Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 16, 1920, Image 12

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Liquor Interests Sup-
2.% T920
Political Pointers
Decrease of Population in 10 Euro­
Franklin D. Roosevelt glibly re­
pean Natiom Shown in Report
marks that the tariff in no longer tn
politicien, See that? Poof! a wave
If Govenor Cox is in earnest In his
------ 0-------
Due to war influences, t<Vi Europ­ of the hand, and it Is banished.
outcry against rotten election meth-
ds, why do you suppose he doesn't ean nations engaged in the World
Senator Harding is revealing him­
turn his attention to conditions in war show a potential loss in popula­
the states of the Solid South where tion of 35.320,000 persons since 1914 self as a big man leading a big par-
by force, fraud and legal trickery re­ according to a statistical resarch con­ try toward a big job. In an able and
presentative government has been ducted by the Society for Studying dignified manner he discusses issues
made a farce and the "mock” has the Social Consequences of the War of the day, letting his Democratic op­
been put in democracy? You have of Copenhagen, made public by the ponent have a monopoly of the met­
hods of the ward politican.
American Red Cross.
one guess.
The big fact brought out In the i
At the end of 1913, the soefetyre-
We can cure our own mistakes i
Senate inquiry into campaign ex­ ports, these'nations had a population
penditures, based on the charges of of 400,850,000, and under normal when we see them and ace able to -
Governor Cox. is that the organized conditions this population should devise the cures but we would have
liquor interests of the country are have increased by the middle of 1919 a tough time trying to cure Europe
looking to the matter of raising a to 424,210.000. However, it had aginst its will aud when it has a
huge campaign fund to be expended fallen by that time to 389,939,000. will of its own for the needed cures
in Cox's behalf, on the assertions ! which led to the conclusion by Dan­ it can get them without a merger i
‘ of officials of these organizations that ish statistical experts that the loss with this country.
Cox may be depended upon to return of actual and potential human life
It is understood that Charles F.
value received.
in these nations’ approximated 40,-
Murphy is fully as indignant as Gov­
The following letter, sent out by 000,000.
ernor Cox about the size of the Re­
the president of the New Jersey Fed­
Causes of the abnormal falling off
eration of Liquor Interests on July in population were attributed in the publican campaign fund. If he had
I 22. appealing for money in Cox's be­ society’s report as follows: Killed in his way, it would be a criminal of­
half. was introduced in evidence by ‘ war, 9,819.000; deaths due to aug­ fense to contribute a dollar to any
! Republican National Chairman Will mentation mortality, economic block­ organization for political purposes —
except Tammany Hall.
H. Hays:
ades and war epidemics, 5,301,000;
“859 Broad Street, Newark, N. J., fall in birth rate, due to mobilization
Considerable activity is displayed
1 July 22, 1920.
of 56,000,000 men betwen 20 and 45
in bunting a Republican campaign
"Help elect men who will kill pro- years of age, 20,200,000.
Greatest Horse Show in the Northwest.
slogan. The real campaign slogan
1 hibition.
Racing Card and Amusements.
“Caban Bros.,
ocrats this year is the one used by
"Dear Sir and Brother: The organ- I
Special Attractions Both Day and Night.
Democrats in the campaign of 1884•
ized liquor trade of New Jersey has
Ideal Camping Grounds.
“Turn the rascals out." This time
set out to do its part toward the
it means something.
election of Janies M. Cox as the next
Excursion Rates on All Railroads.
President of the United Slates, and it
------- o
The Republicans in the congress of
becomes my duty to call upon you to i
For further particulars write
the United States, among whom War­
! help. More than that, we are going j
A. Ai»
H. ¿Jluluy
Secretary, Salem, Oregon.
to tight as we never fought before
a half billion out of the appropria­
to keep the hirelings of the Anti-Sal- |
tions demanded by the Democratic
oon League out of office, to elect con- .
ARD milkers or
administration. Which will you ap­
gressmen in the twelve congressional
easy milkers—
prove at the polls in November, the
districts of the state who will vote
nervous or calm cows
Republican congress or the Demo-
to amend the Volstead act so as to
—largeor small teats—
cratis adminstration? It is up to you.
permit the sale of light wines and
beer, to elect assembly-men and state
—they are all alike to
Senator Harding is an exponent
senators who will keep New Jersey
the Empire. It milks
from ratifying the eighteenth amend­
of Americanism in its truest and best
them all. And Empire
ment and prevent the passage of
sense. That is why his policy appeals
teat cups stay on with-
law concurring in the Volstead
so strongly to tboughful men and
out surcingles
women. He would get back to the
in its present form.
harness. •
“The nomination of Governor
old bed-rock road of plain, sound
Americanism, the old firm highway
of Ohio for the presidency by
Democrats is a big victory for
1 which we have trodden to a goal of
interests, and it can be attributed
moral and material achievement un­
to a great degree to the activity of
matched in the world’s history.
our trade organization here in New
Senator Harding is not above seek­
Jersey and throughout the nation.
are now eqtiippetl with our
Governor Cox is a pronounced "wet,”
ing advice. He even consults with
new Super-Simple Piston­
and he can be relied upon to approve
men of the character and caliber of
less Puisator. No wearing
Charles E. Hughes, Senator Lodge,
an amendment to the Volstead act as
pistons to leak vacuum. It
Senator Borah, Senator Johnson and
suggested above. It is now up to our
operates teat cups with
absolute regularity. Cows
trade organizations to stand unitedly
others of their kind. Nor does Gov­
like it. It soothes and quiets
ernor Cox disdain counsel. But he
behind the ticket of Cox and Roose­
them. Results in greater
velt and roll up such a majority as
goes to Boss Murphy and Boss Tag­
milk flow and also increases
will show conclusively that the pub­
gart and their ilk for guidance. Of
period of lactation.
which group do you think the safer
lic will is in our favor. Are you go­
Come in and see this
ing to help? Of course you are.
and more patriotic counsel is to be
different, better milking
"This is going to be the greatest,
machine or, if you wish,
phone us and we'll bring
------- u-------
political light in the history of the
the machine to your
farm; no obligation.
United States. Your liberty and mine
Senator Charles Thomas, democrat,
has been taken from us. Our business
of Colorado, has definitely declined
has been unjustly confiscated, The
to run again for the senate. He gives
Of tile many forms of co-operation afforded by the
rights of the people seized, and they
as a reason that he is out harmony
First National Batik, perhaps the most striking is
are lined up with us in the mighty
with his party respecting the league
that which has been contributed to the upbuilding
struggle that Is soon to be decided
of nations. Thomas was an irrecon­
by the battle of the ballot.
of the industries rtf Tillamook County, It would be
cilable. He wanted the United States
"The recent decision of the Uni
hard to Hud an important activity in which
to stay at home and mind its own
States Supreme Court has thrown the
services have not figured
American business. He had no faith
question of prohibition squarely into
in a league as long as human nature
politics. It is the vital Issue in the
was actuated by its mainspring of
campaign that is now under way.
selfish interest.
The prohibitionists tried to keep the
question out of the campaign. They
Notwithstanding the smoke screen
feared the vote of an outraged and
thrown out so Industriously by Mess­
indignant public.
It is up to us,
rs. Cox, Roosevelt and company, the
members of the organized liquor
real inwardness of the national cam­
trade, to force the fight. That Is
paign is becoming more apparent.
just what we are doing.”
We believe the vast majority of Am-
Second letter—Just a reminder.
icans are level headed thinking
"We have issued the challenge.
men and women who cannot be car­
The Anti-Saloon League is forced »o
ried away by campaign yelling, misl­
fight. It has made an appeal for a
ed by sophistry and plain lying er
830,000 fund to elect dry congress­
deceived by specious promises rend-
men who will uphold the Volstead
ered hollow by the relentles records
act and dry candidates to the state
of the past.
senate and assembly to force ratifi­
cation of the eighteenth amendment
Mr. Harding made it plain that he
on New Jersey. There is no «quest­
Tillamook Lodge No. 57 desires that high wages shall remain.
ion about the Anti-Saloon League's
A. F. and A. M.
Speaking as a man who has “counted
ability to raise the amount asked.
Wednesday of each month. the contents of the pay envelope from
How much can we raise?
Rehersals each Wednesday the viewpoint of the recipient as well
“We must have money at once tn
following. Visiting broth­ as of the man who pays the wages,”
carry on the work that we have plan­
ers welcome.
the republican candidate left no
ned. Do not think for a monent that
By order of W. M.
room for doubt that he stands for
there is plenty of time to give be­
Leslie HarriBon, Sec.
every possible betterment of the con­
tween now and election. The fall will
dition of those who work for a liv­
be too late. Money must be had im­
ing. But lie entertains no foolish
mediately if we are to maintain our
Stated convocation Friday notions of a Utopia in which men
headquarters and continue the pro­
Aug. 27. Visitors welcome, can receive constantly increasing |
paganda that Is necessary in the
Johnson Chapter No. 24
wages and at the same time constant­
drive to win public opinion. Thi3 is
R. A. M.
ly decrease their hours of labor and
the second appeal that I have sent
their productive capacity.
I. E. Keldson, Sec.
you. The first you evidenty over­
looked. 1 would not bother you now
------- o-------
of our facial powder will make your
On .Mexico and Latin Atnercia and
if it were not for the fact that yonr
G. A. R.
blossom,like a summer rose. It
own interests hang in the balance,
Cornith Post, No. 35 Dept, of Ore­ citizens and American rights every-
just as much as mine. Let me beg
to your complexion the soft
gon. meets on second and fourth Sat­ v here. Mr. Harding speaks with de­
of you to remain loyal to the cause
urdays of each month, ot 1:30 p. m . cision and sound sense. The address
glow of youth and health.
to the finish. Make this your last
contribution if you will, but give — in the W. O. W. hall. Visitors wel as a whole will help him immeasur­
cream is another infallible
ably not only in Indiana but through
give something.
Try them both if
the whole country. The air of sincer­
II. W. Spear. Commander
"Your record on the roster of yonr
local association and also on that of
would better your appearance.
Samuel Downs, Adjt.
most favorably with the excited and
tha state league shows that you have
been loyal and regular in the past.
ocratic nominee. In this speech Mr.
W. R. C.
Do keep that record sullied to the
very end, 1 have always had your co­
Corinith Relief Corps. No. 54 Dept Harding has removed the main
operation in the past, please let me of Oregon, meets on first and third ground of offense against him on the
have It now, for the federation is io Friday evenings of each month at part of enlightened men who earnest­
put up a bigger fight than it ever 8 p. m., in the W. O. W. hall. Visitors ly upport the League of Nations in
some form. From this time on we
made before.
welcome .
may expect the steadyd accession of
"So that we may know at once
Minnie Johnson. President
just what our resources are may we
Elizabeth Conover, Secy. such persons to his cause.
not ask you to promptly return the
The American people are fully
enclosed card filled out with your re­
Y ou get more genuine chew
Justified in resenting the many brut-
just fled in resenting the many brutal
"Jump in and help us fight. Give
ing satisfaction from the Real
outrages perpetrated by Mexicans
as much as you can afford. This is
Chew than you ever
upon Americans, both along the bor­
not merely a battle to save your bu”
Tuesday eve. 8 p. m.
got from the ordinary kind.
iness, but one to preserve something
Rebekak, Wednesday evening
Also, they are warranted in becom­
more sacred, namely your personal
Camp 2-4, Thursday
ing impatient at the tardiness of
The good tobacco taste
Mexican authorities in stopping these
"Yours fraternally.
lasts so long—a small chew
outrages. But, to be entirely fair, it
■'George T. Carroll, President.”
this class of tobacco lasts
must be admitted that the Mexicans
Attached to this V. as the response
have a good reason to feel resentful
to the second letter, a receipt read-
much longer than a big chew
toward the United States because of
of the old kind. That’s why
the negligence of our Governormeni
"Dear Sir: This will acknowledge
it costs less to use.
receipt of your donation of $25. and
In preventing revolution schemes to
thank you for the same.
be hatched here. Practically all the
Any man who has used both
"I. N. Heller. Treasurer.
Mexican revolutions of importance
"New Jersey Federation of Liquor
started in many years, were incubat­
kinds will tell you that.
Interests, 849 Broad St.. Newark.
ed in this country, the greater part
Put up in two itylts ?
N. J.”
of them in San Antonio. And al­
though the United States Govern­
The mud-slinging campaign of
ment has been fully cognizant of
Tillamook Lodge No 1240
W-B CUT is a long fine«cut tobacco
Governor Cox is strongly reminiscent
these plottings, it has dcr’e comparat­
L. O. O. M. Meets every Frt-
of the story of the fellow who could
ively nothing to present
pr< ent them,
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
day at K. of P. Hall.
throw it. all right, but couldn't make
1 though they have bee’-, in positive
it stick.
S. A. Brodhead, See.
violation of the neutrality laws.
September 27 to October 2
Wealth of Agricultural Displays
Magnificent Live Stock
Splendid Machinery and Tractor
All Cows Are
Alike io the
Reproduced by permission New York Tribune, Inc., Copyrighted 1920.
Oregon State Fair
_ _ Phone¡37 W
Liberty Temple
Reduced Rates
apply from all agency stations in Ore,
gon, including Midland to Kirk, Ore.,
inch, also from Bandon and Newport,
Minimum adult fare $1.00. Children of
half fare age 50 cents.
All Trains Direct to Fair Grounds
Trains 17, 18, 23, 24, 27 and 28 will
make regular .stop at Fair Grounds.
Trains 14 and 16 will make flag stop.
General Passenger Agent
A Bank That’s Squarely Behind Business
Ì! The First NationalBank <
Dr. E. L. Glaisyer,
For the convenience of our patrons
we maintain a receiving station
for Blackberries in the
Todd Hotel building.
Small & Urie.
—1« maintained by the state
in order that the yoaug peo­
ple of Oregon may receive,
without coat, the benefits of
a liberal education.
The University includes the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts, the
Graduate School, the School of Phys­
ical Education, and the professional
Schools of Law, Medicine (at Portland),
Architecture, Commerce, Journalism,
Education ar.d Music.
High standards of scholarship are
made possible by an able faculty, well
equipped laboratories and a library of
nearly 100,000 volumes.
Supervised athletics are encouraged
and every attention given the health
and welfare of the students.
With a haighteaed confidence
gained by the risenut expression
of pnhlie support, tbs (Jnieorsity
is aow entering npon sn era st
large devolopmeat and extended
For a catalogue or for any information,
nlvsrsltp of Oregos
Eugene, Orogen
gon, for Tillamook county, in the
Matter of the Estate of B. Irndorf,
Deceased, tliy undersigned adminis­
trator of said estate has been author
ized, licensed, empowered and direct­
ed. from and after th“ 25th day of
September, 1920, to sell and will sell
for cash to the highest bidder, the
following described real property sit­
uated in Tillamook County. Oregon,
belonging to the said estate, to-wit.
The West half of the Southwest
quarter of section Twenty-seven, the
Northeast quarter of the Southeast
quarter of section twenty-eight, and
beginning at the Northeast corner of
the Southeast quarter of the South­
east quarter of Section twenty-eight,
and running thence South on section
line forty rods: thence West twenty-
four rods; thence North forty rods
to the north line of the Southeast
quarter of the Southeast quarter of
said Section
thence East to the place of beginn­
ing. containing six acres; also the
north half of the northwest quarter
of section thirty-four, all In town-
ip two South of range nine West,
<1 containing 206 acres.
Said sale will be made subject to
confirmation of said County Court.
August 26. 1920.
M. Abplanalp. Administrator
of the Estate of B. Irndorf, Deceased
All members of Fnirview Grange
who have received notice of Fira In­
surance assessment please mail check
to Frank I* Bester.
------- o ■ ■
Miss White has opened her studio
Administrators Notice of Sale.
at M. R. llannkratt’a residence, and
■ o-----
Notice Is hereby given that by vlr- Is organizing classes this week. Those
-- nr«’-- wirufa hii >> entered In wishing lessons can And Miss White
U>« county court of the State of Ore- at the studio.
' M At
County Dairy Herd Inspector
in Every Respect
says the Good Judge