TV LAMOOK HEADLIGHT. SEPTEMBER la. 1920, Charles E. Hughes Joins Actors In Paying Tribute to Harding On the same day that sixty members of the Harding-Coolidge The­ atrical League Journeyed from New York to Marion to greet Senator Harding, Charles E. Hughes dropped off the train at the now famous Ohio town to visit the Republican nominee for President. Al. Jolson, president of the league, immediately elected Mr. Hughes a member, and together they played an Important part In the day’s program. Here we see Senator Harding, Eugene O’Brien, motion picture sta.-, and Mr. Hughes. TT’-ll L U/llldHlllllR and most successful co-operative as sociatlon of farmers in the state. And when that organization goes on zee- ord as opposed to any initiative measure it means that Tillamook county is going to swat the interesl rate bill good and hard in November And it will be the dairymen who will do it. It seems that some people are laboring under a false idea about the measure, for they freely predict that they will be able to borrow money at 4 and 5 per cent if the measure carries. We want to disabuse their minds of this erronec ius impression, (or they will not i>e t .bis to do so. It is just as well to admit it that the measure is aimed to c ipple the fi­ nancial and industrial life of Oregon and will drive money away from the state. ------ 0 Oregon is advised to do what Maine uid the first part of the we«k when it rolled up a big vote in con- denination of the democratic party, which i wasted the people’s money like a lot of drunken sailors. The Maine s election is convincing that there will be a republican land slide all over the country in November. And Oregon is advised to send a re­ publican senator to Washington to help the republican president. To do so republicans must quit voting for Chamberlain and this year Robert N. Stanfield is the republican nomi­ nee for United States Senator. A large number of democrats have de­ serted Senator Chamberlain and will not vote for him, and as Oregon is re­ publican by a large number it should have a republican to represent the state, who will have influence with 'he republican administration. By­ giving Robert N. Stanfield your su- port and vote for United States Sena­ tor, Oregon will do the same as Maine did in September. HAVE ANIMALS SIXTH SENSE? Hard OthenmiM to Explain How Wild Beasts Know That the Groat War Wao Over. Frightened by the noises of battle given a new coat of paint. Bro. James Carver, who has been sick for some time, is reported rap­ idly improving. Bro. Hubert Butler went to Port­ land, on business, Tuesday. Win. Bragg, Sec. the wild beasts of East. Central and West Central Africa went scurrying north and south, traveling sometimes hundreds of miles In their fright and taking refuge in localities entirely new to them. But just as the mlns of northern France have drawn human beings back to them—men and women who dwelt there before the German occupation, home has claimed the wild animals and most of them are now back In their native haunts. How did the wild beast know thai the war was over? The .elephant, gorilla, giraffe, ante­ lope, buffalo, rhinoceros. lion, leopard and porcupine are eertaluly all per­ fectly uware of the fact 1 Human beings have their various avenues of sending news, chief among these the newspapers, the post and the telegraph Whatever the method of communion tlon, the wild animals certainly got the news quickly. Peace was no sooner accomplished than the African natives began to see the homeward migration of whole companies of wild beasts through their territories, animals never familiar In these particular communities and obviously passing through. Four years previously they ha«i come crashing through the under­ brush hound in nn opposite direction. They were In great haste then and pos­ sessed of fear; ami pachyderms ami carnivora traveled together, the age- old war of the Jungle forgotten In a common plight. Birds may become accustomed tQ rhe sound cf firing, but wild animals loathe It. Fear of strange noises is Instinctive with them. Animals born In captivity Invariably show this in­ stinctive dread. And It Is a well- known fact in zoological parks that apes can be controlled instantly ^y rhe display of a musket, even when as far ns Is they have never seen one «pit lire. CONDITIONS NOW AND IN 1865 According to General Sherman's Memoir*, Hietory Seems to Bo Merely Repeating Itself. A single page In rhe story of the Civil war. the Memoir* of General Sherman, carries observation* by mo tiliio men prominent In that war. Gen­ eral Sherman himself ami Secretary of War Stanton, that have a strange­ ly familiar sound now amid tile dis­ tressing conditions that have folloned the World war here. General Sherman has arrived, with Ills story at rhe opening of the year IS'id. and lie Is dealing with the clos­ ing events of the Civil war. He is at Savannah and the secretary of war Is there, partly on an official visit and partly for recreation. The policy of enlisting slaves is under discussion and the order giving the freed slaves the right to occupy seized lands is agreed on. “He professed to have come from Washington for rest and recreation,” •vrlte* General Sherman, “and he «poke unreservedly of the bickerings and Jealousies at the national capital, of the Interminable quarrels of the state governors about their quotas and more particularly of the very ex- '«fence of the government Itself. "He said that the price of every­ thing had so risen in comparison with •he depreciated money that there was ■longer of national bankruptcy, and lie appealed to me. as a soldier and pn triot. to hurry up matters so as to bring the war to a close. “I was quite Impatient to set off. myself, for city life hail become dull and tame, and we were nil anxious to get Into the pine woods again, fre«- from the Importunities of Southern women asking for protection, and of civilians from the North who were coming to Sava-nah for cotton and all sorts of profit.” High price- weariness of the war conditions, er :e,-i.ess on all sides for the return of peace, swarms of people nt Wn«hfr-'«»n—official and private «■’tlzens. with axe« to grind, nn«l spo«-t ■«'ntors from tb«> North pushing r‘cb< 'own to the l-"<'t'e line« in promoting ■t efr profiteer'!’-; enterprises Rut w.- came through it.—Columbus D'spatcli FAIR VISITORS Come in and hear the wonderful BRUNSWICK AND CHENEY PHONOGRAPHS. No obligation to buy. We carry the largest stock of Phono­ graphs in Tillamook County, and have over 300 satisfied customers here. When you buy a phonograph that you know by Reputation, you will have no regrets afterwards. Don’t you think it’s safer than buying one that you never heard of ? We have now a stock of $4000-00 which will give you a wide range to choose from. Yes! We sell on easy monthly payments. We are headquarters for JC V|j I a States Senators who voted agains’ IIII'dUIIH111. Wilson’s league of nations, overlook- Fred C. Baker, Editor. ~ lng the fact that Sen-tor Chamber­ ------------------------ ------ ——————— ; lain was one of the senators in the per year $2.00 last vote in toe Senate who flopp«.’d SUBSCRIPTION —.... for .— the league .------ amend- I 99 ---------- __ over and > voted i ment. Where George stands today, one guess is as good as another. It’s Main Street, Tillamook, Ore. i '; not out of place to ask him if Pianos and Player-Pianos also, ’ he is now in favor of the Wilson cov- The Cloverdale paper appears to ' i enant, or against it, for the Demo- have given up the gh Mt. , cratic platform is in favor of it. Yet one cannot tell after George does say "Hie (Cox’s) nomination would What took place at Kalamali re­ which side of the fence he is on cently, when a large number of per­ whether he will stay there. Seeing make the democratic party the leader sons were roasted alive when a large ‘ that he is now for Governor Cox and of the lawless element of the country Report of the Condition of frame building, used for hotel pur­ I the Governor is for the Wilson and his selection, if such athing were poses, caught fire, is liable to be league, and George being a democrat possible, would turn the White House over to those who defy the repeated in this city at any time, he must be for the Wilson league. for we have exactly the same Are government and hold law in con­ At Tillamook, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business September traps in this city as they had at Kal- Some twenty-five years ago, when tempt. * » * There is no chance cf 8,1920. amah. the initiative and referendum agita­ his election if nominated, but why tion first started in Oregon, the edi­ should any Democrat be willing to P. ESOURCES Dollars Cents Women’s Rights in China. Loans and di. counts . .......................................... One of our business men was hot tor was called a moss-back, non-pro- support a man whose nominati«.:' .. 678,614.56 A p:’*'T'!n1 government In the prov­ Overdrafts, secured and unsecured................. in the collar after he made a visit Io gressive and a back number because would insult the conscience of the ... 10,667.43 nation?" — William Jennings Bryan, ince of llnnel; China, Is endeavorin'-' Bonds and warrants ............................................ Bayocean. We are not going to re- : ■ we opposed the initiative fea'u«-'»* of ... 78,648.73 ¿nocks, securities, judgements, etc................... peat the exact words, but he said it ' | the proposed constitutional anio-’d- in a statement issued before the San by offi' acri'ti to bring the women ... 3,707.46 'o ordi v mid icason, in the matter of Furniture and fixtures ...................... ............. was, a - - well, an outrage that those ' . ni« nt. We took the criticism in go.vd Francisco convention. ... 6,750.00 ■>n*hoo “Wo-nen and girl* nre not Other real ee’nte owned ..................................... people were deprived of a road. We I ■ part, knowing full well that ::orie ... . 795.85 u> wear extraordinary On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri­ nermittv! Due front bat ks (not reserve bank;)............ heartily coincide with the business ■ ! day the people of Oregon would : '• 6,614.63 Due fit at approved reserve banks................. man and he only expresses the opin­ ize that they were making a mistake. days Franklin Roosevelt says the re­ ■lothes,” rims the official order which .. 109,143.74 The 4 and 5 per cent Inte Rate publican campaign fiind is $30,000.- he poll««- bnve been Instructed to “n- Checks and other cash items ........................ ion of the entire community. . . 1,655.57 Cured bv Gold fnloctiens. bill to be voted upon next b- -w- ber 000 and on Tuesdays, Thursday an-l orce. ‘‘-The women’s dresses, which Exchanges for clearing house........................... ... 19,518.47 ------ 0— i ere gecra'lv adopted by the Ch ’ ne^e The very ln ‘ « — t |>ost->var d! coverv Cash on hand............................................................ For the edification and comfort of simply shows that the initiative Saturdays Governor Cox says it* ... 18.892.55 Int. canted but not collected........................... those who claim that Governor Cox law can be worked by some s l:e ii- $15,000,000. What’s a few millions -vntle st-" previous to the first revoln- '« the curing of certain al'"”’its by ... 8,000.00 >n In TR11. we better suited to young —enns of in'«-'-*'ms of dll’”e-1 gold. Customer’s liability account of 'Acceptances1 will’carry Ohio, at the recent pri­ ing person to injure the flna’via! more or less to represent ttives c.f .o . . . 33,000.00 ’ ■ •.men I w -«-: iiiss they are not too “bort T ils very expensive rre ’ hod -- f cestor- industrial life of Oregon, i. hich ' is administration that ha-, been spend­ Othc:s resources ................................................... mary in that state 280,000 republi-< .... 237,54 nr too narrow, and they slioiil«) be by a ng lo«t iieaith "as d'.«trove can and 125,000 democrats partici­ one of our contentions when the agit- | ing billions with as much abandon doctor who Ims convdetely - i--« - d again. ” The official order gives '•'renrh Total pated. Does that look as though Cox ation was first started. We think w-g as is ordinarily employed in letting 976,246.53 further particulars of the abuses which fired a wealth Parisian of a complaint LIABILITIES will carry Ohio? And in regard to are entitled to an apology from the loose of anickel at Coney Island? It alleges have taken place by which, similar to shell-shock. Although gold editors who called us a moss-back, Captial stock paid in............................................................. California there are 780,000 repub­ 40,000.06 in the mntter of clothes, it Is not pos­ 's very scarce at "present, a limited Surplus fund ........................................................................... licans and 283,000 democrats en­ lion-progressive and a back number. ’ 10,000.00 «ttpply is available for medicinal pur ­ sible to distinguish the Chinese women Report of Nestucca Valley Cow Test ­ ------ 0------ Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid . . . rolled. . 13,445.26 of "respectable anti good families from poses. The price for one injection of Eight years ago Bro. Trombley ing Association Dividends unpaid.................................................................. 822.00 those who nre not.” But rhe signifi­ good quality gold sometimes reaches was strong on democratic political ------ O ------ Due to banks and bankers................................................. . 1,476.67 Senator Chamberlain is for Gover­ slush, for he tooted his horn that if ( cance of this solicitude on the part of rhe fifty-pound mark, while In one or Postal Savings bank deposits............................................ The report for the month of Aug­ the military governor of Hupeh Is two exceptional cases gold Injections 421.02 nor Cox for president, and both being the democratic party was returned to { Individual deposits subject to check................................ 430.839.71 democrats, it is perfectly proper that power the high cost of living would ! ust of the Nestucca Valley Cow found In the part of the order which have cost over a hundred ponnds each. Demand certiticates of deposit.......................................... 1,079.70 the senator is wanting to see C«>x come down. Alas, it has gone up Testing Association is as follows: states that the Importance of bearing I Consequently, only very rich persons Cashier checks outstandidng............................................ 88,555.96 elected. So our George is a full fledg- | I from 200 to 300 per cent. Four Average pounds milk, 626: average and clothes Is to he recognized, “in enn nt present undergo this gold Certified checks ...................................................................... 34.70 ed democratic this year and republi­ years ago, Bro. Trombley tooted an- pounds butterfat, 28.92 number of view of the fact that women are play­ treatment, which has been successful * Time and Savings’Deposits................................................ 182.653.71 cans who are going to vote fur Hard­ other tune “He kept us out of war.” cows tested during the month, 608; ing nn Important part In modern poli­ In rescuing several cases of complete Notes and bills rediscounted ............................................ 135.917.80 ing for president should also vote f?r and tn a few monrlis the country was number of cows producing over 40 tics In western countries, and there is nervous breakdown. It should be re­ Bills payable for money borrowed.................................. 38,000.00 sufficient reason to believe thnt tills membered. however, thnt the gold It­ Stanfield for United States Senator , ’ plunged into the world war that Pr j - pounds fat, 55. “Acceptances” of I his bank .............................................. 33,000.00 awakening of the gentle sex will soon self Is of no great value as a tonic. The three high grade herds are: if they want a republican administra- i ; sident Wilson kept us out of. Now The Idea in making the Injections Is tion and a republican senate to back the democratic party has another Joe Sheiber, 21 cows, 910 lbs. milk, be extended to the fnr East.” Total to liven up the patient and prevent ................................................. 976,246.53 up a republican president. It can't be bright idea. It is preaching “wet” 44.10 fat. him or her from brooding too serious- Gruesome Find. done by republicans voting for l In tile East and “dry” in the West, M. N. Bays, 22, 735 lbs. milk, 37.- State of Oregon, County of Tilla­ Subscribed and sworn to before me An extraordinary story comes from l.v. Tills done, doctors believe thnt mook, ss. Chamberlain. with a wet candidate for president 32 lbs. fat. this 15th day of Sept., 1920. the hattie Is won. Strange to half Shanghai (Chinn) of a- find by some I. B. L. Beals, .Jr., Cashier of the having the support of Tammany and F. B. McKinley. Notary Publiu J. C. Dunn, 18, 825 lbs. milk, 35 - say. the Injections are not made railway men at Harbin. A box car ad above-named bank, do solemnly So the false accusations made by the liquor interests. But we guess 96 lbs. fat. My commission expires February through the usual type of syringe, but dressed to Colonel Bullkoff. who is the Governor Cox that the republican that Ed, like a good many more The high pure bred cow was Yuk- generally through a conical-shaped swear that the above statement is 2, 1924. party was raising a slush fund of democrats in the county will swallow ! on’s Golden Glow, a Jersey o» ned Russian representative nt Hollar, was tube of pure platinum costing over true to the best of my knowledge and Correct—Attest: H. T. Botts, D. belief. 815,000,000 to buy ill J presidency the high cost of living they promised j by M. N. Bays. Her record is: 973 opened ami found to contain apparent­ twelve hundred dollars. Fitzpatrick, James Williams, Direct- ly hags of flour and firewood. Under­ B. L. Beals, Jr., Cashier ors. has fizzled out ami prove 1 to be only to reduce without saying one word, lbs. milk and 47.7 lbs. fat. • neath these were found eight caskets, another democratic lie. Governor Cox and in some mysterious manner | The high grade cow was Nellie, each one duly labeled, six bearing the Money. and his running mate commenced 'lie swallow the “wet” candidate, and i also a Jersey, owned by Joe Sheiber. ir.mes of grand dukes and duchesses After having studied the careers of Market Road No. 3, from Hemlock accusations and mud slinging, and Tammany -is well, for if Cox Is elect­ She gave 1212 lbs. of milk with 54 LODGE MEETINGS. and the other two the name of a priest many of onr richest men. and after to Sand Lake, Sta 13523 to Sta now that the senate investigatio.i ed. Tammany will reign supremo a- 5 lbs. flit. and a valet of one of tire grand dukes. having obtained from many of them 29282 according to the plans and committee have proved that they gain in New Y'ork and at tlie White Tillamook Lodge No. 57 of their Inmost speciflications on file in the office of The following gives the names and To make sure there was no ruse, one an outpouring were uttering falsehoods, they keep House. A. F. and A. M. casket was opened and a body re ­ thoughts, m.v conclusion about money ­ the association records of the cows in the County Clerk. on making the false accusations a Wednesday of each month. which have produced more than 40 vealed. In addition to the names of 's this, says n writer in Forbes Maga­ On the date mentioned above the gainst the republican party. The in­ Rehersals each Wednesday The action of the Tillamook County lbs. butter fat during the period of the dead there was also written who zine : Court will publicly open and read vestigation, however, proved one Creamery Association on Monday tn following. Visiting broth­ •‘Money Is n very desirable thing, the bids but reserves the right to re­ thirty days, ending the 1st of Sept­ had killed them and where. The ques­ thing, and that was that the liquor i passing a resolution condemning the ers welcome. tion Is being asked who bad forward­ even n lot of It. Its possession en­ ject any or all bids. Bids must be ember. interests were giving their support 4 and 5 per cent interest rate meas­ By order of W. M. ed these bodies and for what reason, ables one to do a great mnny things accompanied by cash, certified che­ Owner Cow lbs. milk B. F. to Governor Cox. ure to be voted on in November ami where they were ultimately des­ which are impossible if one lacks It. Leslie Harrison, Sec. que or bidders bond of an amount Merle Holman, Brownie . . .797 40 7 tined to bo sent. In these days when There is no such potent material In- I should be the action of every farmer's ------- o------- Nettie . . . . .865 40.3 railwaymen expect to tfmi hidden away strnment for ennbling one to do wor­ equal to at least 5 per cent of the How funny. Governor Cox in his organization in Oregon,, as the Tilla- total bid. Stated convocation Friday J. I.. Craven, Nig ............... 1488 446 gold. Jewels and other precious met. thy deeds tn in rjje numbers »nd on a political speeches abuse United I mook Association represents the best First publication. Sept. 16. 1920. Aug. 27. Visitors welcome. Colantha . . 1259 416 ats, to be confronte«! with caskets con­ large s<-ale. Money, Indeed, Is so de- Last ” Oct. 1. 1920. ................. Blule............. 1119 43.6 taining murdered persons Is Indeed a «IrabTe, so nseful, so rich in possibili­ Johnson Chapter No. 24 ” ” ’’ Blue............ .1426 49.5 gruesome and unwelcome find. R. A. M. ties for worthy accomplishment, that Hurliman & Sons, No. 13 1116 49.1 Notice to Contractors. one should exercise every honorable I. E. Keldson, Sec. ” ” ” No. 23 .949 41.8 ------- o------- For a Real Affectionate Father He Stays Away an Awful Lot If 8h* Doesn’t Talk Too Much. effort to acquire every dollar of it that ------- o------- Clem Rust. Rosie ................ .977 40.6 Notice is hereby given that the The worst woman hater I know 1« one can earn, but there is not enough G. A. R. ” ” Nellie........... . 670 40.2 my husband's brother. He Is a bach­ money In the world to compensate one County Court of Tillamook County, Joe Sheiber, Star............... . 822 46.0 elor M. D. and although busy with his for turning even one sharp comer, for Oregon, will until 10 o’clock a. ni. Cornlth Post, No. 35 Dept, of Ore­ Daisy.......... . 899 45.0 patients, never forgets himself. He never have I known an Instance of Ill- i of October receive blds for the grad­ gon, meets on second and fourth Sat­ Y'eksa . . . . .. .884 46.J «eems t« dislike women through jeal­ gotten money to have yielded true hap­ ing of approaches to Kilchis River urday* of each month, ot 1:30 p. m.. ’’ Chenny.......... . 761 47.1 ousy of them. As he is only forty- i piness to possessor and his offspring.” bridge and the removing of the old In the W. 0. W. hall. Visitors wel­ Ruth .......... . 961 46.2 three, we Intend starting a campaign bridge and erecting of same complete come. ” Rubv ............ . 874 41.1 at once to convert him. I have Invited with piers at a new site on Kilchis Bird Protection Important. H. W. Spear, Commander Florine .. . . 893 47.3 him to dinner Friday evening. 1 Preserving bird* as game Is only river, according to the plans and spe­ Samuel Downs, Adjt. ” ” Nellie_____ 1212 54.5 have also Invited an amiable and beau­ one part of the duty of the govern- cifications on file In the office of the IL fi Danddy ... . 867 48.6 tiful young woman, who Is a practltion- inent. They are even more valuable County Clerk. ■ >' * '1 Queen............ .1108 47.6 i st nt the bar of Justice. She has tny is enemies of noxious weeds and In­ I On the date mentioned above the I'« / il W. R. C. .V ff ''Í! Brownie . . . 1008 51.1 cue to hold the floor for ami In favor sects. They are the farmers heal Court will publicly open and read Corinith Relief Corps, No. 54 Dept, i ” Mytrle . . . . ..1 138 47.9 of women everywhere. She may win friends, though he Is too often oblivi­ the blds but reserves the right to re­ of Oregon, meet* on first and third Blanche .. . 1094 48.1 him over. If till* iuterests you 1 «rill ons of the fact, says the Philadelphia ject any or all bids. Bids must be Friday evenings of each month, at Blackie . . .. 1001 47.0 «end you the next chapter.—Exchange. Inquirer. Those who care nothing foi accompanied by cash, certified che­ 8 p. m„ in the W. O. W. hall. Visitor* ” ” Big Milker. 1048 44.0 heir beauty of plumage ami song must que or bidders bond of an amount welcome . Chas. MeKilllp. June . . . . 1104 47.5 Dub Golfer but Star Casuist. recognize the cfrumstnnre Yet the equal to at least 5 per cent of the Minnie Johnson, President Jersey . . . . 834 45.1 The latest yarn truin the links con birds have been too long the prey of total bid. Elizabeth Conover, Secz. Wert Sappinton, Model . . .961 472 . 89 The Rebekahs are planning on «er Oregon, will until 10 o'clock a. m. ber, 1920. day at K. of P. Rail. R.produc*« Hfi"1«1"» N*» *’*• 1 Ino ('npyrigh'M trn ................. Cropy............. 722 43 3 era I pa’-He- »h|s winter. of October 8. 1910. receive blds for KMhleen Mills. 8. A. Brodhead. Sec. ’’ ’’ Pct ................. «82 42.2 Our hull look* tine sfreo It wa.' the clearing of the right of way on County Tienru.'er Editorial Snap Shots. Victor and Columbia Records. COME IN. “THE SONG SHOP The Wiley B Allen Co. line TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK ---- «---- ami imi ! I I