TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. SEPTEMBER 30, 1920 Administrator’! Notice to Crediton w I ) Financial Service Company offers its clients in Tillamook and vicinity an exceptional opportunity which consists of stock in an established financial cor­ poration which has duly investigated and approved. W. F. BAKER, Local Representative. Pennsylvania AUTO TUBE "TON TESTED Cut down your tire and tube expenditures by anticipating your Spring and Summer requirements and getting— Absolutely FREE °ne "Ton Tested” Tube, of corresponding size, with every Vacuum Cup Tire bought at our store. Act quickly. This offer is LIMITED. Once it expires, it will not be renewed. Early ordering will avoid disappointment. for cash to the highest bidder, the following described real property sit- 1 uated in Tillamook County. Oregon, belonging to the raid estate, to-wlt; The West half of the Southwest quarter of section Twenty-seven, tne Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of section twenty-eight, and beginning at the Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter of the South­ east quarter of Section twenty-eight, and running thence South on section line forty rods; thence West twenty- four rods; thence North forty rods to the north line of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section Tw-enty-eight; and thence East to the place of beginn­ ing, containing six acres; also the north half of the northwest quarter of section thirty-four, all in town­ ship two South of range nine West, and containing 206 acres, Notice to Contractors. Said sale will be made subject to confirmation of said County Court. Notice is hereby given that the August 26. 1920. County Court of Tillamook County, M. Abplanalp. Administrator Oregon, will until 10 o'clock a. m. of the Estate of B. Irndorf, Deceased. of October 8, 1910, receive bids for the clearing of the right of way cn NOTICE OF COMPLETED STREET IMPROVEMENT Market Road No. 3, from Hemlock -------O------- to Sand Lake, Sta 13523 to Sts Notice is hereby given, that the 29282 according to the plans and specifii.cations on file in the office of 'City Engineer of Tillamook City, Ore­ gon, has filed with the City Recorder the County Clerk. On the date mentioned above the a certificate of the completion to his satisfaction of the work of the im­ Coilrt will publicly open and read provement of Fifth Street, from Still­ the bids but reserves the right to re­ well Avenue to Sixth Avenue West, ject any or all bids. Bids must be and Sixth Avenue West,-from Fifth accompanied by cash, certified che­ Street to Fourth Street, and Third, que or bidders bond of an amount Fourth and Fifth Avenues West, from equal to at least 5 per cent of the the center of Fourth Street, South 200 feet. total bid. which improvement consists in the First publication, Sept. 16. 1920. construction of a sewer along said Last ” Oct. 1, 1920. Streets, with the accessories thereof in accordance with resolution esta­ Notice blishing Local Improvement District ■ In the County Court of the State of No. 14 of said Tillamook City, and Oregon, for the County of Tillanuok the Common Council of Tillamook n the matter of the estate of Wil­ City has appointed Monday, October 4th, 1920, at the hour of 8 o’clock liam Thomas Collins, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all to p. m. at the City Hall in Tillamootc whom it may concern. That the 'tti- City. Oregon, as the time and place dersigned has been, by the County for considering the acceptance of Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, such work, at which time and place duly appointed Administratrix of the any objections to the acceptance of estate of William Thomas Collins, said work will be heard and consid­ deceased: and all persons having ered by the Common Council. Dated this September 23rd, 1920. claims against said estate are hereby Frances B. Stranahan. notified to present same, duly veri­ fied, as by law required, to the un­ City Recorder of Tillamook City, Or. -------0------- Notice is hereby given that the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Tillamok County, has appointed the undersigned as Administrator of the Estate of Alfred Marolf, deceas­ ed; and any and all person* having claims against said estate are hereby required to present same, together with proper vouchers, to the under­ signed at his residence in Tillamook County, Oregon, or, T. H. Goyne, Attoraey-at-Law, at his office in Till­ amook city. Oregon, within six mon­ ths from the date of this notice. Dated this 12th day of August, 1920. Albert Marolf, Administrator, of estate of Alfred Marolf, deceased. dersigned, or to her attorney. John Henderson, at Tillamook, Leland Oregon, within six months from this date. Dated September 9th, 1920, the first publication of this notice. Lizzie Collins, Adminis­ tratrix of the estate of William Thomas Collins, deceased. John Leland Henderson, Attorney for said estate. Notice of Executor’s Final Account. The“Red Crown”sign stands for the gasoline with a continuous chain of boiling points. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Here’s Real Tobacco says the Good Judge That gives a man more genuine chewing satis­ faction than he ever got out of the ordinary kind. Smaller chew, lasts longer —so it costs less to chew this class of tobacco. And the good, rich to­ bacco taste gives a world of satisfaction. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put uf> in two styles W-B GUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco The Seattle Post Standard wonders I At Milwaukee Governor Cox drove how Governor Cox s head contains a trotting horse on the race track >11 he knows but th, greater wonder i while the band played "Turkey in .. things ... ....---- is how it contains all the he ' the Straw.” The trouble is, though. I that In the presidential race Jockey says but doesn't know. I Cox is driving a flea-bitten mule to i the four-year-old refrain of "He Kept Why should Senator Harding make i Us Out of War." a campaign tour as long as Governor Cox continues to accomplish the The reason Governor Cox is sure same result? Democrats are being 1 converted to Republicanism every that “the interests” are trying to "buy the Presidency" for the Rep'tb- time Jimmy opens his mouth. licar.s in order that they may "u e fedcial bayonets” on the wage earn- Whether Cox and weather cocks !ers of the country, is that there bat» depends, i been more use of federal troop* in are similiar somewhat j labor disturbances by President W:l- blow Whatever way the .wind blowsth, both turn. but. on the other hand, | -ton. with whom Governor Co» is “at the one is a cause, while the other Is ¡one." than during all the combined merely an effect. Diagrams of this previous Presidencies in the history I of th« repulbic. mt radox furnished on request. g. -------- o ... Notice 1» hereby given that by vir­ tue of an order made and entered In the county court of the State of Ore­ gon. for Tillamook county, in the Matter of the Estate of B. Irndorf. Deceased, th« undersigned adminis­ trator of said estate has been author ized, licensed, empowered and direct­ ed. from and after the 25th day of September, 1920, to sell and will sell H ( ’£ to the Buick tradition of twenty years, T the one feature Buick engineers have partic­ ularly sought to develop in the new Nineteen Twenty One Buick Series is high utility value. You will find, Li fact, when you investigate these new models, that Buick capacity for hard, fast, sure transportation is even greater than ever be­ fore. The high-powered, sure-working Buick Valve-in-Head Motor is a feature of each of the new models. Added to their great service value are a beauty of contour and appointment and a comfort of movement and seating arrangement that appeal to the most particular Buick primarily, however, is a car of action. Built for business— built to stand up—is a wel1 known Buick feature Business men will find the new five passenger touring car a happy selection. Back of it, reinforcing its high serviceability, tn suring the uninterrupted u ;e of f—- your investment is Auth i » .-i zea Buick Service rendered by ; a na Lon-wide organization. j Notice of Completed Street Improve­ ment. Notice is .hereby given, that the City Engineer of Tillamook Ci.y, Oregon, has filed with the City Re­ corder a certificate of the completion of his satisfaction of the work of the improvement of Third Street, extend­ ing from Stillwell Avenue West to the City limits, which improvement consists in the paving of said streets, with the accessories thereof in accordance with resolution etsab- I lishing Local Improvement District No. 10 of said Tillamook City, and the Common Council of Tillamook City has appointed Monday, October 4th, 1920, at the hour of 8 o’clock p. m. at the City Hall in Tillamook City, Oregon, as the time and place for considering the accaptance of such work, at which time and place any objections to the acceptance of said work will be heard and consid­ ered by the-Common Council. Dated this September 23rd. 1920. Frances B. Stranahan, City Recorder of Tillamook City, Or. ------- o------- Notice is hereby given that Jos­ eph Durrer, the undersigned execut­ or of the estate of Barbara Babi, de­ ceased. has filed in the County Court for Tillamok County, Oregon, his fin­ al account, and that by order duly made and entered, the said court ha? fixed the 4th day of October, 1920. at ten o'clock a. m. as the time, and the Court House of Tillamook Coun­ ty, Oregon, as the place, for the hear­ ing of said final account. Notice is further given that all persons having objections to such ac­ count must appear at said time and place and show cause if they can, t NOTICE OF COMPLETED STREET why the said final account should not IMPROVEMENTS be approved, and the said executor Notice is hereby given, that the City discharged. Engineer of Tillamook City, Oregon, Dated September 2, 1920. has filed with the City Recorder a Joseph Durrer, certificate of the completion to his Executor of the Estate of satisfaction of the work of the im­ Barbara, Babi, deceased. provement of 9th Street, 10th Street, and Ilh Street, all from the East Notice to Contractors. line of Thayer’s Addition, to Stillwell Avenue • Notice is hereby given that the I 12th Street, from 1st Avenue East County Court of Tillamook County, to Third Avenue West; 1st Avenue Oregon, will until 10 o'clock a. nt. East, between 10th and 12th Streets; October 4th receive bids for the grad­ Stillwell Avenue, from 9th Street to ing of approaches to Kilchi^ River I 12th Street; 1st Avenue West from (extended) to 12th bridge and the removing of the old 9th -Street bridge and erecting of same complete Street; 2nd Avenue West, between with piers at a new site on Kllchis 10th and 12th Streets;and 3rd Avenue river, according to the plans and spt— West, from 10th Street to 12th Street, which Improvement consists In the j cifications on file in the office of the construction of a sewer along said County Clerk. Streets, with the accessories thereof On the date mentioned above the in accordance with resolution esta­ Court will publicly open and read blishing Local Improvement District the bids but reserves the right to re­ No. 11 of said Tillamook City, and ject any or all bids. Bids must be the Common Council of Tillamook accompanied by cash, certified che­ City has appointed Monday, October que or bidders bond of an amount '4th, 1920, at the hour of 8 o’clock equal to at least 5 per cent of the p. m. at the City Hull in Tillamook total bid. City, Oregon, as the time and place First publication, Sept. 16. 1920. for considering the acceptance of Last ” Oct. 1, 1920. such work, at which time and place any objections to the acceptance of Notice to Contractors. said work will be heard and consul ered by the Common Council. Sealed blds will be received by the Dated this September 23rd, 1920. Board of Directors of School District Frances B. Stranahan. No. 31. Bay City. Oregon, October City Recorder of Tillamook City. Or. 14, 1920, for the completion of n Public School building, according to Notice of Completed Street Improve­ plans and specifications prepared by ment. Charles II. Burggraf, archiect, Alb­ ------- O------- any, Ore. All bids must be accomp­ Notice is hereby given, that th. anied by a certified check payable to City Engineer of Tillamook City, "School District No. 31 Bay City, Oregon, has filed with the City Re Oregon,” for the sum of $100, as a cordei a certificate of the completion guarantee that the contractor will of his satisfaction of the work of th- furnish an approved bond equal to improvement of Seventh Street, from 50 per cent of the contract within Stillwell Avenue, East to the West ten days after the awarding of the side of Miller Avenue, which impro­ vement consists in the paving of said contract. All bids must be made out on streets, with the accessories there->f blank proposals for the same. Blanks in accordance with resolution etsab- furnished upon application by ’he llshing Local Improvement District County School Superintendent or No. 9 of said Tillamook City, and architect. Plans and specifications the Common Council of Tillamook may be seen at County School Super­ City has appointed Monday, October intendent's office, Tillamook. Oregon, 4th, 19 20, at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. at the City Hall in Tillamook or at architect’s office. The successful bidder will be re- City, Oregon, as the time and place quired to give references and an ap- for considering the accaptance of proved bond equal to 50 per cent of such work, at which time and place any objections to the acceptance of the amount of the contract. The board reserves the right to ra- said work will be heard and consid­ ered by the Common Council. ject any and all bids. Dated this September 23rd. 1920. By order of School Board No. 31 Frances B. Stranahan. Lucy E. Doughty, Clerk. City Recorder of Tillamook City, Or. Administrators Notice of Sale. CT B UIC K ACKLEY & MILLER WHEN BETTER. AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD THEM The New York Tinies, Wilson or­ gan, says: "Fled is the once rosy Re­ publican vision of an easy little sta­ tionary and static campaign on th« front porch.” It said this before the Maine election was held. If the Maine result could be brought about from the front porch, what does the Time» think is going to happen when Gen­ eral Harding takes the field? American peo- Can ■nt.lal pie be p candidate at ti . you believe the maudlL. of the aspirants for the highest. In the land, your answer must be yea. ■ o Governor Cox's idea of a clean campaign fund Is one raised by sand­ bagging girl stenographers forty dol­ lars apiece, and taking their pre-dat­ ed checks where they weren't able to immediately produce the money. ------- O — Governor Cox says h-’ didn't go to San Francisco to attend the Democ­ ratic national convention because he didn't want any first tor second mort­ gages attached to the Presidency. Ills visit to the White House, after the convention, then, must have been for the puprose of executing a trust deed. HUNTERS! AXfHAT APPEALS TO » » you more than the feel of a good Winchester shot­ gun you know can be de­ pended on for accuracy and sure action the instant the covey lifts. When you are following your pointer through the fields on a crisp Octo­ ber morning, alert for the sight and sound of wary birds, you like to feel that both your gun and ammuni­ tion are going to do their part. UNIVERSITY "WINCH£5T£ft OREGON• REPEATING SHOTGUNS —are made to answer thia call. They are designed with just the right drop and shoulder fit and are manufactured of the finest nickel steel, every part properly tempered and hardened and beautifully finished. Winchester shotguns are made in four models, in both hammer and hammerless, including the latest .410 shotgun, the ideal gun for family shooting, practice and small field game. We carry a full line of these shot­ guns and cordially invite you to come in any time, look them over, get their feel and make your Selection. Notice of Bond Sale Sealed bids will be received until the hour of 10 A. M. o’clock the 4th day of October, 1920, by the under­ signed and immediately thereafter publicly opened by the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, at the office of said court in the county court house in Tillamook City, Oregon, for the purchase of bonds of said I Suggested as a slogan for Jazs Muffin Cox: “He’ll run us out of gas.” ------- o------- "We have not started In the rcval- ations which will be made to tha public,” Governor Cox said in hL> New York speech. The quotation will stand for the remainder of the cam­ paign. county issued for the building of per­ manent roads therein in the sum of $30,000, same being in demoninations of $1000, each, dated January 1st,1920 and maturing January 1, 1930; said bonds to bear interest at five and one half per cent (5‘A per cent) per an­ num, payable semi-annually on January and July 1st, principal and interjest payable in United States gold coin at the office of the County Treasurer or at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Oregon in New York City, at the option of the bidder. Said bids must be accompanied by a certified check for 5 per cent of the amount bid and must be unconditional. Th)e tipproving legal opionin of Messrs. Teal, Minor & Winfree, of Portland, Oregon, will be furnished the successful bidder. The Court reserves the right to re­ ject any or all bids. HOMER MASON Clerk. King Crenshaw Hardware Co. IX ETER. aaintained by the alate in order that the yoang peo­ ple of Oregon may receive, without eoat. the benefits of a liberal education. The Ualvaralty Include* th* Coll«** of Lite rat ur*. Scianca and th* Art*, th* Gradual* School, th* School of Phy*- ical Education, and th* prvlmional School* of Law. M*d>cina (at Portland), Architectur*. Commara*. Jowraaham. Education and Music. O. L. HOHLLEEl). VETERINARIAN. tell Phone— 2F2 Tillamook Mutual Phone Oregon DR J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist Permanatly Located In Tillamook Private Office in Jenkin's Jewelry Store. Latest Up-to-date Instruments and Equipment Evenings and Sundays by Appointments High standard* of acholarahip ar* made poaathl* by an able iaoilty wall •quipped laboratori** and a library of nearly 100.000 volume*. Su**rvl**d aihlatica ara *ncoarayed and every attantioo fiv*n th* health and welfare ol th* student*. With a helyhtenad eenlidea*« haloed hr th* raeent *apr*eaftow ol awhile *a**ort. the Vttlvsrwlty •o aww Valerias a*aa aa era •< lar*a da*al*e*a*at and *a