TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. SP t FMBER 30, 1920. BLACKBERRIES. For the convenience of our patrons we maintain a receiving station for Blackberries in the Todd Hotel buildin SLANG IN CLASSIC Pages of Cervantes Furt of Col' loquialisms. Vari.ty of Terms by Many Thought to Be Modern Can Be Found in "Don Quixote" and in Ra. be1 a is’ Works. Friendship of a Bank. Matty foresighted merchants and manufacturers recognize that the friendship of an important bank is a priceless business. And especially a bank whose officers are “human" men who take pleasure in other men's success. BANK YOUR MILK CHECK WITH THE Member Federal’| Reserve System. Transfer Woody Gravel. Phone]37 W. TillamookTransf er Co. Liberty Temple. CITY TRANSFER LONG DISTANCE HAULING BOTH PHONES The Llama In Particular, Wall Called "Ship of the Desert," Is Prized— Alpaca Is Bred for Its Splendid Fleece. A Bank That’s Squarely Behind Business Of the many form's of co-operation afforded by the First National Bank, perhaps the most striking is When first seeing a llama, an alpaca, “They now spurred on toward th* that which has been contributed to the upbuilding • vicuna or a guanaco, lu their native Inn, and soon over” <>k •n the mud of the industries ««f Tillamook County, It would be habitat your first comment would be: a young fellow, beating ii on the hoot hard to find an important activity in which "Too big for a sheep, too small for a pretty leisurely.” "No no, It ahull camel, yet looks like both." while you services have not figured. never be said of me. the eaten bread might add mentally, as did the yokel “NATIONALIZED” ACCOUNTS. is forgotten, or that I thouglit It when he saw the giraffe at the circus: working for a dead horse, because I directors . JOHN .MORGAN. "There ain't no such animal." These C. J. EI’UAKPS, am paid In advance." Extracts from A.W. BUNN. B. C. LAMB. extraordinary creatures, little known h recent western novel? By no means; HENRY ROGERS W. J. RIFCHBKS outside of the southern Andean re­ quotations from a world classic writ­ C A. McGHEE gion of South America, have their ten 400 years ago. range from southern Ecuador through In a recent reading of "Don Quix­ the elevated plateaus of Peru and Ro ote" I have been struck by the fact llvla southward along the high Andes It Is a vast storehouse of what I that to the plains of Patagonia and Tierra we fondly believe to be American del Fuego. All are of the very high­ i slang. And this Is not by any twist­ est utility for men’s needs for food and ing of the sense: the terms are used clothing. strictly in their modern significance. The four are merely different hreeds It is true that I do not read the book of the same race, varying only as they In its original tongue, but the trnns- have been bred In domesticity for cer­ ?5a5Z5?S2SBSZ5a5a5B5BSa5B5B5a525aSBSaSZ5a52SB5asa5Z525Z5Z5a5Z5Z5HSE5H5> lation is that of Peter Anthony Mot- tain specialized purposes, or modified tea ux. and was made more than 200 hy their environment when left un- years ago, so that It has a fair cap­ 'cocksure ” he ing a rustling movement. The follow­ tlv’ty. and from the wild gnnnn o anti cries cultboard:" lie is "cocksure; believed that the giant in the adven- ing night he slept soundly with the vlcunn have Stirling the domesticated ture of the wine skins had "gone to necklace in the room. At fonr o'clock llama and alpaca. The alpaca Is kept pot.” and he reproached the knight for next morning he was wakened by the upon the wild uplands near the eter­ not "going snacks” In his beatings. tied again shaking. Other persons say nal snows and is only driven in to be One of the galley slaves would have they had similar experiences with the shorn of Its beautiful floece of black or brown wool, which Is ro long that gone free for 20 ducats “to have beads. Highest Cash Price. it often falls over Its sides and back greased the recorder's list." The don reaching to the like a curling cascade chides his niece tlmt she should "pre­ At Kuppenbender’s Warehouse, George Eliot the Lay Preacher. ground. sume to put In her oar ami censure A novelist who bases his art on When Plz.nrro nnd h!s fellow can­ the histories of kniglits-errant ” Tillamook and Hebo. Mntteaux finished Sir Thomas Urqu­ clenn-cut ethical formulas Is bound qttfstndores conquered the aboriginal to wane In popularity. For special Peruvians they found the llama the hart's partial translation of Rabelais. The Frenchman and the doughty Scot­ reasons, he may make a strong appeal only domestlcnted beast of burden. to his own generation and yet he neg­ Cntler Spanish domination more than tish cavalier had equal knowledge of Anglo-Saxon colloquialisms, and where lected by the generation succeeding. 300,000 llamas were used to carry sil­ George Eliot was the eloquent lay ver from the mines to the seacoast, but can one find more racy, pungent, down­ I preacher of her age. Literary sermons the coming of the horse, the burro, nnd right English than in these two master like hers are now out of date. Readers more than nil else, the railway is grad­ translations?—Frank W. Hoyt in New do not cure to be told what will hap­ nall.v running ir out. as it Is timid and York Evening Post. pen If they do not do this or If they slow, and can travel with Its 100-pound do that. Similarly Thomas Hardy Is pack only 12 to 15 miles a day; yet Flying Fox Australian Pest. certain to suffer in fame. The kind of I it retains a certain advantage, as ft Is The flying fox has appeared in South philosophic determination embodied in never fed on the trail, but forages Its Australia as a new fruit pest. Farm his novels Is disappearing. If Hardy own living. ers have killed quite a number of and George Eliot long survive, it will 1 these creatures. A correspondent nt he In spite of their moral formulas; Baboons and an Airplane. Port Wakefield writes: "This morn­ It will be because readers will be wlll- Writing of the passing of an At*ro ing some crows, while marauding Ing to ovexlook moral formulas on ac- i amongst the brushes near the rifle tar­ count of the permanently Interesting biplane over Ultenhnge en route tn get. put up a flying fox. which took a phases of life presented h.v a master Port Elizabeth, a South African news­ direct course for the river, about a hand In their novels. Herein Iles the paper ha« the following to sav: "Mr. Norman Chase relates n peculiar expe­ I mile distant. The crows follow«!, but final test of literary Immortality. There when the fox looped the loop amongst Is no question about novels like "Tom rience he had In connection with the I THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN them they quickly flew in another di­ Jones” and “Vanity Fair." which are plane. He was bathing at Knmaehs, THE COUNTY. rection. The flying fox appeared to be not framed on any precise technical when he noticed a number of baboons | nearly 3 feet wide across the wings. theory. They are life Itself and Its which were In the vicinity showing un­ See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere It had a fair amount of speed on the diffused morality.— Wilbur Cross, In mistakable signs of fear. They crowd­ ed together and whimpered, giving wing and much resembled a bat." The the Yale Review. every Indication that something flying fox. so-called because of its fox­ unusual had dlstnrhed them. Mr. shaped head, has been previously Chase's dog. a well-trained Airedale, Spell of the Witch Doctor. found in other parts of Australia and In the twentieth century, according and known to be plucky nnd fearless, Is sometimes known ns the fruit bat. to the report of forward movement also became uneasy, nnd appeared tube survey, there are approximately 120 In dread of something. On looking An Everlasting Memorial. round f<1r the cause of all the trouble, Nature lias a great part in this last­ million people in Aft.ea held In abject ing and beautiful memorial, that Is to fear through the hundreds of thou­ .Mr. Chase observed the airplane flying overhead at a comparatively low al­ he erected to the local service men In sands of witch doctors who nlone are titude. The sound of the engine and FOR THE INDIVIDUAL AND FOR THE STATE believed to have the power of "spell ­ the city of Santa Monica, Cal. It is the huge hirdllke appearance of the ing out ” the evil spirits. The theory of A Person with No Education has but One Chance in to be a large open-air theater, and plane no doubt upset the equilibrium 150,000 to Render Distinguish Service to the Public will take the conventional Greek form, the African native regarding disease of the baboons."—Scientific American. with seats aranged in concentric tiers, is that an enemy easts a spell which With Common Schoo) Education 4 C harices enters the body and It must either be the orchestral area In the center and With High School Education ... 8" Chances spelled out or cast out and this Is Danger in Improper Cooking. pillared stage at the bottom of the With College Education............... 800 Chances accomplished by the use of charms In the Italian experiments Indicat­ slope. As In the conventional then which often kill before they have the ing that much of our food Is uncooked, t«ra of ancient Greece, the site and Are You Giving Your Child Pis Chance ? op|H>rtiinlfy of proving their curative background will be a beautiful wooded powers. The natives of South Africa, or at least not cooked enough to de­ THOSE STATES ARE WEALTHIEST THAT HAVE INVESTED stroy bacteria, a large Joint of corned hillside. MOST IN EDUCATION the survey finds, depend entirely on The level area In the center will be witch doctors ami herb doctors. For beef that had been boiled three and a half hours showed a temperature In floored with mosaic stone work. This 8V4 million native people there are beautiful tribute to the service met, only twenty-three missionary doctors I the center of less than 140 degrees will, no doubt, be the pride of the citi­ nnd nineteen nurses. Scattered among Fahrenheit. This Is harmless tn most Though a “Liberal and Practical Education pre­ zens of this city for many years to the millions, this little hand of work­ disease germs. Including tubercle ba­ pares the Young Man and Young Woman for cilli, with which beef Is believed to come. • ers accomplishes wonders. But the be especially liable to he Infected. A Useful Citizenship and Successful Careers sway of the witch doctors Is practically meat pie eaten by a number of people AGRICULTURE ENGINEERING Division of Income, MINING unaffected. caused two deaths, and. while this ap­ HOME ECONOMICS COMMERCE •*ln nty opinion." writes a wife. PHARMACY peared to be well baked outside, the FORESTRY ••there Is only one satisfactory arrange VACATIONAL EDUCATION middle gave evidence that It had not Electric Incubator. ment which a young couple can make, Training The _ _ _ EDUCATION ____ Includes PHYSICAL ’, ami that Is to take the weekly Income I The electric Incubator Is said to be 'asm heated above 105 degrees Fah­ MUSIC, ENGLISH, MODERN LANGUAGE. ART and renheit. and ill vide It Imo separate sums, some much safer, surer and more economi­ the Other Essentials of a Standard Technical thing on the following tines—rent and cal than the oll-hented apparatus. A Politician. ___ . College Course. taxes, charities and church collections, Current entering the Incubator passes FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 20,1920. TUITION IS FREE. A woman hater I knew was quite a doctor, dentist, etc. holiday fund and through resistance elements In the top ____ for INFORMATION WRITE TO savings, an equnl sum for isicket mon of the box : these are arranged to dis- politician and once while running for ey for each of the young couple, an tribute the heat evenly over the 75 a much coveted office, was desirous of I THE REGIST AR, Oregon Agricultural CollegeJCorvallis, Ore. equal sum for dress for each. My hus­ eggs below, Douille Insulating walls getting the women’s votes. He sud­ band and 1 have been wedded over six prevent the escape of lient, while a denly became courteous to all women years, and have two bonny children thermostat keeps temperature eon- of voting age and not only was suc­ but we always divide mir weekly In slant, Ventilation Is likewise auto- cessful In getting their votes but mar- ried one.—Chicago Tribune. 'om« In this way.”- -Happily Married matte. ' The first Na tional Bank Dr. E. L. GI aisver, County Dairy Herd Inspector We Buy CASCARA BARK GENERAL HARDCUARE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. SCHOOL BOOK TIME JUCATION PAYS Save Time and Money on this year’s Bill by Buying Here. We Are Headquarters Oregon Agricultural College lor School Books LAMAR'S DRUG STORE, Tillamook, Oregon , MILK COWS FOR SALE or EXCHANGE I tor Dry Stock. •*> Four South American Animals of Great Utility. flUEX. McNfllR & CO I-O-O-F- BUILDING YAGER & BRADY Tattooing Is an art so old that Its origin is lost to historical records having been practiced when the cave­ men went out to club their fellows In the Marquesas islands, the most d slant nnd most mysterious of South I • ea archipelagos, tattooing reached Its highest development and there It was the most beautiful foam of art known For a man In the Marquesas to lack the tattoed stars of terror upon his face and to have u bare countenance upon his face was to bp a poltroon and despised by the whole tribe. Frederick O’Brien says in the Century that to achieve a falrlv complete picture on one's body meant many months of In tense suffering and the expenditure of much wealth. When white men were cast by ship wreck In the Islands of the far Paci­ fic or tied from duty on whalers or warshins ami sought to stay among the I Mnrque-ans they needed to the lion ored customs of their hosts ami adopt­ ed their facial adornment, once the curious Ink of the t^ftooer has gotten Into the skin It Is there forever and can never he erased, like the pits of smallpox. The white men. therefore, of Europe ami America never again returned to their,old homes after RPt- I tllng among these .Marquesans anri i having their faces tattooed. HAVE HIGH VALUE 9 Uallamnnk (Cmuitg $ank AND It Reached Its Highest Development In the Marquesas Islands of the * South Seas. VETERINARIAN, We are in business to help other businesses. Therein lies our success otid vours. LOCAL TATTOOING AS A FINE ART □ It may be that Governor Cox ha- Four years more of government under present day Democratic lender­ read how Samson slew the Philistines dip would carry the system of ter­ and thinks he can overcome the Re­ rorism already so far advanced to the publicans with the same weapon. point where a man could be indie'ed for voting the Republican ticket. If Governor Cox were to begin tell- — • | Ing what he knows about "slush A moving picture of Cox's profil­ funds" personally, instead of what he ers contributing money to beat 'he, ____ ____________ | doesn't know about the other fellow's Democrats for what this adminlstra- j campaign funds, it would make an lion has done to them would have a i interesting confession. And maybe ( barley t haplin feature backed off, muebody else will tell before th" i Hie board«. I(ll^ alliuying ceases. Governor Cox asked one Western audiences to forget he the Democratic candidate. Doubtless he would be glad to have the people forget the fact that he Is the candt- date of the party that has been ruin­ Ing this country for the past seven and a half years, But why should they? Go to it. Governor. Ths mud gun's kickback makes you less and leas like a p.evidential possibility each lime you touch the trigger. 4 28 "W LAMB-SCHRADER CO