TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 9. i920. GEM THEATRE FEATURE ATTRACTIONS SEPTEMBER 14 Douglass Fairbanks, “WHEN THE CLOUDS ROLL BY Friday-Saturday, Sept. 10-11 THE MUTINY OF ELSINORE 9 Featuring Mitchell Lewis and an AllJStar Cast Story of Jack London, full of Thrills on the. High Seas. “DON’T ROCK THE BOAT,” Pollard Comedy. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16-17-18, AT THE ARMORY, TILLAMOOK. Wilkins’ 4 Piece Jazz Orchestra. Come and Step. Sold by Standard Feed Co., Tillamook, Agent ii * VAUGHN’S, the Original and Best > ------ o ASTURIANS VISIT TILLAMOOK Tillamook Headlight's Trade Mart The County school Superintendent Last week a delegation from the has received from the Extension De­ Astoria Chamber of Commerce, with the Clatsop county court, visited Till­ One ceut a word per issue. partment of the O. A. C. the folio .v- amook county. The object of the visit, ing letter which we publish in full' was to look over the road frum September 1. 1920 Astoria to the county line with the Singer Agency—H. F. Cook, Prop. . • Mr. G. B. Lamb, County School Supt. purpose of having it improved and Sale by John Leland Henderson, eventually hard surfaced, for Astor- For Tillamook. Ore. 206-3d St., Tillamook, the Makin- Dear Sir; The essays, written by ions were greatly interested in the ster, 160 acre ranch, near Oretown. scholars in the various schools jt matter of tourist travel when this Price 12500.00. Terms easy. your county, on subjects pertaining matter was discussed at the annual convenion of he Oregon Ediorial As ­ to "Dairying”, and sent by you to sociation in Astoria. The party spent Dr. Wise will be at Nehalem Thurs­ day Sept. 16th. Professor Westover for grading have the first night at Neah-Kak-Nie Inn, been referred to me for attention. being greatly surprised at this plen- Professor Westover, as you undoubt­ did seaside resort. Friday morning When in need of something electrio just call on the Sunset Electric. edly know, has resigned his position they came to this ciy and were taken here and has left the institution. out to see the dairy farms and cheese Let the Sunset Electric wire your The essays have been read by diff­ factories. When they returned to the home and save you money. erent members of the dairy depart­ city a lunch was served at the Lourve ment and the best three selected in at which a number of business men Good second-hand wheel for sale. Ap­ each grade and have been marked attended. Fred C. Baker, president ply Charles Gross, Ramsey hotel. first second and third and also the of the Chamber of Commerce gave the visitors a hearty welcome, and In Dr. Wise will be at his Cloverdale of­ winning essay among those award­ fice Wednesday and Thursday. doing so said he thought there should ed first prize. These are being referr­ be more co-operation between the ed to you under separate cover. two counties in road work. Mr. San­ Dr. Wise will be at his Wheeler office I wish to encourage work of this born, president of the Astoria Cham­ Friday and Saturday of this week nature in the schools. It appears to ber of Commerce was the principal an also on Sept. 10th and 11th. 9-9 more closely connect the work of the speaker for the visitors. He spoke of schools with what is going on, on the pleasure the business men of As­ For Sale—cheap, a first class tent house in Tillamook. For particu­ the farm and in industrial life in toria derived from a previous visit lars write W. L. Dallas, Tillamook. your county, and is I believe educat­ to this city, and they came here on ional work of great importance, We this occasion to see if a closer spirit Go to the Sunset Eelectric for Nation­ wish to congratulate you and the of co-operation in road work and oth­ al Mazda lamps. They give better er matters could be obtained. He schools represented, on the general light drew attention to the great benefit excellence of the essays. that both counties would derive from Yours very truly, -> W the tourist travel if a good road was Small dairy ranch for sale with six F. B. Fitts, Dairy Husbandman. built between Astoria and Tillamook. cows, in Trask river bottom, three miles south of Tillamook F. L. Following are the names of the Other interesting talks were made by Buell T. F. the visitors and some of our business winners: » :• men. The party left the city at 3 Third Grade o’clock on their return trip. Found: pocket tool case containing Adults 25c. Children 15c. 1st prize, Vivian Larsen, Nehalem, tools. Finder may have same by Dist. No. 39; 2nd prize. Vera Rosen­ applying to T. B. Turnily and pay­ f" " Nazarene Church berg. Tillamook. Dist. No. 9; 3rd. ing for this ad. prize, Devene Tubbesing, Mohler, D ouglas F h irbahus Dist. No. 28. There will be a Missionary Rally My middle name is George. Let me bring you “Vaughn” Best drag saw Fourth Grade at the Nazarene church, Third St., on the market today. Call E. G. 1st prize, Carolyn Haberlach, Till­ Sunday, Sept. 12. Krebs. amook, Dist. No. 9; 2nd prize, Kcen- Rev. G. S. Hunt, Rev, and Mrs. ia Neketin, Nehalem, Dist. No. 39; Blackman and Miss Amber Thesham Wanted: by married man and son, 3rd prize, Elizabeth Vaughn, Bay will be present and conduct special steady job on dairy, or would rent City, Dist. No. 38. furnished dairy on shares. Both missionary services at 11 a. m. and Fifth Grade good milkers. J. P. Clayton, Sal­ 7:30 p. m. 1st prize, Ella Anderson, Nehalem, em. Or. Rev, Hunt Is the newly elected Dlt. No. 39; 2nd prize, Lauren Buel, District Superintendent of the North Tillamook. Dlst. No. 9; 3rd prize, Daily ranch for rent. Will support 15 cows, 8 miles south of Tilla- Francis Powers. Tillamook, Dist 9. Pacific District, and Is an able and illa- forceful preacher. rural. mook. For further information Rev. and Mrs. Blackman and Miss apply to John Theiler, Pleasant Sixth Grade Valley, 9-15. 1st prize, Mayme Jacob, Tillamook Tresham are outgoing missionaries to Dlst. No. 9, rural; 2nd prize, Juanita India, and will sail next month. They 1 Walter, Nehalem, Dlst. No. 39; 3rd will give addresses on India and Twelve million feet standing timber In Douglas and Tillamook counties. 1 prize, Roy Redberg, Oretown, Dist. their future work. Rev. Blackman Ore. Might consider partnership I No, 6; Special mention, Neva Grant, is an excellent • singer, having con­ with experienced mill man. Write ducted large choruses In Chicago, I Wheeler, Dist. No. 48. ô for particulars. W. D. Haynes, 800 Portland and many other places. He Seventh Grade Fulton St., Can Francisco, Calif. Children 15c Adults 25c is also a splendid soloist and will 1_: ■ 1st prize. Ruth Barnes, Nehalem, sing both morning and evening. The I Dist. 39; 2nd prize, Esther Otzen, i | Oretown, Dist. 6; 3rd prize, Naomi people of Tillamook will be delighted Wanted: to buy, a small place, 5 or I. 0. O^F. News. 10 arces, close to the beach or riv­ to hear this talented man sing before I Simmons, Bay City, Dist. 31. er, where I can flsh or hunt. Some he leaves for India. Eighth grade This issue of the Tillamook papers improvements. Address W. L. Var­ Everybody welcome. 1st prize, Mytrle Crawford, Nehal- herein state that before next lodge ney, 392 S. Stark St., Portland, Or. em. Dist. 39 (gold medal). 2nd prize, night the secretary will have started Reformed Congregational Church on that long delayed vacation, for Ruth Kuppenbender, Tillamook, aca­ The Brunswick Phonograph plays all makes of disc Records. No repro­ the tickes are now on sale, and read demy; 3rd prize, Elsie Shultz, Bay I City, Dist. 38. ducer to change. Compare the tone Sept. 13 starting time and Oct. 1 Sunday school, 10 a. m. High School with any other machine on the out of date, so you can expect me Preaching 11, a ,m 1st prize, Jennie McClew, Bay City market. Monthly payments to suit back soon after that time. Subject: "Have Life and Have it you. "The Song Shop” Main St. Bros. E. W. Perkins, Cicero Proct­ Dist. 31; 2nd prize, Leland Benter, Abundantly!” Nature is reaping its or, Bob Roberts, Frank Ridpatli, Geo. Tillamook, Dlst. 9. plentiful fruit of life. What a happy ■ < The winners of the grand prizes and Joyous time there is all over Its For Sale: 192 acre ranch, stocked ; S. Bennett and L. Loll have now at­ and equipped, 6 miles south of Mc­ tained the third degree and are iull giveiFTy^TT-FTurnmerTaT^^sToT- blessed realms. Those having a crop­ Minnville, Or. Will trade for a pledged Odd Fellows. Initiatory de­ lows: failure are downhearted and often in Tillamook dairy ranch, stocked and gree will be confined next Tuesday, despair. Well, how about your life? Mytrle Crawford. Nehalem, Gold equipped. G. A. Kriger, R. 1., Day­ Sep. 14, at 8:30. All eligibles please Do you enjoy it abundantly in reap­ Medal, best in county. ton, Or. 9-16 be present. Jennie McClew, Bay City. Silver ing the fruit out of it plentifully or Great feed last meeting, caffteria Is it a crop failure? Remember medal, second best in county. Call and see the new models of pianos style. You missed a treat, you absent Mayme Jacob, Tillamook, Bronze whatsoever a man so wet h, that shall and players at "The Song Shop". Bros. Good feed committee next ■ie rlso reap. All are friendly invit ­ medal, third best in county. Sold on easy payments. You can meeting. Geo. Hoskins, F. M. Wail­ ed. safely deal wth a firm like The Wil­ Essays written by the following ing, Sollie Smith, Jake Breeden, Earl Richard Schuetze, pastor. ey B. Allen Co. Over 47 years on Snodgrass and L. B. Lucas. Come pupils were sent ’from the various the coast. out next Tuesday, it will do you schools to the County School Super- good, intendent’s office: For sale: Du roc Sow, will furrow in An Author’s Depository. Bro. Sam Moulton was taken ser­ about two months. Inquire of Bo- Bessie Barber, Josephine Peters, Last year the Sutro branch of the < iously sick last Thursday while work­ quist Bros. Anna Donaldson and Oren Leach. California State library, located in 1 ing on Lowell Moulton’s house, and from Dist. 1. San Francisco, offered to receive for 1 A phonograph you can play yourself. on Saturday. Dr. Crank took him to Ray Brooks and Douglas Leach, safe keeping the manuscripts of un­ The Aeolian Vocalion has all the the Good Samaritan hospital, at Port­ best features of the others and finished books. Tlie Idea has worked I land, where he was operated on that from Dist. 3. Vivian Larsen, Kcenla Neketin, out so well that a substantial codec- ! some unknown to them. The new evening, for intestinal trouble and and greater phonograph. Shown at present he is getting along O. h. Ella Anderson. Juanita Walter-'. tlon of manuscripts has been estab- I for the first time in Tillamook Bro. Carl Dawson Is still confined to Ruth Barnes and Mytrle Crawford, Ilshed, the collection being described I ns the Author’s depository. One hnn- I county at the Tillamook Music his bed with Inflamatory Rheumat­ from Dpu. 39. Roy Redberg and Esther Otzen, dred authors hnve taken advantage of I Store, opposite Post Office. ism. H. C. O'Dell is taking his place the offer nnd have sent their manu­ from Dist. 6. in the store at Garibaldi. Vera Rosenberg, Carolyn Haber- scripts, either printed or unprinted, Money to loan—Enquire of John Geo. Van Patton iins returned to Leland Henderson, 206-3rd St., lach, Lauren Buel, Corine Stranahan, finished or unfinished, to the deposl- | a A kA _______ iAii £■ Tillamook for the winter and we ex­ Tillamook, Oregon. Roletta Watson, Henry Himes and tory. and letters from authors Indi- j ¡R pect to s e him in lodge as a regular » ■çy. y¡ w b i Air ilEseicj n Leland Bester, from Dist. 9. Lois cate that tile depository is much ap­ attendant. preciated by writers as a means of For sale at a bargain: dandy Ford Bro. Geo. Tinnerstet of this lodge, Knight, Ford Watkins and Ruth preserving touring car. Tires, paint and up­ valuable matter that Kuppenbender, from the academy. now living at Montesano. Wash., has holstering al) good. Motor recent­ might otherwise became lost. A per­ Alex Woelfel, Ethel Blazer and been on the sick list, and is being I ly overhauled. Oversize steering manent author’s depository Is also Neva Grant, from Dist. 48. attended by the lodge these. ^A money-maUer and hard work saver for land clearer» and wood-cutting » wheel, cut out, foot accelerator, r.o maintained In the California depart­ I Elizabeth Vaughn, Nina Kodad, The writer and wife, ifavlng been contractors. One man can move it from cut to cut. Simple and reliable. glare headlights, steering brace, ment of the state library, which is Io­ Hundreds in uie «11 over the U. S. When not la M tor wood cutting, the 4 H. P. motor will elected to membership to the Rebak- Elsie Shultz and Veryl Hoover, from sated at Sacramento. new wiring and timer, 1920 licen­ run mills, feed mill«, feed cutters, pumps, etc, QnMk rfsUooriss Asm « w Dist. 38. ah lodge here, have trans’erred from se. Fire and Theft insurance policy, "ft, 3 m , 1OO Lyle Fuller, from Dist. 11. Ruby Rebekah lodge at Scholls, Or., all for only 1475 cash. Inquire at 1. WlUtam«. On. th* Uniltd His Size. Devene Tubbesing, Harold Kebbe and signed the membership roll at "Hitoiuwtdthntlh/Ki-fiuMMiltfi rgti Ott’s store, Hebo, Or. John's expenditures at college had I f—»» the last meeting which was called Leslie Young, Barbara Zweiful, from grown to he of such dimensions that Dist. 28. wood*lor’o" I** toWld» to order at 8 o’clock by the Noble father demanded they he decreased. Wanted: Men or women to take ord­ Edward Bair, Naomi Simmons. An­ To help out In this be required an ers among friends and neighbors Grand. will do 10 men’s work at for the genuine guaranteed hos­ one-tenth the cert. Write Any Bro. having news items, for na and Jennie McClew. from Dist. 31. Itemized account of nil his demands for tree Book. “How Dan Francis Powers, Mayme Jacob and for money. So when John wished a iery, full line for men, women and the good of the order, are requested Boss c uta « cords children. Eliminates darning. to hand them to E. He isser. so he I Paul Powers, from Dist. 9, rural. dog as several of the other elite Saves money. Everybody buys, Helen Cair, Edna Thompson. Nor- collegians had, he had to send In this can get them in the papers, as the A bonanza for agents. Experience underigned will be absent for a few ! ma Doughney and Lillian Ewan from request: “For one bulldog with a pe, Fonai, -«-luoi Jjpt. Glen lx all the i*. uf !*•»< ■ * I THURSDAY ç The Wateon Essay Contest Winners. 4 □ 1