T1LL»AMOOK HEADLIGHT. SP t FMBER O. 1920. Œillaminik üraölüiht » -da’ » Fred C. Baker, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION per year $2.00 Editorial Snap Shots. What is the political issue now confronting the people the League covenant, wet or dry, or democratic mud slinging? ------ 0------ Out West,, the politicans say that Cox is “dry” and back East they say he is “wet”. But Westerners cannot be fooled by the trickster politicains, for they know that Tammany and the other democratic bosses as awful­ ly “wet”. ------ 0------ It was said during the Democratic convention that Governor Cox had one of the largest and best organiz­ ed delegations, including a large brass band a; San Francisco. Won- ut Jack- son’s slush money: “One reason so many people are prejudiced against men of wealth is that men of wealth so often are so prone to spend their money in such large amounts to influence voting by the people. C. S. Jackson’s activity in behalf of two initiative bills two years ago was a case in point. Jack­ son's use of his own money in large sums, while carrying his measures, instilled hatred into the heart.. of th« countrypress, whom he was Injuring by his measures. They felt it was due to the large sums he was spend­ ing, the brute power of his wealth, that the people were prevailed upon to adopt his two spite measures." <> = <« o Refer To Back Page Of This Issue, Money In It For You If You Care To Save. New Arrivals In Fall Footwear. —scarcely a day elapses but whut -hipments of new fall shoes keep ar­ riving and as usual discrimina' In*, folks look to Haltom’s in being the leader in carrying the finest anti largest stocks of wanted footwear. A few of the recent arrivals are. —New Chippendale dark brown calf inch cltj boot, with smart new 1 heel. An entirely new style for grow­ ing girls and women. Wears splend­ idly. Widths A to E. Pair $10.95 It seems that Oregon is getting its eyes open in regard to 'he bene- fits to be derived for caterlng to the tourist travel and Tillamook is one of the counties that ,‘s going after it in earnest. It is freely admitted that tourists leave one mill­ ion dollars a day in California, and we see no reason why a like amount cannot be expended in Oregon. It will be remembered that the last state legislature appropriated $50,000 to help advertise Oregon as a desirable state for tourists to visit, and it is pleasing to know that the Pacific Northwest Tourist Association has snceeded in getting tourists to visit the northwest. This asscociation is doing wonders, for tourists have been visiting Canada, Washington and Oregon in great numbers this year, and with the completion of the Pac­ ific Highway it is going to surprise Californians how the tourist travel will come to the northwest, as well as to the magnitude of it. What the tourists want is good roads, good hotels and good service. Let's do ev­ ery thing within reason to obtain this great tourist crop and the one million dollars daily. We were great­ ly surprised at the cars that came to Tillamook county this year, for they came from every state in the union. —New brown kid Rialto top boot. I The super features are style, comfor | and fit; 1% inch heel, Pair $12.5C ¡ 1 —New black kid boot with military heel and imitation tip. A smart shot 1 for the particular one who wishes . medium heel for dress. The celebrated Red Cross •“ho« too. new. fall styles are much in evidence, in wanted French and inil- ■ itary heel. In combination Iasi. —New oxfords, too^ that have been approved by Dame Fashion. The pi le* on one attractive oxfords is only $7.90 the pair. Bountiful Stocks Of High-Grade Wet Weather Goods-Prices Are Right Haltom’s As Usual Can Boast Of The Largest Stocks And It Fittingly) Applies To.The Rainy' Weather Goods That We’ve Amassed,General Assortments Of Whatever Is Needed. We Say); Buy Now As The Demand For These Things Is Beyond Expectation; ^/seOnes Are Already Anticipating Their Needs To Tide Them Over For Six Months To Come And Why) Not Follow Suit. GOODRICH Only Recognized Brands Are Featured. It’s a downright pleasure to own boots lik» these. They absolute^ over­ come every wearness of the old style black rubber boots. I" HIPRESS ""T oots a shoes With The Red Line round The Top.1 MEN S RUBBER BOOTS;— — Goodi Ich Brown Hipress Sporting Boots, Pair .... $8.50 —Gt O'Jrlch WhRe Hip Boot. Pair...................................... $10.00 —Goodrich White Storm King Boot. Pair ...................... $8 95 —Go jdrfch Straight Line Light Sporting Boot.......... -$7.15 —Vac Sporting Boots................................................. $8.50 — Rhode Island Sporting Boots, Firestone, Pair $6 45 —Goodrich Hipc’ss Short Brown Boots, Pair . . $5.95 —Straight Line Black Short Boots, Pair............ $5.45 —Rhode Inland Short Boots. Pair .................... .. ■ $3.95 BOYS RUBBER BOOTS:— --Goodrich Hipress, Storm King Brown Boots............ $6.25 This is how a Southern newspaper Do Youi Shoes Fit Comfortably ? sizes up thp political issues: — Straight Line, Storm King Brown Black Boots ... $5.65 'I hen come to Haltom’s for your “Disguise, camouflage, cover up, —Rhode Island Boots, Storm the Pair................. ■............. $3 98 sidest.p, pussyfoot or pretend as they next pair and our shoe experts will —Goodrich Hipress Short Brown Boots........................... $4 90 may choose, the Democrats know —Rhode Island Shoit Boots, Black, The pair................. $3 25 'It your feet correctly. Or if you have that the issue, first, last and all the —Yutii’s Goodrich Hipress Storm King Brown Boot. . $4.95 broken down arches or other foot aii- time .is Wilson and his works .Wilson 1 and his record—at hame and abroad, | —Youth’s Straight ' ' ' Storm ~ King Brown Boots................. $4 55 : ments they will correct them wiiti in. Washington or Paris, his self-. -—Youth’s Rhode Island Boots, Storm King, The Pair $2.89 Wizards. glorification, his self-adulation, his —Youth’s Goodrich Hipress Short Brown Boots............ $3.95 Notice of Bond Sale er.—different—made of the tough, densest, most in* selfish arrogance and obstinacy.” j —Youth’s Straight Line Short Biack Boots. Pair............ $3.50 vulnerable tire rubber—actually 1 same stock that And it nothing hut camouflage a- I by the same unit- Goodrich Tires arc made of — m: Sealed bids will be received until —Youth’s Rhode Island Short Black Black Botts, Pair $2.45 bout Much money that the democrats i construction process, too. the hour of 10 A. M. o’clock the 4th are howling about. ■k, ... |>«lpr come apart —they ing is called slush money that the amount bid and must be unconditional. Women’s And Misse’s Black Calf democrats are raising. The fact of j The approving legal opionin of Shoes, $10.00 Values, Pair $7,2C: the matter Governor Cox is making Messrs. Teal, Minor & Winfree, of o great howl about Republican slush Portland, Oregon, will be furnished $11.50 Brown Calf Shoes At $8.85. mon-.y.. It is plain to see that the the successful bidder. —$7.50 Women’s Heavy Waterprool reason of this is to take the people’s The Court reserves the right to re­ Shoes $5,75. mind from the other issues. There ject any or all bids. ' ■ not any slush money being used in Women’s $11.50 Dress Kid Skin Lace HOMER MASON Clerk. cither party to buy the presidency, Boot, Rich Brown, French Heel, Sale for every right thinking person Notice of Sale of Bond Warrants $6.45. knows that is impossible. Governor Particularly do Haltom’s place their stamp of approval on “Gold Medal Brand,” is abos- ----- o----- Cox started out to run a mud sling­ —Women's $11.00 Black Kid Lace Sealed bids will be received until lutely guaranteed to give satisfaction also waterproof. A new garment, if not, what it should be. ing campaign, but it will act as a Boot, Cuban Heel, Pair $8.95. boomerag. i 'M the hour of 10 o’clock a. m. on the —Alligator Never-Leak Brand Slickers, % Length, Grass —Men’s Long Slickers, guaranteed, Gold Medal Bl ind. 10th day of September, 1920, by the Black, Double with Outside Cape, Buckles and Snap Fastners, undersigned and immediately there­ Green; Guaranteed to Keep Dry, with Buckle and Snap The annual Tillamook County Fair after publically opened by the Coun­ at ............... .............................................................................. — $9.85 Fastners at .......................................................................—$6.50 will be held next week at the fair ty Court of Tillamook County, Ore­ —Men’s % Length Slickers, Same as above and snap the grounds, and it is hoped that Alcator Jackets and Pants. Garment . . . . ............. $4.45 gon, at the office of said Court in the fastners, at ............................................................................... — $8.45 dairymen especially and others will County Court House in Tillamook —MeJ’a Extra Heavy Rubber Jackets with Reinforced The Famous “ Melanson ’ s ” —Men’s % Length Slickers, Same aj> above. Except in take interest in and attend. It will be worth while, for th(> large display 1 City. Oregon, for the purchase of I Cape ................................................................................................. — $8.85 Grass Green ................................................................................. —$8.95 Bond Warrants of said County, of of blooded stock will be the large.it —Boy’s Slickers, Age 5 to 16 at.......................... - $3.85 — Boy ’ s Rubber Coats, Full Length, Ages 6 to 16, at . $5,95 ef'er held In Tillamook County. By from $10,000 to $60,000, issued for | —Leathers of kid and calf, the building of permanent roads everybody in the county attending colors brown and black. Sizes Men’s Nobby) And Sou’ Wester Slicker Hats. $1.25 wo are sure the three breeders asso­ therein, the same being issued In lieu 21 to 7 ; in widths 24 to 7. On —Menis Nobby Water Repellant Hats ciations that have gone to so much ■ of a portion of an authorized issue : —Men’s Heavy Rubber Hats.............................................. —$1.45 —$1.35 your next visit ask our shoe trouble and expense in. mal: ng this ■of $430.00, the same being in denon- I experts to show you the “ Mel ­ great display of dairy stock will ¡nations of $50.00 or multiples there­ Men’s Parrafine Pants, Priced At $4.45. anson’s, shoes, with the col­ greatly appreciate a large crowd nt of. —Mei's Water Repellant Cruiser Coats at $6.25—And the fair this year. Anyway, go to lege heel and toe. Mr. Gil­ Said bond warrants to bear inter- j —Men's Water Repellant Pants, Double Seat and Knee $5.25 the fair and congratulate the breed­ est at five and one-half (5%) per, bertson, our “Wizard King” Double Back and Front at........................................................ — $7.35 ers associations for their efforts to cent per annum until paid principal ■ sold the “Melanson” in Mar­ —Men's Wool Logger Shirts In Double Back, Front and Sleeves with a/ extra lining. In Grey and Plaids................ —$10.00 make Tillamook as famed for its pure and interest payable in U. S. Gold ' shall Field & Co’s..Chicago. Ill bred stock as for its cl.ecse Coin at the office of the County J ------ 0------ I Governor Cox seems to take great Treasurer of Tillamook County, Ore- I delight in abusing the United States gon. Said bids must be accompanied senate, calling the republican mem­ by certified check for 5 per cent of ' % bers he senate oligarchy, just as the amount bid and must be uncon- ! though it was sonic autocratic body ditional. over which the people had no control. The Court reserves the right to re- I Rubberized Capes $4.79. Smart Gabardine Rain Capes At $7.95. As everybody knows the Senate is Ject any or all blds. Buttons neatly size» 8, 10, 12 and 14. Hood attached,.making — Dark blue with hat to match same, elected by the people and is held re­ Homer Mason, County Clerk. practical school tog. I lark blue. all the wav down to bottom of cape, Sizes 8. 10, 12 sponsible to the people. It maybe that a comparsion is no out of place, and 14. Notice while Cox continued to villify the —Children’s Rubber Rain Capes, also of Gabardine. republican senators, it Is perfectly tn H^odattaclied, color brown, In sizes 4 to 14. Price — Children ’ s Red Gabardine Rubber Capes. In sizes TILLAMOOK. ORE. III the County Court of the State of o-ler to say that it was not thè peo­ I 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14. ^Vt $4.79. Oregon, for the County of Tillamook o ple who gave Cox the nomination on n the matter of the estate of W'l- ()■ the democratic ticket for president, O' but it was Charles Murphy, Tamm­ liuni Thomas Collins, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all to any’s political boss; George Brenan, political boss of Illinois: Thomas whom it may concern. That the un­ this situation, following the refusal If there is such a young man, we are for Pttsident. Th« Ohio governor ackson Morris, Republican, and Cunent Topics Discussed. Taggart, potilical boss of Indiana dersigned has been, by the County of Sir Reginald Tower, the British anxious to fneet him. Now that the should not let his tniexty over the he course of the discussion took t and a few other lesser bosses, who, Court of Tillamook County, Ortgon, representative of the league at Dan­ ■ campaign is on let’s have some pract- dairy Democrat situation run away osition that, to quote the Associat gave Cox the nomination. duly appointed Administratrix of the "Unde Joe” Cannon, the dean of zig, to allow the landing of munit­ i leal demonstration of genuine, heart- with Ils judgemenJL” ress account, "since Poland wait estate of William Thomas Collins, Illinois Republicans, looking the pic­ ions, was the action of the 'free I ful sentiment in favor of the foreign aggressor, its political lndependen -------- f— The object that the Clatsop county deceased; and all persons having ture of health, dropped into the Re­ city's constltutent assembly in voting ’ made league. Senator Harding and and territorial integrity had not be vi Itors had In coming to Tillamook claims against said estate are hereby publican national commute head­ Thiy Ought to (et Together on by 61 to 20 a resolution proclaiming Governor Cox have been meeting the i attacked by Russia and that tber county last week was more than most : notified to present same, duly veri­ quarters in Chicago a few days ago What/. True the neutrality of Danzig In the Rus­ j officials and the politicians. It is time fore this question would not proper! of oui ncople realize. Although thqj- ■ fied. as by law required, to the un­ for a chat on the national situation. ----- »)------- so-Polish war, declare the provision to hear front the people—from those be a subject for the league to tai cum here wanting the t poisoned the minds and Is developing a “religious fervor.” wished at first that Germany should to continue to popress. rob. persecute 'of statesmanship. They have neither but probably the fervor Isn ’ t stronger and slaughter weak and defenseless the tone nor the outlook usually paign orator, was debiting ve-cylinder statesman an awful r* misled the voter* a* to th* merits of telain it. The latest development In people, but perhaps we are mistaken than 2.75 per cent. found In the utterance* of candidates • ¡»Mires This I* what the • of nations issue with Maj. tllng results. “HSPRESS” Ru Footwear Shoe Section Is Full 0i Anniversary Sale Attractions. Men’s Rain Proof Clothing That Give Satisfactory Service: 0 (I Received Today! College Girl Shoes. ^horn’s I Girl’s Good Capes For School Wear f o o <) o-