llcafiliûbt TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Tillamook Jottings. I % •; s' SEPTEMBER 23, 1920. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Northville. New York; Clmcuve, to the man of average means the full Clarence, ui of I young couple will return to Alameda Prisoner Escapes. E. Miller, nee Meta Earl, a son, Sept. Tillamook; and one sister, Mrs Nel- where they will make their home. SAW MILLS WILL HAVE TO CLOSE ----- o — earning power on his money invest­ DOWN IN THIS VICINITY ------- 0------ 14, 1920, at Gold Beach, Or. ,<»« a _ lie Doak. of Ione, Or. Fred De Lillies, who has been tn ed. By becoming a client of the Fin­ Mr. Delanoy will there be in business ------ 0------ N. Wallin of Watesco, was here for In the Item, of last week’s issue, The funeral was held at the Christ­ with his father, who Is a banker. the county Jail for some time await­ ance Service Company sate, money­ a couple of days this week, returning about the part of the Kelchis river ian church Tuesday afternoon at 2 Cannot Procure Cars—Large Number ing action of the grand Jury, charg­ making, investigated opportunities Saturday. bridge being washed out a mistake o’clock, Rev. Tucker officiating. In­ ed with having choloformed a young to invest your money are constantly Of Men Will Be Thrown Out Of HIGH SCHOOL NOTES girl with the Intent to rape, disap­ being placed before you. A marriage lioense was issued to was made in that it said the county terment was made at the I. O. O. F. Employment. 0 ------- ------- peared Saturday evening, and as yet Anton Plasker and Catherine Elson would be put to the expense of re­ cemetery, the services there being in placing it. The Pacific Contract Co. charge of the I. O. O. F. and K. P. Largest Student Body in Annals of on the 18tb of September. GEM THEATRE PROGRAM It was reported to the Chamber of his whereabouts have not been ascer­ Tillamook High School. tained. He was held without bail ------ o------ Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Richards, of which had the contract to build the lodges. Commerce on Monday evening that but ------ 0------ was, for several weeks, a trustee Friday-Saturday, Sept. 24-25. “The Beaver, psent the week with Mr. and bridge will suffer the loss. owing to the shortage of cars all saw ­ There are now 132 students en ­ In spite of the disagreeable weath- J°nes Reviews the Work in Tilla- about the court house, carrying the Mrs. J. S. Blair, during the Fair, rolled in the High School. With tile mills in this vicinity would have to food to the other prisoners from »he Silver Horde” by Rex Beach presen­ mook County. ted with an all star cast. Miss Patterson announces her Au- er Tuesday afternoon, the Presbyter­ close down within a few days and fine faculty, a new gymnasium and Star resturant on First Street, mow­ tumn Millinery opening Saturday ian Guild had a good attendence ot a large student body, the most suc­ hundreds of men would be thrown ing the lawn and doing other odd "Home Stretch” comedy. After six and a half years in the of ­ members and several visitors. One Sunday Sept. 26. "The Shadow of Sept. 25. cessful year in the history of Tilla­ out of employment. That was the I Jobs. of the out of town visitors, Mrs. C. fice of County Agent of Tillamook mook High school is anticipated. Rosalie Byrnes” featuring Elaine serious condition that confronted the There is to be an examination ___ In E. Stephens of Wheeler, had been a County it is not amiss that I should Saturday evening he left for the Last week the "Freshies” were in­ Chamber of Commerce on Monday, prisoners’ suppers, and did not re­ Hammerstein. this city on October 23 for rural car­ former member here. The regular make a little farewell statement to "Thru the Keyhole” Sunshine com­ itiated into the sacred order of the and substantiated by the mill owners rier from the Bay City route. entertainment committee having been the people of the county as I shall be High school. The girls were myst­ who laid the facts before the body, turn, no one having seen him since edy. unable to see them all and tell them It will go hard with him when Tuesday, Spet. 28, "Down on the Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Engle left for unable to prepare a program, the lit­ eriously ushered into a room from with the request that the Chamber Everettt, Wash., Saturday morning tle daughters of Mrs. Haberlach gave boodby before I leave. I am leaving which they sauntered forth with take some action to prevent, if pos­ caught this time, as he has more Farm,” 5 reel Mack Sennett comedy where they will make their home. a few vocal and instrumental select­ not because I have anything against green bows tied in many ridiculous sible, a close down of the sawmills than one charge to face. Pathe Review County or its people, but Wednesday, Sept. 29, "The Spurk De­ M. H. Nicholas, of the ! Western ions that were greatly appreciated by ! i Tillamook this vicinity. After considerable ways. The boys were given the_ in ____ because I think the new position of ­ County Exhibit at State Fair. vine, featuring Alice Joyce. Electric Co., of Portland, was in on the ladies. The hostesses, Mrs. fers better opportunities, all things "bumps” and one shoe taken from I didscusslon as to the best method to "Turks & Troubles.” comedy. business for several days this 1 week, Burge and Bales served dainty re­ considered. each, the shoes being used as decora­ I proceed, it was decided to take the A party consiting of F. R. Beals, freshments after which the ladles ad­ returning Saturday. tion for the assembly hall. Miller matter up first with the Southern Rollie Watson, Ira G. Lance, J. E. Thursday, Sept. 30, “Jenny be Good” Much progress has been made In featuring Mary Miles Minter. Mr. and Mrs. Fletch Wilson, of journed to meet again Oct. 5th. | the county along agricultural and aroused the admiration of the stu­ Pacific Co. officials in Portland. The Reedy and Wm. Maxwell went out to Hillsboro, who were here for a week The canary bird booth which was live stock lines during my term of dents by jumping from his seat to Coates Lumber Co., reported that It Salem on Sunday to enter the pure "Shudes of Shakespeare” comedy. “The visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Blair fitted gp at the fair by Mrs. Royal office in the county and I am glad of the stage and putting on his shoe needed 40 cars right away and the bred stock which wus taken to the Friday-Saturday, Oct. 1-2, other mill men were in the same pre­ fair from the county fair here in Hope” Metro Schreen Classics pro­ reurned to their home Saturday. Stillwell, was very charming and having had the chance to aid in this before the assembly. Saturday the teachers who were dicament piling up lumber every Tillamook, The entries, which were duction from Drury Lane melodra­ Mr. and M tb . W. H. Hoskins have pretty with its white and lavender progress. In the spring of 1914 there ma, presented by a special all star returned to their dairy farm north trimmings and the many cages of were three herds with a few regist­ here last year gave the new teachers day with no prospect of obtaining to close on the 15th, were held open cast. a picnic at Barview. cars. In fact, it was reported that golden canaries. The birds, belong ­ ered Jerseys, three with a few regist ­ of town, having rented their places until the 19th, by a special dispens­ The Manual Training classes are for over twelve months the railroad ation granted to Tillamook county, ing to Mrs. Stillwell were a credit to ered Holsteins and one each of Red at Rockaway and Bar View. making the lockers for the officials had been predicting that the County Agent Resigns. gymnus- that the men could get their cattle Lutheran services at the Adventist their owner, as they are a choice lot Polls and Ayshires. Today are some ium. car shortage would soon be over, there in time. for beauty as well as voice, and each 80 herds of Jerseys, 37 herds of Gu ­ church Sunday, Sept. 25, 2 o’clock, " R. C. Jones, who has been County The foot ball game which the High whereas the situation, as far as Till­ The party left here in cars at five p. m. Rev. L. Stuebe, from Cornelius vied with the other in their golden ernseys, 35 herds of Holsteins and school was to have played with the amook is concerned, was worse today throated melodies, making the room the same Red Polls and Ayrshire thirty in the morning and arrived in Agent fo this county since the work Ore., will occupy the pulpit. ring with the sound of their songs. herds. Nearly all of these breeders Alumni is postponed indefinitely. The than it ever had been. Salem at ten o’clock. Upon their ar­ started, April 1st, 1914, has resigned Marshal Gruber received a letter The question of water transportat­ rival they conferred for some time his position and will leave next week have been aided by the County Agent T. H. S. boys are being coached by recently from Secretary of the State, >» The pure bred Jersey calf which in selecting their foundation stock. Mr. Dimmick. ion was taken up as one means of re­ with the fair managers, and, as all totake uphis duties as Associate Pro­ authorizing him to arrest all persons was given by Joe Donaldsdon at the Five car loads have been purchased The effectiveness of the commer- lieving the situation, and the mill the entries for the entire fair were fesor of Dairy Production at the Ore­ driving cars without drivers’ license Fair last Thursday evening was re­ co-operatively and distributed in the ical department has been increased men were asked whether they would only 253 head, and Tillamook enter­ gon Agriculture College ut Corvallis. ceived by Carl Blaser. Mr. Donald­ co-operate if the Chamber succeeded ed 54 head, which was 20 per cent At that institution he will teach Mr. and Mrs. Leland B. Erwin, son offered the calf to the members county and many registered animals by the purchase of a mimeograph. Friday a student body meeting in getting lumber schooners to come of the entire exhibit, it was granted Dairy Cattle Breeding and Judging, Mrs. D. E. Goodspeed, Mrs. D. Ram­ of the Jersey Calf Club, lots being have been brought here for sale sey, of Tillamook were registered at drawn to see who its owner would through the efforts of the County was called by President Grace Joll- here. They heartily concurred in the use of barn number 1. This Is will have charge of the experimental Hotel Portland, Portland, Or. last be. Numbers were put into a hat and Agent. In doing this work he was iffe. Henry Boschler was elected yell the suggestion, one mill man stating the first time in the history of the work along production lines and dir­ ect supervision of the College dairy week. shaken, then the boys and girls drew I simply carried out the wishes of the leader; Ramona Haltom and Elta that he had a cargo of 400,000 feet fair, a period of 59 years, that a Miss Florence Phillips, of Port- to see who would get the lucky one. progressive dairymen of the county Sheets the high school editors; and ready to ship. It the car shortage county has been given the privelege herd. Clarence Gaberiel will assist with the continues the Chamber will get in of having an entire barn and exhibi­ land, returned home Saturday after It was number five and was drawn I and aided them in getting a start. touch with parties in San Francisco ting all her cattip together, as the ‘‘Down on the Farm” Comedy Results from breeding are necess­ athletic mat“rtal. having spent two weeks here with by Carl Blazer, and he was a mighty The races at the County Fair In and endeavor to have a line of boats usual rule is that each respective her uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. proud little boy when the fine heifer arily a little slow in showing up as Mack Sennett went the limit when it takes about three years after one which the students participated are run into Tillamook. This would breed is put in the general exhibit Robinson. calf was led out and given to him. as follows: 50 yd. dash, 1st, Miller; prove of double advantage, for the for that respective breed, and the he chose the cast for his latest big buys a bull to get any of his off ­ Jay Houser and Winnie Hill were The fact that there were two five reel comedy, "Down on the 2nd, Gabriel; 3rd Harris. 100 yd. vessels would bring merchandise married at the home of Fred Hill in dances a night during the Fair kept spring into production. These re­ dash, 1st, Miller; 2nd, Lucas; 3rd from the south and a great saving people of Tillamook should feel Farm," which has created a veritable sults are beginning to show up now proud of the fact that their exhibits Nehalem, on the 19th of Sept. Rev. the young people pretty busy. The sensation everywhere since it ha3 Gabriel. 220 yd. dash, 1st, Gabriel; would be made in freight rates that W. Warren, of the Methodist church management of the K. P. Hall, the and indicate that the bull selections 2nd, Lucas! 3rd, Harris, Relay class that are now paid to the Southern this year are to be the first to break been released by United Artists Cor- have been wisely made. the rule. As the breeders of Tilla ­ officiated. lodge, had announced dances for each The County Fair, just over, is il­ teams. 1st, Juniors; 2nd, Sopho- Pacific Co., and a large amount of mook are all co-qperating thiB will pcation, and which will be the fea­ Harlan and Alvin Curl, Emil Wool­ night and later it was found that lustrative of the progress that has mores; 3rd. FreBhmen; 4th, Seniors, business would be diverted from give them a chance to co-operate ture at the Geui Theatre, Tuesday ey and Walter and Earl Snider were there would also be dances in the been made in the. Live Stock Im­ Social functions will be withheld Portland to San Francisco. with their showing at the fair and Sept. 28. It has a complete all star arrested last week for having killed armory by the Wilkins’ orchestra, provement Project. This progress from the student body until the gym­ will make it possible for them to cast of comedy players, including the To draw the crowd and insure every deer after having pursued them with nasium is completed. would not have occurred without carry out the green and yellow color beloved child actor, John Henry, Jr. Jury List for October Term of Circuit one a good time the K. P.’s gave dogs. some one who made it his business scheme, which is the one adopted by and Teddy the great dog actor with their dances free, and, as the floor in Court A. M. Meyer and A. Miner return­ the K. P. Hall was so very much bet­ to keep the matter before the public Red Cross Work. the county as being symbolic of Pepper the clever cat actor. ed Saturday from an auto trip to the ter and the music also was good, and keep it going. The October term of the Circuit cheese and grass. When the work of the American valley. They were gone about a week, that, couple with the Along with this bringing in of im­ A special train of six cars was ob- Grange Notes. Court will convene on Monday, Oct. fact that it Red Cross is thoughtfully consider ­ while there visited Dallas and other was free, made the crowds so large proved stock has gone the Testing tained to transport the cattle and the 4. The jury drawn as follows: ed, and the need there is in every points. Fairivew Orange No. 273 met in county exhibits to Salem. This train that the platform in the end of the Association work. The results of C. B. Wiley. Tillamook, farmer Eli F. Shannon and Mrs. E. L. hall had to be removed. Everyone this are far more beneficial than community for a branch or a chap­ Thos. Coates, Tillamook, abstracter is the first special to be put on the regular session, Sep. Sth. Though the Banck, were married at the court had a good time each and every many people realize. For example, ter, each locality, where there is an 'Irvin S. Phillips, Tillamook, farmer road to haul livestock, those before attendance was small the enthusiaiu house Monday, Justice Stanley per­ night, and wouldn’t mind if the K. Frank Blaser was enabled to raise organization, has reason to feel a John M. Bodie, Bay City, carpenter being passenger trains only. Five of was great, and we are planning some his herd average by more than 100 sense of satisfaction. the cars are to contain the cattle and good meetings for the coming winter. forming the ceremony. They left im­ P.'s gave such dances every night. The fact that it is ready to meet C. A. Elliott. Bay City, farmer per cent per cow in four years of If each member would keep their the sixth one the other exhibits which mediately for Ot;eville, Cal., where Earl Porter, Oretown, farmer James Walker and Mr. and Mrs. testing. Others have done nearly as the emergency which may come at took prizes at the county fair. Nine dues paid and try to be present at Mr. Shannon has a home. T. W. Lyster, Tillamook, farmer A. Weinstein made a trip to Portland well. Every herd in the county any place is the only argument need­ men were on the train. They left even a part of the meetings we would John ErlckBon, Tillamook', farmer Anton Plasker and Catherine El­ last wek, returning Monday evening. should be in a testing Association. ed to insure its permanency. Wednesday night at ten o’clock and profit by it. Carl Curl, Beaver, farmer. son were united in marriage at the While on their way out there they The recent disaster at Klamath The other major project that has were to arrive in Salem at ten Thurs­ We hope that all our members will J. L. George, Cloverdale, banker Catholic church on the 20th of Sep­ had rather a serious acident, which been taken up is Soil Improvement Falls, where many lives were lost J. M. Vermilyea, Mohler, farmer day morning, About $100,000 were try to be present on October 11th, tember. Rev. Father Martin per­ resulted in the very serious injury and many persons injured, in the Are formed the ceremony. Both are very and perhaps the death of one of the drainage principally. About 7000 which destroyed a hotel and other M. C. Trowbridge, Tillamook, farmer represented by the stock which was and we will promise that you will acres have been organized into Drain­ taken out. not be disappointed. Sec. well known here and have hosts of parties. A truck, which was being age Districts and reclaimed from buildings, afforded another opport­ Charles McKIllip, Cloverdale, farmer We hope that Tillamook’s barn friends who wish them well. driven without a tail light, was on poor pasture land to as productive unity for the Red Cross to be of im- Wm. Roenicke, Woods, farmer will be the most attractive place in Mrs. M. E. Curry, of Osakis, Minu., one aide of the road, and, as Mr. land d8 there is in the county. meddlate service, the Klamath coun­ John J. Hudson, Cloverdale, farmer the Fair grounds, also that the great­ Mary Mile» Minter Stan in “Jenny James T. Stafford, Tillamook, farmer Be Good” is here visiting with her cousin, Mrs. Walker passed it another car, a Ford These were the two prominent ty chapter rendering aid which could er number of the prizes go to it, and F. L. Buel. This is the first time they driven by a young man who was ac­ needs of the county as I saw it when only have been possible because of Thane Honey, Tillamook, farmer that it will be a splendid success. At the Gem Theatre the bill for have met. Mrs. McCurry has never companied by his mother, ran into I came here. They have, therefore, the fact that there was organization. L. C. Daniels, Tillamook, farmer Thursday night, Sept. 30, will show been in Oregon before, but she thinks the back of the truck. The mother of been the lines on which my best ef­ In the smaller communities, where C. H. Christensen, Nehalem, farmer Baby Shop News Mary Miles Minter, the Real-artist the driver was thrown between the forts have been placed. Many other there is iess preparedness to meet W. H. Johnson, Tillamook, farmer this part of the country is great. ------ o—— in “Jenny be Good.” J. G. Kennedy, Tillamook, machinist. two cars and was severely hurt, sev ­ is of inestimable value, Special sales for Friday and Sat­ lines of work have been taken up al­ Byron 8. Weber, of the Seiberling- The story deals with a little girl, R. A. Jones, Blaine, farmer eral ribs being broken, her chest urday at Mrs. King’s Baby Shop on so but I feel that these are the most these emergencies under ordinary Walter F. Cason, Blaine, farmer Lucas Music Co., of Portland, return­ balcony at King &. Crenshaw’s. All Jenny Riano, (Mary Mlles Minter) ed Saturday, after having spent the caved in and other injuries. It Is not constructive and have been of great­ conditions the Red Cross Is of Charles Ray, Cloverdale, farmer rompers, dresses, coats and shirts, who is cared for by her old Invalid week here at the Fair demonstrating known whether she will survive or est service to the development of the mable value. J. D. Edwards. Bay City, timber man not. a per- Tillamook chapter is now including models at 20 per cent dis­ grandmother. She meets and secretly county. the different instruments of the com­ Albert Plank, Tillamook, clerk manent organization, and is at all count. Best canton flannel hemmed , marries Royal Renshaw, the son of In handing in my resignation I pany at the booth of the Tillamook Mrs. Kate Lake, of Portland, re- Carl Posettl, Tillamook, farmer times ready to render Bervice when ­ diapers al $5 per dozen, regular $7. i parents who have social aspirations. have no apologies to offer. I have Music Co. to her home Saturday, after turned O. W. Klnnaman. Beaver, farmer. ever and whet ever necessary. Puritan Baby Pants at less than | They learn of his secret marriage and made some mistakes, Everyone who Mr. and Mrs. P. Hesong, of Marsh­ having spent two weeks here with at once set about to part the young E. Worthington. Tillamook, farmer The program of after-war work is cost. land, were here for a few days this her nieces and nephew, Mrs. James does anything makes them. I have not yet completed, and all ex-service | . W. L. Provost, Bay City, farmer couple, by sending Royal on a cruise Knox Knit hose In silk lisle and week visiting with Captain and Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Jess« Edwards and Fred not pleased everyone. No one, even men and their families are urged to|F. Sappington, Tillamook, C. Engin. to Europe Jenny, through their In­ Infants cashmere at 20 per cent dis- God Himself, does that. I appreciate Burton. Mrs. Lake was the first Dodge. She is a cousin to Mrs. Dodge, fluence, has the marriage annulled, avail themselves of the service which count. and this is the first time they have white child born in the Willamette the support and co-operation that I is gladly given by the secretary. Red and Royal, due to the deception of We are sacrificing these to make seen each other for over twenty valley. She is seventy four yearB old, have always received from the Coun­ Cross Room is No. 200, Tillamook Registered Jersey Calf Purchased by room for our new stock of sweaters his family, marries Jolanda. a debut­ Frank Freeman. years. While here Mr. and Mrs. He- and this is her first ttrip to Tilla­ ty Court and the progressive people Bldg., over Haltom’s store. and caps for children of all ages. The ante of the smart set. There are mook although she has been near of the county. I have spent six and aong visited Netarts beach. many contrasts of the vices and vir­ best values to be found anywhere. a half of the best years of my life In Frank Freeman recently purchased tues of the common people with thut J. J. Worral left this morning for here many times, having at one time, trying to aid you in developing the Dainty new things In Infants ap ­ Cheese and Feed Gossip. • 5 months old pure breed Jersey of the so-called American aristocr­ a trip through the eastern states. He about forty years ago. taught school possibilities of the county. parel and a fine line of stamped goods bull calf from Dr. J. E. Reedy. The acy. and the gripping story is reliev­ will visit with relatives in Marshall! at Nehalem. At that time one was Carl Haberlach reports the cheese I know that the thinking people of is a splendid specimen, whose for fancy work. Mich., Louisville, Kentucky and Okl­ as far from Tillamook in Nehalem as the county do not want the work to situation in good shape and that the calf is Upland Daisy (240817), im- Do your Christmas shopping early ed by u vein of fine humor. dam they are now in P t ¿Lind For about ahoma. He will also visit Chicago, drop here as we have no where market is unchanged. So (gr theie ported from the Isle of Jersey. She and put that touch of handwork on various parts of Indiana. Kansas fifteen years Mrs. I. 'Nftl jjs a work­ reached the posBibllitltes in develop­ have been no Advances, but stocks are has more red flugres back of her than which will make your gifts of value. 'The Silver Horde” by Rex Beach er in the Japanese aiflBy .,,'nese mis ­ City, St. Louis and Denver, expecting j - O------ sions of San FrancisctjX at gave up ment. The best I can wish for my closely sold up and the market this any cow that we know of in the to be gone for several months. the work ten years ago and came to successor is that you give him the winter should be better than for sev- country. The sire of the calf is Glen- Finance Service Company of Port- ' Rex Beach’s great play "The Sil­ We wonder how B L. Beals liked Portland, where she has since lived. same hearty co-operation you have eral years past. ver Horde” will be shown at the ntana's Noble Burt (1 44245), which land Opens Blanch Office in City his bird like flight to Portland ths While here she attended ,the Fair, given me. He also reports that the feed slt- is from old Glenntana, one of th»' Gem Theatre.this Friday and Satur­ o other day. We heard that he and enjoying it very much. It •» inter­ My address will be Dairy Depart­ nation is In good shape, the farmers greatest show bulls in the Northwest, The Finance Service company day, Sept. 24 and 25. Fred DePuy made it in just fifty-five esting to know that she also attend- ment, O. A. C., Corvallis, and I shall having ample supplies of oats, corn, and also has many daughters of re­ whose home office is located at 909 Of all Alaska treasures, none Is minutes, which is going some, and erd the very first fair in Oregon, be glad to hear from any of my barley and red „lover seed. The mill gistered merit. Wilcox Building, Portland, Oregon, more bountiful than the salmon fish­ we also heard that he was pretty well which was held on the Clackmas riv­ friends at any time. I hope to see is operating full blast and farmers This calf promises to be one of ns will open a brunch office in Tilla­ eries of the Kalvlk district, and here frozen up when he got there. Maybe er. many of you in attendance during can put ia their orders for feed good herd sires as ever brought in mook which will be in charge of W. remote from law two rival factions the weather was warmer there which will be ground out to suite the county. Mr. Freeman 1 has ri­ F. Baker of this this city, the locat­ struggle to control the silver horde Farmers Week. the fancies of anyone. The prices cently purchased the ranch ot hi.» I ion of the office will be announced of salmon. though. Roy C. Jones. Death of Prank Hanenkratt - ----- o ----- vary according to the several grains father’s and is now getting ; It tn us soon as suitable location can be Marsh, head of a powerful cannery, A party of motorists, made up of Frank Hanenkratt of Long Prairie, mixed. Red Clover seed being sold shape to run, starting in the full secured. Mr. C. W. Hull, of Portland, hacked by a Wall Street syndicate. Is Mr. and Mrs. Pius Jacob. Ted Jacob Miss Dorothy Cohn Married. at 35c. the pound. Farmers should blood game. He Is making a good Ore., who is opening up this office detertnln'rd to monopolize the Kalvlk and Ruby Anderson, left Friday on a died early Saturday morning. Sept. ------0----- figure on getting in their winter's start In getting a pure bred sire, for the company, defines the operat­ fisheries. He finds In Cherry Malotto 18th. He had been ill only for few y Mis« Dorothy Cohn, daughter of trip to Southern Oregon. They will make their headquarters at Talent days with stomach trouble which Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cohn, who was supply of feed, especially wheat and which in the cattle class is a step to­ ion of the Finance Service Co. as fol­ a hardy and beuutlful daughter ot Alaska, a worthy opponent. She and lows: wards prosperity. born in Tillamook city, was married oats. and visit at Medford an Ashland un­ proved serious from the start. Frank Haftenkratt was a young to Mr. Jesse L. Delanoy, an Alameda I Dr. Reedy has brought into Tilla­ For a man or woman of moderate “Big George” Holt fight io hold their til the State Fair opens, when they mook and faised within the last year means to make Intelligent invest­ claims. Postmaster Examination expect to return as far as Salem and man was generally liked throughout, banker, following being an account Out from the mining country to being one of our most industrious of the wedding taken from a San over sixty head of pure bred dairy ment In co-operate securities, bonds, attend it. dairymen, and his death was a great Diego newspaper; twenty were at the etc. is ordinarily impossible for the the far north comes a discouraged examination will be held in cattle, of which An x Mr. A. A. Hal) presented the City surprise to his many friends for he Miss Dorothy Cohn, daughter nt this city on October 13th, for the county fair this year, some making reason that they luck the time, abil­ man, Boyd Emerson, a self-confessed library with a finely bound set of was held in the highest esteem. At ity, facilities and training to muke a failure. An alliance is formed be- Mr. and Mr». A. J. Cohn of this city, position of postmaster at Wheeler, great records in the official test. "Messages and papers of the Presid­ the last primary election he was a proper Investigation and unless their tween Holt, Emerson and Cherry ents". The time covered is from 1789 candidate on the republican ticket and Jesse L. Delanoy of Alamedu. Or. That office has an annual com- investment Is little more than a gam­ Malotte. They will fight for their Clothes Wanted for Armenians to 1892 so will be very interesting to for sheriff, but failed to obtain the were married at the home of the pensaton of $1,100. All applcants ble they need the advice of an ex­ claim to a share ot the silver horde. must have reached their twenty-first bride ’ s parents, 1308 Granara ave- students of politicial vents, and tba nomination. When a young man he Another call has come for old pert, who combining special know­ Emerson goes to New York to get tho but not sixty-fifth birthday, must be nue, at high noon Wednesday. Rev. readers will greatly appreciate the attended the O. A. C. at Corvallis. a citizen of the United Stages, and clothing for the orphaned children ledge with Judgement has the fact- necessary capital and ia successful. W. E. Crabtree officiated. opportunity Mr. Hall has given them He was born at Sterling, Kansas, lllties and incentive to make a thor­ The powerful Wall Street Syndicate must actually reside within the de­ and widows of Armenia. The service was performed in the in making the gift. November 18th. 1884. and in 1805, presence of the immediate family. livery of the office, and have so re­ Conditions are terrible there, and ough investigation. It is for the calls into play every source at its Monday morning while working at December 28. he was married to Oil's The bride wore a brown duvetyne sided at the time when the vacancy although In some places the distress purpose of rendering to the Investor, command in an effort to "break” the the Coast Power plant. N. Griffis, the Franklin. To this union were horn suit and hat. Following the service occured. Application blanks and in­ of last year has been relieved, yet in big or little, thia special service the three. Then the fight begins tn chief engineer, had his foot badly three children. Oscar, Evelyn and a wedding breakfast was served. Mr. formation may be secured from the much of the country the suffering is Finance Service Company exists. earnest with the action sweeping burned. He had been looking in the Mason. August 8th, 1814, be was and Mrs. Delanoy left at once to postmaster at the place of the vac­ as great, or greater than last year, Heretofore the man of moderate forward at a breath-taking pace and tank at some particles that were married to Stella Smith, of Tilla­ motor through the state in a Cadil­ ancy or from the Civil Service Coru- The moet of the men have been klll- means has never been able to secuie winding up In a big surprise climax. floating on the top of the water, mook. by which mariage he leaves lac coupe, presented to the bride by at Washington, D. C., and should be ed .and anything that a woman or investments where he got a fair and While painting In big vivid strokes when one of bis feet slipped Into the one child, Nadine. her mother. They will stop at Del properly executed and filed with the child can wear to keep thine warm full return on the earnings of his i the almost superhuman courage and tank and became fastened in the bot­ Deceased leaves to mourn him, a Monte, Lake Taboe and several other Commission at Washington in tinte will be appreicated. money And was forced to take from strength ot luu fighting men of the tom of it. The steam from the tur­ wife, four children, father and moth­ place« in the Yoaemlte valley. Contributions should be left at three to eight per cent which Is no­ Great North, Rex Beach has not neg- to arrange tor the examination of the bine burned tbh foot before Mr. Griff­ er. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Hanenkratt, Fire Company’s room in City Haji be­ thing more than mere rental—our . lected the romance that inspired the Following their wedding trip the applicant. is could be helped out. of this city; two brothers. Ralph, of fore October 1st. service therefore consists In bringing courageous stand ot the three part- *