TILLAMQOK HEADLIGHT, SPy^MBER le, 1920 cox FOISTS FALSE SPECTER TO FORE IN CAMPAGN TALK No One Will Be Deceived By Demo­ cratic Attempt to Use Great Pre­ sident's Name. HELGOLAND OF THE ADRIATIC Island of Choroo Has Beeomo Point of •riportane, on th. New Map of Europe. TILLAMOOK ORLGOi Elements IMV O house or building, regardless of how well constructed, can long withstand the elements N without the protection of good paint. Sunshine, rain, snow, ice and wind; all have their harmful effects in one form or another. M mm Many old ... str uctures ter condi­ tion than comp ara- tively new ones be­ cause they have been pres erved through the use of good paint. fuller paints 71 YEAR LEADERS A Every brushful of FULLER Paint applied to your house or building means not only protection against destructive elements, but keeps up ap­ pearances as well. FULLER Paint saves a great deal more than it costs. 71 years of FULLER Paint-making Ex­ perience has established a high standard of quality. Take a few minutes and make a survey of your house or building. And remember—there’s_ a FULLER Paint or other Product for everything that needs preserving or beautifying. Look Up a FULLER Dealer in Your Town worn W.P.Fuller & Co. 1849-1920 11 Northwest Branches at Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, Boise. — ty-P. FULLER & CO- e Olympic 4® Chemists in our laboratory and cooks -C- in our kitchens test [OL*wiiPj@ (EEZEEQS Flour at every phase of the milling. Each sack must register uniform flavor and baking qualities. In order to appreciate this good flour we suggest you test it in your own kitchen. 4® Energy and strength are supplied in the concentrated nutrition of U£7£IilE Wheat Hearts. It’s the ideal breakfast food. 4® Healthy barnyards make wealthy farmers. A good many hale, healthy barnyards are the result of (HE7SXII? scientifically blended stock and poultry feeds. Massasoit Statue. It Is thought that the bronze statue of Massasoit which Is to be presented to the town of Plymouth by the na­ tional organization of the Improved Order of lied Men will be located on Watson's hill instead of Cole’s hill, where some of the Pilgrims lie who died during the first winter after their arrival at Plymouth, This Intter place is considered more appropriate than Cole's hill, as It was resorted by In­ dians and they not only lived there, hut had feasts, as remains have shown, while skeletons of the original inhabi­ tants have been found. Their name for the place wns Cantaugantiest. It was south of this hill the settlers first heard the Indians and on the crest of the hill they appeared to the peo­ ple In the colony. It was there also they came from when Massasoit came across Town brook to make the famous treaty with the wldtes. Interested persons have been look­ ing over the hill to ascertain what It offered for a site for the monument to the great Indian chieftain, and there Is nt least one open lot which commands a flue view of the bay and town. The Winner. There are brides and brides and after all of them we often hear some one speak longingly of "the old-fnsh- loned bride,” hut the other day we met one who certainly bent nil the old- fashioned ones we had ever heard of. She was In a furniture store hunting the furniture to put In their new home. The clerk was vainly trying to talk her into buying some which she felt that they could not afford. As a particular Inducement he said: “But really this Is a wonderful bargain, you can’t afford to let It go.” The girl smiled at him. "But I can’t afford to buy It,” she returned In n perfect good humor, "and besides I’ve got such a wonderful husband that I don’t need other wonderful things— not even bargains.” Cut down your tire and tube expenditures by anticipating your Spring and Summer requirements and getting— Absolutely FREE —one “Ton Tested” Tube, of corresponding size, with every Vacuum Cup Tire bought at our store. Act quickly. This offer is LIMITED. Once it expires,, it will not be renewed. Early ordering will avoid disappointment. OREGON STATE AT SALEM September 27 to October 2 Wealth of Agricultural Displays Magnificent Live Stock Exhibition. Splendid Machinery and Tractor Exhibit­ FLOUR Greatest Horse Show in the Northwest. Excel'ent Racing Card and Amusements. Special Attractions Both Day and Night. Ideal Camping Grounds. Excursion Rates on All Railroads. For further particulars write A. H. LEE, Secretary, Salem, Oregon Sold by Standard Feed Co., Tillamook, Agent Administrator's Notice to Creditori Notice Is hereby given that the County Court of the Stale of Oregon, for Tillamok County, baa appointed th« undersigned aa Administrator of the Estate of Alfred Marolf, deceae- with proper vouchers, to the under-1 np r t > SHEARER signed at his residence in Tillamook County, Oregon, or, T. H. Goyne, Attorney-at-Law, at bls office in Till­ Dn. Shearer & Crank amook city, Oregon, within six mon ths from the date of thia notice. Dated this 12th day of August, 1>2$. Albert Marolf, Administrator, i of estate of Alfred Marolf, g t eeaaag. Notice of Bond Sale ------ 0------ Sealed bids will be received until the hour of 10 A. M. o'clock the 4th day of October, 1920, by the under­ signed and immediately thereafter publicly opened by the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, at the office of said court in the county court house in Tillamook City, Oregon, for the purchase of bonds of said county issued for the building of per­ manent roads therein in the sum of 130,000, same being in demonmations of $1000, each, dated January 1st,1920 and maturing January 1, 1930; said bonds to bear interest at five and one half per cent (5*4 per cent) per an­ num, payable semi-annually on January and July 1st, principal and interest payable in United Stages gold coin at the office of the County DENTIST. Treasurer or at the Fiscal Agency TILLAMOOK BUILDING of the State of Oregon in New York City, at the option of the bidder. (Over Haltotn's). Said bids must be accompanied by a certified check for 5 per cent of the T illamook- Oregon. amount bid and must be unconditional The approving legal opionin of Messrs. Teal, Minor 4 Winfree, of QR. O. L. HOHLLFED. Portland, Oregon, will be furnished VETERINARIAN. the successful bidder. Mutual Phons The Court reserves the right to re­ teli Phono— an ject any or ail bids. Oregon HOMER MASON Clerk a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco