HcatHiqljt TILLAMOOK, OREGON. ’ W g Tillamook Jottings. SEPTEMBER 30, 1920. In the prize at Garibaldi with Mr. Lewis’s parents in Spok- FATAL ACCIDENT OCCURS NEAR HIGH SCHOOL NOTES STRAW VOTE TAKEN IN CITY Saturday night, a grand prize of $25 anne and his wife’s parents in Seat­ favorable for wild ducks, for it raln- | ed every day they were here. Mr. j will be given some time in January. COCHRAN MONDAY tle, stopping also in Cour de Alere. Dance at Garibaldi Saturday Oct ' Only those who win each Saturday j Ransom mentioned the fact that, at Republican Candidate for President First Football Game of Season to be Idaho. Mr. Lewis said they haa 22nd. 1 the present time, a great many peo­ Played Saturday. are eligible. In Lead. fine time and he only got drunk a ple are not aware that, even tho Two Lives Lost as Speeder Plunges J. A. Adams is visiting In Port­ Rev. G. O. Oliver left Tuesday for few times in Seattle, that being ui ------- O------- The athletic season opens Saturday From Trestle. ■ there is an open season allowed by land this week. A st^aw vote was taken this week McMinnville, where he will attend only excitment which occured. ' some of the state laws in regard to by the Headlight reporter, covering when the High school battles the All Dr. Wise will leave in October for the annual conference of the Harry Lund and F. G. Williams H. H. White, of Mineral Wells, i the shooting of pigeons, there is a the business district of Tillamook Stars in a game of football. This is California for the winter. M. E. Churches of Oregon, which is federal law which has precedence ov­ city, as well as straw votes taken in expected to be the best game ever were killed, and five persons injured Texas, who is making an extended Ben Joy is spending a few days being held there this week. played in Tillamook. The T. H. S. Monday when the gasoline speeder, trip through the West, came over er it, stating that there is no op-n the public schools. in Portland this week. Haltont’s has a very attractive dis­ here Wednesday on the stage from season at all. boys have been in "hard” training on which they were riding from the The vote taken in Wheeler logging camp to Coch:an Ruth Partridge, is spending a few play of Fall millinery and wearing Dundee. He left Thursday via the pretty good indication of the senti- since the beginning of school and where the Williams family was to appaiel for ladies, which is made train for Portland. Mr. White says will be more than a match for the days in Portland this week. ment of the entire county, which GEM THEATRE PROGRAM eaten the Fortland train, jumped the A baby boy was born to Mr. and doubly attractive by the artistic ar­ he likes this part of the country ex- shows plainly that Tillamook county opposing team. Using the first game ------- o ------- rails on a seventy foot trestle. rangement. | ceedingly well, only it’s so cold for Friday-Saturday, Oct. 1-2. "The is over whelmingly for Senator Hard­ as a prophecy we are confident if Mrs. Walter Stark on Saturday. Mrs. F. G. Williams and three winning this game. P. Peterson, of Portland, returned j him. Think of it, and Hope" Drury Lane special product ­ we roasted ing. The republican nominee poll ­ Persia Edmunds left Thursday for children, Maynard, Wilda and Paul, It has been necessary to add a home Monday, after having spent a yesterday. ion. ed more than 4 to 1 votes over Gov­ Portland, where she will make her number of seats in the Assembly Mrs. Harry Lund and Coleman few days on a fishing trip. He said Miss C. E. Woodress, Factory De­ Sunday Oct. 3, "Footlights and Shad- ernor Cox. The voting for United homy. Wheeler, Jr., were the other occup­ the rain scared him out, but then It monstrator fay the Thor Ironing Ma- ■ ows” featuring Olive Thomas. States Senator gave R. N. Stanfield owing to lhe increasing number of County Judge A. M. Hare was re­ doesn’t last always. 2 to 1 over Senator Chamberlain, students. New students en rol led (Ms ants of the car, all of whom were in­ I “ His Naughty Wife ” Sunshine com ­ chines is giving practial demonstrit- jured, with the exception of Mr. istered at the Hotel Portland this / The vote shows that there were 18 week are; Zenoa Coop, Mahlon Gil- Rev. L. Steube, of the Lutheran ions at the Coast Power Co.'s store edy. Wheeler, who Jumped to the trestle week. lock and Evelyn Drake, Tom Large, church of Cornelius, Wn., who was on Friday and Saturday of this week. Tuesday. Oct. 5. “The Terror” feature men who had voted for Harding who when he felt the wheels slipping, who was a student here the first part A marriage license was issued to here last week and held services in Every house wife should take advan­ ing Tom Mix. voted for Chamberlain. The women’s Mrs. Williams and her son. Maynard Fred L. Lystad and Thelma Hutchin- the Adventist church Sunday, left tage of this opportunity to investi­ Pathe Reviews. vote was more pronounced. Harding of last year has resumed his studies are in a very serious condition and again this year. Wednesday, Oct. 6, “ The Grey Tcv.tr obtaining 38 votes to 7 polled for for his home on Monday's train. gate this wonderful, practial labor Two games of football are schedul­ but little hopes are maintained for Cox. Stanfield polled only _. S. Brumby, of Portland, was in 4 votes We are nil glad to see Sam Moul­ saver. Don’t fail to come, and re­ Mystery” featuring Gladys Leslie ed with Oregon City, one to be play­ their recovery. town over night on business, leaving ton back, and arc mighty pleased to member the dates. Friday and Sat­ Thursday, Oct. 7, “Love’s Harvest” below Harding showing that he is The accident occurred Monday ed in Tillamook Oct. 15, and anoth­ featuring Shirley Mason. this morning. somewhat of a favorite with the wo­ see him looking so well after his re­ urday only, and the place, the Coast er to be played at Oregon City, Nov. at 11:45 o'clock, Mr. Williams, who Pathe News. men. But few women, after voting Power Co. ’ s store next to the Post Mrs. Maude Van Tuyle and daugh­ cent hard tussle. He is getting along has been a switchman in the Brook­ Friday-Saturday, Oct. 8-9, “Love, for Harding, voted for Chamberlain, 11. ter, Velda, left Sunday for Salem to fine and we hope to see bint around office. A student body meeting was call­ lyn yards at Portland, for several Honor and Obey ” Metro special thus showing that they have not for ­ attend the State Fair. town soon. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zeurcher, of years, he and his family, wero with an all star cast. gotten • how they were fooled four ed Thursday at which it was decided on their annual vacation, having Lost: a yellow and white female A party consisting of Mesdamis E. St. Paul. Minn., who have been here to publish an annual. The Juniors years ago when the democratic party spent it with Mr. and Mrs. Harly hound, Finder notify Dr. Sharp and E. Koch, F.D. Small, E. T. Haltom, for a month, visiting at the homes fooled the women voters by the slog­ are to have complete charge with the Lund, at the Wheeler logging camp Banquet of Boxing Commission receive suitable reward. J. C. Holden and Miss Ramona Halt­ of Andrew and John Zeurcher, left finanical aid of the student body. an “ He kept us out of war ” near Cochran, of which Mr. Lund Miss Blanche Stark left Sunday om left Thursday for Portland, for their home Monday morning. In answer to two direct questions, The Juniors elected the following was the foreman. They should have A banquet was held by the Tilla­ Btaff: for Portland, where she expects to where they will hear Scotti at the They think the climate is wonderful here, and do not fret about a little mook Boxing Commission at the Lou­ the straw vote was a great Burprise, opera this week. General manager, Clayton Hadley: started back to Portland on Sunday, live indefinately. equinoctial shower such as we have vre Cafe Wedndesday night. Those for this office was not aware there editor, Martha Crank; assistant edit­ but missed the train and were try­ George Kiger received word a few was such a pronounced sentiment M tb . Ada Hines returned to Forest been having the past couple of weeks. present being the members of the ing to catch it on Monday. As the Grove Monday, where she w’ill now days ago that his nephew, Donald Mr. and Mrs. Zeurcher intend to re­ commission and thler wives: Mr. and here in regard to Wilson’s League ors, Mary Nelson, Gerald Stark and speeder which was being operated by Harley Davidson; jokes, Rodney Far ­ New man, had successfully passed the make her home. turn to the West in about a year, Mr. John Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Covenant, the vote being 3 to 1 a- ley and Odgen Moulton; snap shots, Mr. Lund, was traveling at a rather We notice that Miss K. Mills has examination as given by the State spending the winters either in Seat­ Kock, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oathout, gainst It. fast rate when it struck the trestle, In some of the country distircts, Art Harris; advertising manager, that seems to be the only plausible a new Ford sedan. She also has a Board of Pharmacy, and is now a tle or Portland, and their summers in Dr. and Mrs. Hoy, Mr. and Mrs. Mc­ Errold Haltom; calendar, Harriet Se­ druggist. and amongst the dairymen and lum ­ new chauffeur maybe. Innis, Mr. and Mrs. Cardiff and C. E. Tillamook. reason for the accident. Mr. Wheel­ I bering interests it is expected that verance and Elta Sheets; faculty er escaped injury, as he landed on Mrs. Eastman will have charge of Mowery. Dr. Smith reports the birth of a Mrs. A. C. Everson, executive sec ­ member. Prof. Bennett. I the vote will b e strong for the re- the Vidito hospital in the futu re. It seems as if all the members of baby girl to Mr .and Mrs. Guy All­ A student body meeting was held the track when he jumped, but the having purchased the equipment retary of the Tillamook county Red the commission, with the exception 1 publican party. as the democratic man on the 27th of September. Cross, with the assistance of the of ­ Monday at which it was decided to bodies of the others were hurtled I party placed dairy products and lum ­ from Mrs. Vidito and rented the Edward Meyer, of Hillsboro, who house and lot. She will operate it ficers, are making arrangements for of Mr. Carroll, the chairman, are go­ ber on the free list, which are our hold a rally downtown Friday night through the air and plunged into the the next membership drive in Nov­ ing to resign. If this is the case the two important industries. to “stir up” enthusiasm for the foot­ bottom of the gulch. Has soon ai he was here visiting for two weeks, re­ with a staff of graduate nurses. was able Mr. Wheeler went back to ember. The local chapter has been mayor will appoint new members to turned to his home Monday. Governor Cox is not very popular ball Saturday. Joe Maxwell, repre- the camp and summoned aid, a loco­ Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Lebow accom­ doing some excellent work for sever­ take their places ,if the people still entative of th e "Freshles ” gave his Wm. Wilmot left Monday for Eu­ panied by his father and mother of want a commission. The next bout with the women voters of this city. motive being rushed to the scene cf gene, where he will make his home, Cottage Grove, returned last Wed- al months in looking after te Inter­ will be staged at the City Hall on They are perfectly aware that he was opinions regarding the needs of the disaster as soon as possible, which ests of ex-service men having suc­ High school for a successful football selected by Tammany and the oth ’ er as his folks are there now. nesday. His parents left for their cessfully handled a large number f Thanksgiving. took the injured ones to Cochran. democratic bosses, and have the sup­ season. Harry Maybee left for Wheeler home on the 22nd., taking back with cases. At hough this work is not as The noon train was held up half an port of the wholesale liquor dealers the first of the week where he ex­ them good opinions of this country. rushing as it was a few months ago, hour to take them on to Portland. CHAMBER TO MEET Members of Biological Survey at and "wet” element. pects to spend several days. Both Mr. Lund and Mrs. Williams —O------ Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Anderson, of even now every 'few days ex-service Netarts. It will be noticed that there is were alive for some tine after the Miss Johanr.a Widmer, of Beaver, Ione, who have been here visiting for men visit the Red Cross rooms to quite a difference in the vote of the Some Important Matters That Need fatal accident, Mr. Williams dying left Friday for Portland, where she several dajs with Mr. and Mrs. Mart­ confer with the secretary. Attention. A party consistingof H. F. Stone, citizens and the high school pupils will make her home for a time. in Johnson, returned to their home ■ Procrastination is a bad thing, foi of Washington D. C„ who is in in the straw vote over Wilson’s Thursday evening, Oct. 7th, oocurs Just as the locomotive reached Co­ Tuesday. They report having the regular meeting of the Chamber chran, and Mrs. Lund dying as the had a charge of the bird reservations in .he Alfred Magnason, of Brighton, was about a year ago Frank Hanenkratt League covenant. We would advise in Tillamook on business last week, very enjoyable trip and wish to re­ filled out an application for 36.000 United States; V. Bailey, biologist the high school and eighth grade of Commerce. At this time several truin reached Hillsboro. ttirn next summer. returning Friday. life insurance in the Mutual Life, from Washington D. C., Mrs. Flor­ pupils to read the letter in this is­ matters of Importance will be taken D. A. Lengacher, of Portland, who but he kept putting it off in taking ence Bailey, his wife, who has writ­ sue “A Perplexed Democrat,” which up by the members and an attemp' There is Not One Man in Tillamook Mrs. Frank Wckett, of Bay City, will be made to solve the problems County spent Friday and Saturday in Tilla­ is representing the Empire Separator the medical .examination. On several ten a book on biology; N. L. Fuley will enlighten them somewhat on 'lie Co., left Tuesday, after having spent occasions Mrs. Georgia A. Hoss, the and wife, who are taking pictures of league Covenant. And we would ask presented. It is well to mention here mook visiting with relation. ------- O------- that these questions effect the entire two weeks here. He said the busi­ agent, tried to induce him to do so. the native birds of this part of the them this question. "The democratic That would want his w idow or hi* Wm. Kennedy went to Portland ness was very good this trip, as be and only a few weeks ago he promis­ country; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jew- party having placed dairy producís community. Several members have children to become dependent on Monday, where he will attend the had closed several deals through Geo. ed to go to the doctoi right away. ette and Mr. and Mrs. Howell, of Los and lumber on the free list, how can been asked for suggestions as to whet charity. North Pacific College this winter. Yet there are hundreds of men in Burckard, the local dealer. Had he done so his widow would Angeles, are camped at Netarts. They anybody living in Tillamook county the Chamber should do and their re­ Dr. Lebow with Dr. Wise will be plies arc set forth below: this county who are taking just that Mrs. C. W. Barrick. wife of Attor­ have received the above amount. are collecting speclments rhodents, consistently vote for the democratic at Dr. Wise’s Tillamook office on One important matter, that per­ chance. ney Barrick, , and child, came in a Frank's heart was in tlie right place and are taking motion pictures of party and democratic candidates, see- Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday. T.F. How can you protect them? few days ago from Salem, where they and he wanted to provide for his them in their native haunts. Their ing that tariff and free trade are taining to the storage of cars on the Tillamook County Bank vs. F. M. had been since Mr.Barrick came over wife and family in case of his death, party has been there for a week and very vital issues and which concerns Southern Pacific railroad will be fur­ With good Life Insurance—place expect to leave the last of this week. the future prosperity of Tillamook ther discussed. Gould is a suit filed in the circuit here. They will make their home but, unfortunately, he delayed. that protection around them to-day. Take some steps to force complet­ Good intentions will not buy bread court to recover $150. and $80.20 county?” Another straw vote will be here, having puchased a home from The call for old clothes for the ion of the Bayocean road, Appropr- and butter, but good Insurance will. Death of P. H. Messener. taken in the high school. C. B. Wiley left Sunday to take m H.S. Brimhall. women and children of Armenia has iations have been made for this pro­ Better a >1000 Life Insurance policy the State Fair. W. F. Baker and Mrs. Clyde Kinnaman went to met with very little response in this Theatre Goers to Vote ject but seemingly nothing has been paid for and in forec, than a 310,000 wife left with him, who will visit at Portland Monday where she will county so far. Ail the world knowrfi Phillip Henry Messner was born in The management of the Gem Thea­ done to push the work along. St. Helen. Or.. June 19th 1857, and policy you were talking about. Dallas and Eugene this week. spend a few days. Her sister, Mrs. that the Turk has not yet been sub­ died at Tillamook, Or. September 23, tre, where they show the lastest and Money has been appropriated to Don't subject those you love to the I. E. Keldson left Saturday for Agnes Wheeler, who has been very ill dued, and that those left of the Ar­ 1920. most popular motion picture plays, Improve the Netarts road but to dite misery poverty brings with death. Portland, where he will spend his for several months, will return with menians are homeless. If the 80,000 will pull off a straw vote, to show He lived most of his life at Yam­ this road is the worst In the county, But protect them to Bay—-not to-mor­ vacation away from the routine of her and stay here until she has re­ whom the people of the United States hill. He was married Sept. 15, 1876 how the patrons of that popular With our large tourists crop during row, but to-day—for less _yian ten covered her health. cared for last year are not cared for to Sarah Cooper. To this union eight place of amusement stand. The vote the summer the bank. can’t afford to have cents a day I can write you a 31000 Mrs. Geòrgie Wise Fisk and daug­ After an exceedingly large amount again this year they will surely per- children were born, of whom seven will commence this (Thursday) eve­ the road to one of our main beaches Life Insurrnce which will pay your hter have gone to Portland after of rainfall for September the weath- Ish. We beg for anything in the are living. He was married in Jan. ning and will continue several days. In such condition. The Chamber widow 320 j if death occurs thru ac­ spending the summer with her par­ ed turned fine late on Monday, which way of old clothes that will keep 12. 1916, io Mary Burke, who sur- The patrons will be given a ballot must force the Issue. cident. und return to you, every dol­ when they enter and on leaving, the brought an east wind making a someone from freezing, Can receive vives him. Within a year or two, possibly lar you have paid in to the company ents at Bar View. Mr. Messener's health has been ballot is to be placed in a box. As sooner. School District No. 9 is going in 20 years, if living. ~ Andy Berg, John Comstock and Ed marked contrast in the temperature. them up to Saturday night of this Your lunur- goers are pretty good to being need of a new school house ante costing nothing. Yet you wait, Winter were fined $25 and costs last The east wind causing Tillamook?rs week, and the place to take them ! h failing since last December. His theatre the Fire Companies room at the City Judges of what is best, they will be death cam« so gently that those or houses. The recommendations of When the average man learns, all week for having fished without lie­ to puff and blow and pray for more Hall. rain. waiting on him thought he was just given an opportunity to say what is the Chamber will have something to a Lige Insurance policy covers, and ti ses. The depot has an almost entire Chas. Moore, the "Ford Doctor.” sleeping. Mr. Messner had many best for the country and Tillamook do with the decision of the School that it means more than paying their Deputy sheriff Aschitn left Friday sterling qualities and was honorable county. Board. widow a sum of money after their morning for Portland, to bring back new force in the office, now. There must have thought Fords weren't in all of his dealings with his fellow Business District. This last summer some of our pub­ death. They will not be bo busy fig- is a new operator, R. J. Welton, cf classy enough sinc e they came down Alfred Muller, who Is charged with lic spirited citizens established a uring how to get rid of the agent, For President, Mount Angel, a new cashier, car in price, so he bought an Overland men. He believed that one of the blackmail. . . 130 Tourists Park for camping purposes. but how to spend the time figuring clerk, 'n everything, that is, with the Four the other dav and proceeded to first qualities of a gentleman is to Harding, republican .......... Mrs. C. H. Thomas .of San Franci­ . . .34 It we are to keep the Park up next with the agent, how to Insure their exception of the agent, as Mr. Grate flit around in it. He flitted a triflle deal justly one with another. He Cox, democrat ...................... sco. left Thursday for her home, after .... 0 year now is the time to lay om plans. fainilles and to protect themselves says the other» may come and go. hut too swift and was taken up by the belonged to several lodges and was Christensen, prohibition . . spending six weeks here with her It is is opinion of those well in* with a monthly Income, against di.+- Debs, socialist ...................... . .. .1 he stays on forever. speed cop to have a little chat with a member of the Christian church. father, A. H. Gaylord. formed'that the 4 and 5 per cent abiiity. For U. S. Senator Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor, nea Judge Stanley about the matter. Mrs. Nellie Stinson, of Portland, 'Stanfield, republican.......... 108 Interest Measure has a bitter Chance Any person Interested in Insur­ Ula Baker, and small son. left Tues­ Moore decided he would rather spend City Council Makes returned to her home Thursday, after Chamberlain, democrat . . . .54 of succeeding than 1 b generally sup­ ance either regarding a policy they day on their way for Modoc, West a few days in the "County Hotel" Library Appropriations having spent eight weeks here at the posed. We must influence legislation carry or to learn about a policy to League Covenant. Vlrgina. where they will make their than dig up ten bones, but after a- - o------ home of her son, Robert Stillwell. . . . 36 to defeat this vicious movement. For Wilson's League.......... protect their family at the lowest home in the future. Mr. Taylor’s bout two hours' consideration, he The City Council appropriates a A member mentioned the fact that |iost. address Georgia A. Hoss, care _ Married at Wheeler, Or Fred H. home was there before he was sent brought up a check for thirteen dol- sum for library purposes each, this Against Wilson's league . . . . ....99 Men Women there are some beautiful rump sites Tillamook Hotel, Special Representa­ Lystad and Thelma Hutchinson, the out West with the Spruce Division lars. ' It really would have been bet- sum for library purposes each year, 38 along the Trask river road that are tive for Mutual Life Insurance Co. of ceremony being performed tjy Justice during the wal-. ter to have kept the Ford, don’t yoii this year’s appropriation being $625. Harding ............................. »2 7 in danger of being ruined by logging New York. Advt. Cox ....................................... 27 of Peace G. B. Nunn. Mrs. Geo. Crimmins was called to think? Many of those availing themselves 0 operations. Our Chamber should take The meeting that was called for Portland Tuesday by the serious 'll-, > Christ Naegif returned to his home of this privlllge do not realize the Debs ....................................... 1 34 the lead in preventing this. Saturday evening, between represen­ nes of her father. Bud Withrow. Mr. in Portland Tuesday after having labor required by those responsible Stanfield ............................. 74 I. 0. 0. F. News. Another member want» the Cham­ 10 Chumerlaln ........................ 44 • ’ ----- 1 and Withrow is very ill with bladder tative tifliber men, dairymen visited here for a few days with his for the upkeep of the library and 9 ber to devise some plan so as to do 27 business men,- was postponed until trouble and is too weak to undergo brother. John. He has recently re­ and that the borrowers cun do much For Wilson’s league ... At regular meting Tuesday night 74 35 away with two telephone systems in the second degree was confined upon some future date. an operation, but the best is hoped turned from a trip to Switzerland to make the library efficient by their Against Wilson’s league Tillamook. The commuity organizat­ Bro. Perkins andvBeckwith. Tillamook High Schoo' The ladies of the Altar society of for. His wife, who has recently un­ with his wife and litlte girl, and says care of the books loaned them and ions of other places have done this sale will hold a dergone an operation for cancer, is For President. the Catholic church he is mighty glad to get back, too. their promptness in renewing or re­ same thing successfully and some The Bros, who where absent miss­ . 93 th.nk that we should do so here. "The scenery is beautiful there” he turning them that others may enjoy Harding, republican . . . of cooked food and bomc made art- improving nicely. he i ed a real live meeting and an unusual . ... 38 teles. Oct. the 22nd and 23rd. The , A party of school children who said, “but that’» all. Why I wouldn’t them ,as well as reducing the work Cox, domoci'Ht ................... It has been suggested that the place to be announced latter. .... 5 Chamber get behind u movement to feed which included everything from were winners at the Fair and were llve there again for anything, and of the librarian that she may hare Christensen, prohibition . Debs, socialist ................... more time for other duties in making 2 .......... clean up the rubbish around the city, ox-tail soup to nuts. Tillamook Lodge, No. 57. A. F. * entitled to receive free trips to the the only reason that I ever did. was For U. S. Senator. A. M-. Special communnicafion Satur­ State Fair left Tuesday, in company that I had never been to the United the library pleasant for the readei.t. from the standpoint of appearances, Bro. Carl Dawson was reported . . ..81 All books of library fnust be ac­ Stanfield, republican . . . . knew no be#Ar He said day. Oct. 2. Work In M. M. Degree. with Mrs. Frank Paul a» chaperone. States. sanitation, and fire hazard. This 1» proving and will soon be able to counted tor from purchase until ’ i Chamberlain, democrat . .... 62 we ought to thankful that we live They were: Muriel Wiley, Caroline Visiting Bret hern welcome. By or» one thing that should be dene Im­ tend meetings. Bro. Willy of Leage Covtffiant Porttnann, Ruth Paul, Mabie Kline- in the United States, for things ar? as been taken from circulation by der M M. Leslie Harrison, nee. mediately. Hebo Lodge, No. 227, has been Mrs. E«i F Paihler, of Portland, han, Lois and Roy Daniel and Sch- cheap here in comparslon with whit natural wear or lost. The librarian For Wilson's league.......... • • • ....52 There arc many more suggestions, ported 111 at Boals hospital. Against Wilson ’ » league • • • ... .2.1 Is repsonslble for all loans and must they are there. Veal, sold on foot, is Fletcher. who has been here for four weeks such as aviation field for Tillamook, Males Females city mall delivery, hotel accomodat­ from 35c. to 40c. per pound and pork watch the overdue list and *erve not­ Visiting with Mns. Joe Williams and Mf; and Hr*. G. L. Bettscher. of It has been suggested that four Harding................................ 45 48 ices in reasonable time. All details je 1 40 a ba.-- is from 40 her elater. Mrs Prewton Williams, re­ Denver, who have been here for •- ions, etc. gree teams be organized and at 21 rel .also, ages are con- about these notices must be recorded Cox ....................................... IT What other ideas have you Gentle ­ turned to her home Friday. bout two months visiting with their i e earns $2 or $3 a and in cas* of lose or damage of Chrlsten«en........................ 3 3 men? Get them nil together and next meeting a larger attendance is sldered good Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mason and son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and 2 bring them along with you to the desired to more fully discuss th,. pro­ day. Think of it, folks, and we kica books she must collect amount due Debs....................................... 0 .family, of Monmouth, returned ro tfr». E 9. Bettscher. left for home and go on strikes here if we don't for same. This part of librarian*» HUnlk-ld ............................. 39 42 next meeting. Notice card» will be posal and act upon it. their home Friday, after having I Friday. They enjoyed themselves very get $8 or 310 a day and work »lx or work Is wholly unnecessary if a little ChnMMeln ................... 30 ------- 9------ -. . 32 sent to all members so there will hel visited here a month at the home of l much while here, and think the place seven hours, when we ought to stop care is given by those using the loun For WITkon’s league . . . 33 What has happened to the "Old 39 no chanc» to forget. great, and plan on returning to »pend Hucks" Their absence is noticed. D. H. Fletcher. 22 and think that we are really lucky. privileges as to time books are due. Against Wilson’s league. 31 Remember, the Chamber of Com- : Mrs Alice ___ Hubbard, of Carlton. their vacation again next summer. Arrangements have been mad« to Eighth Grade merce is not for the benefit of any in- ' A party of United States Game Notice is served upon Bro. George left for McMinnville Monday, after _ Petitions have been filed for a »per­ borrow technical books until such dividual but for everybody in the Wlnslow to come to tht next meet­ The pupils In the eighth grade | having spent two month» here vi»lt- ial electton for the purpose of voting wardens were 1n the county on a time ax they can be added to library ^Jng at the home of her daughter. upon the question of levying a spec- tour of inspeclon for,the Bureau of if those desiring them will consult voted mb follow»: Harding. 29, ; Cox. community. Whai you get out pf it ing. prepared to forfeit a subatantial 6: Christensen, 9, Debs, 0; Stanfield, will equal what you put Into it. Biological Survey last week, return­ fine for ahaence without leave when Tdrs. True. i ial Ux upon the taxable property, of the librarian. Very truly yours, 22; Chamberlain, 10; for Wilson’s i the second degree Is to be conferred. County Cleft Homer Mason an* ' one mill for each and every dollar in as far as Portland on Monday. L. He rison. Manager. I league. 20; again»! Wilson's league, Bro Aackim while in Portland re­ They are: Ray C. Steele, of Seattle, wife left tor Salem on Sunday. Mr. valuation, for the purpose of raising 11. cently visited Hdssalo Lodge and :e- who la also Alaska Fur warden: Gen. Call for Warrants. Mason being interested in the »toes ; funds with which to purchase lands —>rted an Interesting injerwulng me» meeting of a ported Tonkin, of Boise. Idaho; and W. H. Card of Thanki. that was taken from this county to I tor county fair grounds, and. also Ransom, of Spokane. They were here Hodge that in doing things. ------ 0 ------ All outstanding County General ' for the purpose of making improve- To Whom It May Conoern. the State Fair. at Tuesday night lodge will Con- in regards to the laws protecting the Fund warrants will be paid upon We wish to thank opr many hin«* P 1« »enfiigefUf •’*v