T1LLA.MOOK HEADLIGHT. SEPTEMBER Go. T920. It was a great grief to find such AN INTERESTING INSTITUTION amazing policies proposed by the ------ 0------ statesman whom I twice supported The Va»t Plant of W. P. Fuller 4 Co. for the Presidency. And now, added Paint Manufacturers and Color to that grief and to that awakening is the added distress to finding those Grinders. policies adopted by the political par­ (From Harvey’s Weekly) One of the oldest firms in Sir.—Because I am sorely perplex­ ty of which 1 have been a life-long ed, and thousands of other Denm- member, Gov. Cox says if he is Francisco is the historic house of W. crats share my perplexity, I ask elected he will use all the great pow- P. Fuller & Co. Uuqestionably the leave to state my case, in the hope ers of the presidency to perform the leading paint dealers this side of that possibly some of your readers promises Wilson has given. Do Chicago, with one of the largest may be able to give wise as well as the American people want those paint factories in Amercia, and with promises performed? thirteen branch houses scattered at comforting counsel. Do they want their sons drafted in strategic points from the Canadian I come as near being a Democrat by birth as a man may be, being born in order to send an army to Asia to pol­ line to Mexico, taking in the great the South where during my boyhood ice an alien people 6,000 miles from part of the Western American Con- it was deemed disgraceful to be a Re­ our shores? Do they want still heav­ tinent. publican. Even in 1896 when many ier taxes in order that we may make The output of the firm is enorm- Democrats left the party I spoke and good the guarantee which President ous, and its export range covers Wilson says his League gives, vis., to voted for Bryan; for the diffeiences China, Japan, India, Australia, New then were merely economic, not, as send our army to Europe, not only Zealand, Mexico, Central Mexico, when our interests are involved, as now, over a matter affecting the very in the case of a powerful military Central America and South America. life of the republic. The branch houses are stituated in autocracy, but every time the world In both 1912 and 1916 I enthus­ the following cities, each fuily is troubled? iastically supported Wilson for pre­ Early in the war a syndicate of stocked with every variety of paints, sident. His administration confer­ international bankers under-wrote oils, varnishes and lead: Sacramento, red upon me a post of some dignity billions of foreign bonds. Those in­ Oakland. Stockton, Los Angles, San (Special Assistant to the Ambassdvr ternational bankers know, of course, Diego, Pasadena. Long Beach. Santa to France in 1916, 1917 and 1918.) that the Wilson Covenant specifically Monica, Calif., Portland, Ore., Seattle Naturally this cid not lessen my es­ binds America to take part in all of Tacoma, and Spokane, Wash., teem for the President, and my re­ Boise, Ida. • spect for his wisdom and pairiotism Europe's future wars, consequently that for uh it means more, not fewer This great firm is a part of Califor ­ increased when at the unveiling of the John Barry monument he declar­ wars. But since the Wilson coven- nia, one of its instituitons that has j ant means par value for their bonds grown up with the state from early ed those bankers keep on with their days particapting in its fortunes, and "America need not, and should not, wicked campaign of deception, flood­ sharing in the glory of its achieve­ form an alliance with any nation on ing the country with propaganda a-» ments. earth.” bout the beautiful things the Coven­ W. P. Fuller & Co., is not only old ' Thea from his seven month.-’ so­ I ant is designed to do, or pretends to journ among Europe’s potentate.? and do, while carefully cancealing from in age, its existence going back for princes President Wilson returned to the people the deadly things it act- over seventy years, but it is also old in traditions, representing at its America carrying in his pocket a re­ . ually does so. best the creative spirit of the great pudiation of Washington’s wise In such a crisis what course shall counsel to avoid foreign entangle­ honest Democrats take? Shall we pioneers, energy and brains built up ments, and a repudiation of his own pretend to believe that this is still the West out of the wilderness and the desert. The founders of the firm endorsement of that counsel. From 1870, not 1920, and continue to i belonged to the class of early Argon­ his own demand that America must » damn the Repulbican party for what auts. not form an alliance with any nation it was, rather than support it for on earth, President Wilson departed The Fuller Products Saved In The wliat it is, Or shall wfe put patriot­ so far as to demand an alliance with Great Disaster. ism above party and vote against the thirty-one nations. And the coven­ W. P. Fuller & Co., under which candidate who stands for internat­ ant he asked the Senate to ratify ional socialism and would, if elected name the firm has been known since I binds America to president, try to make America sub­ the incorporation in 1894, had only "Preserve as against external ag­ ordinate to a World-Government sit­ been settled in their new home for a gression the territorial integrity . . . ting somewhere in Europe? This few months, when it was burned to of all members of the League.” question must be answered by me; it the ground in the great disaster of This imposes both a legal and a must be answered by millions of oth- 1906. Still the firm was lucky in a moral obligation on the United er Democrats. Help us answer this way, and in a much better position States to defend the territorial inde­ question wisely, patriotically, Select your tires ac­ and than many other house, for it retain­ pendence of every nation on earth you not only help us, you will cording to the roads also ed intact all its great stocks of raw they have to travel: that is now, or that may hereafter help the country. materials and finished products at its In sandy or hilly coun­ become, a member of the League. Lee Meriwether. factory site, several miles away from try, wherever the going Gov. Cox makes light assuming so the flames. Fortunately, its purchas­ is apt to be heavy—The tremendous an obligation because, t V. S. Nobby. ing agent had accumulated a vast a- Feminism Up To Date before the obligation can be carried mount of supplies and these saved For ordinary country out, Congress would have to declare roads—The U. S. Chain the day for San Francisco in the first war. This is as convincing as it The victory is not yet won. Fem­ or Usco. hours of reconstruction. W. P. Full­ would be to assert it matters not how inist leaders are yet after the tyrant For front wheels—The • er & Co. even supplied competitors many billion bonds are issued by the man. Prominent women leaders in U. S. Plain. w’ith raw materials, and it is to their Treasury Department, because no Washington are preparing to abolish For best results— credit that not a cent was added to everywhere— U. S. taxes can be levied to pay the bonds the "domination of husbands.” the previous market prices. Royal Cords. unless Congress enacts taxation laws. They are drafting a plank to pre­ The Fuller factory for the manu­ Whether Congress levies taxes or not, sent at the convention of women vot­ the obligation to pay the bonds will ers, called by the National Woman’s facture of' Pioneer White Lead, remain. And whether Congress de­ Party, which plank will demand a Paints, Colors, Varnishes and subsid­ clares war or not, if America agrees "economic freedom” for married wo­ iary products, is an immense institu­ to protect foreign kingdoms and em­ men, w’ith the right, as one of the tion. It is situated at South San pires from attack, then when one of reformers expresses it, "to be self Francisco on the Bay Shore Line and those nations is attacked there wil! supporting and maintain a separate covers over twenty acres of ground. be but one w’ay to keep the national home.” The idea seems to be niar- Immense Warehouses are stocked io faith—that will be to do our best riage a la Fannie Hurst, Mrs. Ben­ repletion with manufactured good? to thresh the aggressor. And this igna Green Kolb, one of the leaders and raw materials. we shall have to do even though our of this movement is quoted as ex­ The Fuller Company Docs Its Own sympathies be entirely with the nat­ pressing her warm approval of such Printing'. ion committing the attack. Article marriage. It may be all right. The The Fuller Company has its own X makes no exceptions in special old fogy world may have to'revise its eases; it is a hard and fast obligation ideas, and come to it. Possibly div­ printing shop fully equipped with to preserve all members of the orce can be made easier, as these priming presses, operated by and ex­ League from "external aggression.” good women insist, though in most perienced staff, who turn out most That President Wilson knows his American communities it certainly of the printing matter required by Covenant means this is plain from seems easy enough already. As for the firm, such as posters, cards, cir­ what he said to the Roumanian dele­ a woman having the right to be seif culars, colored labels by the million ?, gates in Paris at the eighth plenary supporting, one is inclined to won­ and all lithographic illustrated ad­ session of the peace conference. The der who’s been denying that right. vertising. Even those beautiful col­ official stenographic report quotes There are plenty of self supporting or cards, so widely distributed, with the different shades of glossy paints, him thus: wives; and be It to the husband's "You must not forget that It is credit or discredit, it must be said are made at this plant. force which is the I tinal guarantee of that nowadays he seldom objects. Extreme care is exercised in pur­ the public peace . . . If the world "Maintaining a separate home” is a chasing raw materials of the highest is again troubled . . . the guarantee different matter. That may be all quality. Every ingredient that enters given you means that the United right too. Society may come around into the manufacture of W. P. Full­ States will send to i this (the Europ­ to it in time. But so far as'the ma­ er & Company Products, is thorough­ can) side of the ocean their army jority of this benighted generation ly tested in their up-to-date chemical and their fleet.” can see, what’s the use of two peo­ laboratory insuring the Hiiperiortiy Thus, according to the President ple being married at all. if they’re of the Fuller brands of Paints. Oils himself, our army will be sent to going to live in separate homes? And and Varnishes. Europe, not if and when America’s If there were no other argument a- W. P. Fuller & Co. are the premier interests, duty or honor are involved, against it .there's the housing prob­ manufactures of White Lead of the but whenever "the world Is troubled lem. Why make two houses or flats Pacific Coast, and their Pioneer again.” We did well to fight Ger­ necessary when one will do? This brand is without a peer for whiteness many, a military colossus which had looks like pure "bunk” to the av- opacity and spreudng properties. It What is a Cat sunk our ships and murdered our cit­ erage individual. News.Review. ------- o ■ — is produced by the old Dutch process izens, a giant empire, which had it A neighbor seeing the seven-year- of slow corrosion, perfected by years mustered Europe, would liav,, sought of practical experience, scientific me­ old daughter of a geologist playing The squid is a poor fish which, thods and care, so that chemically with a bedraggled but cherished kit­ to master us. But will we do well to sent our army to Europe "evrey time when about to be devoured by an ad­ pure and impilpably tine White ten asked what her pet was called. the world i troubled" wholly l egal fl­ versary. throws off huge quantities Lead is the result. "Well.” replied the youngster less whether America’s interests are of Ink to darken the waters and hide - ’that depends. Father calls her a se Vatnishei. involved? If two European mon­ its retreat. Squid fox! gregation from an intrustlve magma When it come? to the manufacture of doubtful genesis; mother refers to archies quarrel over war loot, as They have a new name for Govern­ nt varnishes, tlie same coiuprcheiisnv iter as the basement complex; sifter Italy and J ugo-Slavia quarreled ovei Flume, as Poland and Russia are ev or Cox lr. tlie far West. A prominent thoroughness li shown. Take th, Helen insists that she is a typical en now quarreling over provinces and politician from the Pacific coast said latest achievement in this line, the example of secondary impoverls- in Chicago that since tlie failure if well-known Ful’erwetir Spar Vtirnis.i ment: but I Just call her my dear < boundary line in eastern Europe no doubt such sordid greed troubles tlie Democratic presidential nominee produced to solve an aeroplane pro little Kitty." the world, but Is it wise, is It right to prove his loudly proclaimed charge blent for the Gi vernment during .the that the blood of American boys shall that "sinister Influences" were trying war. but which is now being place.1 Mother's Hubbard's Dog < ’ be lied in such alien quarrels? Had to purchase the Presidency for Sena on the general market In response to tor Harding the popular nickname a nation-wide demand. Fiillerwenr the Senate signed "on the dotted Mary's teacher one day asked het line.” the L. of N. C. Council, sitting for Governor Cox in that section is lias given complete satisfaction to to draw a picul re of Old Mother Hub- (lie Government .and lias excited the bard's house, showing Old Mother some where in Europe, would be de­ "False Alarm Jimmy." i » liidmlratlon of the trade. manding at this very hour that Am­ Hubbard and her dog. Very quickly erica’s tn my should be sent to fight National Labor Digest: "One can’t I Miry drew the rough outlines cf When my one and only help feeling tlie deepest pity for 'he Hgih Commençai Ideals of rhe Fuller what was supposed to be a house, foi Poland Company's Managers. «on. aged leventen. went to France New Republic, The Nation. The Lib­ placing the erudde form of Old Moth- to do his "bit” in the world-war. erator and similar publications w hich Primarily this leading place of \\ ei Hubband beside the door. Then, t hough bls loss would have durken- predicted such wonderful things for p. Fuller A Co. in Its various lines with a self-satisfied air, she handed ed the world for me. 1 let him go a third party. It is almost impossible of manufacture, has been due to tin her flushed product to the teacher. gladly, For America’s honor and to read without shedding tears their high commerical ideals impressed up "That Is very good. Mary.” comment­ safety were at stake, But 1 should sickly apologies of the awful mens on the firm by Its pioneer founders, ed the teacher, as she looked at the not willingly give my son, I would which the united efforts of a half and transmitted during the last sev­ drawning. but where is the dog,” not glvr any American's son. to die dozen radical factions, assembled at enty years to those who now control "Oh. the dog is in the house,” for Poland, or for any country on Chicago, brought forth ns the mis­ its destinies. It can be said that promptly replied Mary. God's green earth except my own be­ named Farmer-Labor party. As for there is no business firm in Califor­ loved United States of America! >] the conventions of the several fact­ nia in which there is a more perfect Strongest Part. The President’s league commits ions, they were, as one prominent co-operation between employers and America to meddling In the affairs of delegate put it. ’better than a circus’. employees than exists In this greti' Shortly after the arrival of the the Old World In other dangerou. From the moment the gong sound’d paint house. Certainly no California professional play producer, a young ways. Only recently the President for the first sound of the first pre­ firm has so many veterans in Its set- amateur came tip and. much to hi- demanded that we undertake a liminary. dis-order reigned. But the vice. There are men In Hit Ftlllet annoyance, began telling hint what "Mandate” for Armenia. Mr Wilson real show began when the various Company whp have been with It for to do. optimistically thinks that 60.00” factions attempted to nmaliigmate. fifty years Twenty-five years Is : "1 must have a part to suit me." American soldiers and 700.000,001' 'Nut' was one of the mildest terms commun length of service. A ten- he said. "I am always <>n(. of the American dollars will see the Man­ any delegate used to express disap­ year ni.-n is considered us belonging principals in out productions, and date through; military expert» say It proval of another delegate. The term, to the freshman class. I'm usually a big success.” will require at least 200,000 soldiei ft not elegant, at least had the merit I Efficiency and service are rewat fl­ "You must allow me to be the best and several billion dollars. Men may of being fitting in most cases. If any ed almost immediately, and raises et judge of a suitable cast.” was the aympathise with Arementa, as th »y one ever had the Idea that a great pay tire made freely and*frequently, dry reply. should sympathise will all oppre unified 'class' movement would or w-hlle bonuses are paid quarterly ami A few days later, nt rehearsal, ed peoples. But America can beat could possibly develop in this conn annually. Always the best methodr cast chosen was read out. and nerve mankind, as well as Itself, by try as a result of a radical party, are adopted that science and pract­ budding Irving was omitted. continuing to offer the world a shin these gatherings of ^conventlonists ical experience can furnish, and al­ “Why am I not given a part?” he ning example of a greut, happy, ft« ’ must have removed all such fears. Of ways the most competent help Is em­ asked tn a great rage republic. If we fritter away our the numerous factions represented ployed. The result of their broad "You have not been overlooked,” strength policing nations at the end each one was in a ’class’ all by itself business policy has produced a har- the great man replied with dignity. of the earth we ahail’tMntTOy our and refused to blend with any oth?r monev and co-operation that L You are to be the first onion in the Miivett' without helping the world. 'class.' " ><> splendid. market scene.” PERPLEXED DEMOCRATS - o Logical Reazon Given Why Demo­ crat i are Deserting Patry Look at the _ S’ roads for twenty miles around on a Sunday They make no distinction between the small car owner and the owner of the biggest car in the country. HERE isn’t any “country" any more. The automo­ bile has brought the most remote settlement almost as close to the center of things as the next county was in the old days. T It’s all the same to them. So long as a man owns an automobile — large or small —he’s entitled to the very best tire they can give him. // To hear some tire dealers talk you might think that nobody knew anything about tires except the fellow from Broadway. Quality has always been the outstanding feature of U. S. Tires. There’s no limit on the U. S. guarantee. All U. S. Tires are guaranteed for the life of the tire. That’s not the basis we go on. We give every man credit for knowing what he is spending his mc\iey on, whether he drives up here in his small car from ten miles out in the country or is passing through from the capital in his limousine. IV We have given a lot of thought to this tire proposi­ tion. There is some advan- tage in being the represent­ atives of the oldest and largest rubber concern in the world. Drop in the next time you’re down this way and let us tell you some interest ing facts about tires. III That’s one thing we like about U. S. Tires. United States Tires Sunset Garage AA-* ? f VAUGHN’S, the Original : Will set it up and put it to work for you to your satisfaction or you don’t pay a cent. To be had |now at the Tillamook Clay works, E. G. KREBS, Prop. See that clutch and sawholder ? o :>• ■<>• Put your saw on or take it off in a jiffy. Phone or ca 1. <> •<>■ Did You Ever Stop to Think all of Your Life is a Long, Long Time ? 1 hat s how long you 11 be pleased and glad if von get down to business and let us install that » FAIRBANKS-MORSE 1 HOME LIGHT PLANT ... ------------------- ’> —' i i i <»u II find it the best investment you ever made. R. F. ZACHMANN. II I» .• ’«S. (C