TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. SEPTEMBER 1«. 1920 WAS TOO FERVENT Law Saw More Love Than Re ligion in Man’s Kiss. Exhaustive Legal Opinion by Brltleh Judge Laid Down Fine Distinction Between the Salute Amatory and the Salute Religious. KOH-I-NOR’S story endless Complete Tai. of Matchleu Diamond, Now Ono of Britieh Crown Jew- •Io, Wae Never Told. All the world has heard of the Koh- !-nor, or, as it has been sometimes | called, the Great Mogul diamond, and ft would seem that there was noth- ¡ng more to be said about It. remarks Eleanor Maddock In Asia Magazine. Yet, in point of fact, not a tenth part of its history has ever been traced, so far does It extend back into tlie vistas of the past. PerImps one of the strangest things about It Is Viat It cannot be lost to tbe world Indefinitely. It was bricked and plastered up In a wall and miraculous­ ly found after its former owner had been murdered. It was twice thrown away as a bit of glass and once went to the washerwoman in the pocket of an Englishman's drll| suit. This matchless gem is called in In­ dia the “Mountain of Light" and the Talisman of Kings;” the latter be­ cause it wns said to bring sovereignty to its possessor. Strangely enough, af­ ter it fell Into the hands of a Turkish slave of Illegitimate origin, a line known as the “Slave Kings” sat on tlie throne of Delhi for eighty years, during which period the desire to pos­ sess the talisman amounted to a fren­ zied obsession. Suddenly It disappear­ ed In the chaos that brought the slave dynasty to an end in 1290. The Koh-l-nor later scintillated with­ out bloodshed through the reign of Shah Jahan down to his son Aurang- zeb, who exhibited It to a number of Europeans whom he was entertaining at his court. Among them was Taver­ nier. tlie French Jeweler, who later wrote a descriptive account of It for tho delectation of Europe. After be­ ing tossed like a shuttlecock in the Delhi loot, and remaining for a period of years with the Sillies in the Punjab, tills most celebrated diamond in tho world now rests on a purple velvet cushion among Britain’s crown Jewels in the grim old Tower of London. ELDERLY CAN “COME BACK” THEATRE FEATURE ATTRACTIONS Physician Tell* How Ha Succeeded I d Throwing Oft trie m«ut>u« at Advancing Years. Dr. I. Leo Nascher tells how he mad« himself over Into a youug man, in an article In People's Magazine for May. “It Is something any elderly person can do.” he says. “Here Is the sim­ ple proposition. A man ages many years in the course of a severe illness lasting several weeks. After a few weeks* vacation be looks and feels many, but to a certain extent the cus- he was taken ill. Having in mind hun­ dreds of cases In which tills has proved true, it Is logical to ask If we cannot rejuvenate the aged, make them grow young again. Just as we made the pre­ maturely aged invalid become young. And, through recent experiments, tlmt can now be answered in the affirma­ tive. I speak from personal experleii' e. "It is a fact that there Is not a s n- gle one of the objective manifestations of senility, those that give the appear­ ance of old age, which cannot be re­ moved, suppressed, or hidden, or st least a youthful substitute found for I Viola Dana in “The Chorus Girl’s Romance, The islanders of Lewis, the Island in the western Hebrides, off the coast of Scotland, which Is coming so much Into prominence since Its recent pur­ chase by the soup king. Lord Lever- tiulnie, have many quaint customs, one of which was strikingly revealed in an action for divorce tried In court at Edinburgh. Tlie story Is well told In the Judgment pronounced by Lord Sands. Tlie action was at the Instance of Alexander Matheson, fisherman of Portnaguran. Stornaway, against Mrs. Isabella McLean or Matheson. 6 Port­ naguran, and against William Camp­ Adults 25c. Children 15c bell. merchant, 9 Portnaguran. as co­ defender. His lordship granted a de- IL cree of dlvorce and found the co­ defender llable In expenses aud£40 “To restore the spirit and buoyancy damages. of youth Is more difficult, This re- quires the will, not only the desire, but His lordship said he thought it wns tlie determination and the energy to be proved that, considering their previ­ young, to feel young and look young. ously distant relations, there was a Most old persons have the desire, some remarkable Intimacy botweeu defen­ have the determination, but few have der and codefender. The codefender the energy to carry out the measures kissed the defender both when they necessary for rejuvenation. In many were alone and In her house before cases the old man or woman who would her children. This in itself would like to do so is afraid of ridicule, of have been conclusive hnd ft not been being cnlled giddy and foolish if he or for one circumstance. The defender she suddenly appeared In youthful at­ and the codefender were both members tire and adorned with tlie artifices of of the United Free church. There was the beauty parlor. Yet under some evidence that could not lie disregarded Adults 25c. Children 15c. special stimulus, usually the desire to that there was a certain practice of attract some particular individual of kissing between communicants, though, the opposite sex, both men and women in deference probably to British ideas, « have gone beyond the limit of pro­ the salutation seemed to pass only be­ priety to look younger than they tire tween persons of opposite sexes. Tlie and feel younger than they look. And existence of such a practice seemed if they went about it the right way somewhat startling, but hi« lordship they usually succeeded. thought It was explained by tlie evi­ One cent a word per Issue. "I tried it a couple of years ago. not How Wit Helps Legislation. dence taken In relation to what was a to attract any particular individual, It is sometimes said that a reputa ­ matter of public knowledge among Singer Agency—H. F. Cook, Prop. . * those conversant with religious con­ tion for wit is fatal to n serious leg­ but to see If it could be done, and how islative enreer. But the statement Is It felt to grow young. ditions in the highlands. Sale by John Leland Henderson, “In one year tlie change in my ap­ For 206-3d It had been the practice for only a not altogether true, for more than FmblrmofSatujtxltoa St., Tillamook, the Makin- mere handful of the adherents of the once a bit of wit has prevented legis­ pearance and actions and feelings was star, 160 acre ranch. near Oretown. so complete that persons who hnd not church to participate In communion, al­ lative folly. Price >2500.00. Terms easy. It is a tradition In Philadelphia seen me since the earlier days, when I though the communion season was a When in need of something electric far more solemn action In the high­ flint during the constitutional conven­ was aged, did not recognize me.” tion it was proposed to Incorporate In just call on the Sunset Electric. lands than In the lowlands. ureness of operation, guarantee of power and Since the split in the Free church, the Constitution a provision flint the Yields to March of Progress. power for hard, fast travel positive performance. For Sale: 5 room house. Inquire at United States army should never ex ­ however, in 1900, the sections which One of the oldest banks In Wall 115, 5 St. West. over all kinds of roads, ca­ ceed 3, (MX) men. According to the adhered to the United Free church find street has finally yielded to the march With its capacity for service, pacity to stand up, are de­ tended to become much more like their tradition the debate, which was pos­ of progress—and Installed a telephone. Let the Sunset Electric wire your Buick combines striking brethren in the soul, and thus It man­ sibly informal and outside the regu­ It will only have one phone at first, home and save you money. veloped tothe highestdegree ifested Itself among other ways in lar sitting, was abruptly cut short for It Is difficult to uproot prejudices beauty. In resilience of inthenewNineteenTwenty many younger persons becoming com­ when Benjamin Franklin solemnly of many years. They have never had Dr. Wise will be at his Cloverdale of­ spring suspension and ap­ suggested that there he Incorporated One Buick Serie«. municants. This caused an awkward fice Wednesday and Thursday. a telephone because they believed that pointments that make for complication as regarded the pissing nnother clause making It part of the confidential business could not be con­ riding comfort the new For two decades, Buick en­ custom. It might be ail very well for organic law of the land that no for­ ducted over a telephone and their at­ Dr. Wise will be at his Wheeler office Friday and Saturday of this week elderly saints to greet one another eign nation should ever invade the mosphere of the old hank, the oldest models are especially gineers have built Buick cars an also on Sept. 10th and 11th. 9-9 with a chnste oriental salute, but it country with an army of more than in the city, Is that of a staid institu­ appealing. on these sensible lines for 3,000. ■was a different matter when it came to tion in some old town settled In Colo­ A somewhat similar point was nial times. Absolute quiet prevails. Go to the Sunset Eelectric for Nation­ buyers who look upon the young married women being promiscu­ al Mazda lamps. They give better In the new Buick fhree pas­ ously kisaed by casual male acquaint­ scored in the state legislature a few The employees retain the old-fashioned • motor car as a business light. ances who happened to be fellow com­ years ago when, during a discussion good manners. Instead of a lovely senger roadster, you will utility. municants. Tills extension of the cus­ not over well based, it was proposed laughing creature who tells the world Small dairy ranch for sale with six find a car which meets every b.v a shrewd Yankee from the hills of the line is busy In thrilling soprano, tom was therefore disapproved of by cows, in Trask river bottom, three requirement for sure, swift, Each of the new models iJ many, hut to a certain extent the cus- j Sunderland, F. L. Whitmore, that s the bunk will select for their first tele­ miles south of Tillamook F. L. comfortable transportation equipped with the Buick tom prevailed. Such being the state law should he enacted providing that phone operator a person with a beard Buell T. F. no one should he obliged to work be­ and a bass voice, able to endow his of matters, the kissing indulged in for every business man. valve-in-head motor, — a Re­ lightest utterances with a certain pro­ by the parties to this case had not tween meals.—Springfield (Mass.) Help wanted: Men to work in box publican. fundity. factory; also millwright or carpen­ the conclusive character of undue fa­ ter. Apply to Peyne Co., or phone milia rity. Tasmania Has Rare Mineral. 34F3, Twin Rocks, Or, It was proved that the codefender did New and Valuable Resin. Tasmania now promises to become more than kiss the defender; he also the world’s chief producer for some A new synthetic resin Is stated to put his arms around her. a fact which time to come of the rare mineral osnti- be n sultnhle substitute for many pur­ My middle name is George. Let me bring you "Vaughn” Best drag Baw lie admitted. His lordship felt that re­ ridium. The various osmlrldium yield­ poses for Damar and Kauri gums and on the market today. Call E. G ligious custom did not justify this ex­ ing centers of this extensive serpen­ common resin. It Is produced from Krebs. tension of the embrace. tine belt on the west coast are already coni tar distillates, and has been named I giving profitable employment to 200 Cumar. It is soluble in coal tar sol­ Some good lots in Tillamook city and Egyptian Women Are Ssrfs. men. and ft is an easy matter for an vents, vegetable oils, carbon bisul­ Liberty bonds to trade for small Tlie treatment of women in Egypt Industrious digger to earn up to £10 phide, carbon tetrachloride, ether and place near Tillamook. Charles Is the darkest phase of Egyptian life, a week, while many are making dou­ acetone. It is insoluble in alcohol, Gross, Ramsey Hotel. says G. N. Barnes, British member of ble that nn12,000.00. Write to Aubury i ' * wheeled about, took quick altn. and de­ Spector’s office at Phoenix, Aria., by •1 can't,” he said sadly. "I haven’t T. Fisher. Trustee, Aberdeen, “Laugh like a boy at splendors that Call and see the new models of pianos livered two kicks with lightning swift­ the Chirlcshua Cattle company of Co- any garage underwear like yours.” and players at ‘‘The Song Shop". Washington. 9-30 have fled; ness. The kicks caught the elephant chnise county, southeastern Arizona. Sold on easy payments. You can To vanished joys be blind and deaf squarely on the knees. It stopped for Chia««« Girls Fight, th« Boys. More than 1,