Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 30, 1920, Image 8

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4- * ftaltom’s
(ßarments. * *
And The Most Interesting Feature IsThe Fact That
Special Prices Prevail On Entire Stocks Of Women’s Suits
CoatsS Dresses. Dress Skirts Also Waists—And
And Children's Coats And Dresses
—Thisf^i an event c-ccrly awaited by women who are anxious to become acquainted with
the newest and most acceptable in style and who are content only with stylish garments
that have a qualitv bevond reproach.
— We know that we are presenting for your consideration. Coats, Suits, Dresses,
Millinery. Waists of the highest class, garments which prove their worth as they are worn.
—Praticularly the Goars are inj splendid variety—hardly any two styles that we
show are alike, and yet each is correct and has its own charm. There is one garment in
the collection which you will quickly see was made just for you, because it bring out your
individualityfas no other likely does.
Your Unrestricted Choice
Of Lovely
y «
—The genuine intrensic value of Haltom’s garments,
apart from any style feature, is not only discernible
now. but their value becomes more evident as you
give them opportunity to provide service—the long
consistent wear that you expect from a garment of
Pattern Hats
Straight 10 Per
Cent Discount
—With all the confidence in the world consenting the
acceptability of Haltom’s new togs—For Women, for
Misse’s, for Junior, for Children—We invite you to
inspect these Garments. Both of us will benefit. By
your acquaintance with the Fall and Winter models.
813.28. $13.94. $14 18. $15.26.
$15 98. $16 65. $17 06. $17.51
$17.96. $20.25 And $22 5U
—To create added activity in the
millinery Salon < Balcony) this is
» hat's being done.
Space will not permit going into
detail, however, though come with
the expectation of choosing from a
fine resemblage of -»omens and
Mine’s hat; models.. Just like you
see illustrated in the fashion jour­
—Then too if you desire a becoming
model trimmed our expert trimmer
will gladly fashion same according to
your likeness.
As An Extra Special Feature Women’
New Fall Coats
Priced Extraordinarly Low
Clean-Up On
Men’s Florsheim
One Group,
Worth To $25.00.
—125 Pairs In Black Gun­
metal Also Medium Brown
In Medium Toe, Clean-Up
— 87 Pairs Florshelm Shoes
in Black English and Med­
ium Toes, Clean-Up, Pair
Readÿ For Destribution.
Received This Week 39
Women's Street And
Upwards To Twice This Figure
The Name “Red Cross”
Stamped On A Woman’s
The Standard Underwear For Father. Mother And
On Sale Friday, Saturday And
Meudav (If They Last)
Children "Fall Stocks Now Ready For Inspection”
—Investigate, study, experience allyou wish, you
will not find a more statisfactory or a more econo­
Yard Wide Percale Below
Todays Replacement Cost, Yard
- Approximately 1000 yards of heavy grade perrale placed on sale at
this remarkably low price. Conies in light, medium and dark grounds an 1
combined with neat stripes and figures. Women w ho have bought percale
of late know well as to their regular selling price therefore It Is usele.-.-i »o
go Into detail what a remarkably low price we've affixed on this aiwortnieii’
To 50c. Heavy Wash
Genuine Japanese Crepe
65c. Grade, Yard 39c. Goods, Choice, Yard 30c
Those w ho appreciate out of the
ordinary wush goods values, needless
to state, will waste no time in com­
ing to Holtom's About SOO yards of
this 29 inch goods is piled on the
counter for easy selectin. In plain
Not genuine unless stamped on sel- colors and light and dark strip<-d and
figured patterns. Suitable for wom­
avge. About a dozen different patt­ en's and girl's dresses and kiddies
erns. 30 inches wide.
—These attractively designed Japan­
ese crepes wer® woven several thous­
and miles away, by the deft hands
in Japan. Think of the lovely dress­
ing sacques or kimonos they'll make.
$7 00. $8.00. $9.00 And $10.00
—Reflecting the latest and most pop­
ular styles. Fashioned of lovely
Peachbloom. Velvet. Hatters Piu->h
and combination of materials. Shown
in all the accepted colors. You'll t-
gree that they're wonderful at the
price we're quoting them at.
Liberty Bonds Taken At Face Values In Payment For Merchandise.
As Uusual Mall Orders Carefully Filled; Please Enclose Sufficieit
Postage For Mailing.
Honor Built This Business Ability Carries It On.
-- Butterick Quarterly, Autumn Number. Price 25c Entitling The Pur-
chaser A Certificate Oood For 10c. In The Purchase Of Any Butterick Pa:-
— Belated Shipment Of Infant's Fine Wool Hose, All Colors.
Just Received. Dozens Of Pieces Wide Fancy Hair Bow Taffeta Ribbon*.
Specially Cut 1 '4 Yard Lengths, Choice. Each 83c.
—Middles. Bloomers Or Tennis Shoes For The Gym.
— Women and Misse’s Who Desire Expert Corset Fitting Will Be Bene­
fited By Consulting Our Miss Dora Smock. Such Good Lines As Nemo. Am­
erican Lady And Goesard Here.
— One More Week Only - Entire Stock Of Ribbons Discounted 20 per < en-
To 50 per cent.
Staples Selected At Random
Under The Balcony—Worth
As usual you can rely on Haltom’s domestics as being of standard
brands, that which is an added satisfaction why so many come to shop here.
Bleached Sheeting :
Ready Made Bleached
Sheets And Pillow Cases
Pillow Tubing :
4 3
inch Quinebaug at- 5"c.
inch Wearwell at- 61c.
inch Weai well, yard 65c.
Inch Androscoggin- B9c.
inch Wearwell casing 65c.
meh Pequot. yard 69c.
inch. Linen Finish, yard 44c.
inch Pequot. yard— 79c,
inch Wearwell, yard - 75c.
Medium Size unbleached Turkish
72X90 Linen Finish Sheets $189
towels at.............................. 29c.
— 81X90 Pullaway Seamless Sheet
— Turkish towels, large, unbleach-
full bleached at . . ........... $2.19
......................................... 39c.
— 72X90 Wearwell Bleached Sheets
18X36 inch bleached Turkish
tape edge at ......................... $2.49
towel.................................... 35c.
81X90 Salem Sheets at
$2.58 —Large heavy and Fancy Turkish
towels at. ................................ $1.00
81X90 Bleached Wearweli Sheet«
$2 63 —12X45 inch heavy bleached Tur­
kish towels ... ..................... 60c.
42X36 Linen Finish Pillow
inch Huck towels .with
cases ................................... 58c.
Red border................................. jgc
42X36 Daisy cases, hemmed 56c. — 18X36 heavy all white Huck
— 42X36 Pequot cases, hemstitch-
towels at .............................. 39c
ed ... ........................................ 78c. —Crash toweling, yard .............. ]9C
27 Inch Colored Outing ‘ Flannel, 5000 Yards,
Yard 28c.
27 to 32 inch Dress Ginghams/
Best Grade Table Oil Cloth. Full
Light and Dark Patterns. Yd 28c.
4 7 inches Wide, the yard . . 49c.
26 Inch New Fancy Cretonnes. In i Lovely Floral And Conventional
Designs, Choice, Yard- 45c.
underwear problem
They are fine in quality and will not irritate
the most sensati ve skin.
They are perfect fitting.
Celebrated for its durability
<_________________________________ y
—Women's And Misse’s Splendid Weight Black Hose. Especially Suit­
able For the Gymnasium, Pair—50c.
Women's Two-Tone Silk H e at Exceptionally Low Price. Pr.— $1.49
Women's fir«t grade Lisle. Corc.'van or Black. 11 25 values. Pair 98?.
Agent for the Famous Notaseme SilkHose. In Wanted Cordovan ini
— Boy and Girl's Bla'k Ribbed Stockings« Medium and Heavy Weights,
Sizes 6 to 11. Worth 50c.. Choice, Pair —39c.
-Children's Cordov .n Stocking«. All Size- Pai: - 45c/
*4» ■£«
solution of the
and washability.
—There is a style and fabric in "Munsingwear'’
f *
for every member of the family. Let us union-
.uit you and all the members of the family in
» “Munsingwear”, the satisfaction lasts.
—Women's Underwear in Practically all Style .
Partial Hose List.
9-4 (81 inch) Wearwell At 98c.
9-4 (81 inch) Goldengate At $1.09
9- 4 (81 inch) Aurora At 93c.
10- 4 (90 inch) Prennur. Ar 93c.
10-4 (90 inch) Pepperell At 98c.
10-4 (9<> inch I Goldengate at $1 19
Real Live Piece Goods
Specials At Unparalleled Prices
I Georgette and Crepe de Chine Models.
Bear in mind that tnere are not many
! in this selection so prompt action is
B B lad vised. Various pretty styles. Colors
■ 1^^ Mw silver grey, peach, copen, shell pink,
J also white. Sizes 3S, 40, 42 and 44.
■ ■
Purchased At An Extra
Special Price Concession.
means standard of merit which is
WUVLl the reason we advocate these as the
most satisfactory shoes the women of Tilla­
B-ui y.,.
mook can buy.
—The new styles for fall and early winter have been perfected by this
manufacturer in perfect sympathy with the conservative styles in gowns
and dresses.
—They provide models of great charm and distinctiveness for necessary
occasion of the season. We are showing some recently delivered styles in
the window this week. It will be a pleasure to show you such a good shoe.
—If You Have Foot Trouble. Our Mr. Gilberston, The Wizard Doctor,
Will Relieve You Of Same. Consultation Free.
* ♦ ♦♦
Pair $7.85.
October Delineater
That Ordinarily Sell
Silk Waists
Tillamook Agents For Celebrated
Gage Hats As Well As Others
—Embodied of Velours, Silvertones. mixtures and polo cloth. In wanted
navy, green, brown and black. Sizes 16 to 44, for both women and Misses.
— 96 Pairs Florsheim Shoes
in Brown English and
Black Gunmetal, Clean-Up.
One Group
Ordinarily To $34.50.
An Assortment Of
Other Lines Too 29c. to $5.95.
—Children's Underwear (Other Makes Too) 19c.
to $3.50.
Medium Weight, long Sleeves and Ankle Length.
1897X—Cotton Ribbed, Ecru, at........... $2.85
6097X—White Cotton Ribbed, Heavy . .$2.95
560—Fancy Blue Mercerized at
133—-Natural Worsted Plaited at
125—Natural Worsted, Heavy at
153—Natural worsted. Extra heavy ... $9.45
113—White Worsted. Priced at.............. $5.85
No. 1197—Fancy Blue, Silk and Wool.......... $9.45
No. 548— Natural, Worsted Plaited, Light
Weight ........................................................ |7 jo
No. 519—White Worsted, light weight......... $9.00
No. 549— Medium Weight Silk, white......... $12.50
—Boy's Munsingwear in Cotton and Wool. Drop
Seat and Closed Crotch. Ages 3 to 18 years, at
$1 49 to $3.50.
and Heavy
makes of Union Suits $1.85 to $9.85.
Wool Underwear. Natural color. Medium
Weight at $1.89.
Heavy Blue Underwear at $3.25.