1GHT. SEPTEMBER 3o. 1920, RECALL DAYS OF SPLENDOR MERELY OF VALUE AS GUIDE ’LIVES CHIEFLY IN MEMORIES Cmpty False«« of Mogul King. Servo Only to Bring to Mind Grandeur That la Gon*. Th. Pa.t, aa R.v.al.d by History, Worth Whil. Only aa It Pointa th. Futura. Slaepy Little Pennaytvania Community Haa But Ona Really Buay Sea­ son in th« Year. Should you ever feel Incline«! to verify tales of “The Thousand ami One Persian Daye.” which usually be­ gin with something like “Once upon a time there was u raja who sat upon a golden throne, and slept upon a j«earl carpet, ami built a golden-roofed pavilion for a beautiful queen,” you may journey comfortably to India, then on to Delhi and Agra, and see the empty palace« of the Mogul kings that are very little changed save that they now reverberate rflbumhilly to the footfall of western-shod feet, and their marble walls have been mellowed to the tint of old ivory by 250 .years of Indian gun. So writes Eleanor Maddock In Asia Magazine. You may wnlk among the colon­ nades of the great hall of audience inlaid with flowers of lapis lazuli, Jude, topaz and cornelian that seem to grow upon the walls and burst into bloom on the very spot where rested Shah Jahan’s “Pencock throne," a florlfied four-posted bedstead of solid gold, with a pearl-fringe canopy, upon which the emperor sat dally to dispense Justice bls turban ablaze with diamonds and hfs flowered tunic almost hidden by ropes of pearls. Behind him sap­ phires, rubles anil emeralds glowed from the outspread tails of two pea­ cocks. and over his head hung a par­ rot wrought from a single emerald, holding III Its beak the Koli-i-nor dla- mond. The division of all history Into an­ cient. medieval and modern, like the division of all Gaul, is a part of the stock of knowledge of every one who has enjoyed the advantages of educa­ tion. lite statement would seem to admit of no question. Perhaps It is as rea­ sonable a division of history as enn be had without the ex|>endlture of too much time ami thought. At least it has the advantage of simplicity. Is It, however, the whole truth? It Is true If you only mean by It that certain periods of history began and endeil at a certain date, but It Is not true If you mean that the state of mind that belonged to am-lent his­ tory ceased to exist at the fall of the Roman empire or that the character of medievalism stopped with the dis- coVery of America. The world is motlern In time ___ ____ and In outward appearances, but antiquity and the Middle ages are not yet done with us, nor will they be for long. They have left their indelible marks upon our thought, our social customs, and political institutions. W hat is really modern In the world Is like the tongue of a glacier penetrat­ ing. down the mountain slope. The mass from which It came Is far be­ hind, moving so slowly that It does not seem to move. Only this small peninsula projects out Into the un­ known. In us, all that has been is represented. It holds us back and yAt It points us forward, for history is valueless unless it is a guide for the future.—Milwaukee Journal. . Within the limits of the city of Philadelphia, yet separate from the municipality proper. Is the little vil­ lage of Bustleton. Unlike Its name. It is a sleepy community, people«! mostly by retired farmers. Bustleton 1« replete with historic lore. Old Bill Tilyer’s Union hotel 1« a relic of the days when British and colonial troops overran the country. One sleeping chamber in the ancient Inn contains a great four-poster bed In which, so the historians of the vil­ lage say, once slept “Mad Anthony” Wayne. Stories of midnight raids hy Brit­ ish cavalry patrols, duels fought h«»- tween the young bloods of the Quaker city In a grove In back of the inn, and ghosts of colonial soldiers stalking through the long halls of the structure, are told with great gusto by Bill Tllver. The Union hotel has been handed down from father to son In the Tilyer family for nearly two cen­ turies. But there Is one time In the year when Bustleton really bustles. That is In the month of September, when the mushroom season opens. At sun­ rise dozens of men nnd boys may be seen plodding through the dew-laden pasture fields, armed with buckets nnd baskets. For the fertile fields In and around Bustleton yield many bushels of mushrooms, which are sold at the various markets In Philadelphia. GEM THEATRE FEATURE ATTRACTIONS 4 FRIDAY AMD SATURDAY, October 1-2, The Hope Metro Screen Classics Production Presenting an All Star Cast “CALL A TAXI,” Comedy Adults 25c. Children 15c. ME..TRO ALU 5TAR.CAS T F. F. Conover Heard From TUESDAY, October 5, Marion Hotel, Chicago, Ill., Friday a. nt. 9-17, 10 o’clock, regular time, day light saving time 11 a. LIVES IN CONSTANT DREAD CAN TAKE PRIDE IN HOUSE Chicago m. But we got here on time just the same, if we did take «air own tint-, At No Period of His Life Is the Zulu Domicile Expresses Personality Thjt and as I have a little more time be­ Free From the Fear of Can Be Pleasing, or the Reverse, fore next train time, I am going to Witchcraft THE “EYE” WORM OF AFRICA as May Be. make use of that spate time, by writ­ ing a tew lines to take up your time The Zulu baby Is born Into the fem Dangerous Pest That Is Apt to Be In­ Rut! the best of a house is that It of witchcraft: In the fear of witch­ flicted on the Visitor to has an outside personality as well as when you read the Tillamook papers craft he grows up and when he sick­ the Congo. an inside one. Nobody, not even hltn- will tell you that son Kenneth and Adults 25c. Children 15c. ens and is about to die, Ills one thought self, could admire a man’s flat from myself, clambered aboard Sheriff is that a spell has been cast upon hint Every one who lives In central Af­ the street; nobody could look up and Campbell’s pleasure car, at my home for which the charm cannot be dis­ rica any length of time sooner or later say, "What very delightful people at 9:30 Sunday a.m„ and in company ■ covered. becomes affected with the filaria loa, must live behind those third-floor win­ of the Sher.ff and his wife headed ones have, yet a few more gray hairs, her lover, who is confidential secre­ Milk at several of the factories All his life long he dreads to meet a worm which Is about two inches in dows.” Here it is different. Any of direct for Portland with no schedul­ a few more wrinkles to show that tary to the president of the mining has increased, due to farmers feeding tn lonely places the “Inswelabova”— length and the size of a hair. Its larva you may find himself some day In our ed stops, but after driving only a time is passing. company. It is only after a series of heavier then formerly. The farmers an Inhuman man, lacking only hair or Is supposed to be taken into the body quiet street, and stop a moment’ to few miles, our plans were changed Last Monday eve the I. O. O. F. thrilling escapades that Carson fur to make him altogether a beast—a In drinking water, and, when Incu­ look at our house; at the blue door somewhat, when we made a short met here in regular session, many of brings the cuprlts to Justice and wins are selling lots of feed these days, sort of beast Ip human form who rides bated, it wanders through the body for with its jolly knocker, at the little stop as a flivver coming from the the members were boyhood friends, the love of the sister of Harland, one genuine new oats being sold at $61 backward on a baboon, ready to a long period. At one time it may trees in their blue tubs standing with­ opposite direction drove straight on but more were strangers to me. Oth- of the suspects, who is found to be the ton, oats and barley $63, straight barley, $64, corn, either ground, cra­ pounce upon and make medicine of make its presence known in the fore­ in a ring of blue posts linked by striking our rear fender, but on in- ers had grown up from small boys, innocent. cked or whole, $73 per ton. In order the unwary traveler. arm or the back of the hand by a pain­ chains, at the bright-colored curtains. vestigation, , finding no harm done, but they were all Bro. Odd Fellows, to get room,the first 100 patrons lan < our way, and after In mature manhood he suspects his less swelling. At another time the You may like It, but we shall be We went on and I greatly enjoyed my visit, and neighbor, his friend, his brother, and same Indications appear in a leg or watching you from one of the windows, I climbing several muddy hills on high by the way, when It came to the good Death of Nancy Wheeler Childers. have asack of wheat a piece at $4.25 per 100 lbs. This is more of the nat­ and telling each other that’ you do. or otherwise, we did stop and put on of the order your secretary was the I even his wife of having dealings with about the lips or forehead. Nancy Isabel Wheeler was born ure of a sample sack, so farmers can Missionaries tell me that I have sev- In any case, we have the pleasure ! chains to make sure of getting over only one who had anything to say, makers of charms and poisons. He March 14, 1858, in Peoria county, see whether chickens will still eat walks with an uneasy feeling that an eral of them In my body, although. of looking at ourselves, and feeling I the|last bad hill, and made Sheridan, and believe me I told them all about Kansas, and was married to John L. wheat. Wheat price have ben so high enemy may have put medicine In his save for the indications described, they that we are contributing something I where we stopped for lunch, reach- Odd Fellowship in Oregon and it I Childers in Newton cqnty, Missouri, for some years that chickens for 3 have caused me little or no inconveni­ to London, whether for better or for I ing Portland at 4 o’clock, in less path to harm him. left anything out .it was not Intent­ March 7, 1876. They moved to Till­ generations have nearly lost the From every possible source, from ence. The worm is supposed to end its worse. We are part of a street now, I | than six hours driving time. ional. amook, Ore., in the fall of 1887, wheat eating habit. The farmers After arranging tickets, we separ- earth and from sky, from river and career In the eye of the victim, and in and can take pride in that street. Last night the Rebekahs met, about where they resided until her death, feel that they want to run out a first from forest, from friend and from foe. Africa Is commonly called "eye worm” Before, we were only part of a big ated, Kenneth and myself going out 25 were in attendance, they had a September 25, 1920. class feed at the mill, something that he Is continually apprehensive of an because of this tendency. It then pro unmanag«*able building.—From “Not I to Hillsboro and returning to Port- fine session, the Noble Grand was n- She was the mother of six child­ will class up with Tillamook cheese. duces Inflammation, and, unless skill ­ That It Matters, ” by A. A. Milne. i land Monday. Leaving there for evil Influence coming upon him and live and put pep and promptness in ren, and is survived by three of them, Other cheese can be had cheaper than | Chicago that eve at 5; as soon as searching for a talisman to wear fully extracted, it sometimes ruptures her work. They nominated and elect­ and her husband. They are: Mrs. Tillamook, but the good article Is tl- the delicate membranes, frequently i we took possession of our seats we against It.—Dr. James B. McCord la Hawthorne. ed officers for the ensuing term, I Nellie Hughey, Tillamook, Mrs. Dot­ ways worth more money. causing great suffering and even blind­ found we were in good company, for Medical Missions. Dumas called himself a dramatic ’ occupying our section of the car was which is putting it over the West by tie Landmaker. Seattle, Wn., and ness. The natives take It out with a bam­ poet; Hawthorne claimed to be writ­ two Bro. Oddfellows, two Rebekahs t about three months; while sitting in James K. Childers, Marshfield, Or. Administrator's Notice of Hearing of Traditional Marriage Customs. boo splinter. But If the worm breaks er of fiction. Both were about equal­ ' and a boy and a girl; Kenneth prom­ the lodge room I saw the conductor She also leaves a sister, Mrs. H. H. Final Account, It was an ancient custom among the In the eye, the virus Is llnble to poison ly near the truth. Hawthorne Invent­ ised his mother he would keep his In the chair as a girl of 5 years, I Hayward, Tillamook, sixteen grand­ Scandinavians to drink methegelln, or the organ completely, frequently with ed so much fiction as should serve to j eye on me to see that I walked the when last I saw her. So you see I children and one great grandchild. Notice is hereby given, that the diluted honey, for 30 days after a wed­ the result of loss of sight. European illustrate his doctrines; and he In­ chalk line, but say Kenneth can beat that my two weeks here will cover I The funeral was held at 1 o’clock undersigned has filed in the County ding. In the Island of Rhodes honey surgeons, however, find little trouble in vented It for that purpose. It had a his dad making acquaintances, and many years of remembrance. to-day in the undertaking parlm-«, court of the State of Oregon, for Till­ Is still a factor In the marriage rites. removing it successfully.—R. L. Gar­ secondary rank In his thoughts and in side of ten minutes that girl Kenneth and I have just taken din­ and the intermept was made at the amook county, his final account as wus I In his affections, though it Is prob- After the ceremony the husband dips ner in the Century Magazine. ner at Bro. Floyds, will take supper Johnson cemetery. administrator of the estate of Al­ nltle that he was not aware of the an old friend of Kenneth’s, and I was to-night at Bro. James. Supposed to a finger In honey and traces a cross busy watching him. phonse J. Provoost, deceased,and that fact He was. Indeed, not a dramutlc over the doorway of his home before be visit ng now so here goes. We picked up several more Odd the said court has appointed §atur- Cheese and Feed Notes Mole’. Marvelous Appetite. poeL not a novelist, not a historian ; fils bride enters, while the guests ad­ F. F. Conover. Fellows, also several aid friends I had the day, the 30th day of October, 1920,' Incredible stories ure told of he wus a moralist, a philosophic moral ­ ’ ' »frtar..;----- o----- monish the bride to “Be always sweet rM at 10 o’clock, a. m., at the court mole's appetite, and In order to see ist, calling upon history. Action, and I not seen for years. We ! passed and good, ns Is this honey.” Carl Haberlach reports that Tillu-* through lots of desert land, I but from The wedding cake goes back to an­ If there was anything In them (writes poetry to Illuminate and enforce his Omaho to Chicago it was through 1 New Tom Mix Picture in Gold Rush mook carried off the first, three room of said court, in Tillamook city, Centre an English correspondent) I tried an Oregon, as the time ond place for the tenets. As an Ingenious moral phi ­ tiquity. One of the Important fea­ prizes at the State Fair on cheese hearing of the said account und the the heart of the corn belt, and talk tures of the marriage ceremony experiment. My mole—a matronly losopher and essayist, rendering his about corn, I never saw this week. Frank Wilson, Fairview, so much William Fox will present Tom closing of said estate, and any and among the Romans was the pnMak­ lady—weighed three and half ounces. teachings Impressive by the use of growing corn before, Almost a con- Mix, his noted daredevil star, at the 1st prize, score, 94; Ray Cooper, all persons having any objections to ing, by both contracting parties, of Each item of food that she was given fabrics more or less elaborate, he may tinuous field from Omaho, Neb., to Gem Theatre, Tuesday, Oct. 5. in his Three Rivers, 2nd prize, score, 93.80; said account- are required to present a take made of flour, salt and water. was cnrefull.v weighed, and here Is her well take rank with the most elegant Chicago. They claim to have one >t latest production. “The Terror". This Alex Walker, Upper Nestucca, 3rd thff'same to said court at said time record between 9 a. in. anti noon : and accomplished writers of his class. This was done In the presence of the One frog, three slugs, twenty-four —J. C. Heywood. the best crops on record. Looks as is described as a live wire tale of prize, score. 93.75. and place. high priest ami ten witnesses. The Tillamook County Creamery though we could have plenty of corn the land of gold, with typical scenes earthworms, a piece of raw mutton, Sidney Provoost, The use of the wedding ring Is al­ and a bit of cheese, a total of Just Association will hold its monthly mush this winter. of the California town of Sonora Administrator of the estate of Al­ most universal, but In the country dis­ over four ounces. Some delay follow­ Books. Directors meeting at the association phonse J. Provoost, deceased. We reached Chicago last night at forming the background. tricts around Cadiz no ring Is used. ed. as my stock of weighed food was Read not to contradict and confute; 9:30, and E. F. Lystcr and wife with Briefly, th0 story concerns the ef­ rooms Monday, Oct. 4th. Aft«»«- the ceremony the groom shifts exhausted. Probably by the time I not to believe and take for granted; Checks for August milk will be out ourselves took rooms at the Marion I forts of “No Limit” Carson, a Unit­ the flowers in bls wife’s hair from left Chiropractic had replenished It she thought It was not to find talk and discourse: but to Hotel. They have gone on to Michi­ ed States Deputy Marshal to run Saturday, Oct. 9th. Some of tin to right, for to wear n flower over the ------ o ■ ■ time for a fresh meal, for she went weigh and consider. Some books are gan, and we leave fot Esperance, N. « down leakages of gold from the Son- cheese was placed In storage and :if- fight ear is to proclaim one's self a Safe, sane and sure method of re- at It again with no visible damage to to be tested, others to be swallowed, Y. to-day ’ " 1 p. m., expecting to ora Gold and Copper Mining Co. Fol- terwards sold, returns therefor liot at wife. her appetite, and before three o’clock and some few to be chewed and di­ reach my boy-hood home Saturday, lowing an investigation Carson «ti­ being in yet. moving the cause of disease. Mr. Haberlach reports that chee«e she had got through another three gested : that Is, sotqc books are to he the 18th. We have hud ideal weath- spects Sheriff Canby and Con Norton, Dr. Howard. Chiropractor, 211 rend only In pnrts ; others to be read, Castle Rock in Kansas. ounces, mostly earthworms this time. Tillamook Bldg. er for traveling. It has not been hot owner of the Odeon dance hall, who is moving oft well, not as good a One of the most interesting works That was twice her own weight In hut not curiously; and some few to or cold excepting the night we cross- are using as their tools Fay La Cross, might be. Wisconsin cheese prices Free consultation and spinal ana­ of nature In Kansas from a geological food in six hours. After this display be read wholly with diligence and at- ed over the mountains this side of a dance hall girl, and Phil Harland, remain at about 26c. lysis. standpoint Is known as "Castle Rock,’’ I gave up the attempt to measure her tentfon. Some books also may be Potcatelli. They claimed It was zero, i deputy, and extracts made of read by a natural formation located In Gove maximum capacity. as we were in bed we did not know them by others; but they should be it. Have not seen any rain sln«:e county, In the valley of the Hack­ only less Important arguments, and leaving Oregon. Large crowds met berry, nbout ten miles from its mouth. Bohemians Fond of Geese. the meaner sort of books; also dis­ This castellated mass Is composed of A traveler In Bohemia quickly learns tilled books are like common distilled our train at every station from Port­ a coping of limestone and the shaft land to The Dalles. We wondered that there are certain things which waters, flashy things.—Lord Bacon. of chalk and compact shale. Its why we drew such crowds, noticing are essentially Bohemian, writes Ken­ unique formation was caused by the from their looks they were all Dem­ neth Roberts In the Saturday Eve­ shale* wearing away, the strongly ce­ ocrats, then we saw approaching an­ Early Christian Communist«. ning Post. True Bohemians eat mented stone serving as a protection For over 200 years all Christians other train, Cox Special, which had enormous quantities of «-araway seeds to the lipper surface. In this way were communists, who held the land been following us all the way, as we mountainous appearing masse, are and goose. When a Bohemian cook and waters as well as all timber and expect to see him following Harding prepares anything she Instinctively I frequently produced, especially where .caches for the caraway seed box and precious metals In common. There in November, In the rear, but this is streams cut their way through the heaves a bandful of seeds Into the were no superior ecclesiastics among Odd Fellow stuff, no politics goes, so hard stone into the softer materials dish. She uses caraway seeds with them. The lot was cast In deciding all I do not read the Cox special, below. Similar formations are met I am looking forward for the Till­ hors d’oeuvres, wrap, fish, meat, vege­ questions and the assembled «'ontmune with In Ellis county which rttow Isolat­ judged all disputes; and when any de­ amook papers expecting to see lots tables. desserts and cakes. ed columns which rise from 20 to 70 As for goose. It Is the common food cision waa not well pleasing, the whole of Odd Fellows news, saying no sick I feet In height.—Blsckmar’s History of In Bohemia. because everyone raises community passed review on ft and Bros., large class of Initiation, big Kansas. I attendance, big feed, etc. This is reversed or confirmed It according to geese, and, according to Mr. Roberts, goose In some form or another is the will of all. This bold democracy part one. To be continued. Putting Reptiles to Steep. F. F. Conover. At Rest eaten at every meal every day In the was an Inheritance from the Jews and Monotonous sensory stimulation, one year. was held In abhorrence by pngans who ------ 0------ Southern denier In alligators has trafficked In land and made profit« from Esperance, N. Y., Sep. 23: At my found, will quickly render the smaller His- old boyhood home, renewing old ac­ lnbor. — Rollins ’ Ancient other« ’ Something Werth Seeing, reptiles unconscious. To demonstrate tory. quaintances. «orne I had not seen For tourist« who drive through the his uncanny control of his reptilian since 1898, so It is not to be wonder­ Catskill mountains of New York state, stock In trade, he places one of the ed at when passing down the old vil­ Mean.at Y«L smaller alligators upon Its back. Kneel­ Ashokan reservoir Is well worth ■u Sales Manager—Well, lobbie, how lage streets, meeting someone whom ing besides It. he holds the wriggling visit The shore line of the reservoir I did not reconize, to heur them say body with one hnnd, while he gently Is 40 miles and the depth varies from did that last prospect turn out? I The width of the Vacuum Cleaner Canvasser—The after giving me “the once over.” is­ strokes the underside of the Jaw. 50 to 200 feet. Back and forth goes the hand until reservoir runs about three miles aver­ original Mrs. Gaspard, the well-known n’t this Frank Conover, then it is my the squirming cesses and the limits re­ age. The capacity Is 130,000.000.000 mi«cr's wor t half! That «tame let me tlme to say yes, your face 1» faniiliat lax. Some say that the dealer tem­ gallon^ from which, says the Automo­ demonstrate the machine till I made but I can’t name you. but as soon ns porarily suppresses the functions of bile Blue Book. Manhattan may draw her best rut look like new and then I hear their name, the past 22 years the crocodilian cerebrum others, skep­ dally 300.000,000.090 gallons, carried all I got was a demand for a quarter comes back in a fleeting moment and tical. maintain that he simply lulls the hy aqueduct 175 miles and siphoned of a dollar to pay for the electricity again I see our old friends of the alligators to sleep.—Popular Mechan­ nnder the Hudson river near Cold she estimated I’d used.—Buffalo Ex teen âgé, it recalls incidents of those Springs to the city proper. happy days cate free and long for­ press. ic* Magazine. gotten, then again the present day I trials and pleasure come back. I sec C. DUETER but we feel the autumn breeze. « No Ute. Governor. myself rapidly approaching rnid.1l- Better guard our scattered feathe-s, life, but, which I do not notice DENTIST. Governor Cox. I’m stye you'll never or this winter we may freeze. forcibly the par ing of youth, and fill th« presidential chair; TILLAMOOK BUILDING even my own family doe« not seen- DR. J. G. TURNER For you’re loaded far to heavy to (Over Haltom’s*. strange, but after seeing some frien«! Eye Specialist V climb up the golden stair; of 20 yeais ago, mere children, whom When we want a king to rule us. Permanatly Located in Tillamook T illamook- Oregon. now are fathers and mothers oi ride in state across the sea Private Office in Jenkin’s Jewelry grown children, It Is hard to realize; Fill the place of house and senate— Store. QR. O. L. HOHLLFED, then th« memory of some «if thos< then may come your victory. JÀ 1197 STORES |j Latest Up-to-date Instruments and boyhood friend« who have passed We remember him who kept us “Out VETERINARIAN. Equipment from this world seems more Ilk* a of war” and out of peace; tell Phone—SPI Mutual Phoae dream The older pconl“ rf sour»'. A Evenings -tnd Sundays by Planned a league of many nations' »<> OU. '><»-<, >(>• l«2T>tl- « <1 <>• I have no! charge.! ns the young«; -.¿5 <> Appointment« we to be their flock of geasa: '»reyntl Tillamook Yes I know we’re splendid ptekina. Tom Mix in The Terror JUST A FEW J. C. PENNEY CO PRICES New OUTING, just received, splendid assortment, per yard 25c. 36in. PERCALES in light and dark, per yd. 27c. Red Seal GINGHAMS, per yard - 29c. 19c. CALICO, per yard 28c. Hope MUSLIN, per yard HOUSE LINING, very good quality 14c. A new lot of RUBBER BOOTS just came in, and we are again able to take care of your wants at the same attractive prices. Boots for Children! Boots for Boys I Boots for Ladles I Boots for Men I Short or high tops. We have them all. £ rb(fition~'Wicle Instifiction I /