TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. SEF‘rEMJŒR 3o. SCRAWLED BY GREAT POET? RESEMBLES THE HUMAN HAND HARDING’S CREED To safeguard To stabilize To prosper To think of To exalt To live for and revere í , » i ■ < L ■fl Uncle Sam: “Shake, Warren,—My idea exactly!” party they belong to. Mr. Goy i- was not very anxious to run agal t but by the unanimous endorsenien Fred C. Baker, Editor. of the Tillamook Bar Association he . made the race and won out in the per year $2.00 primary election. He is now the re- SUBSCRIPTION • gular republican nominee for district attorney and republicans should play i fair and vote for him. That’s why I the snap shot man is in favor of Mr. Keep away from Nebraska when , Goyne. The reason that the repub- hailstones are falling. It is reported i lican party of Oregon failed to elect that one man had his skull fractured U. S. Senators and governors is be- I cause republicans will not play fair by a hailstone. land resort to "knifing” their own I candidates. Mr. Bat rick is a new If you vote for Senator Harding, man. having recently come here to vote also for R. N. Stanfield for U. S. pratice law and from what we can Senator, for that’s the proper politi­ I gather several persons who are dis­ cal stunt for republicans to pull off. satisfied with Mr. Goyne, succeeded in J inducing him to make the run. or, to The County Fair board were good ¡ be more correct, become th< mt” guessers. Three months ago th-y VVc are not going to say one word o selected the only few days fine not help feeling that h erre, n weather in September to hold I tho injure him in a business way. fo county Fair. only wish him success, bu not help feeing that h< > run If you are in favor of Senator Hard­ judgment when he consente ing and intend to vote for him, do ' for district attorney, against a per- the right thing in supporting him. I son, who had the endorsement of 'ie f Vote for Stanfield, the republician ■ ba. association and is 4he choi th. republican party in thi - coui.iy. nominee for U. S. Senator. Considering that Mr. Barrick claim We don't see that the republican to be a republican and ready to r.o party should trouble about sending on the stump for Mr. Harding, the out speakers, for Governor Cox’s snap shot man thinks he should sup- speeches are doing the democratic [ port every nominee on the republican party a whole lot of hajm and the re­ ticket and help to elect them, for publican party a lot of good. Go to Senator Harding won the nominat­ ion for president in the same honor­ it, Governor. able way that Mr. Goyne won the nomination for district attorney. Just imagine how this talk about 1 Probably Mr. Barrick thought that campaign contributions and corrup­ I liy making the race it would help Jo tions funds must strike horror to the I bring his name before the public, souls of such lily-white politicians as and that It would be a good advertis- Boss Murphy and Tom Taggart, who I | tisng stunt, and if thia is the casa nominated the Democratic national we quite agree with him for it pays candidate at French Lick svereal to advertise, especially when it don’t days before they told the Democrats cost much to obtain publicity. Any­ at San Francisco what is was going way, we have a very poor opinion r.f to be! persons posing as "independent” -------o------- candidates after affiliating with one S. W. Paxson, who has leased the of the two political parties. It may Cloverdale Enterprise, was in tho be good form for a democrat, but, in city on Friday, and by the looks of our judgment, a mighty poor policy that newspaper he is a wonderful for a young man just entering upon improvement over his predecessor. a business and political career to pull We do not want to discourage Mr. off that kind of a stunt. Republic­ Paxson, but for the last 25 years ans expect that a republican news­ those who have endeavored to run a paper be consistent, and that Is the newspaper in that part of the county I reason why the Headlight has con- have been ready to quit after a short i slstently supported the republican period. party and republican candidates. We want to say that it has been a bet­ This I m taken from the Christian ter friend of the republican party Work: In the 1916 campaign, when than a number of republicans have I Cox and Willi« again ran agaist each been to the Headlight and in sup- other, in every saloon in Dayton, ac­ porting it. So why not applv the cording to the street car conductor same rule to the republicans ¿a Is who was my informant, were posted applied to a republican newspaper? i | pictures of the two men. with "I am The snap shot man is quite aware for prohibition.” under that of the that several candidates on the repub­ Republican nominee and "I am for lican ticket and other influential re-» the licensed saloon." under that of publicatiH have supported newspap­ the Deonircatic. In that campaign ers that "kept us out of war," and we according to the Ohio Anti-Saloon have a just cause to complain. A League, Mr. Cox was elected because few snap «hots along that line will of a twelfth hour appeal to Ohio sal­ | be perfectly in order. So Mr. Barrick oon keepers in his behalf by the Ohio j is not the only republican who is not playing the political game fair and Liquor League. square, as we will show later. aillamnnk ÎScaNütfiî > Editorial Snap Shots l This is the advice the Fire Mar­ shal's Bulletin gives to editors: "You have the greatest opportun­ ity for doing valuable work in your community in helping to save life and property from destruction by fire. The public must be educated to these things and the press 1« in a position to do a great share. Pub­ lish some facts concerning the tire loss, and how it can be prevented, endeavor to Impress upon your read­ ers thut fire prevention Is for their own benefit as well as for the bene­ fit of our country, and is an obliga­ tion upon them a« citizens.” • We heartily coincide with the Bulletin. After the appalling catas­ trophe at Kalamath Falls it should open the eyes of people to like con­ ditions prevailing in most of our large cities where there nre fire trap hotels, and fire trap buildings, here there and everywhere. The safes way is to order them condemned mil pulled down. Why not nrike a survey of Tillamook city and ascer- tain the names of those who occupy fire trap buildings, It would sur- prise most people to know the large number of tire trap buildings there nre in thi« city and what a menace thoy are to the whole business cent- er of the city. ------- 0------- Attorney C. W. Bnrrlck ha« filed a petition with the secretary of state as an "independent" candidate for district attorney, and quite a few of our citizens have asked the snap shot man what he thought about it. Why they should appeal to the map shot r”n we do not know, for we be- llov. k ¡.. •• 2 person being loyal to tho "There Is not a man within •he sound of my voice.” Governor Cox said in a recent speech, "but who has more money in his pockets or in the bank today than he had eight years ago.” Well, the man who hasn’t more coin in his kick today than he had there eight years ago couldn't live out the day -at the present cost of food and raiment. Mrs. Otis H. Cureton. Vice-chair- man of the Oklnhonia state com- tfilttee, says "Oklahoma is thorough- ly disgusted with Democratic admin­ istration. Thia will be the first elec­ tion at which Its women may vote, and they are going to vote the Re­ publication ticket. For the first lime In Oklahoma a woman la running for Congress. She is Miss R. Robinson, from the Second district. Five men are running agatnst her. but she has a fine chance for success." To sum up the congressional ach- ! ievements of Mr. Cox: during his less than four years in the lower house h_. Intioduced 931 bills, of which n i less than 916 contemplated the granting of pensions to some one or other, six nr sqven were for public I buildings, several were relatively iu- eonsequential. and one solitary bill, to make trade agreements with for­ eign nations, betrayed the falntos’ Iirace of a constructive mind It Is almost to be feared that with Cox r.s president the Republicans of the country would have to straeh gravel I pay the pension alloted Io all de­ i serving Democrats. i 92 q . Happenings of Twenty Yeais Ago. Tillamook Headlight’s Trade Mart. Dr. Wise will be at hii Bay City of. fice on Wednesday« F-26 We have on our files copies of 8ignaturs of William Shaksspearo, Be­ Skin of Bat’s Wing Stretches From some of the first issues of the Head­ Dr. Ramoey Osteopath lieved Genuine, Found on Wall tho Finger Tips to Endo of light, and we have taken some of Room 110-1. O. O. F. Bldg., 'Hila, in Hampton Court. Toes and Nails. One cent a word per Issue. the local items from the issue of mook. Mutual phone, Bell phone Sept. 27th. 1900, which was publish­ 146-M. Wanted : girl for general housework. The discovery ot the signature of The wing of a bat is a most wonder­ ed after the present editor had been Must be experienced. $15 per week. William Shakespeare, scrawled years ful instance of adaptation to • apodal here for two years. Each week we Apply Mrs. Thcfi. B. Watt, Brigh­ ago on the wall of the "haunted gal­ enR. for It Is nothing but a greatly will publish a few happenings taken ton. Or. lery" of Hampton court, has Just been modified forelimb or hand. from these old issues. made in London. Shakespeare authori­ If you spread ont your hand and im­ For sale : Apple dynamo, in good con­ ties pronounce it authentic. agine the four fingers grown enormous­ L. G. Gilmore, president of the In- dition. Coil for 4 cylinder engin;. i The disclosure was made when ly long, wjiile the thumb remains short Oliver typewriter, and some good Ernest I.nw. the cour* »ntlquarian, was nad stXmpy and that the akin between rependence and Mouniouth Wai er chickens. J. I. M„ Box 179, Clov­ directing the renov -•.<. On the wall the fingers has also been stretched un­ and Electric Light system, was tn erdale. of the old retiring r ie found, af­ til It extends frail tip to tip of the the city tnis week for the purpose of ter clennlng It. the ■ ■ r S." followed fingers and on along the side of the seeing what the prospects were for For sale: 8 registered Holstein cows, by Illegible letters c.>n lading “ke- body to Join the hind foot, you will a like system in this city. He lias very tine breeding. Price $300 a speare.” and Ixmentl' ■!• -lugli sketch have a good idea of the structure of a been conferring with C. Thayer, of head. Write or call M-9376. Wal­ the electric ligut company, and W. of a hand ami the <1 .re 1tS>6. bat’s wing: it is simply a much exag­ ter Schallbetger, Hillsdale, Or. O.-7 H. Cooper, of the water company. It Is a matter of history that the gerated hand. Horse for sale, will trade for cow or Shnkespeiire comp, ny visited the pal­ The elongated bones serve, like the calf. C. L. Lewis, at Auto Paint The new steamer Sue H. Elmore ace at the date set down and played ribs of an umbrella, to keep the skin shop. t “Hamlet" before the then King Chris­ stretched «.id taut when the owner same into the bay Tuesday, reaching the city the next day, with freight tian of Denmiirk. The company dress­ Is in flight. which the merchants have been Singer Agency—H. F. Cook, Prop. . ed In the "haunted gallery." near the When the bat alights it doubles up great hall where the piny was enacted. Its “hands." the skin falls in wrinkly waiting several weeks for. She is a For Sale by John Leland Henderson, The gallery, according tn ancient folds and using its thumb joints as staunch looking and well built craft, 206-3d St., Tillamook, the Makin- tradition. Is haunted by the ghost of forefeet it is aide to mil about ulmost the finest ever seen in this city. We ster, 160 acre ranch, near Oretown. hope that from now on the Pacific Catherine Howard, one of Henry V Ill’s as quickly as a mouse. Price $2500.00. Terms easy. six wives, who was Imprisoned there, The skin of tlie wings not only joins Navigation Co. will give Tillamook from city, better transportation service, When in need of something electric History tells that she escaped the hind limbs but extends from them just call on the Sunset Electric. confinement while the king was pray- to the tall, thus making the rudder thus putting an end to the continual Ing In his private chapel, und that her with which the bat can steer when fly- kicking about "held-up” freght, and flight was discovered by the court •ng, and, when the tail is brought up "held-up” butter, which the com­ Blackberries wanted—at Small’s can­ nery. Consult your wife about the wiie- guards, who drugged her screaming to beneath the body, forms a bag or re- pany must admit itself was righteous the king. Interrupting his devotions. ceptable which is of use to Its owner. indignation on the part of the Till- Let the Sunset Electric wire your ing in your home. Women spend a lot It was long said that Catherine night- amookers. The steamer will leave of their time in the home and they home and save you money. walked the gallery, shrieking.—Toron­ here Saturday. know what is necessary. CREDITS TREES WITH SENSE to Globe. Lost: Star pin. Finder please leave at this ofltce. Reward. The band was re-oiganized on Wed- —And remember these three things Scientist Declares They Possess at nesday evening with twelve mem- Have the lights effectively and RELY ABSOLUTELY ON NILE Least Three Which Also Belong bers the following officers being Bring your Blackberries to Small s cannery. artistically placed. to Human Race. elected: President. Fred Sappington; Without the River’s Annual Inundation vice-president, Percy Wiley; leader, Have plenty of convenient outlets Egypt Would Be Literally a For Sale: 4 room house in Sunny- Tlie curator of the British Guiana M. V. Morgan; secretary, Waiter meade. Inquire at this office. Barren Waste. installed—they will be needed for museum. James Rodway, who is an Baker; treasurer, M. Dollerhide. eminent botanist, declares that plants Dr. Wise will be at his Cloverdale of your “electric servants.” Ustially on June 15 the inundation possess at least three of our five Agent B.C. Lamb, of the Pacific fice Wednesday and Thursday. of the Nile commence«, the greatest senses—feeling, taste and smell—nnil Have the work done by a respon­ height being nt the autumnal equinox, that certain tropical trees smell water Navigation Co., had the notice posted sible contractor—it will be cheaper For Sale : 4 rugs at Economy Clean on his board for several days," Sue after which the waters subside until from a distance, and will move era. in the end. H. Elmore will be in tomorrow. Com­ the following April. The great nil- straight toward it. ing over North Yamhill road.” Look vantages which Egypt derives from the But trees not In tlie tropics can do out, B. C., for Sam Elmore is mighty Dr. Wise will be at his Wheeler office We will help you with suggestions nnnttnl rise of the river nnd saving of Friday and Saturday of this week as well. A resident of an old Scotch tough on that point.. (The Pacific the country from barrenness, hns and guarantee to execute the work to an also on Sept. 10th and 11th. 9-9 mansion found the waste pipe from Navigation Co. must have been a caused the Nile to be known by the your entire satisfaction. the house repeatedly choked. Lift­ little like the Southern Pacific in re­ Inhabitants as the most holy river, Go to the Sunset Eelectric for Nation­ al Mazda lamps. They give better they believing that it draws its source ing the slabs In the basement pav­ gards to the swiftness of the delivery ing. he discovered that the pipe was inthis part of the country.) light. from Paradise. completely encircled by poplar roots. In former days It had Its appointed They belonged to a tree that grew P. W. Todd and family returned For Sale: Vaughn dragsaw, with priests, festivals and sacrifices, nnd if some thirty yards away on the oppo­ Saturday from McMinnville and a clutch, almost new. Also new ones. its rising were delayed by a single dn.v site side of tlie house. E G. Krebs. business t ip, stopping at various they took the most beautiful maiden Thus lhe roots had moved stemlily points on the outside. they could find and dressing her rich­ Small dairy ranch for sale with six ly. drowned her In the waters as a vic­ toward tlie house, and had penetrated cows, in Trask river bottom, three tim to turn away the god s anger and below rhe foundation and across the me.i iiom the East, espec- miles south of Tillamook F. L. merit his favors. The caliphs abolished basement until they readied their 11 Olli W iacunsin and Minnesota, Buell T. F. 150 feet away. goal, the waste pipe, tills cruel sacrifice. Substituting one been coming in ot Portland Then the- I.nd pierced a cement Joln- less barbarous, they threw into the riv serably o, late. Most o£ them For sale: 12 good Jeisey cows and S ng and iittd worked their way In er a letter tn which it was commanded tuye.s, oi ' Timber curjsers” as year oid heuer. Bred to freshen ill i hat the waters rise If it were the will 'ong, tapering lengths inside the pipe a-e called. They are ou: here spring. Price is right. It: srnu.. sen for a considerable distance beyond of God. e intere.-ij ot Eastern captial- Bros., Dayton, Or. . . 10-7 211 TILLAMOOK BUILDING It has been stnted that ti e quality of tlie house. There seems something al­ v.ho de. ire to invest .imiey in Free Consultation and most human in such unerring instinct the Nile water Is such that It Is highly Oregon and Lost: Auto tire 32 x 3y2< between Spinal Analysis. Tillamook and Netaiis. Plea te extolled for drinking purposes and no and perseverance In surmounting o to- leave same with City marshal. matter how long kept It does not be- stacles.—New York Post Suitable reward. come Impure. DR. J. E. SHEARER J. C. Mayo, general frieglit and Sheep-Raising Industry. passenger agent of the Astoria and For Sale: P/2 ton Reo truck. In I DR A. C. CRANE. Sheep raising Is perhaps the oldest Columbia River Railroad, is in the First Steamboat In West. good condition with new tires. Price of all Industries, for it was practiced Drs. Shearer & Crank The first steamboat on the western city. One thing that no doubt $300. Inquire of Fred Gould, Till­ waters was the Orleans, built in 1811 even before agriculture. Wool is a strikes Mr. Mayo very forcibly ls amook, Or. Medical & Surgery. S-30 at Pittsburgh by Robert Fulton, un­ product of cultivation or domestica­ that in Tillamoook the transportai- National Building. tion. for there are no wild animals der tlie firm name of Fulton & Living­ ion companies here don’t hâve to car- For Sale: 6 head of cattle, 150 chick­ ens and % acres of potatoes in the ston, ills partner being Chancellor R. which closely resemble the wool hear­ ry passengers one hundred miles for Tillamook - • - Oregon. ground, at Classic Lake farm. Livingston of New York. It ar­ ing sheep. Floyd W. Parsons, In tlie two bits. (At that time the railroad rived at Louisville, Ky„ in October, Saturday Evening Post, says thnt with had just been built, and, through V. Junkin, Manzanita, Or. destined for New Orleans, but the riv­ the discovery that cloth could he made competition by boat, the railroad er being too low for Its pnssage over from wool came an effort to Improve company was forced to carry passeu My middle name is George. Let me bring you "Vaughn” Best drag saw the falls, ft plied between Louisville the fleece by selection and breeding. gers front Astoria to Portland for on the market today. Call E. G nnd Cincinnati until early in Decem­ The early Romans were most success­ twenty-five cents. My ,what a diff- Krebs. ber, when ft descended the river and ful tn this pursuit, and their endeav- erence now, we can’t even ride to entering the Mississippi encountered ora along this line resulted in develop- Bay City for two bits now, and the Those who lost clothing at the re­ nt New Mndrld. Mo., the earthqunke lag n fleece of great fineness. After boats aren’t running, either. cent fire of the Pacific Cleaning - A phonograph you can play yourself, ropes may prove cqunl to all the stress going; sleeps and eats all the time, portunity for uniting with the lhe Aeolian Vocalion has all the placed upon them. The guides nre does little work. Makes usually a church will be given. best features of the others and good mathematician. Pointed profile commended to the mercy of God that some unknown to them. The new Evening worship, 730 p. m. in their dully ascents they tnny be kept (such ns the Chamberlain family)— Subject: “The Lord’s Host.” and greater phonograph. Shown safe and that they may succor the Uneompromistng. Inclined to prix-ni«- for the first time in Tillamook The Ladies Guild will met at the travelers who trust In them.—F. H. tinatlon. home of Mrs. Alex McNair next Tues­ county at the Tillamook Music Cheley in “Stories for Talks to Boys.” day afternoon .at 2:30. Store, opposite Post Office. In Old New York. Everybody always welcome. Chelsea, in the neighborhood of Egypt Raised Cotton In 200 B. C. A. A. McRea. minister Money to loan—Enquire of John Cotton has been grown in Egypt Twenty-third street and North river. Leland Henderson, 206-3rd St., Great Machine. since 2ik> B. C., but It was not until New York city, was the home of Cle­ Tillamook, Oregon. Card of Thanks. ment C. Moore, who wrote the child ­ n hundred years ago that Jumel. n ------ o— "I watched a wonderful machine French engineer, suggested the Intro­ hood classic, “'Twas the Night Before We desire to thank our friends and Wanted: Men or women to take old­ at our shop this morning." Christmas. ” One of the admirable duction of the commercial varieties. er« among friend« and neighbor« neighbors for their kindness and “And how does it work?” we asked. In 1822 the famous American sen is- old houses of Chelsea Is that where sympathy shown us In our recent for the genuine guaranteed hos­ “Well,” was the reply, "by meant land cotton waa the first «own. Five dwelt Fdwln Forrest, the actor. It is bereavement. iery, full line for men, women and years later a Brazilian variety was at 436 West Twenty-second street, a children. Eliminates darning. of a pedal attachment, a fulcrumed Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Cirest square fronted Introduced, The two strains were niln- I substiinrtal-looklng Saves money. Everybody buys. lever converts a vertical reciporatlng and daughter. gled and from them came the famous house, with a door of a great single A bonanza for agents. Experience I motion Into a circular movement. •’Ashmounl” plnnt and the still finer panel. On the spot where tlie New unnecessary. Write International The principal part of the machine !« Notice to Tax Payers. a huge disk that revolves in a vert­ "Mutaffi." which 1« one of the most York city hall stands. George Wash­ Stocking Mills. Norristown, Pa. I ington paraded Ills little army on a productive cottons In the world. Sep. .30 ical plane. Power is applied through This is to advise that the last half July day In 1776. mid with grave the axis of the disk, and work Is done solemnity a document was read to I of taxes must be paid on, or before For Sale: All of section.21. Township on the periphery, and the hardest Whisky Called “Water of Life." them that had Just been receive«) from October 5. 1920. After that date, in­ Seventeen, Range Eight, Grays substance, by mere Impact, may be Tlie art of distilling liquors is first Philadelphia, and which was forever terest at the rate of one per cent will Harbor county. Washington. About reduced to any shape." mentioned by Albnkassen. an Arabian to be known as the Declaration of In be charged on all amounts remaining half way between Aberdeen and "What is this wonderful machine?” physician who lived In the tenth cen­ dependence. unpaid. After November 5th, penalty Montesano. On the Tines of the “A grindstone,” was the reply. tury. Whisky, “a potable spirit dis­ of 5 per cent will be added and in­ Oregon-Washington and Milwaukee tilled from cereal grains," probably terest will accrue at the rate of 12 railroads. Station Just off land. Largest Bibls. originate«! In Ireland, and its Celtic “Footlights and Shadows” Graveled county road crosses one The largest Bible In the world Is per cent per annum. name was alagebetha (water of life) W. L. Campbell, Sheriff. corner. School house Just off land. more than five feet two inches high nfterwnrd contracted to usquebaugh Approximately 600 acres, net. and then to whisky. It was known as nnd throe feet six Inches wide. When Gloria Dawn little realized, when Price $12,000.00. Write to Aubury she became the good Samaritan to a isqnebaugh In the seventeenth ami opened flat It measures seven feet ten Having your house wired by T. Fisher. Trustee, Aberdeen, stranger, ill of a fever from wander­ eighteenth centuries both in Ireland Inches across, ft Is intended for use In folks who know their business is Washington. 9-30 ing in the tropics and bereft for the a special religious movement. and Scotland. not a thing to be dreaded. It can time being of his reason, that her be done with far less muss and I have for sale: seven head of callte. heart’s romance was unfolding. But Announcement fuss than you put up with in One cow. giving milk, six year old, Reformed Church. having the house papered or two heifers, giving milk, two years it was. ------- o- - ■ -------O— Gloria Dawn, it might be explain­ painted. old. one long yearling and three Miss White has opened her studio Rev. W. O. Lienkaemper. pastor. ed is the role essayed by beautiful spring calves, all heifers. The three at M. R. Hannkratt's residence, and We can wire vour house in two Sunday School. 10 a. nt. Olive Thomas in her new Selznick older ones will be fresh in spring. is organizing classes this week. Those or three days and leave not a scar Picture, “Footlights and Shadows”, Morning worship. 11 o'clock. L. V. Junkin. Manzanita, Or. wishing lessons can find Miss White on your wood-work or plaster. which will be shown at the Gent The pastor will preach the fourth at the studio. There’s no dirt, nor any incon­ Miscellaneous Advertisements Theatre. Sunday, Oct. 3. of a course of sermons on "he Com- It is a play of tense dramatic venience to you and tne cost is mandnienta Up-to-date.” Subject: theme, of exciting episodes and cf Notice Dr. Wise—Dentist. We will come and tell you ex­ "The Third Commandment” actly what It will cost if you wish. Dr.’s Allea and Sharp. Dentists. beautiful romance. In It Mi«« Tho­ Ail members of Fairview Grange mas has the best opporunlty of her Heidelberg League meeting National RitHdl«g vho have received sot lee of Fire '•>- career to display her girli«h sweet­ SUMSET ELECTMIC COMPANY evening service» at 7:46. Dr. J. B Grider, dratñt, I. 0. 0. F ness. her, histrionic art and her won­ I turante c««e>-4iet»wt ploaae mall check I Come and worship with us. to Frank B. Beater. Bldg. Tillamook. Oregna. Tillamook * * -Oregan. derful personality. Two Heads Are Better Than One Coast Power Co The Electric Store. Dr. Howard, CHIROPRACTOR, T. R. Wins X. K