde «kind carried in the brook. go, where her parents are living on a t day for a three months visit in the in the building as w’as paid for, and on of Dodge Brothers business prin- “That this association extend a vote ing reels of romance mingled with truck farm, this week, having left - east. They will go first to Noble which consisted of a mud cat. a fish that somebody has been grafting. | ciples. At no time have they ever of thanks to all those having had brutal social drama. Friday. County, Indiana, and there visit with and a snail, not counting the craw­ An indictment was returned by the demanded an excess amount for their charge of and who assisted in taking fish, which they also caught. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Russell, who , Mrs. Blair’s relatives and then to grand jury against Guy Alman and product. As in the past, they will care of the Tillamook Btock and ex­ Dr. Shearer Not Member of America* have located in Cloverdale, left Mon­ . Fort Scott, Kansas, to visit with his George Hubbaid, who were charged continue in the future to demand a hibit at the State Fair. College of Surgeons. Straw Vote at thé Gem Theatre. day for a few days business trip in folks. On their return they will visit with having broken into and robbed fair return for their efforts.” Carl Haberlach read article writ­ in California. Portland. The mere fact that the demand for ten by Fred Lockey in the Oregon ----- ---------- Wagner’s Cigar Store. Alman plead­ A straw vote was taken at the ed guilty. Hubbard took twenty four Dodge Brothers motor cars is still Mrs. Elsie Vidito, who formerly Exceptions having been taken tn a Mrs. Alvin Wicklund and her m >- Journal and appearing about Oct. 1, ther, Mrs. Kinnaman, left Sunday .'or had charge of the Vidito hospital, Gem Theatre the latter part of last hours In which to plead, and as be greater than the supply, despite the 1920 .and said article was ordered paragraph which appeared In the Headlight by the Tillamook Medical Portland, where they will visit for a and who recently sold the equipment w’eek, with the same results as the pleaded not guilty his trial is set for great expansion program at the fact­ entered in the minutes. ory, has absoultely nothing to do and leased the building to Mrs. one taken among the business men the 14th. Society, stating that Dr. Shearer waa week or so. Motion made, seconded and carried of the town. The vote was over­ Edgar Woodward vs. A. F. Coats with the decision to continue the “That this association back up its in­ a member of the American College oC Mqrtha Abplanap returned to her Eastman, will care for private cases whelmingly in favor of the republi­ present prices. In marketing their spectors in their work, it being Surgeons. Dr. J. Earl Else, of Port­ hime in Portland Tuesday, after hav- of nursing this winter. She is liv­ can nominees, the same as the other, lumber Co. Damages. Order on man- car Dodge Brothers have never mado shown that in several instances it land, has forwarded the following ign visited here for a mbnth with ing at the Gem Apartments, and any although Debs seems to be coming date. a point of price and will never sac­ dne wishing the services of a first Phelps, Ida Barnett vs. Florence would be necessary to get dairymen communication with a request that friends and relatives. to the front more as the time goes by, Order on mandate. rifice the quality of their product to class, graduate nurse, call her there. to build or improvebarns and sanit­ it be published: E. Herbert, of Gearheart, who was Nehalem Valley Bank vs. Andrew enter price competition.” “Your letter of the 20th Inst. Ü»- Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Daggett, who for he really has about 12 votes cast ary conditions within another year. at Cloverdale for a few days on bus­ quiring about Dr. Shearer and en­ have been here for some time living in favor of him, even though the Nef et al. Action for money. Nonsuit. Inspector Christensen was allowed iness this week, returned to his home Tillamook County, vs. Frank John­ closing the clipping was JUHt received at the Warren Construction Co.’s few who are supporting him are do­ 325 for his expenses to State Fair. Fire Chief Return» Tuesday. camp, of which Mr. Daggett was the ing a great deal worse than throwing son, et-al. Order on mandate. Motion made, seconded and carried this morning. their votes away. Mrs. Geo. Butts, of Portland, re­ superintendent, left for Portland State of Oregon, vs. Vein Blanch­ Dr. Shearer’s name does not ap- Fire Chief Thos. Coates returned n "That this association contribut 350 par among the members of the Am­ Straw votes at the Gem Theatre ard. Order on mandate. turned to her home Wednesday, after Wednesday. As the work out at the per month from Oct. 1st, 1920 until having visited here with her daught­ camp lias been completed they are was as follows: W. B. Aiderman, vs. F. R. Fraser. few days ago from Los Angles, where Legislature adpourns in 1921, to sal­ erican College of SurgeonB in the he attended the Annual Convention Harding—77. er, Mrs. M. A. Shultz, for a week. year book of 1920. The Secretary of Action for money. Continued. moving to Portland. of tfce Fire Chiefs of the Pacific ary of Deputy Diary and Food Com­ the Oreg, n Section of the America* Cox—22. Tillamook County Bank, vs. D. W. Buell Woods left Friday for Port­ missioner. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powell returned Coast. Christensen — 1. Snyder. Action for money. Default. land, where he will live in the fut­ Sunday from Portland, where they Mtion made, seconded and carried, College of Surgeons informs me that About two hundred and fifty of the Debs—12. George Christensen, vs. S. M. Tra­ ure. His wife and baby will follow had been visiting with the latter’s “ That this association go on record Dr. Shearer's name is not atnon* chiefs were present and the convent­ Stanfleljl—61. vis. Action for money. Default. in a week or so. as opposed to the measure on Novem­ those to whom invitations were seat- brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Chamberlain—33. American Veterinarian Supply Co., ion was the best one that has yet ber, 1920, ballot, entitled “State The clinics were open to any vfslttns Mrs. Frances Ewing, one of the Mrs. Harry Seranton, who were play­ been held. We were rather disap ­ For Wilson’s League—24. vs. E. L. Glaisyer. Action for money. or local physician and announce­ nurses of the Boals hospital left Fri­ ing at the Hippodrome theatre. Mr. pointed tho, that we didnt see any­ Market Commission” bill. This bill ments were made in the local paper*, Against Wilson’s League—61. Default. day for Portland to spend a vacation and Mrs. Powell drove out in their calls for an appropriation of 350,- thing of the Thos. H. Ince Trophy, In another week or so straw votes H. K. Mulford Co., vs. E. L. Glais- so that Dr. Shearer may have attend­ of a week or ten days. Elgin Six, and said they found the will be taken In other parts of the I but Mr. Coates explained matters to 000, the creation of Market Commis­ ed them. yer. Action for money. Default. sioner at a salary of 34,500 and a Mrs. Fred Burton and daughter, roads pretty bad in places. county. W. A. Lewis, vs Fred Bergman, et- us by saying that Chief Collins, of secretary of 33,600, and makes ft “We appreicate your writing to ua Anne, left Tuesday for Spokans, / Weather conditions in Tillamook Anaconda. Montana, walked off with al. Action for money Judgment. compulsory for all co-operative as­ and sending the clipping, for the aim where they will visit with Mrs. H. P. County for the past five weeks have the cup under his arm, and that no Elk» To Organise Club. R. Y. Blalock, et-al, vs. W. L. Hud­ sociations to report to and come under of the American College of Surgeon* Jones, Mrs. Burton’s sister. been unusually wet for this time of son. Action for money. Settled and one else had a “look-in” even. the jurisdiction of, such market com­ is to uplift the medical profession as Anaconda had only one slight fire, At a meeting on the 5th of Octo­ dismissed. Ed Hanseaker left Friday for Sal­ year, there being but a few days that missioner. It seemed to all Directors a whole and surgery in particular.** em, where he will spent a few days it did not rain in September. The ber, of the Elk Lodge it was agre"d i J. M. Traxler, vs. Wm. Glick. Act- which was put out without the aid present that this is not a matter for The article referred to was given of the fire department, the entire loss weather in other parts of Oregon upon by the members that a club be ion for money. Dismissed. before returning to Portland to visit to our reporter by Dr. Shearer. the state of Oregon to take up. but of the fire being rated at a little over has been wet also, and in the Willa­ formed by them, which will accom­ wtth friends, for a week or so. Alex McNair A Co., vs. Buttner should be taken up by interests in­ a hundred dollars. That is an excell ­ mette Valley the rain did consider ­ modate the members throughout the Mills Co. Action for money. Default. Dr. Boals operated on Anges Blaz­ volved, the same as our cheese is State of Oregon, vs. H. A. Frakes. ant showing for Anaconda, as before handled, Tillamook never having “Sweet Lavender” starring Mary er for appendicitis last Wednesday. able damage to the fruit crop, tons county ,as well as tourists coming in. Mile» Minter the contest, it was rated as being the of apples and prunes rotting on the It has been noticed that there is no Confiscation. Default. She is reported as getting along fl-st second worst city in the United asked the State of Oregon for «-dol­ ground. . such place to go t and rest, read or Wm. J. Merrick. R. T. Boals, vs. rate. lar to keep up its work. With Mary Mlles Minter as the Rev. R. Fisher, of Philomath, was visit, and in places where a club of Action for money, Settled and dis- States for fire hazards. It was thru A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maxwell, E. J. Geinger and star, supported by a really exception* the efforts of the chief that the chan­ in this week arranging to move over this sort is in existence, it is greatly j missed. R. A. Olme, fo Wheeler, on the 2nd Joe Donaldson were appointed a com­ al cast, Realart will present a film here within a short time. He is to appreciated. D. A. Jones, vs. Joseph Williams, ged conditions were brought about, mittee to see the County Court to version of “Sweet Lavender” by Sir of Oct., Dr. Boals being the attend for he trained the school children "Koomallit ” , be the pastor for the Uuited Breth spelling Tillamook et-al Action for money. Default. ing physician. and formed a Fire Fighting * Pre­ facilitate the testing of cows for tub­ Arthur Wing Pinero for Thursday. ren church here, Rev. Wriggle hav­ backwards, is the name choosen by I C. Ylander, et-al, vs. Oregon Con­ Mrs. C. E. Brackett and Mrs. A. ing moved his family to Philomath, the members for the club. With the Association, charging a erculosis, it appearing that all cows Oct. 14. at The Gem Theatre. tract Co. Action for money. The vention As "Lavender.“ Miss Minter is giv­ E. Bates, of Portland, who were here and 1—mself accepting a call to go to incorporation of all the Elks in the dollar for each one to join, and. while have not yet been tested In this city surveyor, having made a mistake last week for a couple of days, vislt- Coquille. Rev. Fisher has for many county and the new members that in figuring plaintiff awarded verdict the pictures were being shown by county. They were authorized to io en fresh opportunities to demonstrate ing, returned to their homes on Mon- years been a professor in the Univer­ expect to enroll. they will be able to of 3800. Jay Stevens, he told the people that everything necessary in the premises. her versatility. There I r plenty of ha- It appearing that Ben Kuppenben- mor in the part of the girl who help* day. sity at Philomath, and is now seek­ have a lodge here which will be a A. C. Everson, vs. N. M. Phelps. each one joining the organization der, representing the Alder Vale Cre- her foster mother in the conduct of* duiing that time would be admitted great boost for the county. | Non stilt. Mrs. Chas. Gerber, of Yakima, re­ ing a changjj. umery. has not attended three con­ big college boarding house. With The following were elected as offi- turned to her home Friday, after The Sunshine Club was entertain­ Brighton -Mills Co., vs. Buttner free. When they thought they were secutive meetings of the Directo-s Clem Hale she has a beautiful roi»- getting s dollar's worth of something having spent about two weeks here ed September 28th at the home of ers in the new club: Pres., Chas. Mills Co., et-al. Action for money. free the people flocked to the ruovlos without being excused, motion made, ance, almost wrecked when Clein*a at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mrs. Davidson, five miles south of Pankow; Vice Pres., Ralph Cady, of Default. and, in that town of 15,000, 6,000 seconded and carried that he be au­ step-father forbids the match. It cam Wheeler; and Chas. Ray. of Clover ­ Geo. Arenz. J. S. Diehl, vs. J. Merril Smith. Tillamook, Mrs. Davidson was as- J joined the organization. It was a spended and the factory asked to ap- be imagined what happens when th* dale; Sec., R.A. Leonard; Treus., x At the Elmore Hotel. Rockaway. sisted by Mrs. Mapes. The day was Action for money. Settled and die- stern father finds that the girl ha pretty clever stunt for the chief to point another representative. Chas. Barnes; Chaplain, Henry J. J. Krebs, Justice of the Peace, per­ beautiful and warm with bright missed. Resignation of Fred Weber Was ac­ feels Is “beneath” his stepson is real­ forming the ceremony, J. H. Craig sunshine and six auto loads of club Woolfe. Those comprising the mem­ Wm. Kavanaugh, vs. A. II. Frlese, pull, and many other things he did cepted and Cldver Leaf Creamery was ly his own daughter. were very interesting. His report a and Louise Krebs were united in members were in attendance. The bership committee are: John Carroll, et-al. Action for money. Default, asked to designate another represent­ lone was a whole book, which must Howard Lamar, Fred McKinley, Roy marriage. j State Industrial Accident Commis­ hostess’ served a dainty lunch and ail have taken weeks and weeks to ative. Announcement. J. M. Traxler, of Cloverdale, who enjoyed a good social time and very Esterbrook, of Cloverdale and Chas. sion, vs. J. A. Jensen. Action tor write. Motion made, seconded and carried ------ 0— money. Default. is running the stage between Tilla­ much appreciated getting out in the Painter, of Brighton. 1 wish to announce to the public. A committee of two men, who were “That Blaine Creamery be admitted Edwidd Parsons, vs. Wheeler Man­ mook and Cloverdale, went out to country. to membership whenever said factory I have purchased the equipment ufacturing Co. Action for money. disinterested Are chiefs, read the ie- complies with the requirements and that Portland Monday, where he will visit Preabyterian Church of> and leaM > •i. IjF j'V ■ * i