I TILLAMOOK What the Editors Say With all due respect of his pres­ ent good intent, the Tillamook "sanc­ tified” soul who has just sent *2.00 to Secretary of State Sam Kozer as a conscience atonement tor having I rather accidentally sneaked into ihe state fair grounds without paying, we may reasonably expect to find sooner or later that this overly ten­ der citizen has gouged the eyes out of the family cat or run away with another man s wife. When the roll is called up yonder it is not impos­ sible that he will be found standing close to that Astoria "conscientious objector” who couldn’t kill a German but found it easy to drown his spouse.—Gazette Times. Correct , lubricatioiv maJkes a good truck; better J You cannot expect maximum per­ formance and long service from your truck unless it is lubricated correctly. Correct Lubrication is a science. I The recommendations of our Board ©f Lubrication Engineers embodied in the Zerolene Correct Lubrication Chart are designed to better the per­ formance and lengthen the life of trucks, tractors and automobiles. Get • Correct Lubrication Chart from your Zerolene distributor. ■x*. >-.->— --«A. HEADLIGHT. SP ht EMBE-R ri. TQ20. but it does indicate a change for the better in the life of the nation. Prices are going to begin to strike a more conservative level du« to the fact that efficiency is production is going to increase says an optomist. We have had a period of high w’ages, short hours and decreased production which has doubled up prices on the consumer. We are now going to have a period of good wages, fair hours and in­ creased production which will give the consumer value received for his money. Woikmen will find they must do an efficient day's work for a day’s pay or another man will be put in their place, the manlfaeturer will find that he will have to furnish a good product for the price charged or his goods will not sell. In other words the day of demand­ ing the highest wage or price for in­ efficient labor or manufactured goods —the day when anything went and the consumer paid the bill—is about over. The hand-writing is clear upon the wall for those who will read.— Gazette Times. LODGE MEETINGS. Tillamook Lodge No. 57 A. F. and A. M. Wednesday of each month. Rehersals each Wednesday following. Visiting broth­ ers welcome. By order of W. M. Leslie Harrison, Sec. ------- o------- Stated convocation Friday Aug. 27. Visitors welcome. Johnson Chapter No. 24 R. A. M. I. E. Keldson, Sec. ------ 0------- G. A. R. Cornlth Post, No. 35 Dept, of Ore­ gon, meets on second and fourth Sat­ urdays of each month, ot 1:30 p. m., in the W. O. W. hall. Visitors wel­ come. H. W. Spear, Commander Samuel Downs, Adjt. American employers who have be­ come accustomed to criticizing their workmen for slackness and ineffi- I ciency may find consolation in con-1 sidering Germany. The German workman, formerly as docile and in­ I dustrious as any in the world, has W. R. C. "laid down”. Before the war he Corinith Relief Corps, No. 54 Dept, worked ten hours a day. During the of Oregon, meets on first and third war he worked longer. Now he works This is Some Hypocrisy Friday evenings of each month, at nominally eight hours a day, and according to statements of certain Franklin D. Roosevelt, Democratic 8 p. m., In the W. O. W. hall. Visitors large employers, actually puts in a- candidate for Vice President, says welcome . Minnie Johnson, President bout six hours. One employer in Ber­ that the United States has in its vest We’ll guarantee that no woman likes to Elizabeth Conover, Secy. lin says he is getting less work out pocket several votes in the league work in a dust storm. It used to almost I of 2000 men than he used to get out of nations assembly through the con­ of 1400, though wages are quadrupl­ trol of other governments in thia make us weep. ed. More than that, he is "no longer hemisphere. “Until last week,” he So we don’t do it now. the boss of his own plant.”—News- said, “I have had two of them myself Reporter. and now’ Secretary Daniels has them. Tuesday eve, 8 p. m. We don’t weep at all. We clean You know, I have had something to Rebekak, Wednesday evening The gas shortage question is caus­ do with the running of a couple of and enjoy fresh air while doing it. Camp 2-4, Thursday ing motor owners to turn grey haired little republics. The fact is, that I over night and what was a passing wrote Hayti's consitution myself; Sweeping—broom sweeping— spoiled fever of autoist unrest, threatens to and. if I do say it, I think it is a our curtains and made endless work for become a permanent St. Vitus dance pretty good constitution." I duster. for the average car owner. At pres­ And one of the fourteen points is ent the recent difficulties are over, "self-determination of people!” Could Cleaning— Electric Vacuum Cleaning— at least for the timebeing, but the politicial hypocrisy go further than is done in no time and satisfactorily. No why of the past and the wherefore to pretend, on the one hand, that it of the future may be gieaned from a stands for the liberation of peoples dust from a sweeping storm left on the few figures recently disclosed by the and on the other that through mil­ furniture. No double work. ' American Petroleum Institute. Ac- itary force it controls, and expects | cording to this institution, there to control under the emancipating For less than $2.50 a year for electricity I were 314 barrels of crude oil for ev- league of nations, the representation j ery car in th United States in 1911; of coerced little “republics” in the we do our cleaning. The cost anti ^the in 1920 there are about 50 barrels deliberations of that league? ease and the results make us smile. Tillamook Lodge No. 1260 i for each car. Certainly these are il­ L. O. O. M. Meets every Fri- luminating statistics. The pokester A Real Bargain for Governor Cox day at K. of P. Hall. I has solved the situation by suggest- S. A. Brodhead, Sec. I either the annexation of Mexico or I Governor Cox is speaking in the I resorting to the time honored horse spirit of the erstwhile Ohio Demo­ and—. Seiiously the problem de­ cratic leader who, explaining an el­ Notice of Executor’3 Final Account. ------- o------- mands attention and the above men­ ection result, said: “------------------ ’em, Notice Is hereby given that Jos­ tioned society have recently address­ they bought us." Governor Cox re­ ed a letter to the Society of United fers to "fabulous contributions,” a- ! eph Durrer, the undersigned execut­ Automobile Engineers asking their mounting to "fifteen million dollars,” or of the estate of Barbara Babi, de­ aid in devising cars which will give to the Republican campaign fund. ceased, has filed in the County Court a maxiuni of mileage and use of min- His running mate calls it “thirty for Tillamok County, Oregon, his fin­ al account, and that by order duly iniun of gab.—Sun. “Fabulous”, therefore, made and entered, the said court has million.” seems to be a good word in this con- Having had suffrage so long that nection. Why not propose to Gov- fixed the 4th day of October, 1920. ( it has become an old story Oregon ernr Cox to pay the Republicans ten at ten o’clock a. m. as the time, and the Court House of Tillamook Coun ­ women are not unduly excited over millions and take the Republican last week’s ratification that made it campaign fund, t hus making five ty, Oregon, as the place, for the hear­ unanimous, and indeed many of millions on the figures of Franklin ing of said final account. Notice is further given that all them are perhaps wondering what all Roosevelt? Governor Cox is a shrewd the fuss is about. Women are voting business man and has accumulated a persons having objections to such ac­ in so many states already that the few millions himself by dint of hard count must appear at said time and novelty has worn off and it lias made work and saving the pennies: It is place and show cause it they can, no particular difference in any of his best chance to get something out why the said final account should not them. The upsetting predicted hus of his race, and while five millions be approved, and the said executor not materialized, and it has been is a lot of money, twenty mil­ discharged. Dated September 2, 1920. found that women divide along po­ lions is more. Mr. Cox has as good Joseph Durrer, litical lines in about the some ratio a right as Colonel Bryan to make Executor of the Estate of as men and about the only difference politics pay. Barbara, Babl, deceased. is that total vote is somewhat in­ creased. We have always had a sus­ Platforms as Fly-Catchers The Democratic presidential cand­ picion that women suffrage was idate says he will never, as President, somewhat like the field on the other (By William Hosier) order American troops abroad with­ side of the fence, which is always Students of polite literature are a- out the consent of Congress, even af­ the greenest, or the country across waiting the appearance of the Demo­ the mountain range which was diffi­ cratic campaign book for a complete ter he has signed a contract agreeing cult to reach, and have wondered if I collection of war epigrams of Wood- to do so. But there are many, many much of the anxiety to obtain it was I row Wilson. Those to which we shall things Governor Cox will never do as not because it was witheld. Exper­ i refer here, therefore, are subject to President. ience in the states that have universal | revision on the appearance of the Imitators of Colonel Roosevelt’s it has been granted the women have volume. I campaign strenuoslty should keep in accepteu n as a matter of course and There is one which ran: "Peace mind that fact that the colonel’s str- have made no particular effort to i without Victory.” In the immutable suffrage suggests this, because once working out of events, its purport enuosity was not confined to his jaw­ wield an influence such as was sug­ got somewhat twisted, so that we bone. gested by the methods of their mili­ now have, instead of “Peace without tant leaders. And speaking of these I Victory,” "Victory without Peace.” Cannery will be in operation at Tillamook as soon leaders, what is to become of them? Then there was “self-determina­ With no more picketing necessary, tion,” from which, in the shuffle of I berry season opens. huger strikes out of fashion and hav­ events at Paris, Ireland. Egypt, Ind­ ing obtained what they professed to ia, Shantung and Korea w’ere left out greatly desire, to what will they turn altogther. Another group became their attention now? Habits are hard mandatories, a mandatory being a to break, and it is difficult to imagine state which has secured “self” de­ these estimable ladies, now that they termination through the determina- have attained their end, settling tion of somebody else. ARD milkers or down to a peaceful existence and en­ "Open covenant openly arrived at” c;. ,y milkers— joyment of the inestimable boon of recall how’ thi> Versailles treaty was r. it:: cr c?.’m cows going to a polling place every year made by three men sitting in a close­ -lar^cor small teats— » or two and puzzling whether high- ly guarded chamber about whose de­ even i r uneven utloc sounding slogans opposite certain liberations not a single word has ev­ y are all alike .o names really mean what they say. j er been published. the Errnira. It milks Will they do it, or to what will they | FOR THE INDIVIDUAL AND FOR THE STATE Aso. “Freedom of the seas.” The Jicr.i Anti Empire next direct their energies? In de- humor of this appealed even to Mr. teatci'i i Elay <>a with ­ A Person with No Education has but One Chance in pendent. Wilson, who remarked: “That is a out surcingle.« 150,000 to Render Distinguish Service to the Public joke on me." the league of nations, larncsc. With Common School Education 4 Chances you understand, being a joke on the Can This Be True? With High School Education.... 87 Chances people of the United States. There are a lot more, which escape With College Education............... 800 Chances Detailed statistics on the tremend­ ous increase of the cost of living us just now, but one stands out clear­ ! Are You Giving Your Child Pis Chance ? from December, 1914. to June, 1920.« I ly from away back in those days I THOSE STATES ARE WEALTH I EST| THAT HAVE INVESTED when Woodrow was first beginning showing increases of from 11 Oto 1'16 -,y AAc MOST IN EDUCATION- per cent in every article of necessity, his reign. >•■ z equipped with our "Political platforms.” said Mr. Wil­ have been received here from the _r-Si> tola Pi, ton- tor. I.' wearing Bureau of Labor Statistics of the De­ son, "are molasses to catch flies > L-.-k v.'...t".:::i. It with.” partment of Labor in Washington. t teat cttpi with Though a “Liberal and Practical Education pre­ We, fellow citizens, were the ties. The articles considered as neces­ > reguL r’ty. Cows pares the Young Man and Young Woman for sities in the compilation of costs are And how we got beautifully caught kroothe ;.- :nlquiets Useful Citizenship ami Successful Careers« in food, male and female clothing, hous­ Wilson and Cox have now spread a- tit ; i > greater ing. fuel and light, furniture and nother mess of molasses. Are we go­ •no increases AGRICULTURE ENGINEERING MINING furnishings and miscellaneous. Cities ing to be caught again? n. HOME ECONOMICS COMMERCE __ PHARMACY elected as representatives of the var­ FORESTRY VACATIONAL EDUCATION > this ious sections are New York, C'lilcago. Dreaming. Dreaming. machino r, > ■'ii wish, _..e Training Includes PHYSICAL EDUCATION, Detroit. Baltimore. Boston, Norfolk, rbono n • bî MUSIC, ENGLISH, MODERN LANGUAGE, ART and the machine to y , ¡•hidadephia, Seattle, Denver. San From Cox headquarters at Columb­ farm; r.o obligation. the Other Essentials of a Standard Technical Francisco and Scranton, Pa. us, Ohio, comes the following: "Tom College Course, The total average increase in New Taggart made the public prediction York during the five years and six at South Bend and Indian’s elect li­ J. BURCHARD FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 20, 1920. TUITION IS FREE. months ended June 30 of this year ai vote would be found this fall in FOR INFORMATION WRITE TO was 119.2. with an Increase fr.uu the Democratic chairman.” The day THE REGIST AR, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Ore. 103.21 to 119.2. or over 1G ter cent, before the election of 1904, Mr. Tag in the first six months of 1920. To­ gart, then Democratic national chair tal average increase .»f Individual mart, issued a prediction that Park article! during the five i.nd a halt er would carry Indian by huge plur years are as follows: Food 105.S: ality. Roosevelt's plurality was near­ male clothing. 220.8; women’s cloth­ ly 100.000 in a state that had ne­ ing. 258.8; housing. 32.4; fuel and ver before been carried by any poli­ light, 60.1; furniture and furnish tical party by more than 50.000. If ings. 205.1. and miscellaneous, 111.9. this is a fair ample of the "dope" on Financial papers state that crude I which the Cox management is work­ rubber is lowest on record, wool Is ing itself into a hope of victory, it below pre-war figure and silk is sel­ is evident there is going to be a rude ling at new low prices. Also labor awakening of the dreams thus pro­ is becoming more plentiful and some duced, on election day. jections report that men are again Some ot the more thougtoful Dem­ •ctually looking for and willin j to ocrat! are beginning to wtib that work. Thia d