Tl LAMOOK HEADLIGHT. SEPTEMBER 23. 1920. I affairs of other nations and not allow Which Way Do You Prefer! anarchists and foreigners to in­ Not long ago the Democratic fin­ terfere in the affairs of the United Fred C. Baker, Editor. States. The government has been too ancial administration in Washington SUBSCRIPTION per year .>2.00 lenient with anarchists, and unless reported that It had purchased Unit­ some drastic measures are taken tc ed States Liberty bonds in the de- ■ round them up and send them out of pressed public market at a discount the country there will be similar and thereby saved the public treas­ blood thirsty outrages, the same that ury almost *50.000.000. This ach­ ievement was announced with much occurred at New York last week. Senator Chamberlain Is in a bad glee and caused the officials the fix. Having voted for the Wilson "Pat” McArthur gave the people greatest satisfaction. league of nations and then voted for of this county some good advise while Contrast with this the statement the Lodge reservations, he has dis­ here last week, when he referred to of Mr. Harding in his speech of . - ! appointed and displeased, not only protection and free trade. He told ceptance: President Wilson, but a whole lot of his audience that those who believe "I believe the government shoui l j Democrats in Oregon who are going ’ in protection for the Southern States make its Liberty and Victory bon ’s ’ to "knife** him at the coming election. i where sugar, cotton, peanuts, etc., worth all that its patriotic citzc-s It is plain to see that a large number j are protected by tariff, and free trade paid in purchasing them.*’ of democrats are sick and tired of the for the Northern states where cheese, Jackson-Chamberlain-West political butter, Chinese eggs, lumber, etc., Notice of Completed" Street Improve­ machine and by putting Chamberlain can be brought in free of duty, to ment. In his political grave they hope in vote for the democratic ticket. It is ------- o------- the future to become a united party the Underwood tariff law that was Notice is hereby given, that the again, for it is badly split up just passed by the democratic party that City Engineer of Tillamook City, now. brought about free trade for Oregon Oregon, has filed with the City Re­ ------ 0------ and the other northern states. Robert corder a certificate of the completion Governor Cox wants the people the Common Council of Tillamook in fact, vote for the entire Republic­ who is well posted on financial mat­ City has appointed Monday, Octobci an ticket. ters in Oregon. "Four ye.’ ee nt 4th, 1920, at the hour of 8 o’clock would be the legal rate.......... t why p. m. at the City Hall in Tillamook The democratic party in Oregon 13 anyone with the mental capaci ty to City, Oregon, as tht. time and place split and there will be thousands of reason can support a law so i:b ■ lat­ for considering the accaptance of democrats who will “knife” Senator ely pernicious in its character is be­ such work, at which time and place Chamberlain next November. An ef­ yond our understanding,’ he any objections to the acceptance of fort was made to bring George’s ued. "However, the voters in Oregon a.d work will be heard and consld name before the national democratic are called upon, from time to ti ie. 'red by the Common Council. convention at San Francisco, but a I to sit down on such misguided souls Dated this September 23rd, 1920. majority of the Oregon delegates as the authors of this proposed bill Frances B. Stranahan, would not stand for it, so they put and these voters can be depended up- City Recorder of Tillamook City, Or. the “lid” on the Senator’s boom for on to do so in this Instance. I vice-president. Chamberlain has been "In the event this bill should be- I NOTICE OF COMPLETED STREET I playing fast and loose with the lea­ come a law it would have the effect IMPROVEMENT gue covenant and with the democrat­ -------O------- of destroying the borrowing power of ic party. First he lined up with the every individual, corporation and in­ 1 Notice is hereby given, that the Wilson adminstration, then he voted dustry in this state,” he added. “It City Engineer of Tillamook City, Ore- for the republican reservations. Now is reasonable to suppose that every 'gon, has filed with the City Recorder he is hobnobbing with Governor loan now outstanding would be call- a certificate of the completion to his satisfaction of the work of the im­ Cox, who is running on a democratic ed when it becomes due, for lt ie platform pledged to the Wilson lea­ utterly foolish to believe that any- provement of Fifth Street, from Still­ gue of nations. No wonder that one will loan money in Oregon at ó well Avenue to Sixth Avenue West, George is in bad repute Just now, per cent when 6, 7 or 8 per cent is and Sixth Avenue West, from Fifth Street to Fourth Street, and Third, with thousands of democrats disgust­ i easily obtainable in every state in Fourth and Fifth Avenues West, from ed with him. 'I the Union, with the result of a gen­ 1 the center of Fourth Street, South eral paraylsis of every line of activi­ ■ 200 feet. It was only natural to suppose that ty in this state.” i which improvement consists in the nil those who bought liberty bonds Let every individual think it over. construction of a sewer along said would not be able to hold them If you are denied the privilege of Streets, with the accessories thereof they became due. It was freelv bortowing money for your needs, it I in accordance with resolution esta­ stated when bonds were sold that every one of your friends and neigh blishing Local Improvement District they would always be worth the'r hors were in the same boat, if the No. 14 of said Tillamook City, and fifee value. But alas those who hnve industries in Oregon are compel :>.i the Common Council of Tillamook had to dispose of their bonds know to close down for lack of funds to City has appointed Monday. October to their sorrow that they have to be carry on their business, Oregon would 4th, 1920. at th« hour of 8 o’clock discounted. This Is another demo­ be compelled to set her clock back p. m. at the City Hall in Tillamook cratic promise that, like "he kept us I City, Oregon, as the time and place 700 years. I for considering the acceptance of o*Ut of war *, that deceived the people. The Liberty Bonds having gone be­ STANFIELD ELECTION URGED such work, at which tlme and place low par under the democratic ad­ any objections to the acceptance of ------ o------ ministration, it is to be supposed that said work will be heard and consid­ people that own bonds should take Senator Harding Sends Telegram to ered by the Common Council. an interest in the coming election, for Harding-Coolidge Club. Dated this September 23rd, 1920. ------ o------- ii the democrats win. Liberty Bonds Frances B. Strnnahnn. Senator Harding has sent a plea City Recorder of Tillamook City, Or. « ill remain below par and will sell at a discount, while if the republi­ to the voters of Oregon to elect Ro- cans win out, republican leaders say bert N. Stanfield to the United Staten NOTICE OF COMPLETED STREET I IMPROVEMENTS they will again demand their face I senate to help in the republican con­ Notice is hereby given, that the City trol of national affairs. The plea is value. expressed in a telegram to the Hard­ Engineer of Tillamook City, Oregon, has filet! with the City Recorder a 1 Governor Cox is not the only pol­ ing and Coolidg(> club as follows: W. W. Banks, president Hardlng- ! certificate of the completion to his itical mud slinger. There is a little satisfaction of the work of the im- bunch of politicians made up of dem- Cooiidge Campaign club: All who are I provement of 9th Street, 10th Street, ocrats and a few republicans, who earnestly desirous that the republic­ and llh Street, all from the East have started in to belittle and mal- an party shall take control of nat­ line of Thayer’s Addition, to Stillwell grin Robert N. Stanfield, republican ional affairs to the end that we may Avenue • candidate for U. S. Senator. Come restore the health of the republic and .' 12th Street, from 1st Avenue East right down to it, there is not much Insure the good of the country will to Third Avenue West; 1st Avenue difference between the dairymen wish, as I wish, that the voters of East, between 10th and 12th Streets; of this county and Mr. Stan- Oregon may find it to their best Judg­ I Stillwell Avenue, from 9th Street to I 12th Street; 1st Avenue West from] field. He has been raising iheep ment to support Robert N. Stanfield 9th -Street (extended) to 12|th . and wool in Eastern Oregon and the for United States senator. Street; 2nd Avenue West, between WARREN G. HARDING of Tillamook county have dairymen 10th and 12th Streets ;and 3rd Avenue The Republican presidential nom­ West, from 10th Street to 12th Street, been raising cows and producing milk. And both have made a busln- inee Is well aware of the campaign which improvement consists in the ess success. Anyone who has come being made In Oregon to elect a construction of a sewer along saM in contact with Mr. Stanfield recog­ democratic senator and evidently is Streets, with the accessories thereof nize that he is a thorough gentleman earnestly desirous that the republic­ in accordance with resolution esta­ and successful business man. and be­ ans have two senators from this state blishing Local Improvement District cause he has made a success of bus­ instead of one to support his admin­ No. 11 of said Tillamook City, and iness that is a good reason why he istration. especially that Oregon is the Common Council of Tillamook would make a good United States noted as a banner republican state. City has appointed Monday. October I Sei or. There are too many lawyers I Senator Harding doubtless realizes 4th, 1920. at the hour of 8 o’clock at Washington, anyway, and it would tliat one democrat in the senate from p. m. at the City Hull in Tillamook be a good improvement to send a Oregon may give the democrats con- i City. Oregon, as the time and place business man there. Robert N. Stan­ trol of that Important body whose | for considering the acceptance of field is a gentleman and it is wrong support Is absolutely '.ssentlal to en- such work, at which time and place any objections to the acceptance of for the democrats or anyone else to act a republican programme. said work will be heard and consid­ attempt to throw mud at him. ered by the Common Council. From An Ex-service Man Dated this September 23rd. 1920. The dastardly outrage at New York Frances B. Stranahan. last week, when a large numbet >f Kenneth W. Huitz, of Phoenix, I City Recorder of Tillamook City. Or. person* were killed and property Ariz., writes: “I am an ex-army air damaged to the amdunt of a million i service non-commissioned offeer and [ dolluis was done by the explosion of a member in the Frank Luke, Jr.. Card of Thanks. a bomb in the financial center of Post No. 1 of the American Legion. ------ 0------ We wish to thank our many friends that city, is only another Illustration I had a good chance to see Wilson­ of allowing a lot of anarchists to ian waste at first hand during ths and neighbors for their kindness dur­ come to the United StateH and carry late war as 1 was attached to the ing the sickness and death of our be­ out their blood thirsty plots. Now Aircraft ’Production Division’ where loved son. brother and husband. AL that they have plotted against the money went like water and results so for the beautiful floral offerings. Mrs. Stella Hanenkratt United State*, it will, no doubt, open flowed like cold molasses. We con­ Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Hanenkratt people’s minds in allowing people in structed structures and roads that and family this rountry to plot against other were never used and saw thousands Mr. and Mrs. Doak. countlies. As an illustration, one has of dollars worth of materials wasted. only to look at the agitation that