fl saszsasasBsasBSZszsasasHsasasasHSHSBstsîSHsas^sasHSHsasîsasaszsabeàEST- R t-7 r_ fy u ÏSH5S t Same Old Bunch la fl We have one pure bred bull calf for sale, whose dam has an officila record of 473.441bs. fat. Register of merit class AA, age 3 years. His grand dam on the sire side has an official record of 614.81bs. of fat. Class AA. Place a pure bred Jersey bull at the head of your dairy herd, and by doing so you will increase the quantity add quality of Tillamook cheese and price per lb. Jersey’s are the world’s best cheese cows, 1 illamook included. Why is she the best cheese cow ? Jersey cow testing 5 per cent., 100 lbs. of her milk will make 12.901bs.of cheese,and milk tearing 3 percent will make 8.301 ba. of cheese. 1001 ba. 5 per cent milk thepercent of fat lost in the whey is 6.00, while in the 3 per cent milk the percentage of fat lost in the whey is 9.55. The per centage of fat in milk retained in cheese testing 5 per cent is 94.00, while the 3 per cent milk the percentage is 90.45. Cheese containing a large per centage of fat is better, because,first,line flavor and taste; second, of its better consistency; third, of its improved aroma; fourth, of its increased di­ gestibility ; fifth, of its more perfectly an­ swering the requirements of a complete food as balance ration. rs. r ä Coaxing You to Smile, •n JERSEY CATTLE Chester White Swine t "Hell-o old man!" exclaimed the top-hatted traveller as he clutched the arm of the man in the Shabby i tweed suit. “Why, it’s Tompkins!" reylied the i tweed suit man. And they shook hands. “And how are things?” went on the man in the topper affectionately, as they walked on together. “I have­ n’t seen you for months! Who are you working for now?” The man in the tweed suit sighed 1 loudly. “Same ol lot.” he said sadly; “a wife, and six kids.” Low-Cost Mileage—in Goodyear Tires for Small Cars •r There is no economy in buying so- called bargains in tires offered offereL at sensationally cheap prices when a well- made tire delivers mileage at a considerably lower rate of cost. Add the time and trouble occasioned by frequent replacements and it is fully apparent why tire users, seeking real mileage economy, are not attracted^ to very cheaply priced tires. ♦: The popularity of Goodyear Tires, of the 30x3-, 30x3%- and 31x4-inch sizes, -4. is based on the fact that they are built to deliver exceptional mileage at low cost and consistently do so. r r" * If you own a Ford, Chevrolet, Maxwell, Dort or other car taking these sizes, go to your nearest Service Station for Goodyear Tires—for true Goodyear mileage, value, economy» ------ a But He Gets No Praise Lectured for lying abed late, the farmer’s boy promised that in future he would "be up with the lark.” The next morning the old farmer came in from his milking and found his son sitting on the stile and singing as blithely as though there was no such thing as work. “Why, you young rascal,” said tho I exasperated sire, “this is worse than sleeping. What do you mean by loaf­ ing on that stile and singing at the top of your voice," The lad grinned. “Why dad you told me to be like the lark, and that’s all he does when he gets up early.” ----- -o........ 1 i b k0 U W< U” > i ! X, Bji; ft II!" •jpjt ( f Unequal Losses. Frederick was sitting on the curb crying, when Billy came along and asked him what was the matter. “Oh, I feel so bad 'cause Major’s dead—my nice old collie!” sobbed Frederick. "Shucks!” said Billy. "My grand­ mother’s been dead a week, and you don’t catch me crying.” Frederick gave his eyes and nose a swipe with his hand, and, looking up at Billy, sobbed, desparingly: “Yes, but you didn’t raise your grandmother from a pup.” e5auH5E5H5ZSB5H5H5HSB5asa5H5E5iÇ25ESHSH5HSH525HS2SaSES2SHS2525ESa5HSESa5 ------- o------- ' 4 < : 4 Don Meadows Jersey Farm, JOE DONALDSON, :o. Prop. 8f We Buy CASCARA BARK b 1 * » T1LLÄMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 23. i920. Highest Cash Price. At Kuppenbender’s Warehouse, Tillamook and Hebo. t A i I I Some Car r., .. “How do you like your new car?” asked the Lizzie Driver. "Great,” replied the Big Six driver. “It runs so smoothly you can’t feel it. Not a bit of noise; you can’t hear it. Perfect ignition, you can’t smell a thing. And speed—why it whizzes! can’t see it.” "Must be some car,” venttired the Lizzie Driver. “Can’t feel it, can't smell it, can't hear it. can’t see it! How do you know it is there!” . » 30 X 3% Goodyear Double-Cure »'y ISO Fabric, All-Weather Tread____ -------------- 30 X 3% Goodyear Single-Cure -f SO Fabric, Anti-Skid Tread._______ *ZJL— Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cost no more than the price you are asked to pay for tubes of less merit — why risk costly casings when rack sure protection is available 1 $/£5O 30x3% size m s ursrp rs u f fod______________________ *---- 5dSE5E5BS?5?525Z5P£R5ZSZ£?£Z5ZS?5ZS?SR5R5Z52SR5E5RSZ5HSESE5Z52SRS25^5ZS^ To Much Push « .“You must push matters a little James," said a druggist who kept a Post Office. “By calling a customer’s attention to this article and that art­ icle you often effect a sale.” “Yes, sir,” responded the new boy, and hastened to wait upon a elderly person who wanted a stamp. ’Anything else mum?” inquired the ambitious youth, politely; “hair­ dye, cosmetic, face powder, rheutna- tic drops, belladonna, mole destroy- er—” The elderly lady deals at another establishment now. MILK COWS FOR SALE or EXCHANGE $ for Dry Stock YAGER & BRADY £ a CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING LOOT- BUILDING FOR THE INDIVIDUAL AND FOR THE STATE A Person with No Education has but One Chance in 150,000 to Render Distinguish Service to the Public With Common School Education 4 Chances With High School Education.... 87 Chances With College Education.......... .. 800 Chances Are Ton Giving Toor Child Fis Chance ? HAVE INVESTED Oregon Agricultural College Though a ’ Liberal and Practical Education pre­ pares the Young Man and Young Woman for Useful Citizenship and Successful Careers in AGRICULTURE ™GnŒEMNG HOME ECONOMICS COMMERCE PHARMACY FORESTRY VACATIONAL EDUCATION The Training Includes PHYSICAL EDUCATION, MUSIC, ENGLISH, MODERN LANGUAGE, ART and the Other Essentials of a Standard Technical College Course. _ ____ fai l TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 20,1020. TUITION IS FREE. FOR STAR GARAGE The Test. Some visitors who were being | shown over a pauper lunatic asylum inquired of their guide what method j was employed to discover when the inmates were sufficiently recovered [ to leave. “Well,” replied he. “it’s this way. We have a big trough of water, and j we turns on the tap. We leave it running, and tell ’em to bail out the ■ water with pails until they’ve empt­ ied the trough.” “How does that prove it?” asked one of the visitors. “Well," said the guide, "them as 1 ain’t idiots turns off the tap.” TIRES, TUBES AND ASSESSORIES. We Give Goodyear Service C. F. PANKOW, Proprietor. ■v AVZZ-- Report of the Condition of ti at Bay City, Ore., in the state of Ore- ’ I gon, at the close of business Septem- ! ber 8th, 1920. EDUCATION PAYS THOSE STATES ARB WEALTHIEST THAT MOST IN EDUCATION Goodyeai Service Station for Tillamook City is at the The First Bank of Bay City, BOTH PHONES. ! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOC SCOOOOOOOQOGOQOOOQOOaOOOOOOOOOeOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM INFORMATION WRITE TO THE REGIST AR, Oregon Agricultural College,’,Corvallis, Ore. flUEX. MetffllR & CO GENERAL» HARDCUflRE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE best stock of hardware in THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. RESOURCES Loans and discounts ....»73,204.11 I Overdrafts, secured & ... 102 67 unsecured................... .. , Bonds & warrants & U. S. Cert, of Int......................... 42,862.27 i Banking house.................... 2,500.09 Furniture and fixtures .. . 2,257.26 i Other real estate owned .. .6,670.12 I Due from banks (not reserve banks) .................................. 1.982.59 | Due from approved reserve banks.................................. 22,597.27 i Checks & other caBh items. . 520.43 ¡Cash on hand ...................... 10,639.52 j Other resources, Bond Int........... 51.43 1 i Total ........................... LIABILITIES | Capttal stock paid in. . .. »25.000.00 600.00 i Surplus fund ...................... j Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid . . . 368.0 Individual deposits subject to check..................... 117.101.67 I Demand certificates of deposit 25.00 Certified checks...................... 40.05 Time and Savings Deposits 20,252.48 Total ........................... 163,387.70 State of Oregon, County of Tilla­ mook, M. I, A. W. Larson. Cashier of the a- bove-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. A. W. Larson, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of Sept., 1920. T. E. Ashley, Notary Public. My commission expires Aug. 10, 1924. Correct—Attest: John A. Nelson A Ramsey, Directors. Notice to Tax Payers. This is to advise that the last hal! of taxes must be paid on. or be for October 5, 1920. After that date, in« tercst at the rate of one per cent will be charged on all amounts remainin unpaid. After November Sth, penalty of 5 per cent will be added and in­ terest will accrue at the rate of 12 per cent per annum. ' F ♦. • e ¡wj r* HUNTERS! VAUGHN’S, the Original and Best. ÄXTHAT APPEALS TO ’ ’ you more than the feel of a good Winchester shot­ gun you know can be de­ pended on for accuracy and sure action the instant the covey lifts. ' Will set it up and put it to work for you to your satisfaction or you don’t pay a cent To be bad ¡now at the Tillamook Clay works, E. G. KREBS, Prop. See that clutch and sawholder ? When you are following your pointer through the fields on a crisp Octo­ ber morning, alert for the sight and sound of wary birds, you like to feel that both your gun and ammuni­ tion are going to do their part. REPEATING SHOTGUNS VETERINARIAN. i bell Phone—2F2 will buy your BLACKBERRIES ! I Cannery will be in operation at Tillamook as soon as Mutual Phon* berry Oregon Tillamook Eye Specialist Permanatly Located in Tillamook Private Office in Jenkin’s Jewelry Store. I .t I Latest Up-to-date Instruments and Equipment Evenings and Sundays by Appointments DR J. E. SHEARER DR A. C. CRANK. Dm. Shearer & Crank Medical 4 Surgery. 7 l .. T I i opens. Tillamook, Oregon ¡8 fl S g 4 28 W rv .it.— .o.t’» . • ■ O • -on. hcuhoii f GRAVES CANNING CO. Inc., DR. J. G. TURNER Winchester shotguns are made in four models, in both hammer and hammer less, including the latest .410 shotgun, the ideal gun for family shooting, practice and small field game. Hardware Co. : I QR. O. L, HOHLLFED. —are made to answer this call. They are designed with just the right drop and shoulder fit and are manufactured of the finest nickel steel, every part properly tempered and hardened and beautifully finished. King Crenshaw □ GRAVES CANNING CO. INC. DE XT 1ST. TILLAMOOK BUILDING (Over Haltom'a). T illtirnook- Oregon. ’W/NCHE5TÍR We carry a full line of these shot­ guns and cordially invite you to come in any time, look them over, get their feel and make your selection. Put your saw on or take it off in a jiffy. Phone or call. C. DUETER. i W. L. Campbel), gheriff. ■ I Sn LAMB-SCHRADER CO í¿ ¡LsBS25¿¿»2£?Sc? j ¿S2S »15? ¿725 ¿TlSTUñto¿54£«¿5í£S¿5iS ■ ■