> TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 9. 1920 SEVENTH ANNAUL TILLAMOOK A COUN a • Feathered Creatures Sometimes Battle to the Death. 1 Contrary to Pretty Theory, Perfect Peace Does Not Always Reign Within Those -Little Nests'* as Sung by Poet. A Bank That’s Squarely Behind Business J Of the many forms of co-operation afforded by the First National Bank, perhaps the most striking is that which has been contributed to the upbuilding of the industries of Tillamook County, It would be hard to find an important activity in which our services have not figured “ NATIONALIZED” ACCOUNTS. “Birds In their little nests agree,” wrote Doctor Watts, If tiie emiuent preacher had chanced to witness’an Incident similar to that which I saw the other day, say« a writer In the London Daily Mall, he would never DIRECTORS. have penned that libel. JOHN MORGAN. C. J. HOWARDS , I was walking across a London golf A.W. BUNN. B. C. LAMB, course when two sparrows shot past HENRY KOGERS W. J. KI EC Hl! RS my head, chattering violently, and. C. A. McGHHB ____________________ eouting to ground a few yards away, set to fighting so furiously that I was actually able to pick them both up In my bunds. I let one go nt once; the other I T! •A. carried a little distance before liberat­ ing It. Will you believe it?—a mo­ ment later the two were nt It again, beak and claws. Almost all birds fight furiously in tiie springtime. Even turtle doves, those emblems of peace, will go for one another In the mating season. The various method« of offense adopted by different birds are interest­ ing. Sparrows use their powerful heaks but hold one another with their claws. Starlings fight in exactly sim­ ilar fashion. Their combats are at times most desperate. A friend saw one cock starling actually kill another. Pigeons use their wings but rarely “il • Io one another much harm. Swans fight with their wings, and their strength is so great that their battles sometimes result fatally. I have, how- I ever, seen a swan apparently endeav. I \ oring to hold the head of a rival un- | der water, but I was not near enough to make out what happened. Some birds have spurs on their wings. Tiie spur-winged goose, which Ik a small, long-legged bird and rath- • er resembles a duck on stilts, has ex- ! traordlnary wing power. One of these geese went for a gardener who had gone Into its Inclosure in the "zoo” and gave him a blow on the knee that , laid him up for a week. The crested screamer has actually double spurs on Its wings ami Is a very awkward cus­ i tomer to tackle. All the birds of prey use their talons as their principal weapons. The strength which lies In tiie talons of Cut down your tire and tube expenditures by anticipating even a small hawk Is almost incred­ your Spring and Summer requirements and getting— ible. As for an eagle, one Ims been known to drive its claws clean through the skull of a large tomcat Into the brain, killing the animal instantly. °ne ' Ton Tested” Tube, of corresponding size, with The pheasants are the only family j every Vacuum Cup Tire bought at our store. Act of birds provided with spurs. Our quickly. This offer is LIMITED. Once it expires, domestic fowls are, of course, members it. will not be renewed. Early ordering will avoid of this grtius, and It Is in the game disappointment. fowl that the spur Is developed to the greatest perfection. These log spurs resemble the lmrns of cattle, in that they have a bony core protected by a smooth sheath of horn. The guinea-fowl, again, is singular In that it has a blunt horn upon Its head which it uses as an offensive weapon. I linve never seen two herons fight. hut if they did they would use tfielr heaks and their beaks alone. The driving power of the long, sharp- Chiropractor Locates in Tillamook All Animals. pointed beak of a heron is Immense, ------------Q----------- ------ □------ and when a heron Is hawked you may “Every one in our family is »oni« Dr. Forest L. Howard, Chiropract­ see It endeavor to spit Its smaller as­ or, formerly of Portland, Ore., Igis kind of an animal," said Jimmy to sailant upon its beak. An ostrich farmer tells me that he opened an office at 211 Tillamook' the amazed preacher. “Why, you shouldn’t say that!” lias known an ostrich to pierce a sheet Bldg. the good man exlaimed. of corrugated iron with one tremend- Portland-Tillamook Stage Line. "Well,” said Jimmy, "mother’s a ous kick. dear, the baby is mother's little A new Portland-Tillamook stage lamb, I’m the kid, and dad’« the New Clothes on an Ol’ One. line has been established here. The goat.” A salesman up in gasoline row was stage will leave Tillamook on Tues­ telling how lie almost had a bit of days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at “Man Cannot Make a Worm.” good luck. “As 1 was coining in on 7:’3O a .in., arriving In Portland at ------ o------ the Bluff road, tiie oilier evening. Just 3:30 p. in. An Ohio newspaper editor spent a after dark,” he said. "I saw a good Stage starts from Tillamook Hotel. few days in New York and while tire at the side of the road. There there Homebody asked him how he was not a house within n half-mile, For Sale. liked the big town. so I stopped tiie car and heat it back "I care for it very little,” replied to get the tire. It was a now one. 1 Hercules hot water and steam heat­ the editor. “Did you ever think of could tel) that as I passed it. But ing plant and fittings, in good shape. when I got up within ten feet of it. Sealed bids to be received by district this: Suppose you lived in New York it started to move, anil oVer into the clerk within thirty days from date of and wan‘ed to go fishing. Where would you go to dig a can of worm»? field it went. Just then I heard two notice. Reserve right to reject, any boys laugh.” Three of the salesman's or all blds. audience snug out. “Yes, we tried to July 8, 1920. get that same tire on the first night Ruby S. Lommen, Dist. clerk, in April.”—Indianapolis News. Dist. No. 24, Balm School. TREE! z By By By By The following special prizes have been offered the 1st National Bank of Tillamook $15.00.-$10.00 and 85.00 for the best three calve8, exhibited by boysand girls of Tillamook County. the Tillamook County Bank $20.00, $15.00, $7.50, $5.00 and $2.50 offered as prizes in milk test. Nehalem Valley Bank, silver cap for best et of sire, Jersey, Holstein, Guernsey. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bays, of Cloverdale, a pure bred Jersey heifer calf lor the best Jersey calf exhibited at the fair by boys and girls. i Tuesday, September 14th, 1920 OPENING DAY BASE BALL GAME « BEAVER vs. TILLAMOOK 1.00 P. M. Sharp « Horse Raceing Following the Ball Game Speaking in the Evening at 8 O'clock Wednesday, Sept. 15th, Stock Judging Begins AFTERNOON SPORI S: Big Base Ball Game at One O'clock HORSE RACES View the Exhibits and Listen to the Band Concerts Afternoon and Evening All School Children Admitted Free JUDGING Sports in Afternoon: Ball Game, Horse Racing, Foot Racing Awarding of Medals in Watson Essay Contest 24 Medals Awarded to Boys and (¡iris. Come and Sec This. Awards by 0. M. Plummer of the Pacific In ternational Stock Show. Band Concert Afternoon and Evening FRIDAY, SEPT. 17, Big Pure Bred Stock Parade See Boys and Girls Club Exhibit, Calves, Etc. Band Concert Afternoon and Evening » fibs? * MjEfaati?!. ‘ • . . ' ■ • AUTO TUBE I TON TESTED ’ Absolutely FREE WILLIAMS, & WILLIAMS, Tillamook City, Oregon. Novel on a Sheet of Paper. Thursday, Sept. 16, Childrens’ Day r Pennsylvania Notice to the Public The publishing house of Bailey Bal- ------- o------- liere In Madrid Is publishing com­ Having bought out Mr Sutton’« plete novels, each printed on one large interest in the Sutton & Loll Meat sheet of paper, folded once, about the Market, I wish to inform our patrons size of a four-page newspaper. The they will receive the same courteous type is arranged In book-size pages, so treatment in the future as they have UNIVERSITY that by folding the sheet several in the past. times and cutting the pages the pur­ L. E. Loll. chaser has an unbound book. The nalntained by the state first novel thus published—“.Tose.” by Restaurant Open At Rockaway. in order that the young peo­ A. Palacio Valdes—was sold for five ------- o ple of Oregon may receive, centavos, or about 1 cent.—From the The Elmore Annex Restaurant, Writer. without coot, the benefits of next to the Elmore Hotel, is now a liberal education. op9,i for the season. Chicken dinner Two in One. served Sundays from 1 to 5 p. m. The University include« the Coileft of Recently the six-year-old son of the ^Special attention given parties on i Literature, Science and the Arts, the family attempted to take up the ques­ Graduate School, the School of Phys­ reservation. “Quality our Motto. • tion ofr future habitation with his ical Education, and the professional ’ Schools of Law, Medicine (at Portland). three yenfi-<.|<| brother with the follow­ But, Somehow. They Can't Live it Architecture. Commerce. Journalism, ing result : Down Education and Music. “Where are you going when you die, High standards of scholarship are Billy?” Ap amusing incident marked the made possible by an able faculty, well "Tn my grave.” equipped laboratories and a library of visit to South Bed, Ind., of Governor “I mean are you going to heaven nearly 100.000 volumes. Cox the other day. The stand from too.” Supervised athletics are encouraged which he spoke in front of the court­ and every attention given the health house was elaborately decorated. It Slow, and welfare of the students. was discovered however, that there “Well.” said the genial old ttentle- was no picture of President Wilson a- With a heightened confidence man. “are you getting ready for the mong the flag bunting effects. Demo­ gained hr the recent eiprsaaisa of pnnlie eapport. the Uaivorshr next war?” cratic attics were searched, and fin­ ie now •■«•ring wpoaa an or« of "I should say not.” replied the for ally a large picture used four years large developaaeat and ex tended iner doughboy. "Why. I haven’t writ­ ago in the campaign was located. It naefnlaaeaa. ten a book about the last war yet.”— was prominently hung at the very For a catalogue or for any information, Birmingham Age-Herald. front of the stand. address: The statement of Secretary Baker The picture had been in place sev­ TUB REGISTRAR that American boys dying on the eral hours when a word got around University of Oregon field of battle in Germany were con­ that the South Bend Republicans Eugene. Oregon soled in their last monements by the were having a great laugh and had thought, that they had given up gone so far ns to have photographs their last moments by the thoughts of the decorated stand taken. Upon that they had given up their lives investigation the Democrats found DR. J. E. SHEARER for the league of nations is just a- that under the Wilson picture of DR A. C. CRAM. bout the most asinine bit of political 1916 vintage was this inscription: bunk yet exploded in the Coxonian "Pence with honor. He kept us out Dn. Shearer A Crank piffle barrage. of war." Medical A Surgery. 'JI Governor Cox has been appealing Forthwith the big picture was to the vets, or perhaps, as was re­ hauled down, and after another National Building. .T marked to Samuel WelUver, it should search a smaller picture, sans in- be "»pelled with a ’we’.” scription, took its place. Tillamook • * • Oregon. OREGON•