TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. SF t FMBER 23, 1920. * In Condensed Form, Disclosing The Recent New Arrivals In Quality Merchandise —Women’s Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Purses, Trimmings Women’s And Misse’s Underwear, New Colonial Drapery Fabrics, New Linens, Genuine Toile Du Nord Trimming Cham- Iii Delicate Tints, Children's School Hose And Women’s Wool Heather Hose, New Plaid Skirtings, Heavy! Wool Coatings And Suitings, Also Luxurious New Silks. Mothers Will Be Pleased With The Showing Of Infants' New Wool Knit Goods, Especia lly The Much Wanted White Wool Sweaters. TILLAMOOK, ORE. Queen Summer Has Abdicated Her Throne And prince Cluhimn ^leiçjns Supreme, Thia Store is hia royal subject and the great stock of autumn merchandise ia here in recognition of his advent. lllllllllfllinilllllHIIIIHIIIIHIIIII Women’s Autumn Apparel Of Marked Distinction And Quality-- Colored Tickets Bear Special Prices. Considering The Earliness Of The Season Prices Are Surprisingly! Low,” Comments We Here. Girls, A Jaunty I J w Tam For School —"She was wearing a pretty Tam saucily tipped to one side," would correctly describe most any charm­ ing school girl. Unquestionably, The Best —Because of their delightful simp- Men’s Suits, Values Are licity, neat appearance and graceful lines expressive of youth?-Tams are At Hal tom’s. $39.85 For Young Men's All Wool Suits, Splendid Dark Patterns, Belted And Plain Form Fitting Styles. —Men’s Hart Schaffner & Marx, Or Griffon Fall Suits Priced Below Regular— $44 To $69.50. Overcoats Specially! Priced Too ever popular for school and Informal wear. —Note the lovely materials embodied into them; —Women will find now a comparatively complete assemblage of new apparel appropriate for various occasions. Here are new wraps to go with frocks in exquisitely soft materials, in new shades providing a rich warmth of Autumn color. —Suits for fall are most attractive as will be seen in our Balcony apparel salon. A visit to Haltom’s now will prove exceedingly interesting. —As usual we maintain free alteration service, satisfaction assured. r y A Few Words About Shoes And Proper Fitting : Peach bloom, velveteen properly; a good shoe and bad fitting does not go well togeth­ $2.39, $2.49 and $3.39. er. Even a cheap shoe will look better wear longer and be more satisfactory to all concerned if properly fitted. X_____________________________ —If you do not care how your shoes look you do care how Infant’s And Girls’ they feel on your feet. If you have never bought shoes from us come in and let our shoe men fit you. You need not suffer from new shoes if properly fitted. Any advise on broken arches and, tired feet will be given free by our foot expert, Mr. Gilb­ ertson. —Misse’s and children will receive special attention to pro­ $16.85 These are men’s and young men’s wool overcoats, half belted models, with popular slashed pockets. $25.00 Made of good Oregon cashmere in dark brown and green mixtures. Ac­ cording ,to to-day’s quotation they are substantially underpriced. —MEN’S HEAVY AND MEDIUM WEIGHT WOOL UNDERWEAR, SPECIALLY PRICED, GARMENT $1.85. Ordinarily Sell To $2.98 In Sizes From 1 To 5 —Needless to Btate there are moth­ ers who’s time is very much limited when it comes to embroider dainty little dresses for their darlings, and for that reason this will be a wel­ come offering. —They are much prettier than the special price indicates. About half a dozen or more different styles. Not one but what we've received in pant few months, some just recently. Em­ press, butterfly and middy styles of snowwhite recerlzed popltn and piq­ ue; daintily embroidered in white, pink or blue. * —MENS HEAVY WEIGHT ALL WOOL BLUE UNDERWEAR, SPEC­ IAL $3.25. MEN’S HEAVY COTTON RIBBED UNION SUITS AT ONLY $1.85. * * —Arrival Of Dr. Denton's Sleepers For Children. All Sizes. None So Genuine As These. —Seal Pax Kiddie Sleepers Of Heavy Quality Duckling Fleece And Come In Pretty Designs. Price $3.99. per fitting and special shoeB for each individual case of foot trouble. A Few Specials For This Week / —Women’s $10.00 To $12.00 Lace Kid Boots, Either Black Or Brown With French Kid Heels, Pair $8.45. —-Women’s Satin Slippers, Broken Sizes, Only, Pair 98c. —Women’s Red Cross Soft Kid Skin Button Shoes, Military Heel Special This Week. Pair $6.45. —Women’s And Orowing Girls’ Lace Boot Of Calf Skin And Kid, In Low Heel. Special This Week, Pair $5.95. —Men's Dress Shoes, In Black Or Brown, Blucher Cut And Bal. At Pair, $9.30. —Men’s Dress Shoes, Button And Lace Styles, Special $4.95. Men's Work^Shoes, Special This Week, Pair $4.40. Genuine "Chippewa" Work Shoes At, Pair $6.75 —Men's Genuine "Chlppewu" 12 Inch Top At, Pair $12.45 —A Good Heavy Dairy Shoe For Men, Pair $5.45. __________________ t “At These Prices They’ll Go Quickly” —Now Is Your Opportune Time To Select Your Wet Wea’h- er Goods While Stocks Are At Their Best. 56 Inch All Wool Plaid Material, Worth $8.50 Yard $5.98 New Fall Shoes t —One piece, a striking plaid In bluo and gold combination, splendid quality and heavy weight, suitable for either dress skirts or sport Coats. You need only refer to the fashion journals to learn of the popularity of plaids. ( , . Red Cross Shoe And Oxfords Arriving Daily — Representing The Best Lines. In Tillamook County —Shoes For Father, Mother And The Kiddies. Our Regular $5.98 Plaid French Serge, Yard $4.49 Sole Tillamook Agents For —The woman or Miss having In mind un accordian plaited skirt will d.> wisely by coming direct to Haltom’s and select from this wonderful buy. 48 inches wide, two distinctive patterns. —Another step forward in shoe service; entirely new here and needless to state just what the Miss wants— wanted low heel with close fitting lines. Specially treated leathers of kid or calf in black or brown. Widths A X to D. Sizes 2i to 7. (^Melanson’s College Girl Shoes School Plaids, Splendid At, Yd. $1.19 —Practically 300 yards of these colorful materials to select from, inches wide. 36 — MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE^ BUTTERICK PATTERNS OUR PROMPT ATTENTION. | AND FALL QUARTERL Y. »<><— <><___ MK.L'"XX Stock Breeders Pass Resolutions. We. your committee appointed b) the various breeder’s organizations for the purpose of muklng suggest ions for the Improvement and better merits for future Fairs and Llv< Stock Exhibitions and Milking Cun eats, beg leave to submit the follow­ ing In Resolutionary form for youi earnest consideration; First—Whereas, the Seventh An Dual County Fair ia now passing into history of the development of Tili.i mook county; and whereas, success, prosperity and good-will has been so much in evidence in this and pas: Fairs; brought about by the untir­ ing efforts and much unthankful >..ik of tho Board of Directors and Official heads and for which service | very little general appreciation has >een manifest; be it hereby Resolved, that a unanimous vote of hanks be given the collective miinu ;ement of the Tillamook County Fall for their loyal and hard work, for he achievement of the results obtain d In our interests. Second, whereas. Tillamook county will be much benefitted as a whole rnd our people brought together in olvlng various problems. In the high calling in promoting Industry, pro­ of Tillamook's famous luctton heese. pure bred cattle- animal husbandry and soil fertility, and Whereas, It Is so essential to our future well-being, it is hereby Resolved, that the various Interests >f Tillamook county approve of per­ petuating future County Fairs; sup­ porting our various officials In furth­ ering and promoting future County Fairs as a permanent feature of our j * * And Now For A New Sweater —Do you know that any good shoe will wear better If fitted and wool knitted Tams. Prices$2.25. Cunning Dresses Marvelous At » ■o »• <>• $6.95, $10.79, $12.98 $13.68, $16.95, $18.95 —These sweaters are beautifully made, of the softest wool, and may be procured in the pretty Autumn shades. They possess becoming style features which will gladden the heart of any school girl or Miss as well as the matron. —One stunning model combined with tuxedo collar of brush wool in con­ trasting color—black and white or melon and sand. Some with caps to match. —Misse’s all wool belted coat sweat­ ers, practical for school wear, in brown, copen, grey, seal, etc. $6.79, $10.79 and $10.98. —With The Approching Of The New Fall Season Naturally, Women Are Interested In A New Corset (Either A Nemo, Gossard Or American Lady Such As Are Carried Here) That Which Will Give The Proper Con- tour—Therefore We Suggest That Discriminating Women Consult Our Graduate Corsetfere, Miss Dora Smock. Î ii Hemstiching Done. On Any Kind Of Material. Under The Balcony Bargain Section —BATTENBURG TATTING THREAD, MADE IN FRANCE. BALL . . •lc. —LOT WOMEN’S NECKWEAR FORMERLY $1.85 TO $.98 CHOICE 69c. —LOT WOMEN S NECKWEAR THAT REGULARLY SOLD UP­ WARDS TO $1.75 CHOICE.................................................. 39c. —BIG ASSORTMENT OF BUTTONS, ALL SIZES Ml PRICE. — ASSORTMENT OF LACES, TO 35c. VALUES, YARD........................ Hc. —1000 TARDS OF LACES. VALUES TO 15c., YARD ............................. 3C, —25c. FINISHING BRAID. IN ALL WHITE OR COLORED EDGES. THE BUNCH .................................................. t.......................................... 17c. —APPROXIMATELY 500 YARDS LACE IN WHITE, CREAM AND ERCU. VALUES TO $1.75. CHOICE. YARD....................................... 29c. —DRESS SNAPS; ONE LOT, THE CARD.............................................. 5C. —WOMEN S HANDERCHIEFS. COME IN ALL WHITE AND COLORED, EACH...................................................... .. 9c. —ENTIRE STOCK EMBROIDERY AT SALE PRICE. —WOMEN’S DRESS SHIELDS. ASSORTMENT, SALE 49c. ! y o another year rolls round—that Till­ | ed which are not deemed by those civic and community life. Third, Whereas, the County Court amook county, have suitable build­ ■ who have seen them to be advisable, that such improvement ---- he taken j stitution for the development of our of Tillamook and the Pair Directors ings and conveniences at the new i in-as-much as the buildings would with the end in view of having the resources. same completed by the 1921 Fair. ------ v_ - Respectfully submitted by. have been authorized by the voters Fair Ground; and be widely detached and scattered ov­ Sixth — Whereas, millions of dollars of Tillamook county to acquire a Whereas, the problems confronting er the tract of land and Committee: Holstein Breeders, Rol­ are now being produced in Tilla­ suitable tract for a Fair ground, and the present rules of management of Whereas, the weather conditions mook» famous cheese; and whereas, lis W. Watson. Clay Daniel. Whereas, the matter of finance will the Fairs of the future, together to be provided against In this county Jersey Breeders—Joe Donaldson, be submitted to the voters at the Nov­ wllth the mnltitiidous details necess­ has fully demonstrated the advisibil- there will be in a very few year-, Wm. Maxwell. more millions of dollars brought into ember election for their further ap­ ary to be worked out to the best ad­ ity of having our Fair Exhibits hous­ Guernsey Breeders—-Ira G. Lance, proval by their votes, to provide for vantage; and believing that the beat ed and displayed to the best advant- the county for the purchase of and Erwin Harrison. sales of Tillamook Pure Bred Cattle, purchasing Fair grounds, be it results can be obtained by placing |age: and • whereas, the future in this re- Resolved, that we. your committee the responsibility of General Mana­ Whereas, r after “ due consideration and Reformed Congregational Church approve and recommend to all voters gement tn the control of some on» given this matter, it is—Resolved, i spect is not visionary, ubt is real: -------- " ' _ and whereas, the principle industries if Tillamook county, that they give person specially delegated and quail- that the Fair Management in making This coming Sunday our monthly of this county can be best brought I this matter their favorable consider­ tied. be it. the building Improvements for hous­ about by a full co-operation for the service at Mohler beings at 1 o’clock. ation and vote for the same at the j Resolved, that the Fair Board sec­ ing future Fairs, be somewhat along A progressive Sunday school is the November election. ure the services of an efficiency man- the line of plans of the Pacific Inter­ quick advancement of the best inter­ joy for children and to all of them ests of all in this county for future Fourth, whereas, it is so essential agment in one superintendent to national Live Stock Exposition is given the chance to enroll for the to the future of the Llve Stock indus­ carry forward all the details neces­ Building in Portland; which would generations to come, be it resolved ■ Christmas season. Five or even more that the sura of $25.000.00 per an­ try, and associated productions, that sary to secure the best results: be the moet desirable in all of its ap­ num be provided in the County Bud- ! new members will be added to the the future County Fairs be put on a Fifth, Whereas it is planned to •’- pointments; and be it fur her congregation during the service pro­ get of expenditures for the improve- i High Efficiency Basts, and •ct suitable housing or Fair build­ Resolved, that the Purk Bred Live ment of the Tillamook County Fair ( gram. Whereas, it will become necessary ings on the County Grounds, and A cordial welcome to all U «tend­ Stock Breeders and their asesoclates, fact ! ed by in the near future—in fact before Whereas, plans have been submitt- recommend to the County Fair Board Grounds, keeping in view the f-~* that this is to be a permanent in- Ì