TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 9, i920. Coaxing You to Smile AUCTION SALE Of Pure Bred Cattle 1 Pure English. i Including Holsteins, Jerseys and Guernseys She was apparently a lady of re­ finement. She had all the hallmarks of the select. Her clothing was fault­ less and there was a look of keen in­ tellectuality in her face. With her was a beaiiiljul little boy—not ex­ actly a Little Lord Fauntleroy, blit a little chap*»ith big eyes and a wealth of tousled hair. I I noticed them, the lady for her dignified bearing and the boy for his j bright face ,as I sat down just in front of them on the suburban train. I Pretty soon I heard the little boy I say. evidently referring to me: No reply. "Ain’t that a funny hat that man - has got on? Ain't it an old hat I Mom?” No reply. "Ain't it funny when, a man has got a boil on the back of his neck, Mom, ain’t it?” (We happened to have one that morning.) No repjy. “Ain't there nothing to do about I boils on the back of the neck. Mom, i ain’t there?” “Shut up"' came the voice of the lady. “If you use that word 'ain’t' again I am going to soak you on the bugle, now take it from me. How often have I got to tell you not to use that word ‘ain't?” The Straws Show. The Diamond Silk Company, a New York firm with plant at Paterson, N. J„ has gone Into the hands of a re­ ceiver by order of the U. S. District Court. Depression in the silk market is given as the reason. Imports of manufactures of silk.for the fiscal year ended June 30. 1920, nearly $92.000,000 in value, compared with $27,000,000 the last year under the protective tariff law, 1913. From Japan alone come about $45,000,- 000 worth of silk fabrics woven in the piece during 1920, the product of the cheapest labor known. These importations are closing American factories, but they have not reduced the price of silk garments to the consumer, The straws are beginning to betray the direction of the tariff wind. SCHOOL BOOK TIME Complete line of Tablets, Pencils, Pens and Inks. Save Time and Money on this year’s Wm. Jennings Bryan and Gov. Cox Bitf by (From the Philaaelphia Inquirer.) Buying Here. An esteemed local contemporary which engages in daily tirades again­ st Senator Harding has come to the conclusion that William Jennings Bryan is going to do “his part” in the election of Governor Cox to the Presidency. Being a good Democrat, it says, he will turn in for his party. The Commoner is patronizingly pat­ ted on the shoulder for the “good and retail at Board of Educa­ work" he did for President Wilson in the 1912 and 1916 campaigns, and tion’s wholesale list price. ------ o------ we are led to infer that he may be Free Speeches. William Lyon Phelps, professor of 1 expected to do equally effective talk­ English literature at Yale, declares ing for the Democratic candidate this year. he gets credit for only 25 per cent It happens that Mr. Bryan is alive, of the after-dinner speeches he actu­ ally makes. “Every time I accept an I and in good health, and quite com­ invitation to sneak, I really make petent to speak for himself. What­ four addresses, First, is thespeech I ever else may be said about the prepare- in advance, That is pretty ■peerless leader” of his party no one good, Second, is the speech I really can accuse him of ambiguity. He has make, Third, is the speech I make placed himself upon record concern­ eSS125ESHSHSE5H5HSa5BSa5asa525ara5E5ESH5ÏSZ5a52S252SESE5ZSESa5a5HSaS25ZS on the way home, which is the best ing Governor Cox. He did so just Ci of all: and fourth, is the speech the on the eve of the San Francisco con­ vention. For the sake of historical newspapers next morning say I made, K which bears no relation to any of accuracy we propose to reprint that portion of his statement dealing with the others. K the man who is now the Democratic E nominee for the Presidency. Here it Didn’t Want Waste ’Em. Is: The fishing season is on. A busi­ Highest Cash Price.'’, "After disgracing his State, he as­ K ness man was reminded of it by a pires to a position in which he could small son who called him on the disgrace the nation. For years the i phone and asked: menengaged in the liquor business “Daddy, will you bring home some have been the real anarchists of the E Tillamook and Hebo. goldfish?” K country, far more dangerous than the "Why”? the man asked, professional anarchists. Governor îd5HS25ZSH525HSE5BSHSH5MHSE5a525HSÏÏSHSZ5H5HSH5E5H5?SE5252S2Sa52Sa52S252 "Well,” answered the boy, Cox has become their candidate. got a couple of worms and “His nomination would make the know what to do with ’em.” COLONEL J. W. HUGHES, Auctioneer. DR. E. L. GLAISYER, Supt, Cattte Dept., County Fair. Democratic party the leader of the lawless element of the country, and Appreciation. his election, if such a thing were ”1 admire your latest volume of possible, would turn the White ese (Torquatus) Pheasants is hereby be prosecuted as by statute provided. verses very much indeed!" Notice, House over to those who defy the closed to shooting of any kind In the Dated at Portland, Ore., this 9th "Oh, yes?” replied the Imaginist. government and hold law in con­ said County of Tillamook, State of To Whom It May Concern: day of August, A. D. 1920. "Yes, particularly the first one in tempt.” Whereas, the Chinese (Torquatus) Oregon, until again opened to shoot­ the book. Let me recite it to you to If this is the kind of “good work” STATE BOARD OF FISH AND Pheasants of and in the County of ing by said State Board of Fish and prove how I have been enthused over the Cox men want Bryan to do for GAME COMMISSIONERS. Tillamook, State of Oregon, are being Game Commissioners of Oregon, as it sufficiently to learn it by heart: the candidate we fear that they have By E. V. Carter, Chairman of the threatened with extinction from ex­ by statute provided “When I give you toy ballons already giien up the election. None And it is and shall be unlawful to cessive shooting and otherwise, and Board. ’ There is no other of the political opponents of the Whereas, the State Board of Fish hunt for or to shoot Chinese (Tor­ By I. N. Fleischner, Commissioner. i Fire out of amethyst—’ ” Democratic nominee has said any­ and Game Commissioners of Oregon quatus) Pheasants anywhere in the "Wait!" cried the Imagnist. But thing half as severe about him. For By Marion Jack, Commissioner. is desirous of prdtecting the Chinese County of Tillamook, State of Ore­ i j the enthusiast would not wait: that reason the Bryan judgment can- E. C. Simmons, Commissioner. (Torquatus) Pheasants of and in the gon, from and after the date of this " 'Green beetles on Fifth Avenue; iot be dimissed ns partisan tirade. It County of Tillamook, State of Ore­ notice until the said open season is John Gill, Commissioner. Skies that be; comes from the man who was the na­ declared by the State Board of Fish gon; F. M. Warren, Commissioner. A soft mist hides the sea—•’ ” tional standard-bearer of his party Therefore, Notice is hereby given and Game Commissioners of Oregon, “Stop!” yelled the Imaginist “That's in three Presidential campaigns. It Chris Schmidt, Commissioner. as by statute provided. by the State Board of Fish and Game not a poem. You have been reciting comes from the man who received Chas. Hall, Commissioner. Commissioners of Oregon, that the Any person or persons found viol­ the table of contents!” more than six million Democrat A TOUCH Jas. H. Driscoll. Commissioner. open season for the shooting of Chin- ating the provisions of this order will votes on each of the ocasions when he was candidate. It comes from the All Titled. of our facial powder will make your The doctor’s family had just moved man who was responsible for the no­ skin blossom like a summer rose. It into a more exclusive residence dis­ mination of Woodrow Wilson and will give to your complexion the soft trict and all the members were given who helped to elect him. It comes to boasting over this. Even the 9- from the man who was Secretary of rosy glow of youth and health. Our year-old daughter told of it to her State in a Democratic administrat­ cold cream Is another infallible aid small playmates at school. “Why, ion, and who confesses that he was it’s just like having a title,” she end- I heart-broken over the nomination of to beauty. Try them both if you ed. “Everything that comes to our Cox. would better your appearance. Mr. Bryan says that Cox is the place has written on it after our choice of the disreputable element of 'Collet Place.’ ” E. E. KOCH Another little 9-year-old sniffo! the eDmocratic party and that he has disdainfully. “Oh, it that is what you "fairly won the dishonor” which has Tillamook, Oregon mean, we’ve got one too,” she in- ben conferred upon him. The rabid formed the audience, “and it's almost partisans do not ask much from the like your’n. Right after our names Commoner. They suggest merely that FmblrrnnfSaHfactiai on everything that comes to our he eat ins words and turn in and house they write. ‘Collect, please.’ ” help place Cox In the White House. Will he do ft? Well, he says that he has not yet decided how he is going Getting Even. "Here is a charge for a call lasting to vote. If the Cox men can get half an hour on our telephone,” said any comfort out of that they are en- . titled to it. And no matter wliat Mr. the lawyer to his wife. "Yes, dear. That was my call. I Bryan may do or say in the future was asking a friend of mine a ques­ his orginal characterization of the Democratic candidate will remain as tion,” replied the wife. “And did it take an hour to ask part of the political history of the country. a question?” “Yes, dear, You see, it was one of AUTOS AND FEES—OREGON those hypothetical questions." First Annual Sale Of Tillamook Pure Bred Breeders’ Association, to be held Annually in connection with the Tillamook County Fair We Are Headquarters for School Books LAMAR’S DRUG STORE, Tillamook, Oregon. Over 100 Choice Animals We Buy CASCARA BARK. of all breeds to choose from. To be held at the Fair Grounds during the Fair, on Friday September 17. All cattle in this sale will be on exhibition at the Fair, September 15, 16 and 17. At Kuppenbender’s Warehouse, MILK COWS FOR SALE or EXCHANGE ' for Dry Stock. YAGER & BRADY « ’ BUICK CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE) HAULING loot - building 7.587,195.000 POUNDS U. S. Sugar Imports Show Billion In­ crease in Past Fiscal Year ^TL'RD/Lr built—designed for (J power and dependability, possess­ ing grace and beauty in every line— the new Buick Nineteen Twenty One series signally upholds the traditions that have made the name Buick a not­ able word in the automotive industry. Two decades have more than justi­ fied the unwavering fidelity to the accepted engineering ideals to which Buick stands committed. The same rugged Valve-in-Head motor re­ fined is a distinguishing feature of every model. In appearance, the Buick Nineteen Twenty One series is notable for the harmonious blending of low graceful body line»; in appointment», for those added refinement» that so materially increase the pleasure and comfort of motoring. In addition to the general features of the new models the Buick Five- Passenger Touring Car (Twenty One Forty Five) possesses a roominess of tonneau and new arrangement of seating that afford occupants the ut­ most in riding comfort. For the business man or his family; for the needs of city driving or country driv­ ing, this model excels because of its capacity for varied service. ACKLEY & MILLER. WHEN BETTER. AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD THEM Imports of sugar into the United States during the fiscal year 1920 ex­ ceeded exports by more than 6,000,- 000 pounds, according to a summary of the country's foreign trade in su­ gar at the Department of Commerce, and amounted to 7,587,195,000 pounds. Sugar exported for the year a- mounted to 1,444,030,665 pounds, an advance of more than 300,000,000 pounds over 1919. France took 698.798,020 pounds of the sugar exported in 1920 and Great Britian received 362,236,359 pounds. Cuba, with a total of 6,905,709,612 pounds, supplied the major part of I the imports for the year. Imports from Cuba increased by more than 1,000,000,000 pounds over the 1919 total. A considerable quantity of the Cu­ ban imports and the exports to Great Britain, however, officials of the de­ partment explained, is made tip of British-owned sugar which is brought Into this country raw and refined before shipment to England. Statement of motors vehicles re­ gistered from the several counties of n«——f. Tnnns’-v 1 to Jul” 31, 1920, and the amount of license fees receiv­ ed therefore: Number License fees County 1,761 $36,257.50 Baker ... B-ntor. . .. 1,686 30,605.00 ci. mas 4.00« 77.932.50 2 096 43 «W KO Clatson .. 1,051 19,069.00 Columbia < BOTH PHONES. STOP AT THE COVE CONFECTIONERY 589 10.360.50 Crook ..... t . ■ < , 247 Curry ......... r'eschutes . 1,489 27.301.50 Dni>