Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 16, 1920, Image 1

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Tillamook Jottings.
Glad next Tuesday, Sept 21st. All
members are requested to be present.
Miss Blanche McNair, of Tillamook
Is registered at the Hotel Portlaad.
Portland, Or.
While helping her husband in the
woods when he was sawing logs last
Wednesday ,Mrs. George Brooks, of
Hemlock, had the misfortune to
break her arm. She was taken to
Dr. Smith and is now getting along
Mr. and Mrs. Walter ___
Pettys, of
Jennings Lodge, were her a few day«
this week, with Mr. and Mrs. E. G.
Lantz. Mr. Pettys is the construct­
ion superintendent for the Standard
Oil Co. and was doing some w'ork
the saying is, and subscribed for five
er of every "country” paper In the
state would do that this month of
September, at which time money is
most plentiful; there would be a
wonderful exuberance of joy among
a lot of hard-working men and wom­
en and not a dollar of it would go to
waste. It would be a grand experi­
ment, anyway.—Oregonian.
A marriage license was issued to
Jay Houser and Winnie May Hill.
The regular meeting of ths East­
ern Star has been postponed from
tion was held at the offices Monday,
Thursday to Saturday, Sept. ISth.
being called to order by President
J. J. Richards, of Portland, was in
W. H. Christensen. The following
Tillamook on business last week, re­
directors were present: E. J. Gienger.
turning to his home Saturday.
Sollie Smith, J. J. Rupp, T. W. Lysf*
_ Wallace Waite, eldest son of Mrs. er, Mike Abplanalp, F. E. Meyer,
A marriage license was isssued to
C. E. Bell, of South Prairie, arrived Chas. Ray, W. H. Christensen, Wm.
Elvin Dohl and Elizabeth Woods on
here Thursday afternoon from Arl­ Maxwell, Carl Haberlach. D. J. Dunn,
the 11th of September.
ington, Vermont, and will make h'.s F. W. Robitsch, Andrew Peterson,
Sam Hoover bought a new Over­
home here with his mother, whom he Fred Affolter, J. H. Holgate, C. A.
land 4, from Chas. Pankow and
had not seen in four years. He left McDonald, Chas. Atkinson and Jess«
drove out to Portland Monday.
the Green Mountain state Saturday Earl.
afternoon. Sept. 4th, making the trip
Rev. Schuetze left Tuesday morn­
The following resolutions were a-
in five days and nights, and, as he dopted: “That it was the understand­
ing morning to attend the Pacific
Mrs. Jennie McGhee left on the traveled all the way alone, his ing of this board that when the ten-
Conference held in Portland.
Verona Bartow,of Nehalem, spent train last Thursday for National City friends think he did very well, as he ative wage scale for cheese makers
Saturday In Tillamook visiting with Cal., where she will spend the wint­ is only sixteen years old. He says was adopted, the Tillamook Creamery
er w'ith friends and relatives. She that Tillamook is a wonderful place, scale was understood to be 1225, and
was accompanied as far as San Fran­ and that it is the only gieen dairy
In the matter of the estate of cisco by Mr. and Mrs. McKee who for country he has seen since he left cheese maker pay rent..or engage his
own house, with no wood, water or
James Hughey, an appeal has been several months have had charge of Vermont.
milk free.”
taken to the cirucut court.
the Todd Hotel dining room.
A motion was made and carried
Enroute from Neskowin, Tillamook
A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. J. Brown, of Dallas, who lived county, to Pomona, Mo., Charles A. that the association recommend a-
Floyd Culberson on the 9th of Sept­ here a couple of years ago, died sud­
Parsons and son, Zanies B. Parsons, gainst the passage by the voters of
ember. Dr. Smith was the attending denly at her home, Friday afternoon passed through Hood River piloting Oregon of the 4 and 5 per cent limit­
a 4 o’clock. The funeral was held a truck carrying Dollie Lees Nesk­ ation on Interest law, the same being
Mrs. H. Muldouck, of Portland, Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Mrs. owin, a registered Jersey cow, and detrimental to the development of
left for her home Saturday, after Brown has a great many friends here Oregon St. Mawes, a blooded 3-mon- this county.
spent several days here with friends in Tillamook, who are very sorry to ths old bull. Mr. Parsons and his
Motion was made and carried that
and relatives.
hear of her sudden death.
son have equipped the rear of a truck the directors are not in favor of ’he
C. W. Elliott left Tuesday for
Miss Macpherson, assistant state with spring padded sides, and the secretary handling Coos Bay cheese
Portland, where he will visit with librarian, visited Tillamook for a few Jerseys were riding in apparent cun­ at this time.
Motion, made, seconded an carried,
Indeed, while he stopped
friends and relatives for several days the past week to assist in class­ fort.
ifying the books in the public libra­ the calf laid down, and contentedly that the association go into the hay,
grain and feed business. This is to
„ A marriage license was issued to ry and give the workers in charge all 1 chewed his cud. They expect to canip
be handled seperately and apart from
Harold B. Allen and Metta Antrim,
the cheese end of thg association, but
of Cloverdale, on the 10th of Septem­ placing the library in the best con- | ! ed that the animals can be quickly
dition to be an important factor in j unloaded and allowed to stretch their under the same gneral management.
Motion made, seconded, and car­
th« community.
I legs. They will travel 1800 miles.—
Howard Williams, who has been the upbuild
ried that Carl Haberlach be employ­
Dave M'artiny Is completing bis
In Turlock and San Franicsco, Cal.,
ed as manager for feed kndgrain bus­
A delightful program was given at
for the past year returned Friday to Chevrolet garage across from the I
iness, said contract to' be for year
his home here.
ending, Sept. 1, 1921. . R. C. Jones
Mr. B. Snider, of Portland is de­
was asked to make out sack returns
been camping at Jhe Oretown beach.
monstrating the Beeman Tractor at will take care of Chevrolet cars, I
as soon as possible.
Mrs. Jones told of her recent trip to
the Fair grounds for Chas. Pankow, alone. A repair shop is in the back j
Carl Haberlach announced that he
of the garage, belonging to the Let- Hawaii, her graphic and pleasing de- had advanced the price of cheese one
the local agent.
son brothers. It will also be opened l scription of the trip, also the customs cent the 10th inst., triplets now sell­
A party made up of H. J. Hicker­ in a week or two.
and surroundings cf the native Haw-
ing at 31c. Tillamook, Longhorn and
son, A. L. McCarty, Wm. Snider and
Lillian Maxine McGinnis vs. Frank aiians, was g'.von in detail, and was Y. A.’s at 32c.
Barney McGhee, were down from Ne­
F. McGinnis is a divorce suit filed m very much app eclated and enjoyed
All those present took a deep in­
halem on business Saturday.
the cricuit court. These parties were by the audience. The lives of the terest in the affairs brought before
John Peyree vs. Buttner Mill Co. married in Tillamook county on the Alaskans and the Eskimoes and their
the meeting. After the business had
1 b a suit filed in the circuit court to 27th of January, 1917, but no child­ customs were depleted by Mr. Junes
been attended to tlie meeting ad­
recover 1290.00 for work, labor and ren were born to the union. The in a very interesting and pleasing
material furnished the defendant.
plaintiff alleges neglect, mistreat­
Ralph McKimens, who was badly ment and abandonment as the cause well delivered and well received ev­
Tillamook High School Notes
hurt in an accident last week, is of applying for a dissolutiox fo the eryone feeling that the time was
most profitably spent.
steadily improving, but will be in marriage contract.
Altho the new gymnasium on the
the hospital for about six weeks.
The excessive rains this week
Owing to a mistake tn the printing High School grounds is not entirely
John L. Jones vs. Carl P. Knudson washed out the false work on the of last week’s paper, the remainder
finished, it is near enough completed
is a suit filed in the circuit court to bridge at Kelchis river. This was the of the article about the boxing match
so that active work can be carried
recover $1,000.00 on a promissory temporary construction put in place of the bout between Houser and
on in it. In the very near future
of the steel. The steel which was to Murphy, was overlooked. Thu fight
gymasium class*» ‘WUfStart.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Curtis, of Port­
Every Btudent in the High School
land, who are spending some time at ama Canal, has not yet arrived, and Houser, broke his right hand in the is required to take physical training
second round. The beginning of it as a part of the course. The girls
Ocean Lake, were in town Saturday,
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Dave It will be repaired as soon as pos­ was not very fast, and Houser was are expected to equip themselves
sible, but the accident wil cost the getting rather put over even before
with a white middy, black bloomer?,
county several hundred dollars.
he broke his hand while landing ar. black stockings and white tennis
Mrs. W. S. Buell, after a short
An accident which occured on the uppercut. Murphy seemed to have a shoes. The boys are expected to wear
visit here, left for her home the first
of the week. She was not feeling at race track Wednesday afternoon was better system, perhaps due to more basket ball trunks and Jersey sweat­
all well while here. Mr. Buell came a result of the recent rain. The experience and training than Houser. ers. If not already supplied with
track was so slippery that two horses He will return to Tillamook at a sweaters they are advised to get red
in for a few days on Tuesday.
their riders, fell to the ground, later date and arrange for another jersey with two white stripes. They
H. A. Pitner, of the Oregon Door
bout with Houser, to give him a fair
Co., of Portland, returned to his one of them, ridden by Ewin Glad, chance, as Houser lost the decision will also be expected to wear gym­
nasium or tennis »hoes.
home Saturday, after having spent son of Eric Glad, fell under the horse on account of the accident.
Once a week the pupils of the
two weeks here installing new doors and had his leg broken. The break
grammar school including the fifth
in the Sacred Heart Catholic church. is just above the ankle, is long and
C. C. Bailey vs. Clarance Bailey is
a rather bad one. He was taken to
grade and up will have classes It} the
A complaint has been sworn out
a divorce suit filed in the circuit
the Boals hospital, and seems to be
gymnasium. Owing to the infrequen­
against Ross McFall by Charles Gil­
couit. These parties were married
getting along as well as oculd be ex­
cy of the classes no equipment w'll
more, on a charge of assault and
in Calfornia in 1913, one daughter
ba required of them expect tennis
being born to the union. Plaintiff
battery. McFall is supposed to have
alleges very cruel and inhuman
given him a regular beating.
The following class officers were
The readers will be welcomed to Frank Heyd, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. treatment .and that defendant at all elected for this semester;
the library during this work and the
Freshman: Pres., Joseph Maxwell;
librarian will be glad to assist them Mr. and Mrs. Clarance Stanley mot­ accompany plaintiff during the whole Vlce-pres., Lula Thurman; Repre­
in locating any book apparently mis­
sentative for Council, Arline Heyd;
A. W hlrms. with abundance of good fusing to maintain a home for plain­
placed during the re-arranging.
Sec. & Treas., Mary Lamar; Class
eats, tue occasion being Mrs. Will­ tiff. Defendant is a Portugese by de­
A few copies of recent fiction have
iams’ birthday anniversary. She was cent, and she with her relative would advisor, Miss Hanselman.
Sophomore: Pres., Ramona Halt-
just arrived. More books will be re- so surpised, she couldn’t, tell how
converse in that language. Defend­
om; Vice-Pres., Alma Furrer; Sec. &
celved later on. and a list of all many birthdays had passed, as the
ant told the plaintiff that she did not
Treas., Lee Stephens; Representitive
these will be printed in a later 1 f - pretty gifts and birthday cake were
love him, and did not wish to live
L. Smith; Class advisor. Miss Starr.
presented. Mrs. Wiliams molt gra­ with him, they parting in August,
Junior; Pres., James Sharp; Vfce-
The cheese scoring contest resulted » ciously found words of thanks, and 1918.
pres., Clarance Gaberial; Sec.-Treas.,
as follows; Harry Hogan. 97; Frank bid the guests to return soon again.
The Presbyterian Guild held their Marie Gienger; Rrepesentative, Elta
Wison. 96; Floyd Culberson, 95%;
To save the county $1,500, Fred C. first after vacation meeting Sept. 7, Sheets; Class advisor, Mr. Dimmick.
M. Hughes, 95; Roy Savage, 94%;
Senior: Pres., Henry Bochsler, vice
Hugh Barber, 94; Albert Wade, 'Baker, H. H. Rosenberg and M. F. at the home of Mrs. Adams with Mrs.
Leach went on the bond for the Alderman assistant hostess. Many Pres., Elda Archibald; Sec.-Treas.,
93%; August Grabb, 92%.
county, the law requiring that a
Ellen Norberg; Representative, Br­
George Cornwall and Lena R. bond be given even if a county ob­ of the regular members had not re­
yan Tucker; Class advisor, Mrs.
Cornwall is a suit filed in the circuit tains a contract from the State
court to recover $115.14 from tlie Highway Commission for road work. present had a splendid meeting plan­
The officers, who were elected las’
defendants for goods furnished them Tillamook county was awarded a ning on the work for the winter and
year are: Pres., Grace Jolliffe; Vice
while they resided in Yamhill coun­ contract amounting to about $90,400
things for the community interest. Pres., Alfred Gabriel; Sec.-Treas., La
for graveling the roads that have The work will be more fully decidel Verna Holden; General Manager,
H. S. Brimhall and Josephine been prepared for the past year. The
upon at the next meeting, which is Henry Bochsler.
Brimhall vs. E. R. Manning is a suit saving of $1,500 to the county will
Night School
to be held at the home of Mrs. Gor­
filed in the circuit court to quie title give that much more money to be
Last year the night school in com­
dan Burge, Sept. 21, and the hostess­
on certain property, the taxes nut expended on the roads.
es. Mesdames Burge and Bales have mercial subjects proved very success­
having been paid fvr six years.
County Clerk Homer Mason has requested that all members make a ful and the Board of Education has
William Easom and family, who appointed the following persons offi­ special effort to b« in attendance and decided to offer the work again this
have been in Milk River, Canada, cial registers: W. J. Mead, Nehalem; also bring any friend who might be winter. The classes will be in charge
since early spring, returned to Till­
T. E. Ashley, Bay & Kilchis; S. H. Interested in spending a pleasant of Miss Star and Miss Wilson. Any
amook Sunday. They will spend the Rock, Little Nestucca; Earl Ayer, afternoon and getting acquainted one interested in taking work in any*
winter here, the girls attending Blaine; Geo. W. Phelps, Garibaldi; with the ladies, and learn of the of the subjects mentioned below may
enroll at the High school building at
W. H. Christensen, Nes*owin; E. L. things they are attempting to do.
7:30 p. m. Monday, Sept. 27. If It
The work must necessarily be slow McCabe, Cloverdale; P. D. Ott, Hebo;
Dr. Shearer returned Sunday from is impossible to attend that evening,
and will cause much confusion at Henry L. King, Bayocean; L. F.
present but if the readers will be Brode, Sand Lake; Wm. Gilbert, Bea­ Portland, where he was attending telephone M-150.
Night courses will be offered in
patient they will be amply repaid for ver; Jacob Krebs. Rockaway; Paul the meetings of the Clinical Congress
the present disorder when the work F. Cooper. Mohler; Frank A. Rowe, of American college of Surgeons, the Commerical Department of the
which were held Friday and Satur­ High School In Bookkeeping. Short­
is completed.
Wheeler; J. L. Kidder, Garibaldi,
day . This is the first annual meet­ hand, Typing and Spelling on Mon­
Miss Nellie Hester returned Sun­ Wm. Christensen? Wheeler.
ing to be held on the Pacific coast, day and Thursday evening, beginn­ j
day from Raymond. Wash., where
meeting of the season of till others
_____ ____
being _ in ____
the ______
East. _____
■he has been visiting with her father the J. N. G. club, was at the home I ghearer was the only surgeon from ing next Monday, Sept. 27. Tultlou
$2.50 per month, payable in advance.
for some time. She will stay here of .....................
Mrs. John Carroll. Mrs. O. M. Tillamook to attend. It seems as If
The opening game of the football
with her aunt Mrs. Elsie Vldito and Cook and Mrs. Carroll hostesses. A«
a surgeon must have had a certain season will be played Saturday. Oct.
attend school this winter.
the annual business meeting the fol­ Humber of years excprlence before he 2, when the High School team plays
M. Peterson vs. N. Spady is a suit lowing officers were elected: Presid­ ®n join the association, then he re­ the local Alumni. The teams are
filed in the cricuit court to recover ent, Mrs. Cloyd Dawson; vice-pres.. ceives invitations to attend the meet­ evenly matched and an exciting
two sums of money, viz.. $101.40 and .Mrs. Arthur Case; Sec. & Treat«.. Mrs ing» Dr. Shearer has been a memb- game is anticipated.
$108.00. for goods furnished the de­ John Carroll. Delicious refreshments ei for a number of years. The meet-
fendant when residing In 1 amhill were served by the hostesses. Meet­ lil s were -----
held at the Good Sanarit-
ing adjourned to meet in October
Tammany must not, cannot, will
St. Vincent. Eyer, Ear, Nose and
>at and the Coffey Surgical hos- not be allowed to control the next
Mrs. J. Leslie, of Nehalem, return­ with Mrs. C. B. Stanley and Mrs.
Is. Twenty four operations were administration. The work to be done
ed to her home Saturday, after hav­ Henry Helsel. Guests cf the after­
■formed each day by the suregona. tn the next four years ,is far too im­
ing spent some time here and at noon were Mesdames Conover, H. F.
Simuions Creek, south of here. . t.e Cook and Eastman.
[the evening a large reception was portant to be trusted to any man or
was accompanied by Miss Agw Les­
Paul Erickson subscribed for the i
at the Multnomah Hotel. A I any set of men who hold such theor­
w as -
lie. of Portland, who-was returning Tillamook Headidight when It -----
number of Eastern doctors ies of government. The Tammany
there after a visit with friends.
started, thirty-five years ago.
present, two coming from Chlc- I Tiger will never get to the White
The Tillamook County Jersey cat- week or so ago **he dropped in”, as agd i a nd one from New York, also j House, nor will Cox, the man the
tic "club wil meet at the farm of Eric years in advance. It every subscib- I frofc other cltiei
Tiger nominated.
Monday and Thursday evenings in
stenography and typewriting and
------- 0-------
other business courses. Tuition $2.50 Friday-Saturday, Sept. 17-18, “The
per mont >, payable in advance. For Chorus Girl’s Romance,” featuring
further information telephone M-150. Viola Dana.
Sunday, Sep. 19, Constance Talmadg«
in "Experimental Marriage.”
Unless a vigorous campaign of edu­
Feet”, 2 reel Sunshine
------- 0-------
cation is carried on throughout the
Everyone was very much elated
entire Btate there is grave danger
that a financial quaratine will be Tuesday morning when the heavy Monday, Sept. 20, "Prince of Ave A”
placed upon Oregon and great injury rain suddenly stopped and the weath­ featuring James J. Corbett.
done to the business, agriculture and er turned out perfect for the seventh One reel comedy.
labor interests of the state through annual county fair. Although the Tuesday, Sept 21, Tom Mix in "Des­
ert Love.”
the enactment of the 4 and 5 per grounds were rather wet and sloppy,
cent Interest Rate bill, according to it was only unpleasant for the first Wednesday, Sept. 22, Gladys Leslie
Lloyd Riches, secretary of the Ore­ day.
in "Too Many Crooks.”
The exhibits are very good this
gon State Editorial Association. Mr. 1
Thursday, Sept 23, George Walsh in
Riches was in Tillamook Monday af­ year, most of the business houses "A Manhattan Knight”
ternoon and evening and spoke be­ having booths, several grocery stores,
2 reel comedy.
fore some of the business men of both electric stores, the Iron Works,
Tilamook |n the Chamber of Com­ the music stores, und others beings
I. 0. 0. F. Items
merce rooms Monday evening.
represented. The Fisher Flouring
“The proposed 4 and 5 per cent Mills, also the Portland Flouring
merest Rate bill is one of the most Mills, makers of the Olympic Flour,
Every Odd Fellow should read the
vicious measures ever aimed at the are represented by charming booths. following—perhaps it is not your
business and economic stability of Many of these, including the Red Star lodge—it’s you.
any state in the union,” said Mr. Oil stove, being demonstrated by
Running a Lodge
Riches. "It is a constitutional a- Mrs. Holmes, ard serving samples of
Occasionally we hear repeated by
mendment which would reduce the the baking and of the different pro­
those who do not take an interest in
present legal rate of interest from 6 ducts.
the Xvork that a few men run the
to 4 per cent and the maxium con­
The stock exhibit is especially good
tract rate of Interest from 10 to 5 I thia year, each favorite breed of cat- lodge and it is therefore not any use
per cent and specifically provides i tie, the Guernseys, Jerseys and Hol- trying to do anything, To a certain
that the contract rate of 5 per cent [ steins, being well represented by in- extent it is true that a few' men run
shall be inclusive of any and all didviduals and herds belonging to the lodge, because if they didn’t
there would not be any lodge to run.
brokerage and commissions.
the leading breeders of pure bred
"Let us consider what effects this livestock throughout the county. Joe A lodge is exactly what its members
law would have upon the life of the Donaldson, F. R. Beals, L. A. Mc­ make it and the majority rules. I£
your lodge is a large, progressive one
Cormack, B. A. Folks and others
"Money has a price, just as wheat haye from six or eight to fourteen it is because the members want it
and potatoes have a price and that or sixteen head of their herds on ex­ that way. If it 1 b small, weak, strug­
price is the rate of interest It is earn­ hibit, and other breeders have a nu­ gling for existence, it is because the
ing. This price fluctuates just as the mber of splendid looking individulas, members are content to have it so.
price of wheat and potatoes fluc­ each one a product of careful breed­ If your lodge is satisfied to have just
tuates, because of the law of supply ing and care. A part of the stock thirty members, that is all it will
and demand. Today there is such a was Judged Wednesday morning and ever have, but if those thirty mem­
tremenduous demand for money to I the following is a list of the winners bers rflecide that they want sixty
rebuild the war devasted world that and their owners: Jersey bull. L. A. members and determine to have
interest rates are exceedingly high McCormack, 1st; L. C. Daniels, 2nd; them, then the other thirty will be
and you and I can sell the use of our ¡Joe Donaldson, 3rd; and Maurice secured in a very short time. Did
money in the world market, on gilt­ Bays, 4th. Cows over three year:«: you ever stop to think who it is that
edge security, for 8, 8 % and 9 per Joe Donaldson, 1st; A. Johnson, 2nd; conducts the business of the lodge?
Who collects the dues? Who risits
i Wm. Maxwell, 3rd; Wm. Robitsch,
“What would happen if the rate I 4th. Cows, 3 years: L. A. McCor­ the sick and buries the dead? Who
of interest in Oregon is placed at 1 mack, 1st; A. Johnson, 2nd; Wm. carries the money to the widows and
orphans? It is those few men whom
and 5 per cent? Just the same as Robitsch, 3rd. Cow, 2 years:
would happen were we foolish en­ Zwald, 1st; Joe Donaldson, 2nd; L. you accuse of running the lodge.
ough to fix the price of wheat tn 0. Daniels, 3rd; L. A. McCormack, Would it not be more manly, more
Oregon at 25c. a bushel and the 4th. Senior yearlings: A. Johnson, fraternal, to attend the meetings and
price of potatoes at 10c. a bushel, 1st; A. Johnson. 2nd; Junior yearl- help theju than to stand aside and
The wheat and potatoes would be ! Ings; L. A. McCormack, 1st; Edwin sneer at them? By so doing you
would be fulfilling your obligations
sent outside of the state where mar­ Glad, 2nd; and Gus Peterson, 3rd.
and in a short time would be one of
ket prices could be obtained and
Holsteins, Bulls: J. Pangborn, 1st; the men who was running the lodge
likewise money would be loaned
F. R. Beals, 2nd; A. Hoffman, 3rd. yourself. The next time you feel like
on outside securities. Existing loans
| Two year old bulls; J. Rupp, 1st; B. talking about the fellows who run
would be called In as soon as possible
I A. Folks, 2nd; Robert Stillwell, 3rd. the lodge, ask yourself what you
and no new loans made. Business men
Cows: F. R. Beals, let; Rollie Wat­ have done towards keeping it runn­
farmers and home owners would be
son, 2nd; F. R. Beals, 3rd; and J. ing.—Record.
unable to renew their mortgages and
Rupp, 4th. Three year old cows; J.
The above is a copy from the Pac­
notes and an orgy of wholesale fore­
Rupp. 1st; B. A. Folks, 2nd and 3rd. ific Odd Fellow, being secretary of
closure would follow.
I Two year old cows, Clay Daniels, 1st. Tilamook lodge No. 94, one of tho
"Let me call your attention to the
Jnior yearlings; F. R. Beals, 1st; J. best in the state, and having an am­
clause in the proposed law specifical­
J. Rupp, 2nd; Leslie Barber, 3rd and bition to see this lodge grow in mem­
ly providing that the contract rate of
bership of brothers, who will take to
5 per cent is Inclusive of all broker­
As yet the herds and the Guern- heart the above, and if you cannot
ages and commissions. This wouldd
mean that the state of Oregon and Beys have not been tested. The six- come out to lodge meeting to help
all political subdivisions such aa ty head of Guernseys, owned by the put over the work, and won’t, or do
counties, cities, school districts, road i j Tillamook Guernsey Club, will be not have the time to visit the sick,
districts, etc., could issue only 5 per taken to Yakima to the fair there and help the widow and orphan.
Then at least have the principles of
cent bonds for such improvement« as and to the state fair at Salem.
The Tillamook Jersey Calf Club Odd Fellowship at heart, so will not
are necessary and would hav" to sell
them at par. And in today’s market has a splendid showing, as there are discourage those who are trying to
eleven calves, ull of the highest live up to their obligations.
none of these bonds could b» sold.
"The evident effects of such a law grade, on exhibit. It shows that the
Bro. E. Heusser has agreed to see
appear bo clear to those who undei- children are following in the foot­ that there is Odd Fellow Notes in
stand it that it seems that no one steps of their parents, who are puro each issue of the Tillamook papers,
would be foolish enough to favor it. bred stock enthusiasts. There is al- and others have said they would eu-
Y’et we have found many well mean­ bo a good show of Chester Whi'e deavor to hand uny news items they
ing and intelligent voters who think Pigs, the greater part of them coining can pick up to him. I expect to start
this law would compel the loaning of . from Joe Donaldson’s farm.
Eust from Portland Monday, so am
money in the state at 5 per cent. A
Today, Thursday, is Children’s starting the news for Bro. Heusser
vigorous campaign of education is Day, and will be devoted to the and as the paper will follow me to
necessary to show the people the real judging of their exhibits, the diff­ New York, will watch for the news
truth of the vicious measure and I erent contests, etc. In the afternoon from Tillamook lodge, No. 94.
urge that every business man and the essays written by the children In
The new Odd Fellow reporter now
farmer in Tillamook county vote a- the "Watson Essay Contest” will be comes on the scene, watch him make
gainst the bill and urge their friends read at the School Pavilion, Mr. O. good, and please help him with In­
to likewise.”
M. Plummer, of the O. A. C. being formation. Thank you. F. F. Conover
in charge, Kepresntative McArthur
The Non-Partisan League
Bro. Tom Armstrong is again back
Mr. Riches also called attention to will speak in the evening at the in Tillamook, after spending several
the menace of the Non-Partisan same place.
months In Calfornia.
Mrs. A. C. Everson, loci*.I Red Cross
league in Oregon. He said he had
Did you notice the smile on Bro.
investigated the league’s activities in secretary, lias a charming booth at Culberson’s face Tuesday night, well
the state and placed a conservative the Fair, which Is very tastefully de­ there’s a reason, a baby girl came to
estimate of the present membership corated In the red and white, an.l his home the other day. The Broa.
in the state at 10,000 and told spec­ with different emblems of the Red will let you off with a Flora De Mass,
ific facts of investigation to bear out Cross. She also has some of the ad­ Floyd.
vertising matter of the Junior Red
his estimate.
Bro. S. A. Moulton who was oper-
"We have all read of the great In­ ('rose, as well as some for the Fourth ated on in Portlnnd, is reported as
jury done to the state of North Dak­ Red Cross drive, which is to be held steadily Improving.
Bro. Peter Schrantz has gone to
ota by this organization. Taxes th 're In November. Household kits und
are 300 per cent higher than before veil pocket kits contai'iin ; ,<’irst A«l B< nd. Or., In hopes nf restoring his
the advent of the league and North materials, are on dlspic.y, a nd the health.
After four years of absence Bro.
Dakota plunged into virtual state use of each demonstrated.
fif- Bodlfelt made his appearance in
Lieut. DiiPuy Is making
socialism. The league feeds itself
upon the dissatisfaction of the farm­ teen to twenty flights a day in tlie lodge again Tuesday night,
We are sorry to note ‘hut Bros.
taking pa«.cngers.
ers and if we would keep its tenac­ airplane,
ious Angers off the thoat of Oregon flights are ten minutes long, and the J. R. Church and son, Roy, are leav­
we must meet the farmer und help beauties of our county arc not real­ ing next week for Oswego, where
him in the solution of his problems. ized until viewed from above. He Is they will locute on a truck farm.
We certainly were glad to see our
The State Taxpayers league has in- also doing a hit of aerial adx rtising
stituated a measure which wil pio- for the Portland Flour Mills, in hav­ warden, Fritz Beltz back In lodge a-
vide for a Market Commiseionei. ing an ad of their's, that of Olympic galn, after spending five weeks trav­
This official will lend state leader- | flour, painted on the bo t<m, of the eling through the East on his honey­
moon trip. Mouduy night a bunch
ship to co-operative producers organ­ plane.
izations, assist them in marketing 1
Horse racing, ball games, foot rac­ of brother: ventured out in tho
their products and thereby eliminate ing, and other contests are in ordci storm with horns, bells and tin pans
a great deal of dissatisfaction among for the remainder of the fair, and if end entertained Bro. Beltz and wife
farmers about marketing conditions. one cannot be entertained in one wav with a few very choice selections.
This law is modeled from the Calif­ there are plenty of others, each and Bro Beltz returned tho compliment
ornia Market Commission act. The every attraction being well worth by treating the boys to ice-cream and
cigars. They were presented with a
Non-Partisan League has openly stat­ seeing.
huutiful electric iron, by the mem-
ed it will not attempt to invade Cal­
bers of the Tin Can band.
ifornia us long as the Market Com­
Viola Dana Come* to Screen in New
A sensation was created in lodge
mission Act is in force as it has ?f-
Tuesday evening when It was learn-
fectlvely removed a great many of
------- 0-------
ed that our secretary Frank Conover,
the causes which enables the league
Local picture followers will have had left for New York in company
to propose cure-alls for as a cover to i
the opportunity Friday and Saturday with Sheriff Campbell’s wife. The
its real aims, state socialism.”
A special meeting of the Chamber f Sept. 17 and 18 at the Ger Theatre lodgde detective has been assigned to
of Commerce will be called In the ; of seeing the premiere of Viola Da­ the case and will report at the next
near future to take some action in ' na's lates production, "The Chorus meeting.
| Girl’s Romance,” from the sh<u t
About 4 5 members were present at
■ tory by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
lodge Including three visitors.
The romance Is that which springs
Good «at
committee for next
up in a most odd manner between Tuesday at
Night School.
i’z. Heusser, Christ­
Marlca Meadows, musical comedy enson, Waggle, Smith and Culberson.
------- o-------
Do you need instruction or review star and shimmy expert; and Horace All Bros, are Invited to be present.
In commerical subjects? Night school Tarbox, who 1 b the academic prodigy Lodge takes up at 8 o'clock sharp.
Emil Heusser, N. G.
classes at High School building on of Yal*k
j|Lte Bill And Non-Partisan
A meeting of the directors of the Interest
Tillamook County Creamery Associa­
League Discussed.
Meeting of Directon of Creamery